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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. I came here very late, but it's been a pleasure reading this report! It'll always be a great source of inspiration for me.
  2. A rare F/A-18E aggressor livery. Aggressor liveries are always the best in my opinion.
  3. I was playing Hypixel on Minecraft and having a very good time in the Hypixel Pit minigame, when I got banned for "unfair advantages" for 180 DAYS. This is actually the second time I've gotten banned for this reason, both times I actually did nothing. I do run a modded install, but it was specifically edited by the maker (and further modified by myself) to not have any gameplay modifying mods that would fall under the "Unfair Gameplay Advantages" category, per Hypixel's official guidelines. I was just running around playing as normal and I just got banned out of the blue. Maybe I moved in a way the Watchdog moderation system didn't recognize or something. All I know is that this is sucks very, very much. What makes this situation even more crappy is that the appeal process is complicated and knowing that if Hypixel moderators don't take action against actual hackers even when players report them, a single appeal form will probably not even be acknowledged. ...Not to mention that Hypixel was something I'd play with friends as one of our favorite servers, but I guess that's out of the option for the next 179 days from now.
  4. AnimatedK came back with another excellent animated video a couple months ago. I'm a bit late posting this, but... eh.
  5. No. Definitely not. I haven't seen @dsplaisted in a while.
  6. This came back much quicker than I thought, but I'm really excited to see where the new, revised story goes!
  7. It's sad to see such a great thread go, but I can rest easy knowing that this report will return someday! It was my pleasure to be able to join the story as the Calories Space Exploration Initiative and offer some of my little old planes and station modules. Looking forward to dusting off the CS-series plane blueprints once Beyond comes back!
  8. I play Ace Combat multiplayer, and one thing I can't stand are those stupid ADF-11F Ravens that always have the "Airman" nickname and the default emblem, implying they are new players, come in and do nothing but spam UAVs the whole match. You thought QAAMs were bad? Well, what about a missile that actively tracks you but also doesn't even require you to get behind your target? And it doesn't even need to be unlocked, just buy the Raven DLC! It's terrible! I'm trying to do my MP honestly, with a non-DLC aircraft (be real, those things are "slightly" unbalanced compared to normal aircraft) and standard MSL for my main kills, and it's pretty frustrated to have to get killed and waste my flares on skill-less newbies. It's not just UAVs either. Some SP Weapons (especially ones that only come with DLC) are just completely unbalanced and overpowered. Some take skill to use, like TLS, and QAAMs did get nerfed. But then there's those Rafales, Eurofighters, and F/A-18 TGM users that get a truckload of HCAAs. They're waaaayyyyy too OP for someone to get 60 of them at a time, and I know that, because I admittedly used to be one of them. You can even see me say that in one of my earlier posts. I use F/A-18F with EML now, which I love a lot. Anyway, a few other plane/SPWs on my hate list include the following. ASF-X Shinden II: Seriously, I feel like when I get a perfect shot on these things, they somehow do a Kulbit or some crazy Belkan witchcraft and evade missiles when I fire them like 200m from them while they're at low speed. Also, not to mention that they ALWAYS (I mean always) spam: 6AAM: Since when did 6AAM literally get the QAAM's homing abilities? I get killed by these things all the time, and they're insanely hard to evade when I've gone against them. Even if you pop flares and the missile alert disappears, I always still get hit by them. Like. How? They usually get fired from Su-35s, so I kind of hate the Su-35 by association. SASM: Do I need to explain? (It's the missile that explodes if it gets close to the target and doesn't need to hit, meaning even if you evade them and they lose tracking and don't even appear as a missile alert they will explode and deal you a fair amount of damage.) QAAM: I know, the most basic of all opinions. But that doesn't change the fact that QAAMs are still extremely powerful when given the right upgrade parts. Eurofighter Typhoon: They get the HCAAs. They only fire HCAAs the whole game. IEWS: It prevents you from getting a lock and also makes the IEWS user's missiles super overpowered. People who spam this are extremely annoying, especially on Team Deathmatch. Darkstar: It's so fast its usually impossible to catch it unless you brought HVAAs, and it comes with a PLSL instead of a gun, so it ruins No SP Weapon matches. It also comes with SASM. Not to mention every Darkstar player I've ever seen does nothing but zoom around all game just spamming SASM and PLSL. Project Aces really added this to the game and said, "have fun in multiplayer for the next three years". *Any player who holds the gun trigger down the whole game*: The Gun is probably the most skilled way to shoot down another player, but holding down the trigger is just a really cheap move. Even if it's ineffective it still shows what kind of a player that person is. ... Well, that's my rant about unbalanced SP weapons. Then again, it's online gaming, and people will always do what they can to win, no matter how cheap. And I can always point-blank them in the cockpit with my EML. What's your opinion on SP Weapons and DLC aircraft?
  9. I've been getting outages pretty much every morning nowadays, and sometimes during the day as well. This is happening more frequent than even a couple of weeks ago.
  10. Wait, what happened to Imgur? EDIT: Looking around other threads with lots of pictures, I can see that some photos in some posts are broken now. What happened?
  11. This post is pretty old. KSP1 got circular solar panels added by now, as well as a medium-sized conventional array.
  12. Occasionally having the first posts on all the forum games for two pages.
  13. The KSP community right now:
  14. I'm taking it out for a spin and it is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks a ton!
  15. Glad to see this mission report return after a hiatus! I've tried again and again, yet I just can't ever replicate the beauty of Toaster's screenshots. (But seriously, how do you do get that lighting?)
  16. No, I already removed KK to fix my install when this happened a few months back. Also, the crashes would happen for me whenever I made a new Group.
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