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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Cube ban Mrs. Isle crying sis.
  2. Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture - Wikipedia
  3. And still clickable! Clicking all over the place!
  4. Calling 911 to ask why they never called you back.
  5. Why on Kerbin would Mike and/or Dakota work on pushing out weekly challenges when they both know they are done at the end of June? While I'm sure they are doing the best job they can to get to the end of this period, I am pretty sure that weekly challenges would be like the lowest priority on their list. If they are even ON their list.
  6. Man, you are just saying a lot of the stuff on my mind today! Unless you were already lucky enough to have a WFH setup, and you had the expected internet bandwidth to handle doing so, you were kinda hosed at the start of the pandemic. There were a lot of people in all kinds of industries that found themselves now needing to work from home, and it took a long time for companies to get their employees set up. In a normal situation this would be difficult; imagine trying to do it when nobody can really go anywhere and people were afraid to meet strangers outside, let alone go into their houses to set equipment up. On the reverse side of this, a lot of companies rescinded WFH when the pandemic ended, so now you've got to traipse all that equipment and stuff back into the office and get set up there again. Much faster than at home, but still some downtime while this happens.
  7. This. All day, every day, twice or more on Sundays. Typical employment, regardless of sector, genre, industry, whatever, is at-will or work-for-hire, and most, if not all, companies have provisions in contracts or employee guidebooks that state anything you create while using company resources becomes the intellectual property of that company. In the case of ST and/or IG, being contracted by PD/TT, anything those studios created would become the property of PD/TT. This would include art, code, and any other assets related to KSP2.
  8. Anying wording missinging theing inging ising cheatinging.
  9. Incoming unpopular opinion (probably), but... ...I think the current iteration of the game is doomed. I think that the game is going to go into some kind of hiatus as Take Two tries to find the right studio to develop it. This may not necessarily be an in-house studio, and it almost assuredly won't be with any developers who were associated with Intercept Games. I think (and am extremely hopeful, but cautious in that optimism) that the game will get a complete re-write from top-to-bottom by any studio that takes this over, and we'll see something like KSP2.5 in a couple of years. So while the current iteration of the game is most certainly done, I don't think the game in an overall sense is.
  10. You realize there is already a thread with this in it, right?
  11. I could be way off on this, but I think the prevailing thought is that the 7 years thing is based on when Take Two started dealing with it. And by dealing with it, I mean when it was announced, and the whole transition from Squad to IG and such. Nobody believes that they started actual development back in 2017, but rather that it's been 7 years since the idea of KSP2 was floated out there.
  12. Well, what we can gather from the Roadmap is that the scope was: A ground-up re-envisioning of the core systems of KSP1 Whether or not popular mods were to be added or integrated remains to be seen. We were literally told that DLC from KSP1, such as robotics, weren't going to make it into the game prior to 1.0, so we can probably infer that mods might not have ever made it A new science system Which turned out to be the old system just dumbed down a whole lot. Instead of pressing multiple buttons and getting feedback, you pressed one button and got almost no feedback. Colonies Interstellar Travel Resource Management Which was kind of already in KSP1 with ISRU And which we had a couple of mods for, like Extra-Planetary Launchpads, to deal with converting ore to iron (or something along those lines) Multiplayer That's a pretty large scope. Just go through that and type out a simple problem statement and its resultant potential high-level solution for each one of those bullets, and you're already over 1 page in length. That's a hell of a scope for any game. As HarvesteR pointed out in his interview, that's too much. You have to start small and build from there. I think they should have started with bullets 1, 2, and 4 (ground-up re-envisioning, a new science system, and resource management), and added on from there. Particularly: There are multiple systems in KSP1 that are considered to be core functionality that could have used an update to eliminate some bugs. Heat management, orbits, trajectories, maneuver nodes...all of these FAILED in KSP2 Science really needed to be upgraded. I floated the same idea that Juno has - tech points that are given based on what you've done, not how many buttons you can press in a given biome. Resource management was already in KSP1, but it was only there for fuel. Even if it was just left at fuel types, it could have been expanded to include all the fuel types in the game (methane, methalox, hydrogen). You could then expand for materials management for things like new solar panels, iron/steel/building materials, and maybe even new fuel types that aren't there yet. This goes a long way towards both Colonies and Interstellar. These are all just my ideas floating around out there. I'm no game developer, there is no way I could do most of the above without going back to school for game development. I'm just hoping to point out that I don't think we know what the scope is and/or was in its entirety, so we have no way of knowing if the amount of resources thrown at the project was sufficient or not.
  13. If you know the character, you know.
  14. Doesn't man he has anything good to say, either. Taken at face value, his statement is literally "I've got something to say, but I can't say it now. I am, however, looking forward to finally getting it off my chest". Could be good, could be bad, could be indifferent. All we know is it is something, and he can't say it now.
  15. I am enjoying it. Juno is presenting a challenge in the early game so far that I don't get out of KSP any longer, and that's the engineering challenge. KSP is way too easy to "game" early on, farming science points and being able to do more and more with so much less. Juno is forcing me to put actual skills to use instead of "Well, I'm going to roll out this science thing and get all the points from the launchpad so I can unlock another node". So I am quite enjoying it right now. Will I continue to enjoy it once I've unlocked more? I don't know. But I haven't landed on any other celestial bodies yet, and I certainly haven't gotten outside of Droo's SOI (beyond Brigo and Luna, of course). So there's the excitement there of exploring that solar system. I also haven't gotten into doing anything with Vizzy, and as a software developer in real life (ok, automation jockey, but I do have to do scripting), I'm looking forward to seeing what types of flight programs I can create, and which processes I can automate through that. As far as being invested in the long term...maybe? The one thing that has kept me involved/invested in KSP for so many years is the community here on the forum. Which Juno entirely lacks. I mean, they have a Discord server, and they've got the community on Steam. But it's this forum here, outside of Discord, outside of Steam, independent and on its own that has kept me coming back for years. I get just as much, if not more, out of the forums than I do the game itself. And it's hard to say whether I will need that with Juno, or if I'll continue to game along and drop into the Discord every so often. That's why I have hobbies beyond gaming/computers. Whenever I get bored or can't stay focused on a game, I switch hobbies for a while. I'm lucky in that I work from home, so I'm able to do a lot of stuff during the day that a lot of other people don't get the chance to, such as continue to improve my guitar playing skills. And in a typical day, I can go from KSP to Juno to NHL 20 to cranking out a few songs in a matter of a couple hours. To me, it's all a matter of keeping my mind occupied, and when I find that I'm getting bored with one thing, I just pick something else up. I'm in the same boat. Part of the allure of the game, to me, were the Kerbals themselves. Campy and cartoony and weird-looking, sure. But they are part of the game, and they are one of the things I like about the game. As I mentioned above, I just keep cycling until I get to something that keeps me involved. As far as games go, right now it's Juno. Although, if you look at my Epic library, you'll wonder how I can even play half of the games I own, let alone get occupied enough to not say "Well, let's try this other one now". You and me both. I'm not so much heartbroken over KSP2 as I am just sorely disappointed. Disappointed in what should have been, what we got, and how much I was emotionally invested in something that never was. And like you, kinda like my first marriage. Ah, to be young and have the ability to feel love's keen sting.
  16. Been diving into Juno the last week or so. It was on sale on Steam for like 60% off, so it only cost me $8. And it isn't all that different than KSP. There are differences for sure, such as Droo being bigger than Kerbin, and there being procedural parts of all kinds. But it's still the same concept, and the same principles of engineering, rocketry, rocket design, and flight still apply. In my current career save, I've gotten into the SOI of both Brigo and Luna (both of Droo's moons, which are akin to Mun and Minmus at least as far as distance goes), and I've got a craft orbiting Luna. I only have the Village launch pad unlocked, which limits you to a rocket height of 10 meters and a rocket width of 3 meters. No part or mass limits, but you have to take cash (funds) into account. Which means the Caveman Challenge has served me well. The rocket I used to get into Luna's SOI has way more fuel than it needs, so I'm going to put some legs on the upper stage and see if I can't land it on Brigo at some point.
  17. For the same reason that it took months after launch for heat: they never did any actual work on it. Keep in mind that the only things they've shown us regarding colonies are models in an editor environment. No actual gameplay.
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