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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Right now? Probably Star Wars, though that's only because I've seen Rogue One more recently. In general? I don't think preferred viewing order makes one better than the other. In general I think I'd watch Solo, R1 and then the original trilogy in order and stop there.
  2. This was for sure easier before Rogue One came out, but I'd say Empire still wins. The question is what's second, Rogue One or Star Wars?
  3. Okay. Most board games worth playing cost more than ksp. I've bought dozens of decks of cards in my life and never got one for free even though I'd already paid. When settlers of catan makes an expansion it costs more than ksp and no one ever expects it to be free. And I've played ksp for more hours than any of them. Including generic ones like playing cards. However you slice it ksp is the best entertainment deal I've ever paid for. It literally can only be beat by free stuff, and most of that I'd still rather play KSP.
  4. Ahh I apologize I thought you were saying they should just keep selling the base game and have all updates be free. Carry on.
  5. Squad does not release sales figures but if KSP is anything like pretty much any other digital thing, sales have been trailing off since release day.
  6. Not weird at all if nobody else is having the problem. I for example have never experienced it in spite of many many trips through the tech tree.
  7. The best you can do is make them yourself in various sizes, and save each as a subassembly. Then vow to not change them or use new ones.
  8. Basically you can't. Symmetry always inherits down and you can't break it except by not using symmetry on the new parts. What you have to do is place your tanks 3 times in 2-symmetry mode, so the tanks you want wings on will already be in the symmetry mode you want the wings to have. Or, place the wings twice but not in symmetry mode. There is a mod named Split Symmetry but I've never used it. But it may help you here.
  9. So are propellers on Mars more or less esoteric than drilling an asteroid for fuel? Edit: oops I fell for a tricksy necromancer. Well done.
  10. You mean X+Y years after the Author's death, where X is the number of years since Walt Disney's death and Y is a number between 5 and 20.
  11. ...even though the artist told you that you were buying the stick figure with no promise of a painting. I'm personally more wary of Early Access than I was in the past (thank you Space Engineers) but I still find many that are well with the cost even though they're not done yet (thank you Factorio).
  12. Yeah sure that works for you. But you leave reverts on, don't fly 800 part planes, don't use every single visual mod out there and probably don't even play KSP on a Chromebook.
  13. This number may not be 100% accurate
  14. And when you did that, you should have been willing to accept that all development could have stopped the very next day. That's the chance you take with early access. The fact that half a dozen years later the game is still in active development is a bonus.
  15. 90 minutes into a 2 hour training session at work. It's actually really interesting stuff and really useful but DEAR GOD I HATE TRAINING SESSIONS.
  16. It doesn't. A lot of mods for 1.4 still work fine in 1.7. My (very simple) mod WarpEverywhere has worked unedited since 1.1.3, and unrecompiled since 1.4.3. I didn't need to recompile it back then but did so anyway due to the Unity engine change. A lot of mods complain, but work just fine anyway. "I'm for a different version!" messages are very different than actually being broken.
  17. Try this instead: Install them HALF at a time. If you have 60 mods, install 30 first, then 15, then 8, then 4, etc. Once you get the error, you know it's in the subset you just installed, then remove all mods and install half of THOSE at a time. You'll find it in far less time.
  18. No. I've never heard of this before. I'd back up my saves folder, then uninstall/reinstall.
  19. I'm by no means a plane guy, but what keeps you from slowing down? If you glide across the ground slowly tilting your nose up to keep from dropping, your speed will continually decrease. I've never encountered a plane that lost the ability to do this in the triple digit m/s.
  20. Most reliable method: Get into LKO, make your orbit as circular as is possible/reasonable. Don't sweat it down to the meter or anything, but if you can tell by looking at it it's not circular, fix that. Create a maneuver node and drag it prograde until the node's apoapsis is just above Mun's orbit. Maybe 1/10th of your transfer ellipse should be above or so. Drag that maneuver node around Kerbin until you get an encounter, then use the maneuver tool to fine tune the time of departure (and possibly your prograde value) until you get a nice tight encounter with Mun, maybe 50km Pe or less. Do that burn as exactly as possible. Then just tweak the Pe on the way somewhere, and burn at that Pe when you get there to slow down into orbit.
  21. I'm pretty sure it was 1.0, when the atmosphere changed to make them useful. I'm working on a mod idea (that will likely never see the light of day as I'm both not playing a lot and am not a very good modder ) where things start super expensive and get cheaper as you use them. It'd be cool if the first use of a specific fairing (saved as a sub-assembly) was like 100 times the cost or more, then subsequent uses were normal cost. Then you could (and must) design your own fairings, but in most every single case it's better to use an already designed one over making a new one. In the meantime, you could do the enforcing yourself. Make a few fairings per size, save them as sub-assemblies, and then use the janitor's closet to remove the fairings from the part list
  22. They're all about the same size, but Pol is the smallest and Bop the largest. Pol's radius is 44km, Minmus 60, Bop 65.
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