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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. That's the problem, some of us actually value kerbal safety.
  2. If you are slowly parachuting down to the surface of Kerbin, you should be able to recover a vessel. I get the fun of landing or splashdown, but let's be honest, that gets old quickly, and getting down to the surface takes sooooo long.
  3. When your friend invites you over to watch Interstellar with his big projector and surround sound and you almost pee your pants.
  4. Sarcosuchus eat Deinonychus on sandy wiches that are herbivorous, meanwhile Banthas eat
  5. Floor 4502: The DLC robotics parts, but they just work.
  6. I realized that CERES station has no way of scanning for the anomaly once it arrives at Dres, so I threw together a quick attachment to put on before the lander, which would take up all the docking space if it was launched first. The extension has two small detachable probes with the rover core as it has a 100% chance of finding anomalies. They don't have reaction wheels, though, so getting them to dock was hard. I don't think it'll be as hard as getting them into polar orbits, though. Once the probes are gone, I'll have the lander deorbit the extension because at that point it will just drive up the parts count. Also, CERES had some phantom wobble from its centrifuge, but quicksaving and quickloading fixed the issue. Some of the parts seem to have shifted, however. This is annoying. KSP is biased against stock centrifuges, which is sad because it's one of the best uses for the DLC rotors.
  7. "Unfortunately, we are going to have to cancel all planned missions for the next few months as our employees are all busy with KSP2 after For Science! came out."
  8. "Hey, be careful with the soundstage! This has gotta look convincing!"
  9. My friend explaning Lethal Company to me: "So it's an organization whose jobs are really dangerous to their employees and they keep dying. Oh, and it's in space." Me: "Sooo... Kerbal Space Program?"
  10. Here's the template if you want it:
  11. Floor 4495: My "Hardcore" science save. Before the new USC 13 is launched, there is a brief moment of silence for Jeb. Everyone regrets not attaching a heat shield even though those parts were available.
  12. I've found a neat hack to getting back in the kerbal mood: I made a new science save at max difficulty. So far only Jeb has died, but we replaced him with Jedteb. It's really satisfying to get more science, upgrade the preexisting craft, and go get more science.
  13. "Thanks to a recent study, we can safely conclude that the sound from the Chicxulub asteroid impact sounded like this: Psheeew crrshshhh KBMmmMMmm cpeeewgh-"
  14. Had the same issue. It seems like the kind of thing that takes a while to load, so give it a minute or two and see if it changes.
  15. I feel ya. After that Jool 5, I've had trouble motivating myself to do anything in KSP as well. I've just sort of been aimlessly building half-working ICBMs as usual.
  16. The pan-galactic gargle blaster defeats One, Two, and ThreeCalories with its searing sense of wit and satire. @Deddly wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
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