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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. That was kinda the joke. It just seems the higher up that ladder you go, the quieter they get.
  2. Good book. He wrote a machine instruction to switch the words for him.
  3. Wait..... I thought you were the one in charge, sitting on your throne with @Vanamonde whispering evil plots into your ear. Aren't @Darth Badie, @TriggerAu, and @JPLRepo your little marionettes??
  4. But any boarding team worth their salt (in any Universe) should be wearing some sort of pressure suit. These guys are usually ripping a hole in the side of a ship, and making a docking port out of it, duct tape style. They should fully expect any beachhead on a boarded ship to be in vacuum.
  5. If anybody knew a good mod that did this, I think we would all know about the mod.
  6. Yes, nothing to worry about.
  7. Well, it depends on what you are using it for. A science station needs science labs and a way to get the science there. So you'll need the labs, and places for ships to dock easily. A fueling station doesn't even need to be manned, but easily can be. It just needs a place to store the Ore, the converter, and tanks to hold the results. Plenty of docking is a plus. A transfer station doesn't need much either. Someplace for the small shuttles to dock to, and docks with enough clearance for the larger motherships to dock.
  8. LGG, I'm not sure if it's CTB that's the culprit, or this has always been like this. I have a series a contracts that require something to go to or happen at a variety of target vessels. I am using Contract Configurator and some of the packs. In map view, the target vessels has a slight diamond shaped colored icon over/around it, indicating it is the target. It is very difficult to click the vessel, as the icon seems to block the mouse from seeing the vessel. You can still click it by having the pointer just on the edge of it, as the vessel icon is slightly bigger than the target icon. If it is CTB doing this, if possible, adding something to allow that particular instance to be clicked through would be nice. Even if you just add some sort of call that other mods can use to temporarily disable it. It would be on the other mods to implement it, but seeing how CTB is becoming one of the back bone mods, it should be readily accepted.
  9. Ksp Themed only. Inspired by this old thread. I used to love writing little limericks about my patients back when I was a medic. I don't remember any, but I did write a good one about a patients toe falling off and getting lost in the truck (which actually happened). But anyways, I digress: There once was a Kerbal named Bill, He was always on the lookout for a thrill. He met this dude Jeb, He was kind of a celeb. And now, his life is all downhill.
  10. I was just perusing the old old old threads in this forum, just getting a chuckle out of the posts. The ones complaining about bugs in v .13 and offering suggestions for .14 made me laugh a bit. It never stops. So I read this one. A bit.... startling. Had to post to share this with the current community.
  11. *facepalm* Vectors... as in the engine, not a graphics thing.......... sigh...... Only took me a week.
  12. Which is completely believable if they explain it sufficiently, and if the tech they are describing is believable for the rest of the world setting. Ie, The Expanse, gravity is because of the Epstein drive and mag boots. Or if they completely ignore the lack of lack of gravity, and it doesn't come into play in the story, then I can get behind that too. Something like Alien, where IIRC (and it's been a while, so I might be wrong here, but pick a story where this applies), the existence of or lack of gravity is never an issue in the movie. But if you look at something like Moon, where they switch between earth gravity, and lunar gravity, it breaks the continuity of the movie. If the entire movie is shot in normal gravity, and it doesn't break the story by not explaining it, I can usually let it go and not be bothered by it. As long as it doesn't become a plot point somewhere in the story.
  13. It's an automatic filter, as they try to keep the posts family freindly, non political, and civil. None of which describe "pedant". Hence they filter and replace the word. We know what you mean, and that's sufficient for the conversation.
  14. Yes, brains do get stiffer with age.... It took me a moment. At first I could not think of any other type of language.... then I remembered what thread I was in. Sigh.... I'm not a coder by any means, but I do enjoy schmutzing around with simple non gui programs and arduino's. But the key to programming, for me at least, is not knowing the language, but knowing where to look up the answer. Eventually you will learn the things you do repeatedly, but the key is finding new stuff to learn. I haven't done any arduino stuff in a year or so, and I was looking at a bit of code I wrote for a lamp, 1000+ lines of code, and I'm trying to figure how I did what I did. Not for a lack of comments, but for a lack of knowledge. So to get good at it, you have to practice.
  15. If Germany had won, the civilians in question would not have had the bomb dropped on them. Others probably, and then it would have been used in the European theater, so Germany would have probably been the one surrendering. But that's for anther thread. Exactly. If you didn't play along, you didn't get along. And I'm guessing this will get locked because of the inevitable political discussion that will ensue.
  16. Oooh Yeah.... I miss that one too....
  17. Just to be that guy..... SSTO means Single Stage to Orbit. Vertically launched rockets can easily classify as SSTO's if they don't stage till after they have achieved orbit. You might be referring to a spaceplane.....
  18. I'm there too. I can't argue against it, and I'd probably use it, but I'd rather see folders in the load menu first. That way I could make an obsolete folder and drop those there. Building multiple stations in a dozen launches each tends to clutter up the folder. I could delete them, but sometimes I will use that design again on another vessel, so I keep them around.
  19. I was having issues with a HE'd vessel being flagged as traveling over land, but this fixed part of my issue. I edited a vessel into orbit around kerbin, and then into rendezvous with a station around minmus (Forgot a part and I had ships waiting to dock that needed that part). Now, when I time warp, it is jumping ahead in it's orbit at times. Using 1.5.6 for 1.3.1. I'm assuming this is a known bug, but my question is, will this persist if I switch to other ships, namely the ones waiting to dock? Will I have a station jumping around all over the sky?
  20. This brings way too many questions to mind. Nothing can beat the Combined Operational Load-Bearing External Resistance Treadmill, or COLBERT. https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/behindscenes/colberttreadmill.html But then there's the OFFER Button. Oh F- F- Everybody Run! Sadly they went with ABORT instead.
  21. This mod may have also removed some of the anomalous situations that may result in a "splashed down" situation when you are actually sitting on dry land. The mod thread isn't very specific about this, but it would be within it's purview.
  22. I looked at this thread the other day and was ready to unleash my whomping stick on somebody, but I see it's already been done. Squad needs our support, whether it be financially or yelling at them for missing bugs. It's all support in one form or another. If they gave away more stuff for free, there would be less incentive to buy their product. If they keep releasing DLC's, they'll keep getting income, and will continue to work on the project. And that includes KSP2, which should be built around a better engine, allowing for better gameplay.
  23. Just a walk down memory lane. What's your favorite obsolete mod? Either one that is no longer being worked on, one that is no longer necessary, or one that has been superseded by another mod, yet you still miss that one little feature of it. I'll start with Quantum Struts. Yes, it's still an active mod, thanks to the mod historical preservation society (MHPS) curator @linuxgurugamer, but I have found that I rarely use it anymore. I think it's due to a combination of KJR and auto struts, but my ships used to be covered in blue and red lasers, especially around docking ports. I don't even use them in cargo bays anymore either, as the auto strut works easier and faster. But they were a cool addition to the game when the term "Floppy Rocket" was used more often than not.
  24. Problem with this is that upper and lower atmosphere is determined by ASL, not AGL. And since Vertical speed indicator is most likely tied to the altitude inidicator, trying to maintain level (0 vert speed) flight would become a nightmare, as not all planes have the same AoA for level flight. So for the science that requires upper v lower, it would be a pain to collect these if you are just able to maintain level flight over the limit, but had no idea what level flight is. You'd end up porpoising over the threshold, and possible miss your biome. But as you said, a manual override would be necessary. But I'd prefer it if it wasn't automatic.
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