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Posts posted by ColdJ

  1. @Caerfinon discovered that the AquaCat wheels stopped functioning properly in 1.12.1

    Here is the new config. Tested in 1.12.1 and 1.11.2



        // --- general parameters ---
        name = AquacatWheel12
        module = Part
        author = MajorTom, ColdJ

        // --- asset parameters ---
            model = MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover/buggywheel
        scale = 1
        rescaleFactor = 1.2

        // --- node definitions: Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
        node_stack_wheel = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0

        // --- editor parameters ---
        TechRequired  = fieldScience
        entryCost = 5000
        cost = 500
        category = Ground
        subcategory = 0
        title = AquaCat Wheel Large 12
        manufacturer = Alpha Engineering and CJ Marine
        description = Aquacat multipurpose wheel. The land, the ocean or the Mun, we got you covered.

        // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
        attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

        // --- standard part parameters ---
        mass = 0.0005
        CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.0, 0.1
        dragModelType = default
        maximum_drag = 0.3
        minimum_drag = 0.2
        angularDrag = 1
        crashTolerance = 10000
        breakingForce = 2072
        breakingTorque = 2072
        maxTemp = 2000
        bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
        tags = rover moonbuggy buggy eagle transporter moonbase alpha major tom

        // internals, resources, effects, modules
            name = ModuleWheelBase
            wheelColliderTransformName = wheelCollider        
            wheelTransformName = wheelPivot
            // setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters
            FitWheelColliderToMesh = False        
            radius = 0.22    //0.32
            center = 0, 0, 0
            mass = 0.040
            groundHeightOffset = -0.4
            TooltipTitle = Moonbuggy Wheel
            TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized
            name = ModuleWheelSuspension
            baseModuleIndex = 0
            suspensionTransformName = suspensionPivot
            suspensionDistance = 0.1
            targetPosition = 0.01            
            springRatio = 14
            damperRatio = 2
            name = ModuleWheelSteering
            baseModuleIndex = 0    
            caliperTransformName = steeringPivot
            autoSteeringAdjust = true        
            steeringResponse = 1    //0.5 //2
            steeringRange = 25
                key = 0 20
                key = 20 20
                key = 0 1 0 0
                key = 3 1 0.0001624425 0.0001624425
                key = 7.5 0.33 -0.05674612 -0.05674612
                key = 20 0.12 -0.003158088 -0.003158088
                key = 30 0.1 -0.002872917 -0.002872917
            name = ModuleWheelMotor
            baseModuleIndex = 0
            wheelSpeedMax = 20
            driveResponse = 10
                key = 0 1.0 0 0
                key = 5 0.5 0 0
                key = 10 0.25 0 0
                key = 20 0 0 0
                name = ElectricCharge
                rate = 3.5
            idleDrain = 0.0
            name = ModuleWheelBrakes
            baseModuleIndex = 0
            maxBrakeTorque = 3
                brakeResponse = 1 //2



    Created an LFO version of the new multiconfig Squad RCS Block for a forum member.

    Create a new text file in this pathway  GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\rcsBlockRV-105_v2\    called RhinoRCS.cfg  , copy paste and save



        name = RhinoBlock
        module = Part
        author = Squad, ColdJ
        mesh = rcsBlock105.mu
        scale = 0.1
        node_attach = -0.07, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
        TechRequired = advFlightControl
        entryCost = 1200
        cost = 45
        category = Control
        subcategory = 0
        title = Rhino RCS Thruster Block
        manufacturer = #autoLOC_501631 //#autoLOC_501631 = STEADLER Engineering Corps
        description = Sometimes your rockets are so big you need to pummel them into submission. The Rhino is for just such times.
        attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
        mass = 0.10
        dragModelType = default
        crashTolerance = 15
        breakingForce = 50
        breakingTorque = 50
        maxTemp = 2000 // = 1500
        PhysicsSignificance = 1
        bulkheadProfiles = srf
        fuelCrossFeed = True
        tags = #autoLOC_500941 //#autoLOC_500941 = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate
            name = ModulePartVariants
            baseVariant = Angled
                name = Angled
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014157 //#autoLOC_8014157 = Angled 4-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = 0
                cost = 0
                    Angled = true
                    Orthogonal = false
                name = 5Horn
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014156 //#autoLOC_8014156 = Orthogonal 5-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = 0.01
                cost = 7
                    Angled = false
                    Orthogonal = true
                    thruster1 = true
                    thruster2 = true
                    thruster3 = true
                    thruster4 = true
                    thruster5 = true
                name = 4Horn
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014155 //#autoLOC_8014155 = Orthogonal 4-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = 0
                cost = 0
                    Angled = false
                    Orthogonal = true
                    thruster1 = true
                    thruster2 = true
                    thruster3 = true
                    thruster4 = true
                    thruster5 = false
                name = 3Horn
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014154 //#autoLOC_8014154 = Orthogonal 3-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = -0.01
                cost = -8
                    Angled = false
                    Orthogonal = true
                    thruster1 = false
                    thruster2 = false
                    thruster3 = true
                    thruster4 = true
                    thruster5 = true
                name = 2Horn
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014153 //#autoLOC_8014153 = Orthogonal 2-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = -0.02
                cost = -15
                    Angled = false
                    Orthogonal = true
                    thruster1 = false
                    thruster2 = false
                    thruster3 = true
                    thruster4 = true
                    thruster5 = false
                    channel = Ship
                    transformName = RCSjet
                    clip = sound_rocket_mini
                    volume = 0.0 0.0
                    volume = 0.1 0.0
                    volume = 0.5 0.05
                    volume = 1.0 0.5
                    pitch = 0.0 0.5
                    pitch = 1.0 1.0
                    loop = true
                    modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_medium
                    transformName = RCSjet
                    emission = 0.0 0.0
                    emission = 0.1 0.0
                    emission = 1.0 1.0
                    speed = 0.0 0.8
                    speed = 1.0 1.0
                    localRotation = -90, 0, 0
            name = ModuleRCSFX
            stagingEnabled = False
            thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
            thrusterPower = 12
            resourceName = LiquidFuel
            resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
            runningEffectName = running
                name = LiquidFuel
                ratio = 0.9
                DrawGauge = True
                resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
                name = Oxidizer
                ratio = 1.1
                resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
                key = 0 260
                key = 1 140
                key = 4 0.001
            name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
            animationName = RCSGlow
            responseSpeed = 0.01    
            thrustForceMult = 2    
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            packedVolume = 40


  2. 10 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    Granted. You get hired as Santa.

    Granted. You are now so concentrated that dissolve the tea spoons and burn through the window glass.


    I wish all Toshibas became WD, cuz the last Seagate I've bought, is clicking sometimes, and is too slim for the dock-station.

    Though, personally I never use Toshibas, it's from the notebook of not mine.

    I just had to repair a logically damaged WD, but I do like them. I have an external Seagate that is a decade old and still going strong.

    Granted. Someone slaps a WD sticker over all the Toshiba drives.

    Previous wish again, specifying a KSP mesh template to overlay Kerbal faces.

  3. Hi. as promised. a fully functioning LFO multi config RCS block. @Kerbals_of_Steel

    In this folder pathway create a new text document and name it    RhinoRCS.cfg    GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\rcsBlockRV-105_v2\

    Then paste the following in and save it. You will now have a stock LFO RCS multiconfiguration Block that has the same power and resource usage as the Vernier. Enjoy.



        name = RhinoBlock
        module = Part
        author = Squad, ColdJ
        mesh = rcsBlock105.mu
        scale = 0.1
        node_attach = -0.07, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
        TechRequired = advFlightControl
        entryCost = 1200
        cost = 45
        category = Control
        subcategory = 0
        title = Rhino RCS Thruster Block
        manufacturer = #autoLOC_501631 //#autoLOC_501631 = STEADLER Engineering Corps
        description = Sometimes your rockets are so big you need to pummel them into submission. The Rhino is for just such times.
        attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
        mass = 0.10
        dragModelType = default
        crashTolerance = 15
        breakingForce = 50
        breakingTorque = 50
        maxTemp = 2000 // = 1500
        PhysicsSignificance = 1
        bulkheadProfiles = srf
        fuelCrossFeed = True
        tags = #autoLOC_500941 //#autoLOC_500941 = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate
            name = ModulePartVariants
            baseVariant = Angled
                name = Angled
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014157 //#autoLOC_8014157 = Angled 4-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = 0
                cost = 0
                    Angled = true
                    Orthogonal = false
                name = 5Horn
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014156 //#autoLOC_8014156 = Orthogonal 5-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = 0.01
                cost = 7
                    Angled = false
                    Orthogonal = true
                    thruster1 = true
                    thruster2 = true
                    thruster3 = true
                    thruster4 = true
                    thruster5 = true
                name = 4Horn
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014155 //#autoLOC_8014155 = Orthogonal 4-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = 0
                cost = 0
                    Angled = false
                    Orthogonal = true
                    thruster1 = true
                    thruster2 = true
                    thruster3 = true
                    thruster4 = true
                    thruster5 = false
                name = 3Horn
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014154 //#autoLOC_8014154 = Orthogonal 3-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = -0.01
                cost = -8
                    Angled = false
                    Orthogonal = true
                    thruster1 = false
                    thruster2 = false
                    thruster3 = true
                    thruster4 = true
                    thruster5 = true
                name = 2Horn
                displayName = #autoLOC_8014153 //#autoLOC_8014153 = Orthogonal 2-horn
                themeName = White
                primaryColor = #ffffff
                mass = -0.02
                cost = -15
                    Angled = false
                    Orthogonal = true
                    thruster1 = false
                    thruster2 = false
                    thruster3 = true
                    thruster4 = true
                    thruster5 = false
                    channel = Ship
                    transformName = RCSjet
                    clip = sound_rocket_mini
                    volume = 0.0 0.0
                    volume = 0.1 0.0
                    volume = 0.5 0.05
                    volume = 1.0 0.5
                    pitch = 0.0 0.5
                    pitch = 1.0 1.0
                    loop = true
                    modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_medium
                    transformName = RCSjet
                    emission = 0.0 0.0
                    emission = 0.1 0.0
                    emission = 1.0 1.0
                    speed = 0.0 0.8
                    speed = 1.0 1.0
                    localRotation = -90, 0, 0
            name = ModuleRCSFX
            stagingEnabled = False
            thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
            thrusterPower = 12
            resourceName = LiquidFuel
            resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
            runningEffectName = running
                name = LiquidFuel
                ratio = 0.9
                DrawGauge = True
                resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
                name = Oxidizer
                ratio = 1.1
                resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
                key = 0 260
                key = 1 140
                key = 4 0.001
            name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
            animationName = RCSGlow
            responseSpeed = 0.01    
            thrustForceMult = 2    
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            packedVolume = 40




  4. 1 hour ago, Dientus said:

    This could fall under the diversity thread, but concerning strictly facial hair, how different? Just a basic set of templates? Or a more in depth creating mechanism that deals with length, thickness, percentage of coverage?


    I would be happy with a few templates as long as there was an extra long one for @ColdJ

    Yes Please. A really long beard for veteran Kerbals with grayish black. Just like the Slim Suit has done to Jeb's hair. I can't be the only 1 to notice the Slim Suit makes them go grey on top.

  5. 1 hour ago, Kerbals_of_Steel said:

    It just comes from having several different parts packs installed, each with their own slightly tweaked assortment of RCS pods. Now that they added 5 way and mini pods in vanilla, the only non-stock RCS part I really need is a multi port LFO thruster.

    I'm not skilled enough to make my own mods, I just hack together bits and bobs of other people's work to suit my own peculiar needs.

    An LFO is just a matter of changing the resources used in the config. I am working on wheel problem at the moment, but give me a little time to add and test and then I will throw a  config up here for you to add a new stock part to your game.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Kerbals_of_Steel said:

    Not much playing today, so no fancy pictures, but I took advantage of being on the final update to streamline a bunch of my mods, cut out a bunch of redundant parts (like 37 different flavors of RCS pods...), and patch up some custom bits, like a retractable version of the new OX-10C solar panel and a 4 way LFO RCS pod.

    37 flavours sounds yummy. If you don't want them any more then throw them up on spacedock for the rest of us. :)

  7. @Kerbart If you are going to do a write up, please actually understand the definitions and concepts you use.

    4 hours ago, Kerbart said:

    If you say "KSP is a great game," in the survey, T2 will not get sued for copyright infringement when quoting "users stated 'KSP is a great gane' in a recent survey"

    That has nothing to do with Copyright infringement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_infringement

    In what possible way does the orbital-energy-invariance law have to do with what was being commented on?

    You couldn't sue them for false advertising. If even 1 person in the survey said "It is a great game", then that is all that is required for it to be considered legally accurate.

    You couldn't force a classroom of under 18 year old kids to do the survey in the first place without being in serious, job losing trouble.

    The playing comment would be thrown out of court, if the situation ever got so juvenile that it reached court in the first place.

    All of which is meaningless, because if all they were doing was asking if you enjoyed playing, then they wouldn't need the preface to begin with.

    You can't have a lawsuit over a simply survey because you are not taking something that is not yours and profiting from it.

    You can be sued if you take an idea, invention, or software/programming that is not yours and profit from it without making sure the originator is properly compensated. Hence the self serving "anything you give us becomes ours and you no longer have any rights to it" wall of Legalese.

    This a free forum and ideas are freely expressed for all to see all over the place, great mods are given freely to the world with no one asking to be paid.

    That is why the preface in front of what should be a simple survey is so insulting, both on a moral and intellectual level.

  8. If you have downloaded my mod Kerbin Rover Redux.


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