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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. Floor 4398: Someone very confused and frustrated, sitting at a computer. You walk closer and see that he is trying to navigate the Jool system via gravity assists.
  2. "Wait, wasn't this just meant to be a Mars gravity assist? What happened?"
  3. So you know that moment when you find out that a transfer from Jool to Kerbin is 3000 dv? I think it'll still be possible, but I'll have to be very conservative with my maneuvers and do small course corrections with RCS where possible.
  4. Shallots make tasty pizza when added to bechamel and gremolata, but
  5. Intermission (Sort Of) This mission is the only module launched to Avocado that won't remain attached. After excessive use of RCS thrusters during extremely slow processes, we lack a large portion of our dedicated monopropellant. I'd prefer for everything to be full before we embark on our journey, so I put together a simple refueling unit: ARF (Avocado ReFueler). This docking will be a lot easier because I can just grab onto the Avocado anywhere with the grabber claw. As far as realism? I just don't care. I want this mission done. Avocado is now ready for the greatest adventure ever undertaken by our space agency. Coming up next on Journey of the Avocado: The transfer to Jool!
  6. Experimented with Rogallo wings- or, as close as you can get in KSP. It works *okay* but I don't think my kerbals want to sit outside (technically) of the ship during reentry...
  7. It should give a general location. The object of interest would be within loading distance, but it could be anywhere in that circle.
  8. Shallots make tasty pizza when added to bechamel and (Somewhere along the line make became made)
  9. The missile shoots down the helicopter. @Royalswissarmyknife wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  10. No idea about the part count of Avocado but it's high. Thankfully, due to my asparagus stating, the lag (and the turning rate) gets better as I drop more mass.
  11. So about that ICBM development... the overclocked firework crashed my game. Sigh...
  12. Aquariums inflate chondrichthyes enormously because osteichthyes are too
  13. I always get a mini-panic attack whenever the game pauses from stuff entering physics range. What makes docking worse is that moving just one of the parts into position isn't really feasible, so I have to rely on Lazy Lowne docking. Even that is barely possible because Avocado is stupendously slow to turn.
  14. Ok, I lied. Here's Ceres Station, with the transfer module attached: The big fuel tank will be detached at Dres (and deorbit itself). I could have used nuclear engines, but it's a one-way trip- um, an eventual return is planned, so conventional rockets will work fine. And I'm tired of low TWRs. Alright, but that's the last thing, I promise.
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