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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. Ok, so I was looking through the Welcome Aboard section and saw that @iamn00b and @TwoCalories made one of these despite having used the forums for a while, and was inspired to make my own. Hi! I'm Kimera Industries, and I have been playing KSP for at least... um... a year, I think? Steam has done a horrible job of keeping track of how many hours I've logged, but if I had to guess, it'd be around a thousand. Maybe more. My computer is far from the best, but I make do. To make the game playable, I made a lot of sacrifices in my graphics, which is why all my screenshots look like they are from pre-alpha KSP. My most impressive mission is my Jool 5, and I'll finish my mission report for it in a bit. I'd like to thank @Kekkie for posting a thread that led to my very first interaction on this forum and boosted my confidence here a lot! I haven't touched my career save ever since it crashed. In theory, I could load it up again just fine, but career mode has fallen out of favor for me a lot. I just don't like the way it handles... everything. I like science mode a lot more. I enjoy seaplanes, *a lot,* but KSP's water physics makes for some sad ends to potentially awesome projects. My best seaplane was my recreation of the Mayo Composite. Don't know why I ever gave up on that... Like many players, I went into KSP not knowing anything about anything and immediately killed Jeb and Val. After learning how to use dark magic to revive them, I took the time to play through the tutorials and actually began playing the game. It's all been uphill from there, I guess. My mission report Wrong Red Moon is probably my greatest motivator to play KSP 50% of the time. I like learning about Soviet space history, and alternate histories. Ask me anything you want to know!
  2. Thank you! My crew has now splashed down safely and I got all the juicy science from it. I opened all the service bays to produce enough drag to make the reentry non-lethal and miraculously survived! I'll post the complete mission in a bit on my mission report, in my signature below.
  3. Having been to a few neat space museums myself, I think this would be a great idea. Being able to preserve your past accomplishments would be a cool way to show off. And good motivation to do those missions well.
  4. Ooh, am I elated! After several hours of frustrated quicksave loading and trial and error, (sound familiar?) I somehow managed to survive reentry and *woof* 18,000 science points. The next save will definitely have a lower multiplier on the science points.
  5. Floor 4413: The crew of both ships have met up in a cafe and now share their experiences of the dogfight. They have become fast friends. At one of the other tables, Bill absentmindedly draws a revolutionary plane design on his napkin.
  6. Kurzgesagt roasts the brown dwarf. Ashamed, it flees from the universe, leaving the paper alone. @dsplaisted wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  7. What I've found out during mine is that since it doesn't show your trajectory beyond a certain point, i.e. leaving one of the SOIs, if you add another maneuver node in the last SOI that it shows in the chain, then it'll show your trajectory in the next SOI. Repeat until it extends as far as you need. My Jool 5 is technically complete, but I am having problems with it exploding when I try to reenter Kerbin's atmosphere.
  8. Found it. Now the real trick is getting back to Kerbin without exploding...
  9. Floor 4411: The dogfight continues. The Peregrine pulls off a trick labeled in its instruction manual as: "No, Jeb. Just no." It activates its front lift engines, pitching up rapidly and pulling out of the scissors. Tumbling end over end, it shuts off the front engines and uses its main engine gimbal to cancel the rotation. It's now at point-blank range of the Hornet and fires its other Firebird missile right into the Hornet's engines.
  10. Landed on Pol and Tylo in my Jool 5. I remember feeling rather... depressed as my landed orbited Vall with only 2000 dv, and I just thought: "This is impossible. There's no way I'll get this done." And yet I managed, and now I can see that while my mission may have originally appeared massively overbuilt, it's going to look like I planned this all out perfectly. Not bad for someone whose only other interplanetary missions are a one-way trip to Dres and a crewed return from Duna.
  11. Congratulations! I'm glad this thread has been so successful. We all enjoy it, wherever you choose to go with it.
  12. Floor 4407: The dogfight between the J35 and the F/A-18E Super Hornet. While the Hornet has much more weaponry, the J35 has highly advanced maneuverability. It pulls a Pugachev Cobra on the Hornet, giving it a chance to fire one of its two experimental missiles at it.
  13. Granted, it's a dog with a calendar affixed to it. Any attempts to approach it result in it biting you and then running away. I wish I had a helicopter.
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