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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. Hi, looking for computer advice. (Specifically building a cheap one for KSP2) If you couldn't tell from some of my mission reports, (<-- Notably that one, scroll down to the rover) I 1. have a moldy potato for a PC, and 2. do not mind playing at a so-so framerate. I have been looking into buying parts for a new PC, (basically just to play KSP2 but I think it's worth it) but I have extremely limited knowledge about computer parts, what they do exactly, and how they all fit together. If I get the parts, I'll figure out how to build it, but I really struggle with choosing the ones that I need. What's some good advice for someone who is looking to Build a computer that just has to run KSP2 at a bare minimum Not spend extravagantly on this Does not care for graphics (they are already as low as possible on KSP1 for me) Still wants a decent playable framerate for moderately-sized craft (200-300 parts count, I'd say) Anything at all would be appreciated, I'd prefer links to something on Amazon or other services where possible, and linking to earlier posts is fine. Thanks!
  2. Whatever works to allow you to film it like that! The only reason I spotted it was because I read the entire page on the Bell X-1 in my Aircraft of the World series, and it had that little tidbit in one of the info boxes.
  3. Now that was amazing! The only thing technically *wrong* I could think of is that since the X-1 had such a high stall speed, the carrier aircraft had to go into a bit of a dive before releasing so the X-1 wouldn't, you know, stall.
  4. This is one of those things that simply makes life easier. Many times anything involving computers is made much more complicated than necessary, thank you for making this so easy and intuitive to use!
  5. I haven't played KSP yet today, but I came up with the idea for the Universal Module Program (UMP). It consists of groups of modules that are easy on parts count and very simply constructed: Surface, Descent, and Transit. Still working on the category names, but here's a summary of each: Surface: Any modules primarily intended for use on the surface of a body, like surface bases, outposts, or research stations. So far nothing has been developed in this category specifically for UMP. Descent: Any modules primarily intended for the ferrying of supplies (including kerbals) to or from a body's surface. So far, the "Harvest" Lander has been developed specifically for UMP. ISRU, vacuum-optimized. Transit: Any modules primarily intended for use in space around a body, like space stations or interplanetary/interstellar vessels. Carries supplies to and from orbits (but not surfaces) around different celestial bodies, but not to or from surfaces. So far, several modules for UMP have been developed in this category: CPM: Chemical Propulsion Module, uses conventional rocket fuels in a 5m size transfer module propelled by Vectors. NPM: Nuclear Propulsion Module, a smaller 3m transfer module propelled by NERVs. Has the same capacity as the CPM, but with the potential for combining multiple units for a larger range. SM: An all-purpose service module, with good battery capacity, monopropellant storage, and large fold-out solar arrays, ISS-size. CF: An experimental centrifuge with contra-rotating rings. While it doesn't exactly meet the UMP's requirements for a simple, low-part module, it has great stability and offers a large usage potential. NM: The "command module" of any self-respecting station, the Navigation Module provides an excellent range of view and is the center of a ship's science research, communications, and navigation. CERES Station, which I will construct in LKO with UMP modules and fly to Dres, is built (from left to right, connected by docking ports) like so: L NM CF SM CPM (The L is for the Lander) Words that alternatively matched each acronym became code words for each: (they all came randomly) L: Lemur NM: NeMatode CF: Control Freak SM: Super Mario CPM: Clicks Per Minute From each set of code words, syllables were combined to form a single, short codeword for each: Le NeM ConFr SuMa CliPMin Combining Le and NeM, ConFr and SuMa: LeM ConSuMa CliPMin Combining ConSuMa and CliPMin: LeM ConSuMin Lastly, combining LeM and ConSuMin: LeMin Therefore, any CERES-type vessel will be codenamed Lemon. (But different ships will get specific names, like how CERES is the Comprehensive Extended-Duration Research and Exploration Station) If I can use this same naming pattern for other arrangements of UMP modules, I could get a unique codeword for every type of vessel to be constructed.
  6. Hey, looks awesome! I think having an easily mineable point orbiting Creui, (Chioni) kind of compensates for getting into orbit being so hard, like Eve and Gilly. Early game, it does limit things, but it's definitely doable.
  7. The vast quantity of low-quality Among Us memes collapses into itself, and before it can start nuclear fusion it becomes a black hole. The black hole then proceeds to eat the star. @Royalswissarmyknife wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  8. "What's that steady hissing noise? Is there a snake in my suit?"
  9. @AlamoVampire If you add a word to the sentence that also ends it, you also pick the next starting word. If that feels weird to you, I'll change it. Clowns' tacos are circus rarities,
  10. The Tesla Cybertruck is destroyed by Eve's... Eve-ness. Need I say more? @dsplaisted wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  11. Floor 4419: Nobody notices the newfound Kopper Squadron leave the arena as the dogfight continues. Less than 15 minutes later, the sound of remarkably quiet jet engines is barely heard through the sounds of the fight. As it becomes clear that the Hornet has gained the upper hand, three small shapes zip off into the distance.
  12. I have heard many people debate about whether or not to have probes or crew be sent up in rockets first. The Probes First argue "That's more realistic." The Crew First argues "That's the kerbal way." I recently had an idea: boilerplate capsules. It's simply a variant you can toggle on any part that a crew can control from. Visually, it removes the windows and suchlike, but functionally, it lessens weight, removes the crew capability, and makes it a probe control point instead. If you want to send probes first, you can send a non-crewed boilerplate capsule that would allow a realistic progression. If you prefer the kerbal way, you can simply send crew up. Since it's up to the players, it can satisfy a larger group of people about the matter.
  13. "No! My nose is itchy! Someone get me back into the airlock!"
  14. Floor 4416: The Ocelot throttles down as well, putting it at the same speed as the Hornet. From the stands, (yes, others are watching this) a new group of pilots watches and learns. From the wide berth they are given, it can be assumed they are working on a secret project.
  15. PAIGE annoys the heck out of the supernova somehow. @TwoCalories wins! (Anyone else reminded of Ocarina of Time? "HEY LINK, LISTEN!") Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  16. @AlamoVampire, if you decide to finish the sentence you pick the new starting word as well.
  17. Definitely my Jool 5. It was very stressful, and the most nerve-racking part was when I somehow had to rendezvous with the mothership around Laythe and ended up doing a terrifying aerobrake. Not to mention the hours I spent trying to set up gravity assists. Second would be my Duna mission, but that's nothing in comparison.
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