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  1. If that's the case, why would they pre-emptively disappoint everybody by talking about it? Better to shut up, release it, and let the chips fall where they may. And if it's not the case, why try to describe it to a public that's not receptive to anything they say? Once again, better to shut up, release it, and give everybody a pleasant surprise. I think it's pretty obvious — the mood right now is such that anything they say will be used against them. Game systems are especially tricky because really often something that sounds fun on paper, isn't, and conversely, changes that sound bad on paper actually improve the experience (or have other benefits). Look what happened with the dev update on heating — a bunch of people immediately started screaming about dumbed-down streamlined systems that totally ruin the experience, without ever having actually experienced how it works in practice and in which situations it even makes a noticeable difference. (My suspicion is, "almost none." As in, if you did a re-entry with the old thermals and the new thermals and asked the player to guess which is which, most players wouldn't be able to tell. While on the upside it makes it much easier to compute equilibriums and handle high time warp factors.) And if they say it's deep in production and close to QA, many of you will loudly say "LIES!" and hate them even more. Summa summarum, I think it's pointless of them to even try to talk to the fans right now. Get the game right first, release a solid roadmap update or two, however long it takes, then start communicating again. The fans are going to vent their outrage regardless of what they say.
  2. With all the talk about mk2 landers, would it be possible to use the robotic parts to incraese stability/footprint? I don't have the DLCs, but maybe it is possible for at least some extra landing legs and equipment to telescope or fold out from the fuselage
  3. I know that it is complicated which is why I don't care about long explanations why it is complicated. So here is a RL example: You ask a politician the question how they want to prevent climate change. And the person is not answering the question how they actually want to prevent it but only starts to talk about how difficult it is and that you also have to think about industry, etc. Everyone knows that. That was not the question. The question was what they want to do. If you ask that question a politician and he is unable to say what he/she wants to do then at least I start to think that this person has no plan at all yet. And that is basically what I meant. And why I think they are just now starting to think about how they will implement the roadmap.
  4. Next chapter is up... Family Tree Enely frowned at the silverlace in confusion. Then his jaw dropped. Sweet Kerm above… Oh I’m sorry, Jonelle, not you. The sudden flare of pain in his lip and the salty taste of blood in his mouth barely registered. Butterfies, he murmured under his breath. Jonelle, does Elton - the big Kerm -ever say anything else? <no. Nothing else. Just the stupid picture, then I scare it away.> Jonelle paused <what are butterfies?> Butterflies, said Enely. They’re the little creatures on Elton’s branches there but I’m not quite sure what he’s trying to say. He’s showing you a picture of Joenie’s birthday present from Jonton, he said, half to himself, does he want to talk to Joenie? The mindscape flickered as Enely shook his head, tugging at the leaf hairs embedded in his scalp. That can’t be right - he’d just ask Patbro to send a message next time they Communed. Maybe he’s trying to send you a birthday present, Jonelle - but why choose one that only me or Joenie would recognise? <what is a birthday present?> Hmmm? Oh - kerbals like to celebrate the day their kerblets - their small kerbals - were born by making them toys or giving them other nice things. It was a few years ago now but Jonton… arranged the butterfly tree as a pretty surprise for Joenie. <Joenie is Jonton’s kerblet?> Startled, Enely turned to face Jonelle’s presence. Yes of course - did nobody tell you that Jonton’s her father? He sensed the Kerm’s confusion. Do you remember what I told you about mummys? <yes. They look after the kerblets> That’s right. Well another word for mummy is mother. And along with their mother, most kerblets have a father too. <why?> Well it takes two kerbals to… Enely coughed. Never mind - they just do. But just like mothers, fathers look after their kerblets too and give them birthday presents. A blast of cinnamon assaulted his nostrils. <if the big Kerm is trying to send me a birthday present…is it trying to be my father?> Images flickered past: Gerselle holding a mottled yellow and brown gourd; a group of kerbals wearing robes and backpacks, standing on a rocky slope; a pair of hands scooping a shallow pit in a patch of gritty soil and placing the gourd in it; Gerselle tamping soil over the gourd before sprinkling water over it. I hadn’t thought about it like that before, Enely said slowly, but you grew from his seed pod so yes…yes I suppose in a way he is your father. The mindscape heaved, blowing Enely’s image of Elton into a thousand glittering fragments. <NO> NONONO> <not right! Not my father! Big Kerm fight me - I fight back! > Jonelle! It’s alright - it’s alright! How did Elt… the big Kerm fight you? Did he hurt you? The mindscape turned pitch black, incomprehensible streaks and whorls of multicoloured light firing back at him, drowned in a torrent of fear and raw anger. Sparks ripped by him, swarming against an relentless intruder more sensed than seen. Buffeted and bruised, Enely clung on to his vantage point, Jonelle’s presence expanding all around him. Another wave of sparks rippled past fanning out into twisting streams that coiled around hundreds of invisible somethings in a cobweb of brilliant motes. And at last, he saw. Jonelle - stop! All the sparks are yours - the big Kerm isn’t fighting back! Whatever he’s showing you the picture is for, that’s all he wants to do. <big Kerm in my soil. Doesn’t need sparks to make a fight!> Enely’s mind raced. Let me help you! I’ll talk to Elton and tell him you’ve seen the picture, that he can stop invading your soil. He cast about for anything to calm the enraged Kerm. I’ll talk to Jonton too and ask him if Joenie can talk to you! The mindscape froze. <I can talk to Joenie?> I don’t know. I need to talk to Jonton first but I promise I’ll ask him. If you let me go, I’ll go right now. The leaf hairs whipped free of his scalp. Enely collapsed against his pillows, a thin trickle of blood leaking from one corner of his mouth. —————— Jonton sat up in bed and eyed the large paper bag in Enely’s hand with keen anticipation His friend drew out a large bunch of sunfruit with a flourish and laid them on the bedside table. Jonton tore off a handful of berries and stuffed them into his mouth, a blissful smile lighting up his face. Grabbing a tissue he dabbed the juice from his chin and swallowed, before helping himself to another berry. “Ahhh. You would not believe how much I’ve been looking forward to some fruit - thanks, Enely. Hospital food isn’t as bad as it’s cracked up to be but it’s definitely been light on fresh produce lately.” Enely decided not to trouble him with details of Jonelle’s threatened blighting of the Grove crops. “Last of the season,” he said. “You were lucky I managed to save some.” He studied Jonton’s face, noting the puffy, still-darkened flesh around his eye and the line of scabbed-over puncture marks running from temple to nose. “You’re looking better than when I last saw you.” Jonton yawned. “Sorry. Yes - the punctures have been properly closed for a couple of days now but this finishing course of anti-venoms makes me awfully sleepy. I expect Dr. Altop will be here soon to chivvy me out of bed for an hour.” He popped another berry into his mouth and gestured at the window. “You couldn’t put these over there could you? Otherwise I’ll just lie here and munch the lot.” Enely arranged the remaining sunfruit in the fruit bowl on the windowsill before pulling up a chair beside Jonton’s bed and perching on the edge of it, hands knotted together in his lap. Jonton looked at him soberly “No news I take it? How’s Joenie doing?” Enely forced a smile onto his face. “Adbas is looking after her.” He saw Jonton’s raised eyebrows. “I caught the two of them in Gerselle’s room - the young lad assured me that he wouldn’t let Joenie talk to Jonelle. Not in so many words of course.” He raised a finger at Jonton’s rapidly darkening expression. “Meleny was keeping an eye on them too.” “Well that’s something.” Jonton muttered. “How about Jonelle. How’s she doing?” Enely stared at his hands. “Badly,” he said. “She’s missing Gerselle and still keeps wanting to Commune with Joenie instead. Patbro was a good distraction for a while but then he mentioned Elton and that was the end of that.” He looked up. “The garden’s in a sorry state and the village green is going the same way. Which isn’t encouraging the neighbours to visit.” Jonton saw the shadows behind his friend’s eyes. “Has anything happened?” he asked. “Joenie’s getting the worst of it,” said Enely. “None of them let their kerblets get anywhere near her. Pillars preserve Meleny - without her and Adbas around, I don’t know what we would have done.” He sighed. “The neighbours have made it quite clear that I’m about as welcome as speargrass in the malkaball field too but I’m old enough and ugly enough to handle it.” “That doesn’t make it any easier though,” said Jonton. “Pillars preserve you too for shouldering it all.” He rubbed his eyes. “For what it’s worth, they’re good people but they’ve been through a lot. Starting with a wrecked prickleberry harvest and…” The sudden tightening around the other’s jaw stopped him dead. “She hasn’t…” “No,” said Enely, “but she’s threatened to unless she gets to Commune with Joenie.” He forced himself to look Jonton in the eye. “They’d kill her wouldn’t they?” “And Gerselle with her.” Jonton held his head in his hands. “| don’t know - I just don’t know. Right now I think they’re still too frightened of the vines to do anything but if the crops start failing on top of everything else… What’s your expression about mallek backsides and cactus spines?” Enely didn’t reply. “There’s one more thing,” he said eventually. “Elton’s been trying to - talk to her I guess, or whatever the Kerm do instead. And I think he’s trying to send you a message too.” He told Jonton about the silverlace tree and his conversation with Jonelle. “Which didn’t go well. In fact its why I came to visit again so soon - I promised I’d ask you…” “To let Joenie Commune with her?” “Yes.” Enely hesitated. “I don’t think she’d hurt her, Jonton. Not deliberately. She wasn’t at all concerned about frightening everyone else but she was protective of Joenie.” He swallowed. “If she can’t be with Gerselle then I think she wants to be with Gerselle’s daughter instead.” Jonton’s expression turned stony then sagged in bitter resignation. “No choice,” he muttered to himself. “And the Pillars preserve me for it.” He looked at Enely. “Do it. But I want you there too to protect them both - and to persuade them to Commune with Elton.” He saw the skepticism in Enely’s eyes. “He wants to Commune with them - that much is clear, although I don’t know exactly why.” He gestured at the room around him in frustration. “I need to get out of here and talk to him.” The door opened and Dr Altop bustled in. He glanced at Enely. “Good - you can keep him company. Make sure he gets a proper hour of exercise.” Jonton noted the doctor’s rumpled white coat and lined face. “Actually,” he said. “I’m feeling well enough to go home, I think. I’m sure Enely would make sure I got there in one piece.” “Don’t be absurd.” Altop inspected Jonton’s scabs. “This is the first time all week that I haven’t needed to wake you up for your afternoon walk. He frowned. “And if you think I’m letting my test subject out of my sight when…” He sighed. “Never mind.” A chill ran down Jonton’s spine. “You’re treating more of them aren’t you? More Kerm-stung I mean.” “I am,” said Altop tersely. “And I need to get back to my other ward, so I think we’d better stick with our normal routine today if you don’t mind.” He saw the silent desperation in Jonton’s eyes and his expression softened. “Maybe for the weekend, if you’re still improving by the end of the week.” “But I need to Commune with…” Jonton’s voice tailed away. “Maybe he could help. If there’s any venom left in me, maybe he could treat it…” “Are you completely out of your mind?” snapped Altop. “Or have you just forgotten about your first examination?” “Elton would be different.” Jonton sat up, bedcovers falling away from him. “I could talk to him first, let him know what to expect - he wouldn’t panic like your Kerm! Please, doctor - I can explain everything.” Jonton launched into a hurried summary of his conversation with Enely. “So you see,” he concluded, “it’s for all their sakes, but especially…” His voice tailed away and he gave Altop a pleading look. The medic dropped onto the spare chair and fixed Jonton with a brittle stare. “You know,” he said conversationally. “If I was new to all this, I’d be taking you - very gently - along to the Blight trauma ward about now. I understand that our standard sedative causes very pleasant dreams. Fortunately - or unfortunately for me - I’m not new to it.” He rubbed his eyes. “And you do appear to be healing at last.” Jonton crossed his fingers under his bedcovers as Altop ran his fingers through his hair. “Oh Kerm take it all. Very well - I’ll arrange to have you discharged for care at home. On two conditions.” Altop held up a finger. “One - that you book yourself in for a weekly check-up until I’m convinced that you’re fully recovered.” A second finger joined the first. “And two - if Elton is able to treat you, that you promise to ask if he would be willing to help with our most desperate cases.” Jonton swallowed hard. “I will and I do,” he said. “I can’t promise that he’ll agree to help but I can promise to ask him.” —————— Head down, Enely walked across the much-recovered village green, oblivious to the scattering of kerbals watching him go. A splash of colour caught his eye as he approached the hut and he stopped to squat down by a lopsided square of newly planted star poppies, smiling at the sight of Joenie’s little wheelbarrow and her trowel stuck in the soil beside the flowers. He leaned over and tugged at a straggle of browning knotweed, nodding in satisfaction as it pulled free of the ground, a long, rank root emerging behind it. He tossed the dead weed into the wheelbarrow and continued on his way. Inside, he found Meleny watching over Joenie, Adbas on the floor by her feet working on a jigsaw puzzle. He jumped to his feet at the sound of the sleep room door opening. “Hi, Mr Enely!” “Hello, Adbas,” Enely looked at Meleny. “Any problems?” “None,” said Meleny. “No cinnamon, no drooping branches, thrashing branches, or anything. And Joenie seems quite happy too.” She sighed. “I think it’s doing them both good to have somebody to play with.” Enely thought back to the gardening tools by the star poppies. “Yes.” he said. “I know Joenie used to enjoy Communing with Jonton when he was an-Kerm, so I suppose Communing with Jonelle is even better - like talking to a friend rather than talking to her father.” A pensive expression crossed his face. “In some ways, Jonelle is very much like a kerblet.” “Complete with temper tantrums,” said Meleny with a shiver. Adbas looked up from his jigsaw. “I want to play with Jonelle too, Mummy.” “I know you do, sweetheart but we don’t want to scare her by letting too many people talk to her at once. Maybe when she gets a bit older.” Enely saw Adbas’s face turn sulky. “Your mum’s right, Adbas. I tell you what though - it’s almost time for lunch and after that I think it’s time for Joenie to play with her other friends instead.” He patted the kerblet on the shoulder before walking over to the spare bed and settling himself under the waiting leaf cluster. White light engulfed him and the sounds of giggling drifted past his ears. <hello, Enely> Enely! Do you want to play the creepy bug game too? Enely blinked. What game is that, Joenie? As if in response, the light swirled away and he found himself plummeting towards a lopsided square of rippling colours amidst a washed out pastel blur. There’s another one there! It was all Enely could do to fight off his sudden bout of motion sickness. The mindscape wobbled disconcertingly before swimming into focus, the washed out pastels flashing into a migrainous spike of colour before subsiding again. For a second he sensed Jonelle’s increased concentration. And another one! Get it, Jonelle! <I do not need to. These plants fight back> Enely watched rings of silvery speckles fanning out from a myriad of unseen points, criss-crossed by darker flecks. A diffuse swarm of blue sparks began to coalesce around the speckles, slowly but surely homing in on the flecks. He stared through them, deliberately letting his mind drift then, as before, he saw. Roots under attack by…something and exuding…something else to lure protectors to them. <you must find this fighting plant. More of it will help clean the soil near my roots> Clean up the mess that you made said a tiny voice in the back of Enely’s mind. He felt Joenie’s frown as she studied the projected image of her poppy patch. ‘kay. I’ll find it. Enely will help me, won’t you, Enely? Joenie’s mental voice brightened. I’ve been helping Jonelle find the bad bugs in my garden, so she can kill them with the good bugs! She sensed Enely’s bemusement. It’s fun - you’ll see! I’m sure it is, Joenie but it’s lunch time now - Adbas and Meleny are waiting for us. Enely paused. Has Elton tried to talk to you? The mindscape snapped back to a uniform white light. <no. Big Kerm hasn’t come back> I know, said Enely gently. Jonton asked him to stay away from your soil. The weight of Jonelle’s sudden puzzlement pressed against his mind. <Jonton tell big Kerm what to do?> Yes. He promised me that if you let Elton talk to you that he would be there to make him go away again if you started to get scared. <this is very strange. Big Kerm doing what kerbal says> There was a long silence. Enely felt Jonelle’s presence withdrawing before sidling back again. A sly thread of thought brushed against his mind. <I talk to big Kerm but only if Jonton and Enely and Joenie are there too> Of course. Enely kept his mental tone deliberately casual. Jonton will want to catch up with everyone anyway. But now - it really is time for us to eat. Could you let us both go please, Jonelle? ——————— <he comes> Jonelle’s mental voice was tense. Enely sensed the flicker of shared nervousness between the young Kerm and Joenie and imagined himself putting his arms around them both. The image of a kerbal with its arms wrapped around a Kerm trunk made Joenie giggle, and the tension eased slightly. <he comes> Enely steeled himself before projecting reassurance with all the conviction he could muster. It’s alright, Jonelle - he’s not here to fight. He just wants to talk. He felt the first faint flickers of another awareness at the fringes of Jonelle’s mindscape. The awareness expanded, acquiring definition and familiarity and then stopped. A second awareness came forward, as if out of a wall of mist. Joenie’s presence darted past him with a cry. Daddy! A flurry of images and emotions lit around them, quicksilver bright, whirling past too quickly to follow, before settling on an image of Jonton hugging his daughter. Enely caught snatches of laughter amidst the salty tang of tears. The misty wall at the edge of his vision seemed to absorb the outburst, its steadying presence maintaining a discreet distance. With a final squeeze, Jonton released Joenie and turned to face Jonelle with a respectful bow. Jonelle. Thank you for looking after Joenie for me. Jonelle was silent. Enely sensed her confusion and sudden shyness, followed by a sudden flicker of alarm as the wall of mist began to fade. All three kerbals instinctively reached out to her in reassurance. The last tatters of mist swirled away, revealing a vast, tranquil mindscape bordering Jonelle’s yet still separated by a thin black line. <I also thank you for looking after the daughter of my first of Keepers> A sapling sprouted from the black line, growing at an impossible rate. A gale of wholly alien emotions buffeted the emerging Kerm tree, its branches creaking and swaying under the onslaught and in the process, damping it. Then the branches shimmered under a sudden cloak of silver-winged butterflies and the gale abruptly blew itself out. <daddy?> Lightning flickered around the edges of the second mindscape accompanied by a fleeting wave of surprise. <I had not thought so in kerbal words but you speak truth…my daughter?> Elton seemed to gather himself <Yes, Jonelle, I am…daddy> Elton turned to the dumbfounded kerbals. One of the butterflies flew over and perched quivering on Joenie’s hand. <I would be happy to talk more, Joenie> The Kerm smiled. <but for now, I would ask you to leave us, my friends. My daughter and I - we have much to discuss> << Chapter 85 Chapter 87>>
  5. So, let's talk about this statement shall we? You purchase a game, a small indie unity game for 19.99$ Steam, will take 30-33% of that which is roughly 6.66$ Epic waves the fee on the store and will take roughly 9%, which is just a bit under that 1.99$ If you have a publisher, they're taking anywhere from 20% to 50% (especially if you have a horrible contract) Then, Unity is charging you 0.20$ per Install.. What's the actual developer left with?
  6. Congratulations on your discovery! Looks really cool. So a 324 ton "asteroid" hidden somewhere in the Kerbol system? Talk about a needle in the haystack
  7. So the next KERB will come out at friday 15.09.2023? I really had to read the whole thread and all the linked discord images. What I got was: KERB is a friday thing Comes out every 2 weeks unless there is a release in the week the KERB would happen, then 2 weeks after the release Last KERB was 8/11 and now next date is 9/15 Did I get this right? And about the hint about 0.1.5 features: Is there any indication what these features are? Because usually you do not tease stuff you are not sure if you can actually deliver it. You only talk about things which you are 100% sure will come. At least that is what we do where I work. So what are the features which will be included in 0.1.5?
  8. https://news.sky.com/story/libya-flooding-more-than-5-300-feared-dead-after-dams-burst-12959679 I've seen some weather enthusiasts talk about an unprecedented 400, maybe even 600 mm of precipitation in the desert areas around here - that's almost two or even ten years' worth of total precipitation in the area all at once. More than 400mm of precipitation (in 6 hours) is enough for the coastal city with subtropical monsoon climate where I live to pump three to four days of water out of the metro stations and underground parking lots. It is hard to imagine how this happened in desert cities. Whatever you think about climate change, there's really something happening in every corner of this planet.
  9. I'm having problem with communication, I have a HG-5 antenna on all of my satelite with only KSC as a ground station enabled. However my one satelite which is blocked by Kerbin and cannot talk to KSC is unable to talk to other satelites, why does this happen? http://imgur.com/j05BjlZ(screenshot)
  10. If you want to go the "to be fair" route, you'd acknowledge that almost every easter egg in the game is just a nod to humanity's own spacefaring endeavors and discoveries. I talk a lot more about this in the other thread that I reference, so I don't expect you to know my exact thoughts. The gist of it is that I fall in the "keep the aliens lore out of KSP" camp and give me more of what Pthigrivi and I talk about in this thread.
  11. I've seen a number of references to Starfield, and I am one of those people waiting for it to release. I'll be posting a poll with this, feel free to respond and talk about it. It's a Bethesda game, their first new universe in 25 years Steam page is here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1716740/Starfield/ I'm really excited about it, I've played Fallout 4, but looking forward to the new worlds to be found and explored https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield If you have any additional questions or options to the existing question(s), post below and I'll add them
  12. Hi all. I've released the UpgradesGUI plugin, whose function is to complete the part/module upgrades feature introduced in KSP 1.2. Currently it has two main features : Provide a better integration of upgrade in the VAB/SPH part tooltips by showing upgraded part/module stats, something that is really lacking in stock, and very confusing to players. Provide a GUI interface to allow the player to select which upgrades should be activated. I've done this by hacking the tooltips to make widgets clickable. This allow for a nice stock-integrated GUI. Of course I encourage mod authors to use upgrades in their parts and to recommend or even bundle my plugin. But maybe we could go further and overcome the current upgrade implementation limitations : Upgrades can't reliably & easily be used to enable/disable modules : Being able to set the enabled / isEnabled properties in modules instances would allow upgrades to effectively add/remove modules. This has been requested a few times (by @MysterySloth, @sebi.zzr, @Skalou). Combined with the upgrade selection feature in my plugin, this would provide in practice a "module switching" feature to KSP, something that no common switcher plugin (IFS, B9, Firespitter...) currently allow. I know that Kerbalism by @ShotgunNinja does it, maybe also SSTU by @Shadowmage. Therefore I propose a "ModuleEnabler" partmodule that would allow this in a simple way : MODULE { name = ModuleEnabler targetType = ModuleResourceConverter // module to control targetEnable = false // is this module enabled initialy showWidget = false // in the tooltip modules list, is the widget visible showInfoInUpgrade = true // in the tooltip upgrades list, do the upgrade widget show the whole module info (or just the name) // Optional fields used to be sure the right module is targeted if multiple modules of the same type exist in the part : targetIdField = ConverterName // targeted module field name targetIdValue = Lf+Ox // targeted module field value UPGRADES { UPGRADE { name__ = ISRU_Upgrade description__ = Add an ISRU targetEnable = true // enable the ISRU module showWidget = true // show the ISRU module in the part tooltip module list showInfoInUpgrade = false // only show "ModuleResourceConverter" in the part tooltip upgrade list (to unclutter it) } } } Upgrades can't be used to change/switch RESOURCE{} nodes This could be done in a special "ModuleUpgradeableResources" partmodule. Note that the stock behaviour with nested ConfigNodes is to delete all the nodes of the type used in the UPGRADE (here "RESOURCE" nodes) in the module, and replace them with those defined in the UPGRADE node. Combined with the selection GUI, this allow for resource switching. MODULE { name = ModuleUpgradeableResources // Resource added by the module when no upgrade is applied RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 1000 maxAmount = 1000 } UPGRADES { UPGRADE { name__ = Monoprop_tank ExclusiveWith__ = resource // mandatory so only one resource set is enabled at a time description__ = Add a monopropellant fuel tank // replace the resources added to the part by the module with these ones RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 1000 maxAmount = 1000 } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant amount = 40 maxAmount = 40 } } UPGRADE { name__ = Xenon_tank ExclusiveWith__ = resource // mandatory so only one resource set is enabled at a time description__ = Convert the whole part to a xenon tank // replace the resources added to the part by the module with these ones RESOURCE { name = xenonGaz amount = 40 maxAmount = 40 } } } } Also note that I'm planning to give a way for players to open the upgrades selection GUI (the whole part tooltip) for already placed parts in the editor. Still not 100 % sure I can manage this, so no promise. What do you guys think of all this ? Would those modules be useful for anybody ?
  13. Oh no, I'm totally in the wrong for not knowing, I get that, however think for a second why didn't I know: I'm not on the discord, and even then, it seems the discord is also not the place to get the complete news about the game, and that's even if you do spend the time going back and forth tracking every message by the about 5 different people that talk officially about the game's progress, updates, and such. Plus, it's hard to think about joining the discord when considering the stuff that's allowed in there, which you know about.
  14. My guy, you're telling me that whilst posting lost bits from the discord that unless you scroll the dev tracker every single day, you're 90% sure gonna miss. We have threads about small posts on twitter, we have threads about reddit posts/announcements, we have threads about literal discord screencaps, we have the K.E.R.B., we have Patch Notes, we have AMAs. It sure does sound like a lot, yet here we are, trying to go piece by piece to see what the heck they're doing with bugfixes because they can't bother to make complete patchnotes, or keep the K.E.R.B. updated, or talk in any sort of official manner because they canned the upnates, and they refuse to answer anything useful about the game in AMAs. I'm seeing incompetence first, with a smell of "maybe they're doing it on purpose" second.
  15. While Jeb and DONN try to detain MJ-0, suddenly, MJ-0 transfers his robotic soul (I guess his code?) into the nearby Ranger-1! He takes control of the autopilot, and attempts to depressurize the cabin, but Val, Bill, and Bob bail out. GALE notices all the trouble and flies down in Ranger-2 to pick up the five crew members. They rush into orbit and find MJ-0 trying to dock to the Delta-19. However, DONN had taken precautions when he and Jeb left the Ranger and disabled the auto-dock sequence. MJ-0 attempted to dock manually. "MJ-0, do not attempt docking," Val radioed to MJ-0. "Do not attempt-" "Valentina?" MJ-0 said. "I don't know what Jebediah told you, but I am taking command of Delta-19, and then we'll talk about the fate of you and your friends. This is not about my life or Jebediah's life. This is about all MechJeb-kind! There is a moment-" Silence. An explosion, silenced by the vacuum of space. Ranger-1 had rammed into the Portside docking port and caused a depressurization. The Ranger crashed into a solar array and into the centrifuge habitat, which immediately depressurized. MJ-0 was now, for sure, dead. The atmosphere blasting out of the centrifuge forced the Delta-19 into a spin on its X-axis. It was also powerful enough to knock it out of its orbit. As Jeb observed the spinning Delta-19, blowing debris all over the place, epic organ/piano music starts playing. Jeb knows what to do.
  16. Now, I don't want to start another parts revamp thread. We already have a few of these. What I want to talk about is the simplicity of the parts. Let's take take the HH as an example. Does this thing really have to look like this? The handle bars around the top and bottom dark rings are not usable anyway. And the gold foil needs to be covered to not look as if it was the only thing between the interior and the vacuum of space. Just keep in mind I'm not trying to make a rant of some sort. What I want to say is all the parts, including rocket, MK2 and MK3, should have as simplistic style as possible just so they can be put together and always look good. Right now it's not really possible. If you want to make a plane with hitchhikers as crew modules they will look out of place. To sum up: simplicity would be a nice way of solving the issue with all the parts not looking nice when put together. Simple cylinders with the white+grey+black (+orange accents from time to time) pattern would work best and the textures could be reused in many cases, thus making any part revamp easier to deal with.
  17. Probes require commnet infrastructure, turning one launch into potentially a hundred. Even with a level 3 tracking station, you'd require the biggest antenna to talk back to the DSN, and even then you'd need other comm relays in the way to keep control all the time. The command pods being all less than 10 tons mean they're negligible as payloads and you always have control no matter what.
  18. There's small implications in-game about lore and myth. I have ideas, ladies and gentlemen. I want to hear yours as well. I will include a snippet of my headcanon lore if anyone's interested though DM. It leans towards the explicit side(Greco-Roman religion+ a little bit of monotheistic flavour) so I wouldn't feel comfortable posting it directly to a thread. Let's just say it explains why females weren't introduced until the official version came out and provides insight into why things are the way they are. Dres? Who's that? Neidon, Sarnus? You're crazy.
  19. We talk about this one: This is ksp1, ISRU, everything is dim, different kerbal model, different solar flare... To come back to the post, a lot of creative use of the procedural wings. I don't know if the devs thought players would have used them like that lmao.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SAS123


      That is really interesting. I see no random dips so its not a 'Tabby's Star' Analogue.

      I find it interesting that its a Quadruple Star system

    3. SAS123


      Btw i also do planet hunting although the simulations always make me feel disappointed

    4. ProtoJeb21


      @SAS123 Simulations are really annoying. However, I have a new purpose for them. They do kind-of teach me what some types of planet transits look like, and I often search up the star on SIMBAD to find more about it.

  20. When I walk home from work, I sometimes look up at the clouds and imagine the re-entry streaks of players coming home from their travels. At night I see the faint glows of interstellar ships burning to leave the solar system. I look off into the distance and in the radiant heat on the horizon I see the contrails of science planes doing research. The park pathways mark the busy routes of my transport rovers. I look at interesting buildings and ask myself: "is this what my colony will look like?". When it rains, I imagine what color the weather is around tall mountain peaks on some distant planet. I talk to AI about space-ship designs, I dream about the future and.. I know that some day I will explore the stars with all of you. Keep the dream alive, keep KSP2 in your hearts!
  21. https://talk.planethunters.org/#/subjects/APH00016hy

    I may have just found an amazing Hoth analogue...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. electricpants



      I guess I was right to assume extra planets. :P

    3. ProtoJeb21


      However, I found out with another KIC star that some repetitive dips are actually caused by eclipsing binary stars, similar to systems like Kepler-16 and Kepler-47. This seems rather unlikely for APH00016hy, but you can't ignore the possibilities.

    4. electricpants


      You're right about that as well.

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