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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Does /home/garrett/KSP_linux/saves/default/persistent.sfs exist? If not, hopefully you have a quicksave.sfs in the same folder, or just take whatever the latest *.sfs file is if any. Copy it to persistent.sfs and hope.
  2. You need to record "ba boo da baa ba baa" talking to go along with that.
  3. I didn't even know those gizmos ever worked on non-placed parts. It never occurred to me to try.
  4. While climbing, ragdolling does not sound like an advantage...
  5. Not the solution you're looking for, but you can always claw the craft and "transfer" the Kerbal to your ship.
  6. Oh oops I thought you were the OP. Yeah if you know what you're doing go to town
  7. The "Enhanced Tourists" idea from this thread.
  8. Let me stress this again: That monoprop is stuff you're pushing around that you don't need to. It's like you don't know how to crawl yet and you're trying to ride a unicycle. Lose the monoprop. Mk1 lander can instead of a Mk2. Use the similarly smaller fuel tanks and engines (The Terrier's great) Really, you're trying to do too much. landers that size are fine once you've got a handle on things. For now, learn the process in as difficulty-free a method as possible.
  9. I can't for the life of me get a ship to both land on and return to orbit from Eve. After hours of work I've gotten the former with a ship that can't do the latter, and have lost all desire to try to do the latter. The worst part is, I have a ship that could do both in 1.0.5, but it's so many parts that I wanted to run it in 1.1.x for the better framerates. However, whatever changes happened to aerodynamics, heat, or whatever in the update has just killed this ship. The above isn't the sin, though. The sin is I'm giving up on the attempt.
  10. I've had one single CTD since 1.1 was released (Probably since 1.0 or before) and it was this past weekend. It was when I staged engines and a confetti fairing in the same stage. I had over a dozen mods installed, so loaded up the stock game and tried to recreate it to no avail. And other than that one issue, pretty much everything about 1.1.2 is better than every other version before it, hands down. I never seem to be in the "majority," and so this is no different. Put me in the "minority" of KSP players who seem to be having far less problems now than before.
  11. This is part of a larger ... I won't say issue because it's more of just a fact of the game. Nothing is processed in the background, and with very few exceptions (ISRU comes to mind) the game doesn't keep track of the things and set them to what they "would" be when you come back. They're just ignored if you're not using them. This is very well known both in the community and by Squad.
  12. Aha, I see. That does make sense. And as I said it's an edge case. Early career with cheap probes, I sometimes use an SRB to circularize to save cash on the lifter but other than that SRBs aren't exactly made for that
  13. Most people probably don't do this (I rarely do myself) but BetterBunTime doesn't seem to recognize SRBs as engines, and predicts a burn time of n/a when you've set up a node with them. Great mod, BTW. I consider it a must-have.
  14. One thing, make sure you're in "Surface" mode and not "Orbit" mode on your navball. If it says "orbit" in green at the top of the navball, click that text until it says "surface." Assuming you have that set: If you cannot slow your craft by 50m/s in a few (less than 5) seconds, you need more engines. At least, until you're more comfortable landing. "More engines" here could also be "Less stuff to push around." I know you want 3 Kerbals and all the science, plus that rover on the Mun, but for your first landing you should stick to a mk1 pod, parachute, decoupler, fuel tank(s), and engine. And probably landing gear As you're coming down, you should only be burning retrograde, or offset to retrograde so as to push retrograde (in SURFACE mode!) to the very center of the navball. Then, you only have to worry about going slowly. Don't let yourself fall too fast (but don't burn up all your fuel hovering) and as you get close (land near sunrise or sunset so you can see a nice shadow on the ground as you get close) make sure you're going less than 7 m/s. And practice. Practice practice practice. This is a skill you are learning, not an achievement you're earning.
  15. I've not had any of these problems in early career. Sure, I hit the ground too fast sometimes but I've always attributed that to: Not being shallow enough, which is what my gut is saying for you. Having too much mass for my cross-sectional area, which could be your problem as well. For 1, the solution is to be even moar orbital with your suborbital. With just 10 science points (first 2 nodes) you can reach orbit with some work, so getting an extremely elongated (half the planet wide with an 80-100km apoapsis is what I'm talking) suborbital trajectory should be doable as well. For 2, I see you're using *almost* the bare minimum parts, but I suggest you also jettison the heat shield (right click it). Once you get below 1000m/s you don't need it. You probably don't even need it at all, really. I don't even bring them to Mun and reserve them only for interplanetary travel. Mass is momentum. Momentum is death.
  16. I reversed the lines the moment it was available and never looked back. I also played with fade settings and 90% seems good, though I'm going to go back to 100% to see if I like that better.
  17. You could also check it yourself. If you did, you'd find (like I did) that it works just fine in 1.1.2.
  18. Or you could go the other way and have this:
  19. It's a show all right... Or maybe they just don't have passwords, because they're a close-knit team with important information on their computers and one of them might die?
  20. 90 sins. 50 weren't actually sins, but just "funny things" they just wanted to mention. 20 weren't actually sins, but restating the 50 above over and over. And sometimes over. 15 weren't actually sins, but things they didn't understand, catch, or genuinely weren't explained well enough in the movie. 5 were actually sins, like the dust storm and the unnecessary "where are they now" montage at the end. 1 sin they didn't even mention (but they did show and kinda allude to) where Watney actually flew like Iron Man. I tend to feel this way about most of these videos. They feel the need to "sin up" a good movie to get views. Which is sad, but I guess a video with only a few "sins" would not be as punchy as 90 of them.
  21. I finally got a few good hours in doing some interplanetary transfers and the new patched conics seems spot-on solid. It's what I always wanted the to be, and a joy to work with instead of a frustration now. Thanks, Squad, and whomever specifically worked on them.
  22. This is totally untested but I'm pretty sure it'll work. And if not, a few tweaks should probably do it. You'll need ModuleManager but who doesn't have that installed? Copy the code and paste it into a file with a *.cfg extension, anywhere in your GameData folder. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleScienceContainer]] { MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Stored Data storeActionName = Store Experiments evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 1.6 } }
  23. I never said it supported all mods, I said it supported more mods than AVC. I also said the fact that it wasn't 100% for my own mods meant I won't use it. I also frickin' hate every single post where people beg modders to submit their mods to CKAN, so would never, EVER do the same for AVC. The short of it is, if I want to be 100% sure that I've got 100% coverage of all mods I use, the only way to do it is to actually check the forum or the mod's download page.
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