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Everything posted by adriangm44

  1. I play with SSS and Kerbalism. Rational Resources is one of the supported mods but on CKAN it has a lot of sub-mod categories. Should I install ONLY the ones mentioned on the Mod Support page? I get confused when I see "Rational Resources Kerbalism" on CKAN but the ones on the supported mods list only include "Rational Resources", "Rational Resources Nuclear Family" and "Rational Resources Parts". Should I install the later Rational Resources Kerbalism or not?
  2. That's what I meant about compatibility. Volumetric clouds won't work on JNSQ, nor does the latest version of Scatterer, and I certainly don't know about Parallax. I also still don't know if Sigma and Rescale will work with these either, though.
  3. Many of us would love to play it in a scaled version of the Kerbolar System; since it's balanced for a 2.5x scale just as Tundra Exploration and BDB. Good job!
  4. Wow! Great guys! Thank you @Cheesecake @Davi SDF @Neebel, that was great help. I’ll get over to the respective Rescale post to learn how to figure out the new geostationary orbits and all that stuff. Cheers!
  5. Okay, so then I could use Sigma Dimensions and Rescale to scale up the System to 2.5x without conflicting with any mods. But: wouldn’t that cause the stock and other mod parts (like cryogenic engines from Nertea and others) get automatically nerfed by the scale?
  6. Hey guys! I’m sorry for my ignorance, if there’s some. Is there a patch out there that makes BDB parts less OP? I play in Stock KSP size, scaling is not an option for me cause it’s in conflict with other mods I have. A way to make the rockets less powerful matching the Stock system?
  7. I'm excited about getting to know how resource gathering and transfering is going to work. It is the key for colonies and many of those interactions will have to be automatized in order to reach out further into the solar system and then go interstellar. SUPER EXCITED!!!
  8. I’ve got the patreon update of the volumetric clouds. In Duna, night time doesn’t feel night cause it won’t turn completely dark, the surface and the craft are not shiny but I can see everything clearly as if it had some kind of brightness. I also have Prallax and I followed the installation steps. Do I need to change some settings or something?
  9. Do I have to keep the Surface FX/Underwater FX/Highlights FX turned on with Parallax installed?
  10. So, does it help to change the value of connectedMassScale up to 10?
  11. Has anyone in this post figured out how to add part volume modules to the parts? I would like to make the EVA Extender backpack into a stock prop that kerbals can wear like the parachute and jetpack using Benjee's Wearable Props plugin. The problem is that I cannot add a part volume to the part. Any thoughts? PS: I don't know how to use this mod that automatically adds volume to all parts and it quite messes with my game as it's already heavily modded.
  12. How can I get rid of the annoying shaky effect in map view? It also happens in flight mode but it can be corrected with a proper TUFX profile.
  13. The Unmanned Experiments not appearing was caused by some custom configs by Wallum. Inside the folder with the same name, find the KerbalismConfig folder, there are a few patches there, one of them contains a few lines that delete the experiments on all command probes. I'll leave it here just in case someone runs into the same problem. Cheers!
  14. The Configurable Unmanned Experiments button in the VAB/SPH is gone, nowhere to be found when right clicking a probe. All other configurable menus are okay (life support, crew experiments, base experiments, lab, etc) What should I look into in order to find where the problem is? This happened after the last update. I went back to 12.1.3 and the problem persists.
  15. Why are now the struts propelling my aircraft (kraken powered) when I turn them on? I use them to strut my robotic parts during flight. Actually I have them turned on the whole flight from the moment of launch. Once in orbit, I can see my numbers drop or rise! I turn them off, and the orbit is stable. I can recall that the older versions (the ones where you had the 3 different strut parts and different laser beams) worked with no problem. What's wrong? I will provide logs if asked.
  16. There are a lot of parts. Many of them are from little to large satellites and I don't know which ones go with wich. I know there's an unofficial wiki for assembling the launch vehicles. Bus where can I look up for the satellite assembly? Nevermind, I found them...
  17. How do I disable the selection box? And the RCS click following? And the "O" key selector?
  18. Wow! This looks fantastic! Will it work having the Scatterer Sunflare in its config folders?
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