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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. I'm really not sure what subforum this really belongs in, but I do know it doesn't belong in Un-modded tech support, so we'll just bump this over to Add-on discussion for now.
  2. Moving this over to S&S as it's about spacecraft. The shuttle, for all it's flaws, is probably my favorite. I grew up watching the earlier flights, and was home sick from grade school the day the challenger launched, I watched that happen live. Even last night I was watching videos of it landing, still awe inspiring.
  3. A like is a like. No more, no less. We encourage people to like posts, as it shows the poster that people appreciated their contribution, everybody enjoys a little recognition. Heck, even on my stupid little "Thread has been moved to xyz" posts, I still get a little smile from getting a like. Any other system that weights the users like count to counting more than others would just lead to various forms of e-peen contests. Certain cliques could end up running the show here, and that's not what we're after. Our entire forum ethos, and it's rules, can be simplified down to "Just be nice to each other". Any system other than one person's like counts the same as everybody else's only leads to issues that go against that simple ethos. For the same reasons, we only have a like reaction, no dislikes or laughs or anything else.
  4. There is at least one welding mod out there (UZO Weld?) that will combine parts together into a single part. I'm not sure if it's current or not though.
  5. Sir Sean Connery, aged 90. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-54761824
  6. Which tutorial is that? Not familiar with that one. But we'll probably need some logs to help you out:
  7. As of July, KSP is no longer on GFN. So no, you can't play anything on mobile.
  8. Overlapping Discord server threads have been merged
  9. $9.99 on Steam till Nov 2
  10. And that's the whole point of the thread. It won't slow the servers any amount worth considering. This thread is scheduled to unlock in 18 minutes. Prepare your mice for clicking.
  11. This thread will unlock in 5 minutes
  12. *twitches* Must... not... .sing....
  13. You mean the ksp store? I've never used the updater, I just download a whole new version each time I update. I still have it in my head from the Alpha days that a new version breaks saves, even though it usually hasn't for many years. Also, the launcher also has been outdated for many years, it's recommended you run the game straight from the KSP_64.exe rather than the launcher. Those are build numbers, not necessarily version numbers. The first three numbers are the ones that really matter (1.3.1, 1.9, 1.10.1, etc) Just pick the correct updater for the version you are starting with, and then you might need to get a series of installers to get to the version you want. If you have a number of updaters to install, you might be better off just downloading the latest version and starting a fresh install. And we're going to move this thread over to tech support.
  14. Well, the guys and gals here are trying, but there might be some fundamentals that you haven't learned yet. Some information that is required to understand the advanced stuff. With more research and reading, along with the continued explanations here, you'll pick it up. It'll help if you'd describe what parts are you having trouble with. Don't be afraid to ask what seems like a dumb question, if you don't know something, you don't know it, and you'll never learn till you ask.
  15. Where did you buy the game? Steam and I believe GOG will self install any updates.
  16. Since this is more of a journal or Blog, I'm going to move this out of the games section and into the main lounge.
  17. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  18. It depends on the amount of reaction material you provide. I believe this interaction strictly follows E=mc2, if I'm wrong the more learned members will correct me, but for a simplistic description, it should be good enough. If you have a single Electron and Positron (Anti-electron) interact and explode into pure energy on the palm of your hand, you might not even notice, as the masses of the two particles are so tiny. I don't know the mass required before you start losing fingers, but it's a not insignificant amount. A few mg perhaps? (For those wanting to churn these numbers, what would be the equivalent reaction mass of an M80 Firework?) But for the sake of argument, lets call it something the size of a small pill. So we have to step up the mass and volume to get a bigger explosion. And now we have to somehow directly harness that explosion. Pusher plate drives are a well researched, if theoretical, technology. Do some reading on Orion Drives, the idea would be identical, instead of a nuclear explosion, you'd use a matter/antimatter reaction. Therefore you could use far less total mass as fuel to get the same amount of dV, as the reaction is more complete, if not total conversion to energy. But the rub is getting the the antimatter outside of your ship into the proper position. Once you've launched it outside it's magnetic containment field, it's going to react with anything it comes in contact with, maybe prematurely, sending a chunk of it spinning of in the wrong direction, which includes your ship. Remember you can't mix it before hand and light a fuse. So yes, you could use a pusher plate for this, but due to the containment question, it would be far easier to use it as a controlled power supply to power some other sort of thruster, which would be far more reliable than an antimatter pusher plate drive.
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