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  1. With all the talk about mk2 landers, would it be possible to use the robotic parts to incraese stability/footprint? I don't have the DLCs, but maybe it is possible for at least some extra landing legs and equipment to telescope or fold out from the fuselage
  2. I know that it is complicated which is why I don't care about long explanations why it is complicated. So here is a RL example: You ask a politician the question how they want to prevent climate change. And the person is not answering the question how they actually want to prevent it but only starts to talk about how difficult it is and that you also have to think about industry, etc. Everyone knows that. That was not the question. The question was what they want to do. If you ask that question a politician and he is unable to say what he/she wants to do then at least I start to think that this person has no plan at all yet. And that is basically what I meant. And why I think they are just now starting to think about how they will implement the roadmap.
  3. So, let's talk about this statement shall we? You purchase a game, a small indie unity game for 19.99$ Steam, will take 30-33% of that which is roughly 6.66$ Epic waves the fee on the store and will take roughly 9%, which is just a bit under that 1.99$ If you have a publisher, they're taking anywhere from 20% to 50% (especially if you have a horrible contract) Then, Unity is charging you 0.20$ per Install.. What's the actual developer left with?
  4. Congratulations on your discovery! Looks really cool. So a 324 ton "asteroid" hidden somewhere in the Kerbol system? Talk about a needle in the haystack
  5. Here: Life support confirmed not a thing. From what it looks like right now, we all know as much about multiplayer as the devs let on: "it'll be this or that but we can't talk". The fact they don't even have a proper blueprint they can share yet, compared to (for example) how much they talk about colonies and science, is pretty much all you need to know. Multiplayer at the moment is probably not more than a talking point in meetings with shareholders or T2. We're talking rockets. We're only making rockets as a stack of parts because that's literally how the game lets us do it. Punishing the player with unrealistic mechanics because of a building method they have no agency over is not correct. Neither does wobble correctly abstract real-life structural issues with rockets. Also, the stack of books and alphabets blocks are not supposed to compose a single structure, or joined by a joint system. What I said is the release didn't even have a hint of being QA'd, so anyone would have a problem believing their statement was real. Ah yes, we both take it into consideration in our day to day interstellar trips. Considering there'll be no FTL, their interstellar scale is exceedingly small, meaning realistic stellar motion is irrelevant, intangible. Of course, they could probably make stars move laughingly fast, as that's the only possibility to justify bothering with stellar motion: Everything being extremely small, and extremely close. Procedural radiators and solar panels are a good start, procedural wings was quite a leap in the right direction. All I ask is they give the same treatment to tanks, to solve both wobble and most shape limitations. Yes, and from what they've talked about, I speculate they're just being roundabout about copying KSP1's career, minus funds. However, you are the first person I see that isn't expecting career to evolve in KSP2. I'm only going off about what Nate answered here. When asked about colonies, he mentioned a new VAB-like building with an interface to build stuff off of, that answer leaves off a lot of important bits, which is where my questioning comes in.
  6. Trade Routes: Apart from in-situ construction, one of the other answers removes all uses for this feature and colonies. Since there's no life support, there's no need for colonies other than a small local launchpad. I'm guessing (from yet another answer) that you'll need to ship X material to Y colony to be able to fabricate Z part. Absolutely, mind-numbingly boring. It's an unappealing logistics layer that completely misses all points of real space colonization, and almost all challenges of it as well (heavily dependent on how shipping logistics end up being handled). Do I need to just plop some parts down and establish a magic route, or will I be challenged to design my own logistics ships on further implementations? Multiplayer: Schrodinger's feature. One answer says it is not synchronized, another says it can be both, and a lot of speculation which is not really far from what I've been reading on these forums for years. Also, they can't talk about it. Yeah, you can't talk about things that don't exist. Wobbly Rockets: Hot garbage take. Wobble is not realistic, not fun, and is only a feature of Unity's incredibly crap default joint system made for prototypes and indies. Playing the game as dev / QA: Nobody would believe that. The results of that are visible. Moving solar systems: Dumb. Even on chemical-rocket scale interstellar travel (centuries to millennia from one star to another), systems would move so little, even the ones furthest away from the center, that modelling such a thing as a half-way is a waste of resources. Either do it right or don't, the middle ground doesn't work either way. Procedural parts: If you really want to leave wobbliness to rocket stacks, then you know you yourself are forcing players into wobbly rockets by limiting their part choices. Make everything procedural so we can avoid wobble. Science/Career: "There will be a system that rewards you for doing missions", "Gather science points, redeem them for parts". So, the only real change is tuning the planetary modifier for KSC? The rest is just a KSP1 ripoff? god. Colony building: So, I have this space rocket game, but buildings are built magically off an interface and not shipping + docking? BRUH. IVAs: The fact you're not culling high res meshes from outside to not waste performance is pretty yikes. Also, those models are unoptimized, as much excuses as you want to throw at people. Robotics/Propellers/Rotors/Hinges Post 1.0: I thought one of the goals of KSP2 was to start off with a better foundation and a more complete game. This answer only tells me that KSP1 will be a much better product for about a decade. Thanks to the community for wasting like half the questions on irrelevant stuff.
  7. So the next KERB will come out at friday 15.09.2023? I really had to read the whole thread and all the linked discord images. What I got was: KERB is a friday thing Comes out every 2 weeks unless there is a release in the week the KERB would happen, then 2 weeks after the release Last KERB was 8/11 and now next date is 9/15 Did I get this right? And about the hint about 0.1.5 features: Is there any indication what these features are? Because usually you do not tease stuff you are not sure if you can actually deliver it. You only talk about things which you are 100% sure will come. At least that is what we do where I work. So what are the features which will be included in 0.1.5?
  8. Anyway, staying on topic: Hearing 2nd hand from people who went to the talk, I hear that the talk consisted of KSP1 PQS and more expensive textures and shaders. Nothing really that you'd call 'PQS+'. (Yet again, Nate was overselling/overhyping) And apparently at least the group that went to GDC doesn't seem to be talking about giving up PQS, just a brief reference to something that might be CBT. And of course they didn't fess up to how god-awful the performance is. So overall maybe the mostly-artists that gave the panel don't know what Mortoc is working on, or CBT is considered to be a long shot they're not banking on.
  9. https://news.sky.com/story/libya-flooding-more-than-5-300-feared-dead-after-dams-burst-12959679 I've seen some weather enthusiasts talk about an unprecedented 400, maybe even 600 mm of precipitation in the desert areas around here - that's almost two or even ten years' worth of total precipitation in the area all at once. More than 400mm of precipitation (in 6 hours) is enough for the coastal city with subtropical monsoon climate where I live to pump three to four days of water out of the metro stations and underground parking lots. It is hard to imagine how this happened in desert cities. Whatever you think about climate change, there's really something happening in every corner of this planet.
  10. I've seen a number of references to Starfield, and I am one of those people waiting for it to release. I'll be posting a poll with this, feel free to respond and talk about it. It's a Bethesda game, their first new universe in 25 years Steam page is here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1716740/Starfield/ I'm really excited about it, I've played Fallout 4, but looking forward to the new worlds to be found and explored https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield If you have any additional questions or options to the existing question(s), post below and I'll add them
  11. Is it me or does this update feel "Incomplete".There are parts that got an overhaul but other parts that are meant to go with that didnt get the overhaul and now crafts seem like a mess. Heres what i mean: The MK 1 chute looks completly out of place with the pod. Aswell the hammer and flea engine.... (Sarcasam alert) Oh squad i absolutly love how you took 2 unique engine models and made a new one for the hammer and said Lets cut the hammer in half!...Yeah that`s the flee engine we whanted!.....Really squad?The flee engine is literaly the hammer cut in half!. Really this update is really boring and a bit pointless.No one asked for a part revamp.The closet thing in saw that some asked for a part revamp was I that asked for a revamp on the kerbals suit(Which I like how they turned out).But people have been asking for ages for multiplayer....Better graphics....Updates on the console version......new stuff to explore.....more planets.....new game mechanics....you named it.
  12. Oh no, I'm totally in the wrong for not knowing, I get that, however think for a second why didn't I know: I'm not on the discord, and even then, it seems the discord is also not the place to get the complete news about the game, and that's even if you do spend the time going back and forth tracking every message by the about 5 different people that talk officially about the game's progress, updates, and such. Plus, it's hard to think about joining the discord when considering the stuff that's allowed in there, which you know about.
  13. My guy, you're telling me that whilst posting lost bits from the discord that unless you scroll the dev tracker every single day, you're 90% sure gonna miss. We have threads about small posts on twitter, we have threads about reddit posts/announcements, we have threads about literal discord screencaps, we have the K.E.R.B., we have Patch Notes, we have AMAs. It sure does sound like a lot, yet here we are, trying to go piece by piece to see what the heck they're doing with bugfixes because they can't bother to make complete patchnotes, or keep the K.E.R.B. updated, or talk in any sort of official manner because they canned the upnates, and they refuse to answer anything useful about the game in AMAs. I'm seeing incompetence first, with a smell of "maybe they're doing it on purpose" second.
  14. While Jeb and DONN try to detain MJ-0, suddenly, MJ-0 transfers his robotic soul (I guess his code?) into the nearby Ranger-1! He takes control of the autopilot, and attempts to depressurize the cabin, but Val, Bill, and Bob bail out. GALE notices all the trouble and flies down in Ranger-2 to pick up the five crew members. They rush into orbit and find MJ-0 trying to dock to the Delta-19. However, DONN had taken precautions when he and Jeb left the Ranger and disabled the auto-dock sequence. MJ-0 attempted to dock manually. "MJ-0, do not attempt docking," Val radioed to MJ-0. "Do not attempt-" "Valentina?" MJ-0 said. "I don't know what Jebediah told you, but I am taking command of Delta-19, and then we'll talk about the fate of you and your friends. This is not about my life or Jebediah's life. This is about all MechJeb-kind! There is a moment-" Silence. An explosion, silenced by the vacuum of space. Ranger-1 had rammed into the Portside docking port and caused a depressurization. The Ranger crashed into a solar array and into the centrifuge habitat, which immediately depressurized. MJ-0 was now, for sure, dead. The atmosphere blasting out of the centrifuge forced the Delta-19 into a spin on its X-axis. It was also powerful enough to knock it out of its orbit. As Jeb observed the spinning Delta-19, blowing debris all over the place, epic organ/piano music starts playing. Jeb knows what to do.
  15. hey buddy long time no talk, i updated the game to 1.4.5 , but it says im in need a of update of filter extenchion , commuity tech tree ,,, and fuel switch needs to go to v 1.4.4?????

    1. FreeThinker


      just ignore these messages

    2. mrgreco


      ok thax, also to the ramjets, the ones that go stright on the reactor, imgetting no thrust on take off , did you change them??


  16. Probes require commnet infrastructure, turning one launch into potentially a hundred. Even with a level 3 tracking station, you'd require the biggest antenna to talk back to the DSN, and even then you'd need other comm relays in the way to keep control all the time. The command pods being all less than 10 tons mean they're negligible as payloads and you always have control no matter what.
  17. We talk about this one: This is ksp1, ISRU, everything is dim, different kerbal model, different solar flare... To come back to the post, a lot of creative use of the procedural wings. I don't know if the devs thought players would have used them like that lmao.
  18. When I walk home from work, I sometimes look up at the clouds and imagine the re-entry streaks of players coming home from their travels. At night I see the faint glows of interstellar ships burning to leave the solar system. I look off into the distance and in the radiant heat on the horizon I see the contrails of science planes doing research. The park pathways mark the busy routes of my transport rovers. I look at interesting buildings and ask myself: "is this what my colony will look like?". When it rains, I imagine what color the weather is around tall mountain peaks on some distant planet. I talk to AI about space-ship designs, I dream about the future and.. I know that some day I will explore the stars with all of you. Keep the dream alive, keep KSP2 in your hearts!
  19. So much talk about colonies and interstellar travel. I don't want any of these if the game is in a state like this. Devs are constantly hyping what should we expect... Multiplayer Colonies Interstellar travel I think they should first assure people that state of the game is going to get better, because if until now orbits are unstable, it is impossible to build more crafts. For now, it's a single mission game (if you overcome the bugs). Somehow it frightens me how it will work all together with al the features they promised. The base game is not working well at all.
  20. And exactly how did you arrive at that conclusion? Go check out what some of the things people who got inspired by this game have went on to do. Kinda like when I was 7 years old, my Mom won a hot air balloon ride. Now you might call it "just a balloon ride" but that day, I knew that I wanted to be in the sky...like as a career. And it has influenced many of my big decisions since. If you've got an entire village getting on someone's case because their balloon didn't break the sound barrier, I can't say anything besides the fact it's just a balloon. Not on vacation they aren't. Developers deserve vacations. It's hard to talk about a game you like or have hope for if any discussion is going to invite pessimism. Implement submillimeter precision for interstellar distances, run several systems of colonies in the background... simple, right? Here's something that's simple: drop any pre-2020 expectations because the old technical manager was out of their depth with these promises KSP 2 is still trying to reach.
  21. You do relaize that when i talk about the UI i talk about the general looks and style and not about little details and bugs/problems it had? If to you it seems as if i wanted to say that KSP1s UI was perfect - i never meant to say that. I dont have to have expericence in design to know if a UI is more or less ergonomic for me to use. Compressing everything in a small area isnt good design. The view is actually blocked a lot since lots of pointless things are constantly visible or way to big or have grey boxes that block additional view for no reason. I never had a problem with the SAS buttons - they were perfeclty fine - the new ones are way too big. Also those are things most people would probably control via hotkeys at some point if possible. Why should time use up so much time and why move it where you just argued is the most important space of the screen? In genearl shouldnt most of those functions be something done via hotkeys anyways? No i dont like it because having lots of information with lots of details in the same area actually leads to me taking longer to find that information. Im also pretty sure that the new Interface actually takes up more % of the screen than the old one.
  22. Talk about completely cool and Kerbal at the same time...



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Just Jim

      Just Jim

      You know I had to... lmao...


    3. adsii1970


      Wow... That was great! You need to figure out a way to use it in Emiko! :)

    4. Just Jim

      Just Jim

      I might... for now I have to show this one off in the "What did you do thread today..."

      It's too funny not to share with everyone... and I'm honestly surprised it didn't blow up into a thousand pieces... roflmao...

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