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  1. The Igloo and Iglett spacelabs have black textures.
  2. Can we have recoverable engine pods for the LRBs or an inline probe core and landing legs to land them SpaceX style? I tried landing them spaceX style and they got destroyed.
  3. It would be cool to have some anomalies on the OPM moons and Plock if there aren't any already. Kerbal Konstructs might be necessary for them though.
  4. When I first landed on Thatmo, I entered into a Retrograde orbit so that getting into orbit was easier.
  5. Launching a craft with a PotatoRoid part normally causes it to glitch out and explode.
  6. So that is why it spins around and crashes into the runway (one time I got it on the SPH instead) instead of flying despite having a starting TWR of approximately 1.06 at sea level, as reported by KER. Not even a disposable kickstand could get it to take off (granted, the kickstand wasn't a rocket sled and I used the stretched variant so maybe a rocket sled could get it to take off?)
  7. The X-15 wings don't provide any lift! Nor do they change the Center of Lift in the VAB... Tried taking off the X-15 on the runway and it wouldn't fly.
  8. None of these antennae are radial-mounted; they have to be mounted in-line.
  9. I'd have to make more textures to accommodate OPM though... And also, I still want balloons optimized for OPM (as well as the gas giants)
  10. Can these balloons be used to lift a rocket-powered ascent vehicle to a high enough altitude (unpowered) and then popped once TWR is greater than 1 on Eve, Jool, Laythe, Tekto, Sarnus, Urlum, or Neidon? (For Laythe, it's probably better to use jet engines)
  11. I did check and they still weren’t there… until I installed ReShade. Why are some parts hidden if ReShade isn't installed? Anyways, I'm gonna send the complex to Sarnus along with a couple of tourists. How long does the nuclear reactor last without extra enriched uranium? And is the MEK core meant to be reusable (reenter kerbin orbit) or expended (burns up in the atmosphere or ejected to solar orbit)?
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