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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I can't speak for the community, but as one of its members I'll speak for me. Without this Forum I'll stop interacting with you all. I won't frequent Discord, Reddit, or any other site. I don't play KSP or KSP2 anymore and I don't generally visit sites or channels for games I don't play. KSP is actually a huge exception from that rule because I've barely played for years yet am still here.
  2. What the actual fu...n time ruining ideas did they have making a sequel to a movie that DOES NOT NEED A SEQUEL WHAT THE WHAT ... Sorry you broke my brain for a second there. Yeah there's a movie I'm going to forget exists.
  3. Why should you try a game where you build realistic-ish rockets and fly them into space without cartoony astronauts, when you stated you like a game where you build realistic-ish rockets and fly them into space with cartoony astronauts, but don't really like the cartoony astronauts? Dunno seemed like a slam dunk. Never mind then.
  4. You should def. try Juno. It's KSP without Kerbals plus procedural parts.
  5. Man from Earth is awesome. Def. get it off this list by watching it.
  6. I'll watch this space for sure. I'll watch the space for pretty much any KSP-like game.
  7. Not this commercial in particular but the song. THE SONG.
  8. Naw they'd be cool with it. At least the reasonable ones. Me, I had tacos today and didn't feel the least bit bad.
  9. First Netflix, then Redbox (Still around but dying fast), now Best Buy, soon probably even places like Wal Mart will toss the DVD bin. I agree it's sad. I don't want to pay $8 to "rent" the ability to watch some obscure flick I just remembered. I want to *BUY* it for $3 from a bin.
  10. Matrix had a Cube Monkey chosen one. In the Planetfall games you were the ship's janitor.
  11. Wow okay so physical harm to others is better than selling a shoddy product. I'm checking out of this thread it's way too pitchforky in here.
  12. Yeah definitely ruin his life because he cost you $50 that seems fair. Dude got fired you really want to kick him?
  13. Okay then let's go specific with the locking doors example. If 100,000 robbers are in your neighborhood, don't knock on people's doors and tell them to watch out for Joe Smith because he might rob you!
  14. I am not sure the purpose of this pic?
  15. I got the impression that - yeah - those ships really are that big. And there is no indication that they were in orbit, just at orbital altitude. Though with The Creator it was way worse than that. I was positive until the end of the movie that it was an aircraft. One of the first vehicles we see hovers. Not in the MCU. He came fully spidered up.
  16. That look on his face. "...wha? ...just happened?"
  17. I hated: That font. Orbit lines turning into sub-orbit lines on reload. Needing to reload a lot, causing the above. Having to name your ship twice in the VAB, and not even being able to set names for each command module with priorities like in KSP1. Not being able to snap radially-attached parts to exactly the center of the top of your command module (or any other part but that's the one I always do it to) That I could never figure out how to modify axial tilt to whatever I wanted. What happened to a community that I've been a part of for more years than I've been in any single house/apartment in my adult life (and in a few more years, it would/will be more than the home I grew up in) I'm sure there's more but that last one's a good one to end on.
  18. No I'm saying don't call them every single day for months telling them to lock their doors after you do so once or twice.
  19. I don't need convinced of that. My brother's 3 kids got turned off from KSP because of the console edition, and never looked back no matter how much I tried to convince them - including the one who loves NASA. But even that doesn't matter in the long run. Anybody tricked by stale advertising on a cancelled game project are just learning the lesson now instead of later. The entire Internet is chock full of people lying to take your money. It's weird to me that this one super niche area of it is the part worth all the ire. Maybe I'm just calloused beyond the point of caring anymore.
  20. I'm kinda happy. I have dozens of great games that came out over the past year or two to play and who knows what's coming out over the next couple years. This extra gaming time will be well spent.
  21. No one is defending Take 2. Or Steam. Everyone is just sick of it already. Is it really that important to stay mad that as you start to cool off on something you need something new to stay mad at?
  22. Thanks for keeping the torch lit! Def one of my favorite challenges! One thing, my name is actually wrong (though the forum seems to still know I used to be @5thHorseman )
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