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  1. [Reshare - Consolidating (my) Agencies of Kerbin and their Craft into One Place] Tier 0 (No Tech) Agency: United Rocket Director: Kuku Kerman Craft : KSP Builds - Kerbicus_S1 Kerbal News Right Then: Your Premier Source for Cosmic Chronicles! United Rocket boldly Launches their Newest design - Kerbicus S-1 Sub Orbital Jumper In a twist that's got Kerbin's space enthusiasts buzzing louder than a swarm of startled space bees, eccentric tech guru Kuku Kermin has launched United Rocket, a brand new venture poised to shake up the interstellar scene. And who's leading the charge? None other than ace pilot Kip Kerman, famed daredevil extraordinaire! and one time partner of Jebidiah Kerman himself! The launch of United Rocket comes hot on the heels of a manifesto Kuku wrote in college detailing dissatisfaction with the tactics of certain agencies leveraging "discounted" orbital packages to curry favor with green authority figures. Seizing an opportunity, Kuku Kermin rallied support from anonymous hedge funds and blasted off into the unknown by privately incorporating United Rocket. Rumours inside the agency talk of initial names trying to capture the imagination of Kerbins Everywhere. Space K was apparently tossed around before the board decided United would be a good word choice to foster the perception of global solidarity. But it's not just business maneuvering that's making headlines – it's the personal drama unfolding between Kip Kerman and his former partner Jebidiah. Following a three-year coma that saw him lose both Val and his stake in their business, Kip is back and ready to reclaim his place in the stars. Jeb, for his part, has been open to interviews, but a lack of available interpreters has left reporters scratching their helmets in confusion. Seen Here Maneuvering the craft through the clouds is famed daredevil United Rocket's game plan? To test their craft extensively before offering them for commercial use, all while allowing eager enthusiasts to own their very own United Rocket rocket. Their maiden vessel, the Kerbicus_S1 Sub Orbital Jumper, made its debut to a live broadcast, much to the delight of hopeful Kerbals everywhere. And despite the absence of a fireworks show, the vessel took off without a hitch, proving that even amateur rocket enthusiasts can soar through the clouds. However, reports suggest that Jeb is less than thrilled about the Kerbicus, especially since it's primarily constructed from parts he was forced to relinquish in a settlement agreement with Kip. Yet, Kip remains undeterred, boldly declaring, "The Kerbicus is so easy to fly I bet Jeb could manage!" as the spokesperson for United Rocket. There you have it, dear readers: the space race just got a whole lot spicier, with United Rocket firing up its engines and Kip Kerman at the helm. Buckle up and hold onto your helmets, because it looks like we're in for a wild ride through the cosmos! Stay tuned to Kerbal News Right Then for all the latest updates, gossip, and gravity-defying antics. Until next time, keep reaching for the stars and never forget to laugh along the way!
  2. Well I didn't read the bug reports before playing this mission, so it was an obvious solution to me for a Jool-5 capable probe. Too bad this propulsion technology is not ready yet in this game. I've been reading the KERB updates, and they talk about acceleration under time warp bugs, but without specifically pointing the Dawn engine Thank you for the link. From my uninformed point of view, there seem to be multiple unrelated bugs affecting ion engines and time warp. I will read the full thread when I'll have the time, and maybe I'll share my save. It might help the devs and the QA dep.
  3. There was an issue with attaching exhaust prefabs in v1.6.10.0, which should be fixed in v1.6.10.1 (in case that was the problem), though it seems there's still some issues there that we're looking at. I'm not sure about the muzzle flash effects, but examining the KSP.log file would be the first step. BDA+ usually gives errors or warnings if there's something missing. I don't think that's possible, no. There was some talk at one point about making custom turrets, but I don't think it ever got beyond just talking about it due to how complicated it very quickly becomes trying to handle the weird designs people invariably make. Check the KSP.log file or in-game messages for errors or exceptions. Enabling "Debug Spawning" in BDA's debug settings will add more details to the log, which may help. If it's completely failing to spawn, then there's most likely an issue with the craft file (missing parts or the file is otherwise corrupted). I'm not sure what could cause a spawned craft to end up sticking into the ground, but likely the log would give some indication as to why.
  4. Oh gosh, don't get that train started. It's not as bad in Australia, but it's probably still possible Anyway, was listening to a Podcast where Adam Rozencwajc was the interviewee, and it cleared up this one problem that I didn't know how to solve for a long time. For those who don't know, Adam is part of a company called Goehring&Rozencwajc, which is an independent Natural Resources analysis company (I believe that is the role, at least). Recently, Adam went on a podcast with Peak Prosperity and talked about Oil. The key takeaway I took was how the IEA, either willingly or otherwise, has lied about their forecasts on Oil and Energy consumption. Their reasoning is as follows; - If technological advancements in the efficiency of energy use, then the overall usage of energy will decrease. However, this contradicts Jevon's paradox (According to Wikipedia, governments seem to have an implied history of ignoring this paradox), which is where resource use becomes more efficient, more is used, not less. Jevon's Paradox, then, is quite literally the EXACT opposite of what the IEA is saying. This answers my personal question of "Why does Peak Energy Demand just not make sense". After all, More people with more money = Buying more things, which requires energy. I don't know I'm so shocked, after all, governments and governmental agencies lie all the time. Maybe it has to do with the sheer and utter importance of energy in the modern economy. But I don't know. I'm repeating what was said elsewhere. I'm not qualified to talk about this.
  5. This post is specifically about worse performance on background vessel compared to before 0.2. If you just want to talk (and report) about bad performance related to background vessel in general, there is already a report about it: This has (and will be) addressed by devs.
  6. Maybe you're both not understanding - the problem is that it's forcing the new player out of the Kerbin system way too early. @pschlik explains the problem about five posts down in this thread. The rendezvous missions serve the purpose of training the new player to maneuver and operate in orbit. The 'save a kerbal stranded in Mun orbit' missions from the first game got tiresome after a while, but the first time doing them they were very fun and exciting. Teaching the player how to perform a rendezvous is explaining how an efficient Hohmann transfer orbit works, which is exactly what 'the correct angle' interplanetary transfer window talk is all about.
  7. Continuing from last time... Some corpo really wanted a useless space station above Kerbin, so they ended up financing part of Watchtower II refuelling depot. We do not talk about Watchtower I. Albion arrived on fumes, puffing monoprop to match vectors, while Luna puffed LOX due to unexpected monoprop shortages... Based around triple core of https://spacedock.info/mod/364/Davon Supply Mod, it will serve to simplify boring parts of space fleet supply chain. Refuelling process highlighted lack of docking port pumps in my modset... Once both cruisers were neatly tucked in and pumped full of explosive goodies, empty drop pod arrived to take current passengers down dirtside. Next pod will be sent full, and wait at Watchtower for return trip, launching Albion full saved a bit of kash but made managing contracts annoying. Tourist bus looks like something made from medical silicon would, and lacks proper deorbit engines so RCS took half of hour to do it... at least it was compact enough to not invoke kraken an physics warp. Bill took a free seat on Albion and organized an adhoc show on servicing a satellite. Turns out nothing was broken, so it took some convincing for contractee to pay out. And after few weeks hoffmaning between moons everyone was back together. Albion got so famous that kerbs want to visit it for bragging rights, however civilians have some trouble booking tickets for docked ships... Not very eventful day, but important milestone non the less.
  8. Something nice apart from any bug reports in here: This one goes out for @Angelo Kerman for making those possible.... KSC - right before sunrise.... Right before the dawn of the new day Victoria and Kenneth Kerman headed to the pilot's dressing room. A new era of spaceflight was right around the corner. It was the first full integrated test flight of the Sojobo Mk III. The engineers prepared this plane for its maiden flight to space for serveral months now. The start has been postponed again and again. (Last time some worker left his snack packaging right in the graviolium reaction chamber.) "Are you nervous" Victoria asked. "Not yet, but when I get into this machine for sure." Kenneth answered and scratched himself right behind the ear, like he always did when he was afraid. "Nothing will go wrong, I promise." "Sure, sure... at least... If we explode, our atoms will be distributed right through the Kerbol system... Bob said, we won't feel much, if that should happen... But ... I don't wanna die, you know?!" "Zephram said, it could only go to 4,5 c.... So we are gonna keep it in a reasonable ..." Victoria said and was interrupted. "reasonable?! Dying ain't reasonable !!! The Tengu with Rodney McKerman on board almost exploded - even with his expert knowledge in controlling the gravi intermix! The Sojobo is a Tengu on steroids!" "You don't have to do this... But wasn't it you, who told Elsa Kerman, that you are going to be the fastest Kerbal ever?" "Yeah... She's a sweet girl... and so are her cakes." "You want her to bake a cake for you, aren't you?" Kenneth smiled while thinking of Elsa's cake. "Mmmmhhhmmm CAKE!" he daydreamed. "Kenneth.... When we come back, there will be a huuuge cake... and snacks! We girls talk to each other, you know!?" "It's better gonna be a monster of a cake - like those warp engines..." he smiled while he closed his space suit. Both headed to the new warp capable vessel Sojobo Mk3. Valentina was already in the cockpit doing her pre-flight checks. "Alright... Ready to make history?" she asked, while flipping switches. "You were having snacks with Jeb, last night, right?" Val asked. Victoria flushed green. "Not a secret. Everone in the KSC knows." Val continued. "But please make sure, your thoughts are directed to the warp core diagnostics and not to any Kwix chocolate bars you had with Jeb. I don't want this thing to fly apart. I will take us to space - you take us to Eeloo!" She sounded a like a strange mix of a professional and an deeply hurt Kerbal. "Tower, comin' .... Tower...?" "Copy". "Sojobo Mk3 ready to taxing. Mission "Breakthrough 4/5 - 1" ready to go..." "Taxing to runway confirmed. Runway clear." Victoria muted the comlink to the tower. "Val... let's take on our snack dispute at a later point. From this moment on, let's keep it professional". "What ya say, Vica... what ya say..... Alllllllright. Let's give this ride a launch... I kinda dislike those new nuclear drives. They tend do get very hot." Val answered while reaching the runway and aligning for take off. More switches were flipped. "Just like the simulation..." Val mumbled to herself. "Tower.... BT 4/5-1 configured for launch. All systems clear." "BT 4/5-1 got your telemetry. All systems go., runway clear. All activities in the near vicinity have been suspended. We are handing you over to mission control." "Hello... This is Zephram.... You are gonna make history. We all trust in you. You will boldly go, where no Kerbal has gone before. You are going to break the 4c threshold... Best of luck! The pile of the snacks will be waiting for you. And for now, I am honoured to say: "BT 4/5-1 clearance to launch! Vica muted the coms again... "Zephram himself, eh? Let's hope, that this is a good omen." Val nodded, while Kenneth rose his eyebrows. "Let's go...."Val pushed the thrust lever with a determination, that barely finds a match. The atomic engines ramped up their thust with a screaming noise due the huge amounts of super heated gases pushed out of the exhausts. Right in that moment the sun rose slightly above the horizon.... a historic moment... --------------------- Now to the technical point of view.... 2 Warp-SSTOs. May I introduce: The Tengu Mk III Something I worked on quite a while to balance it right [so that I does not become unflyable unstable when completely empty]. It reaches 3,43c (interplanetary, full of fuel) with a 5* engineer on board. It uses the KARE-Mod by @JadeOfMaar to get to orbit and be propelled in space traditionally. And yes, the fins at the ends of the warp coils are unfortunately necessary to keep it stable when completely dry. And here The Sojobo Mk III (the god of the tengu) - It is the next evolution step of the Tengu Class SSTOs: Two badboys of aux-generators drive this vessel to (for an SSTO) insane 4,55c (interplanetary, full of fuel) with a 5* engineer on board. The cockpit is from the Prakasa mod.... Some radiator intercoolers from the Heatcontrol mod by @Nertea. And of cause the wings from procedural wings mod by @linuxgurugamer. Some linear dockingport under the belly is from on of nerteas mods. I guess it was NF Construction and some RTGs by NF Electrical... Craft files here: If somebody wants them. https://www.filemail.com/d/ljnkbkuoweafpie (available for 7 days from now on...) Flight instructions in the ingame vessel description - unfortunately in german... but you manage it, if you really want... Have fun... Both are meant to be proof of concept vessel made by Zephram Kochrane as part of his Warp 5 program. They are only made for interplanetary travel. Please do not leave your homesystem with them, unless you have docked some additional gravi and LqDeut-Tanks under the belly after reaching space. Both are the research results of my first warp flight, the rocket launched Relativity I mission, which reached roughly 3c but was not reuseable. May i deliver a nice soundtrack for their launches ?! Here you are: Have fun !!!
  9. I am not talking about anything to do with airworthiness. I 100% get that C-suite members are not part of the maintenance department. I am talking about public perception. I'm sure all of us who work in aviation have heard the sentiment of" I'm not flying on that "dangerous" turboprop, I'd rather fly on something with "reliable" engines!" My point is the Executive knows that the general public do not have the time or interest to actually get into the details of the malfunction beyond some news bytes, so to those people she is saying "This is NOT a design flaw, this is an installation error. I know you will not take me at face value since I have a conflict of interest in the public thinking this aircraft is safe, so I am personally sitting in the seat." Actions speak louder than words, especially when the "words" usually end with "The described maintenance has been performed in accordance with the applicable airworthiness requirements." What does that even mean to a layperson? They are definitely not looking up the FARs referenced. Its the same way when law firms talk to the press, they speak in English, not legalese. They are trying to communicate a point to a group of people who do not speak the language of the trade.
  10. The thing that gets me is the talk from the Devs about the different biomes of each world. That's a really cool idea. I'm assuming some planning and development went into creating those regions. It would be cool if exploring them felt meaningful. As is, the only challenge seems to be landing. Some quick (too quick) button pushes later and the only thing you have is SP. There is no gameplay component or information stored that tells the player anything interesting. Nothing persistent. The regions are just landing areas containing SP. Maybe - just maybe - that changes with the implementation / release of Colonies & Resource Management? The information is sparse. I'd really like a Roadmap / development direction update - but given everything I don't blame them for keeping stuff close to the breast.
  11. Before Constellation, during the Shuttle era, there was talk about cislunar architectures using Shuttle, and later using Shuttle-derived vehicles like Shuttle-C. One was the Early Lunar Access concept: That (ELA) was a pathfinder for the later First Lunar Outpost: Projects like this, but with a modern take could certainly work, but the dev time would be substantial.
  12. Calling 911 to talk about aggregate storage. (Operator: "Unless you need someone dug out of a gravel pile in a hurry, we're not interested.")
  13. Watch your language. Y’all are gonna summon up the R demon with that kinda talk, you mark me.
  14. RIP Ingenuity. It's not actually dead, just crippled by a broken wing From NASA Ingenuity helicopter mission on Mars ends after three years | CNN Hmm, was that divot carved out by a hard landing (or the blade itself?), or was it pre-existing? And what is that blue speck in the middle of the divot? E: It's so easy to imagine the comm dropping out as the equivalent of "Can't talk, trying to land in one piece!"
  15. Think exporting fuel off the moon will require something more like an industrial town than an base. More so if this was set over 50 years ago so little automation. I and other talk about learning to build an base on the moon helping building it on mars. Also water at the pole was not really an thing back then. Oxygen and aluminum yes but its not very practical for an mars ship
  16. I like the button indicator that there is science in this region to collect. The button bothers me because its broken.. It always flashes science that nets 0 return because its not account based but kerbal based. Likewise if you had transmitted all the data but then moved your kerbal to a rescue video.. all that data is still there but has to be fully resent again. I think its just a quick work in progress. I think it would aid exploration, if all the science zones etc were listed or ? if bioms are not found, so it shows that there are more things to find on moons. Just some feedback. Also and this gets super annoying.. Observation probe in high and low orbit... STOPS but does not RESUME when running science.. so if you moved from highlands to lowlands it pauses, moving back to highlands does not unpause. Also I found running out of EC destroys the experiment. Its 6 minutes long too. Talk about a painful science experiment to get it to actually work. Oh and I've had the light indicator not glow when there is science available.. at least I can spam the button to resume science (or go to the parts menu and spam it) but if you hover on the button it shows the biom, so when it changes.. can easily just press it to return to scanning.
  17. You can talk trivial if you want, but me with over a decade of experience in KSP, only managed to safely land on Tylo twice, once per game. And never took off of it. Probably could've done it if I sent the isru in 1, but here, I'm stuck until resources come.
  18. There are a few things like this that need tightening up. I also just put 4 wheels on a rocket to complete that mission. Also the Laythe plane mission works if you turn on a rapier anywhere in the SOI of Laythe, even though the mission complete text goes onto talk about the atmosphere and how the plane flew. My plane was an engine on the side of a rocket nd it didn't get anywhere near an atmosphere.
  19. I have been strongly considering some flavor of integration with EVE. However, I might implement it such that the effects lead gameplay, rather than the other way around. (that is to say, EVE could supply wind data based on the effects). Also, I don't want EVE to be the only mod that can interact with this thing. However, this is all stuff for the future. I will talk to blaccracc when the time comes. I've been working on this steaming pile of code for a while now (I actually started a few weeks before I posted this thread. This is an idea that has been living rent-free in my brain for some time now). I should be coming out with an alpha release Soon™. :3
  20. Greetings, forum-goers! I’m Ness, the Art Director here at Intercept, and I’m interrupting your regularly scheduled UpNate to bring you a special broadcast. Let’s talk about KSP2’s User Interface, the most meta of all game art disciplines! UI must surface moment-to-moment information and actions to players in either text or clever visual shorthand. When making a simulation game like KSP, an even greater burden of information is placed on the UI, since we need to supply players with a mountain of information and choices without overwhelming either the player or their screen’s real estate. It’s a fascinating and sometimes frustrating balance to strike and I am consistently impressed by our UI/UX team’s ability to analyze abstract, un-implemented features and translate them into visuals. Jordan and Colton from our UI/UX team at Intercept work tirelessly to make rocket science digestible and slick-looking! Before we dive into future plans for KSP2’s UI, I’d like to first take a quick look at KSP1’s. Its UI went through several distinct stages over the course of KSP1’s history, the most radical changes happening early in development. One thing that I love about videogame UI is that on top of all the information it must convey, it’s visual styling can suggest subtle narrative and worldbuilding—something that KSP1 has absolutely utilized and that we will continue to evolve in KSP2. Some very early unreleased examples of KSP1 0.2’s UI can be found on HarvesteR’s dev blog. We can see a mix of fonts, both handwritten and geometric sans serif, as well as a barebones parts catalogue. The mix of fonts here is the most interesting detail to me; the handwritten altitude and speed readouts suggests a theme of "DIY" that applied to both the Kerbals in the game and the developers making the game. A later iteration of the UI around KSP1 0.3 introduces the familiar grey that stuck around for the rest of development, as well as a precariously-stacked flight heads up display. This cobbled-together “junkyard” readout was an evolution of the Kerbal narrative of a DIY space program using salvaged parts. By the time KSP1 0.7.3’s public release rolled around, the staging stack had moved to the left side of the screen, we had a flight cluster, and Kerbal live-feed portraits all carefully spaced around the edges and wrapped in that grey pseudo-metal that we saw back in 0.3. Gone was the junkyard aesthetic, and the skeuomorphic gauges were carefully lined up. Ty to @Whirligig Girl for the image above And finally, a shot of KSP1’s UI as of 1.0 We’re all familiar with the symbiotic effect that mods had on KSP1, and I believe that by keeping the UI simple and grey, it allowed modders with limited artistic ability to easily match the look of the canonical UI and maintain a level of visual consistency which ultimately cuts down on cognitive load and increases immersion. This is absolutely something we on the art team are aware of in KSP2, and when it comes time to roll out additional modding tools the UI team will also share our internal style guide for modders interested in mimicking KSP2’s UI. Now onto what I think most of you all are here for; what’s in store for the future of KSP2’s UI now that For Science! is out the door. In the weeks since release, we’ve enjoyed following along as new and returning KSP2 players have checked out the missions, discovered points of interest, and put all of our flight systems through their paces. As thrilling and satisfying as it’s been to see all of the impressive feats you’ve achieved since the For Science! update, we’re also been watching and documenting your reactions to the user experience and the user interface in particular. We’re excited to see that many elements of our UI have facilitated a smoother first-time user experience, but with your help we’ve also identified several areas of confusion that we are actively tracking. These improvements include: Fonts can be hard to read for a variety of reasons (size, scaling, color, contrast, etc.) The maneuver gizmo can be difficult to interact with, and precision maneuvers are especially difficult Trajectory tag markers can be difficult to differentiate or identify Trajectory tag stems can get tangled with one another in ways that cause significant visual confusion SOI transit "bullseye" indicators are too bright, too big, and too prominent relative to other map elements (this is a personal bugbear of mine) Rearranging the staging stack order when selecting the bottom-most stage is difficult The Part Manager presents several usability issues including but not limited to; observing many parts at once, using the Resource Manager as a separate app to specifically track fuel on a per-part basis feels awkward, associating a viewed part in the manager with the actual part on the ship We are not adequately communicating that "Revert to VAB" causes a loss of recent progress, and there are situations when reversion should not be accessible at all It is not obviously clear, especially to new players, when a vehicle is recoverable The audio-only countdown on launch presents both accessibility and legibility problems When in any time warp state other than 1x, the UI does not adequately communicate the state change. The tendency to interpret an under-warp failed control input as a bug has caught out quite a few members of our own team, and is likely responsible for quite a few bug reports Visual styling for some UI elements is not completely unified It would be very handy to be able to see mission requirements in the VAB while constructing a vehicle KSP2’s Early Access is delivering exactly the kind of active feedback loop we were hoping to see, and we’ve now got a nice collection of feedback items to help guide our work priorities. We’re excited to continue improving on the UI. In the meantime, we’ve been working away on a few UI improvements of our own! In the upcoming v0.2.1.0 update you’ll not only see us begin to work through the 2024 bug list, but you’ll also see the following changes: We’ve adjusted the iconography and visuals of intersect nodes to make them easier to interpret (and hopefully easier to learn). We’ve also adjusted the colors of the planned trajectory line to further differentiate from your current trajectory, and shifted the colors on intercept nodes to make it more clear what relation your craft has to celestial bodies. Time and space are weird, but through these and future trajectory improvements we’re working on, we hope to make parsing orbital mechanics more approachable! Aaaaaalso as a sneak peek for something that’s coming beyond the v0.2.1.0 update, Jordan has been diligently combing through and adjusting KSP2’s UI in a giant unification pass in order to align some of our disparate visuals. The shot below represents the first wave of style unification on the highest traffic areas of the game: I’m looking forward to sharing more UI improvements with you all in the future! --- Finally, we’ve got an exciting announcement! We’re working on a new promotional video for KSP2, and we want YOU to share your favorite creations with us. It doesn’t matter if it’s a rocket, a plane, a rover, a boat, a giant mechanical turkey, or whatever your heart desires—if you love it and you’re proud of it we want to see it! If we end up using your submission in the video, you’ll be credited and have eternal bragging rights If you’d like to submit, send an image of your creation along with a craft file (.json) to [email protected]. Please also include your preferred name so we can credit you! (can be real name or username). A bit of fine print here: by submitting your creation, you’re agreeing to let us use the craft file in any and all future marketing materials. Thanks! We’ll release more details as the trailer project moves forward. We’re excited to take your vehicles out for a spin! Ness
  21. The way I see it, it would be non blocking (meaning you could do the same things you can currently do, it wouldn't magically prevent you from landing anywhere for exemple), it's just that instead of getting most of the advance knowledge from the wiki (some of the knowledge I talk about isn't currently visible in the game, though that could change), you would get the option to learn it through the game with science experiments, and it would need to be balance in a way as to not prevent players (especially new comers) from experimenting things by the "trial and error" method while allowing advanced players to better "plan ahead" and optimize their missions even more. That being said, I wouldn't mind at all this being a difficulty option. It would have the additional benefit of allowing the player to optout of discovering everything again in an ulterior playthrough. And even if you don't activate the option in your first playthrough, chances are you won't visit, check and remember data for every system and every planets or moons so you would still have knowledge to "discover" in a new playthrough should you decide to activate it then.
  22. THIS POST WAS MADE BY THE CALORIES SPACE EXPLORATION INITIATIVE (Thanks to @Kerbalsaurus for helping me with designing the flag ) We at CalSpace are proud to unveil a new vessel, the CS-38 Talon! Note: the photos taken were of an older variant, with less tweaks and lower landing gear. The version for "sale" has had these tweaks made and the landing gear arranged better for safer landing. The CS-38 Talon was previously a competitor against the Terror Bird for the UKA's supersonic airplane program. Now it serves an arguable more noble goal, to gather atmospheric science and train new Kerbonaut recruits. The CS-38 is supersonic and highly maneuverable, both of which are good skills for aspiring Kerbonauts to practice. It also features an advanced ejection system in case said trainee has to eject mid-flight. The CS-38, while small, can carry different science packages. The variant showcased has a wing-mounted science kit, but other variants down the line will have various more packages. We're planning on a sounding rocket and a science glider! A Talon buzzes the Mission Control Center, showcasing its impressive maneuverability. On full afterburner, the CS-38 can reach just over Mach 1. Taken from another Talon flying in close formation, this picture gives a good view of the Type-2 Science Pod (we don't talk about the Type 1). As mentioned before, the Talon is equipped with an ejection system, using four small SRBs and two decouplers to take the cockpit away from danger. Also, the Science Pod is decouplable, in case emergency maneuvers are required. Dropping the science pod will shed a couple precious kilograms off of the airplane. The CS-38's patented EJECT (Emergency JEttison of Cockpit Trigger) system in action. (Artist's rendition) After the inital ejection is complete, a drogue chute is deployed, allowing the pilot to egress the cockpit at safer speeds before deploying their own personal parachute. (Artist's rendition) The CS-38 Talon will be the first of many aircraft from CalSpace, and we hope to collaborate with Beyond in the future! *** KerbalX link is here: KerbalX - CS-38 Talon + Science Pod Also, for practical use, I recommend Atmosphere Autopilot, as the CS-38 is a bit unstable. Without it, it'll be quite a beast to fly, not unlike the real-life T-38 Talon.
  23. Yeah I just think there is something wrong with having to put it off auto and set it to max dampning. Also It can be very difficult to tune it.. to the point were some times it feels like you break your leg off if its dampening. And I talk about landing with sub 10 m/s I just had a rocket bounce at 5 m/s. It just feels off to me. It would also be nice if it could bend a leg to keep its gravity center when on a slope x) Do you have any tips on how to adjust them? because I feel that when ever I make the springs strong the rocket flies off at the smallest touch of the ground. If i makes the springs weak and the dampers tough as nails.. it will fall/collapse under the legs if it does not land exactly level.
  24. No I take your point. There's this gray area where economics and financing blur into politics, where for instance SpaceX can leverage the promised revenue stream from government contracts into its private equity rounds, and politicians have influence over those kinds of decisions. We can only really talk about one side of that coin here.
  25. I mean, SpaceX is also a government contractor. The dragon program, HLS, numerous government funded satellite launches are also 'spending other people's money.' The difference here is economy of scale, iterative design, and vertical integration. I think we can leave the politics out of it. Its also important to not confuse initial manufacturing costs vs per-launch costs when we talk about reusable rockets. To date SpaceX has spent 3 billion dollars on Starship, so one could say the current per-launch cost is 1.5 billion. Of course the idea is that those initial development costs will be amortized over hundreds of launches, but lots of things could interrupt that: RUD on the pad, fundamental conceptual failures that make full reusability infeasible, lack of demand, or an unexpected disruptive competitor.
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