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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. I wonder if the forces were worse with MJ and floppy rockets, but because it would react faster, the rocket flew better. I remember having to use MJ back then mainly because of frame rate more than any other reason.
  2. Ohhh! There’s your problem! You needed to slap the neighbor across the street, and buy ice cream for the next door neighbor. Common mistake. Glad it’s fixed.
  3. Even with MJ, floppy rockets were an issue. I would actually argue a standard KSP gravity turn is less stressful to the joints than one controlled by MJ where there’s constant control input. Edit: Which just proves your point even more.
  4. And it won’t get moved unless you actually use the report button. I only discovered this by chance. If you see a post in the wrong spot, report it, leave the public moderation to the moderators. That said, moved to Mod Discussion.
  5. Quick note, the community guidelines do not allow “bump” style posts, which this is considered to be. Please do not continue with these. The dev team is clearly aware of the issue, people have begging for an answer for a long time. Annoying other forum members and making the moderators job harder will not make the devs answer a question any quicker. But I bet if they had an answer to your question, they would have already answered it.
  6. Random spitball idea: whitelist forums.kerbalspacwprogram.com in whatever Adblocker or antivirus you’re using with Firefox.
  7. Overlapping threads have been merged. Please don’t post new threads solely to draw attention to another.
  8. Still borked? Working fine me, regardless of login status.
  9. Since Curse is the contracted (last I heard it was still in effect, might have expired) official mod hosting site, but is an absolute mess to use, @VITASand others started up Spacedock with their own time and funds. Without that official recognition and support from PD/TTi, I don’t think we’ll ever see that.
  10. It is not possible to download other versions from the PD store, only the ones listed.
  11. I have no new news. I would like to have news, but nothing has come down from above.
  12. The mod release sub forum is where such announcements are usually made, and then in the mod release thread itself. I don’t think we need an all caps post for each new mod that gets posted.
  13. A number of posts regarding source code links have been removed to declutter the thread.
  14. The changes were supposed to be minor, just the addition of a dark mode. Things have been intermittently wonky since. Tonight’s outage being one of them. There really wasn’t supposed to be any style changes beyond that afaik.
  15. I’m not sure what your goal is with these videos. If you’re doing reviews and or tutorials, I would recommend posting the videos in each release thread. Usually the modders appreciate this and will often incorporate your video into their OP, driving up views for both of you. And then, you start a new thread that lists, in the OP, all your videos in alphabetical order, each one linked to the post in the mod relate thread. Just like I did with the mission Launch index over in Science and Spaceflight. Each time you update the list, you add a post saying which video you added.
  16. This has been covered as naseum before he on the forums. If you own a steam copy, you can get any version ever offered on steam. There’s a couple threads on how to do it.
  17. Dropbox? Probably include the craft file and pngs in one zip there for download ? -invoking Cunningham’s law by guessing here-
  18. @Nifty255, could you please include an explicit link directly to the source code? Thanks.
  19. Since this is not a release thread, it has been moved to discussion.
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