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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. Something is clipping the taxiway and knocking it out of alignment. You can fix it by going into the KK editor. CTL-K after you launch a probe core on the launch pad. Then find the taxiway statics in the local instances section of the Statics Editor and edit each one. Use the move arrows or position buttons to move them to the proper location and then save your changes. There is a link in my signature for a KK tutorial that covers the basics if you are not familiar with it.
  2. Better to use a mode like MKS or Simple Logistics that allows transfer of resources between vessels that are close together. Connecting up large bases with KAS, or just plain docking ports, more often than not invites the Kraken for a visit.
  3. Have you tried using the Paved Road pieces? On the left are the taxiway pieces. On the right are the road pieces. therey are of variable length with cross roads and t-junctions yyou can place as required and curves for ends You could construct a custom taxiway using these
  4. You can actually use the KAS Winch on the outside of you vessel near the hatch. When the Kerbal goes on EVA the first thing you do is grab the winch connector, It attaches to the Kerbal's back and you can now move and the cable will extend. You can slowly retract the cable in the winch gui to reel the kerbal back to the hatch.
  5. Home time can be increased if there is more living space per kerbal to make them less homesick. It can also be reduced if the base has a colonization module or a med bay. The MKS wiki -> https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Functions-(Med-Bay-and-Colony-Supplies) and -> https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Functions-(Habitation)#habitation-and-homesickness
  6. Yes the vessel must be defined by a unique name. If you have other Vessel Parameter Groups in you contract you can refer to a "defined" vessel using the the vessel = [defined name or variable] See - > https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/VesselParameterGroup-Parameter
  7. Go into settings and make veterans unaffected by Life support. should turn her back into a pilot.
  8. Banned for willfully inducing a state of Déjà vu
  9. D'oh! Banned for instigating a ban loop
  10. Banned for using "ass" more than once.
  11. I haven't run across one that does this (but then again I add my own statics for the KSC rather than mods that do it. You could add a runway yourself that does this. launch a single probe core on the launch pad, Press CTL-K and you can edit your own runways. If you need help getting started there is a link in my signature to a KK tutorial for beginners The space around KSC is perfect for trying out your own building in KK as the ground is so perfectly flat you don't require changing the terrain at all.
  12. Or, and stay with me on this... you could leave it as a Magic Drive and add the requirement the player say the words "aqua motus" to engage the engine. Or completely ignore this and do what you have to do. Nacelles would be nice though.
  13. @tupidfp @ColdJ Lets not forget some very old classics. CountryDoggo's SciFi Statics - Spacedock only - extra stuff for encampments (just parts) CountryDoggo's Random KK Bits - CKAN/Spacedock - some very cool pieces (just parts) Kerbin-Side Kampus cont. - CKAN/Spacedock - city building, roads, lighthouses (has statics around KSC you can keep or delete) FASTCORP Roads and Bridges - CKAN only - lots of roads and bridges pieces (has 4 custom statics that you can keep or delete) KSC Harbor - CKAN/Spacedock - A port for to the north of KSC. Water launches and roads Water Launch Sites (Kerbal-Konstructs) - CKAN only - another dock to the east of KSC with a submerged launch point for subs
  14. Having conquered flight... let's start the space race. Jeb soars to new heights in Werner's newest contraption going above the Karman line Dubbed by the Astronauts as the "the volleyball", Jeb eagerly waits in the capsule for the inevitable contact with the planet surface. Luckily Bill packed the chute correctly and Kerbals everywhere rejoice that the first small steps into space have been made... even if it was in a volleyball.
  15. When you save a new KK configuration they get written to that directory, See my tutorial on Getting Started With Kerbal Konstructs It covers the steps for creating a new site.
  16. Are your saved configuration files in the \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalKonstructs\NewInstances directory?
  17. Is the entire airport missing or just the ability to launch from the SPH/VAB? Are you setting the runway as a launch site?
  18. @si2504 @Alphathon I tested the two parts and had to hit R key until srfAttach was visable and then it attached just fine. In node mode (bottom or docking) it wants an open node end to attach to and will not attach to surface.
  19. @si2504 installing some Benjee10 mods in my test instance...
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