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Status Replies posted by AlamoVampire

  1. Im not doing so well yall. I dont feel this is worthy of taking up a post in a thread but still wanted to put this out there. Im overwhelmed. Lately ive had a slew of things go wrong and its taking a toll. First my disposal went and broke. Then my car had a charging system issue so had to get a new battery then a new alternator. Then my camaro decided it wanted to nuke its battery. In fairness its battery was a 2019 battery, but still. Then tonight? Went to start my dishwasher and either i flubbed and missed a button (hey im human, im stressed, im wound up, it happens) or… i dont wanna consider or… and when i hit start it buzzed at me. Then i got it going by opening the door and that i guess reset it and this time i know i hit all the buttons right because its going on like a champ as i type. Guys i just want to know im going to be ok, that my stress and anxiety will quiet down. I just want…no…need a hug. Any words of encouragement and hugs would be nice. ;.;


  2. I was looking at a post of mine about the numbers on your posts and you later said you should put the explanation FAQ somewhere. Perhaps you could add a small explanation to your signature or a link to a post here about them.

  3. I was looking at a post of mine about the numbers on your posts and you later said you should put the explanation FAQ somewhere. Perhaps you could add a small explanation to your signature or a link to a post here about them.

    1. AlamoVampire


      This is the only way i know of to refresh the explanation. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. I was looking at a post of mine about the numbers on your posts and you later said you should put the explanation FAQ somewhere. Perhaps you could add a small explanation to your signature or a link to a post here about them.

    1. AlamoVampire


      @Rutabaga22 those numbers are a time stamp, 24 hour clock hand done each post time coded to the timezone im posting in. So: 210612282022 is 9:06pm on 12-28-2022. Its far more accurate than the forums built in one. As time passes from when a post is made the accuracy in pinpointing the exact moment it was posted degrades. Mine wont. Ive done them for over 6 years now. Fun side effect of them is they randomly spawn fun theories by those who have never seen an explanation of them, entertaining to watch :D 

      so, based on this info you can know when and what time zone im likely in :)


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. I want to be on the clicklist for the don't click this thread, please!

    1. AlamoVampire


      If I remember next time I see it unlocked Ill add you into the tags. :)


  6. does... anybody ever read these?? :huh:

    1. AlamoVampire


      Those numbers are a time/date stamp that ive used for years. Its far more accurate than the forums. Its formatted with time in 24hr format then month day year :)


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. does... anybody ever read these?? :huh:

    1. AlamoVampire


      Depends who wanders by honestly. But for me i do from time to time. Do you read them on others profiles?


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Why do you write the time and date of your posts? Just wondering

    1. AlamoVampire


      @LHACK4142 its a habit ive had since 2016 or so. Its a more accurate way to track my posts. After a while the forums own time stamp becomes inaccurate.


  9. i am so worn out.  3-26-21 marks 2 full weeks that my mother has been in assisted living. I am emotionally worn out. My dog is slowly adjusting to my mother not being in the house. my adjustment to it is coming slower. I have yet to come to complete terms with it. Everything they say about what a person feels when they move a loved one into assisted living is absolutely true. I cannot properly explain the amount of guilt <could I have done more? should I have done more? did putting her there mean I betrayed her?> or the grief that comes along with it. I said before and I mean it: cherish the little things you do with your loved ones. The time will come when you cannot do those things again. Go for a ride with them just because? Watch that silly movie you love to watch with them? Or just being able to hear them or hug them. Cherish it. Cherish it ALL.


    1. AlamoVampire


      Its been rough. Its not been pleasant or easy. First my best friend died in august of 2020 then a few months later I had to deal with putting my mother into that home… the worst part was having to handle it all essentially alone. Sure my dad has done the heavy lifting in terms of the business side of my mothers stuff, but even 14 months later im still essentially alone. And still trying to wrap my head around any of it. Only 5 people (1 actual family member, my moms brother and 4 non family members) have bothered to keep tabs on me or ask how im doing.  I could go on but id rather not publicly be captain bring down lol. Appreciate the socially distant hug!


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Would you notice…?


  11. Happy almost up to 40. (I have read 2 posts where you mention you are almost there now) Enjoy your eyesight while you have it because after 40 it gets a little worse each year (I speak from experience.)

    1. AlamoVampire


      Thanks :) I kinda enjoy the spikes on lights, idk why, but they have always been fun to see. I wear glasses to watch tv or use my computer but right now as I type, im glasses free as im about to try to sleep. Yup at 1302 im tryin to sleep lol. Such a bad sleep sched. But fwiw i dont mind the glasses but do feel kinda free w/out them too. Ill enjoy what i got as long as i can. But time will tell what happens lol.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Happy almost up to 40. (I have read 2 posts where you mention you are almost there now) Enjoy your eyesight while you have it because after 40 it gets a little worse each year (I speak from experience.)

    1. AlamoVampire


      @ColdJ Thanks! last my eyesight was clocked several years ago i was 20/30 in 1 eye and 20/40 in the other. Worst part is the astigmatism, but makes for fun refractions on certain lights. Kinda like looking thru one of those filter sheets that break light into rainbows. Im just trying to process that 1. I will hit 40 with my mother in an assisted living facility, 2. I will hit 40 without my best friend who when alive was 8 months 9 days my senior and 3. I will hit 40 in 35 days.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Update on ps4 power issue


    sad news. My motherboard has broken pins. Beyond repair.


    1. AlamoVampire


      Sadly my ps4 has not been under a warranty for a few years now. Its just that old lol


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Random question, but what are those numbers under each comment of yours?

    1. AlamoVampire


      @BuranAce believe it or not thats turned into an FAQ lol. Ive been doing it for a few years now.  Its a personal time stamp. In this format: 24hour clock Month Day Year: 1546 07 27 2021 or condensed 154607272021 its just a way for me to know precisely when a post was made. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Hello @AlamoVampire

    I was just wondering but why is there a number at the end of all your post. Just curious. Thanks.


    1. AlamoVampire


      @adsii1970 is correct. Just my way of time stamping. Started it a few years back for reasons that i imagine were reasonable at the time to me. Became habit and here we are lol. @Stormpilot


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  16. Yay 1111 rep! Its so symmetrical!


  17. Just a quick update on my back: I tweaked it early am on Tuesday just walking from my chair in front of my tv headed for a different room. Over the course of the next several days it got worse to a peak midday thursday. Friday and saturday showed signs of improvement. Its now sunday and im about to bed down. Back is healing I think. Hopeful to be fully healed over the course of a few more days. @Spaceman.Spiff Thank you for the well wishes in dnct thread!


    1. AlamoVampire


      Thanks! Between taking alieve and resting its improving if slowly. Im just trying to take it as easy as I can.


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  18. Today marks 6 months since I learned my best friend of 30 years passed away. How did time go this fast? Feels so raw still.


    1. AlamoVampire


      @Mikenikethank you. Im still struggling to process it half a year later. Heck I am struggling to comprehend the fact it has even been that long since I learned he passed. 122302052021

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  19. What do the numbers mean?

    1. AlamoVampire


      @The_Arcitect they are a time/date stamp. They are for me to track the exact post times of my posts down the road. :) 


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. There is no forum where I can say this, so, I will say it here. I learned today that my best friend, my brother from another mother has passed away. I have no words to describe just how devastated I am. There just are no words.

    2020 the year that demands a reset.


    1. AlamoVampire


      @Gargamel Thank you. It has been an absolutely surreal month for me. I am still in absolute shock and have not yet figured out how this world works w/out my best friend and brother from another mother works. I still cannot believe it and we are now 2 days or so as I type this from it having been a month since I learned of his passing. It is so surreal. 2355009022020

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. There is no forum where I can say this, so, I will say it here. I learned today that my best friend, my brother from another mother has passed away. I have no words to describe just how devastated I am. There just are no words.

    2020 the year that demands a reset.


  22. Heres a question i pose to any who wander by and notice: why does the location and interests portion of the profile read as “Array”? I do not have them set to say that yet they say it. Hmm

    1. AlamoVampire


      @James Kerman @Dman979 thanks for the info yall. just wanted to make sure I wasn't bonkers

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  23. American medical red tape stinks.   a

    1. AlamoVampire


      i pray no one need deal with it.   b

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