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  1. The thing that gets me is the talk from the Devs about the different biomes of each world. That's a really cool idea. I'm assuming some planning and development went into creating those regions. It would be cool if exploring them felt meaningful. As is, the only challenge seems to be landing. Some quick (too quick) button pushes later and the only thing you have is SP. There is no gameplay component or information stored that tells the player anything interesting. Nothing persistent. The regions are just landing areas containing SP. Maybe - just maybe - that changes with the implementation / release of Colonies & Resource Management? The information is sparse. I'd really like a Roadmap / development direction update - but given everything I don't blame them for keeping stuff close to the breast.
  2. KT is awesome. She came and gave a talk at the U years ago and I got to spend some time with her. She went back to JSC from the talk to be capcom, so a buddy and I sent her thank you flowers, delivered to MCC. The florist near JSC actually made a thing with flowers sorta like a liftoff with a plastic shuttle coming out of it. We saw it delivered on NASA Select (old NASA TV), which back in the day you had to have sat tv to see—the old ~2m dishes from the 80s.
  3. I never thought that on that evening in 2012 that a random game would eventually set me on a course to where I am now. Now that we are upon the eve of KSP1's great adventure, I wanted to highlight how KSP has affected me. I remember the first time I landed on the moon. At first, I was stupefied and elated at finally - finally! - succeeding where I'd failed dozens of times before. My lander parked beside me, I looked homeward to that beautiful blue and green marble - Kerbin. I was introduced to Kerbal Space Program at the age of eight. Over the course of the decade past, Kerbal has taught me the allure of spaceflight, from the celestial clockwork of orbital mechanics to the vast expanse of space. Ever since I first launched my first rocket all those years ago, I have been captivated by spaceflight. Kerbal taught me to love science, spaceflight, and engineering. It also changed the course of my life immensely. I will be attending college this year to pursue further education in physics and engineering. It is my hope that one day I will fulfill my dream of working in astronautics – a dream inspired by Kerbal Space Program. I’d like to extend my deepest thanks to the developers - the people who made Kerbal possible. Kerbal never would be as it is today if not for your enthusiasm, care, and dedication to Kerbal and its community. I’d also like to express my gratitude to the Kerbal community. Your passion for space exploration, commitment to teaching others, and infinite creativity and innovation has truly made an impact on my life. As a homage to KSP, I created a 10-minute long cinematic video montage. Go check it out if you want! (Moderators: please don't move this to Fan Works if you're considering it - the main point of this post is to talk about how KSP has influenced my life and give thanks, not the cinematic. )
  4. I think it's more like a part of the community thinks they don't talk enough and another part thinks they talk too much, and we take turns complaining about it!
  5. This community switches between "they talk too much" and "they don't talk enough" like an overclocked metronome.
  6. Before Constellation, during the Shuttle era, there was talk about cislunar architectures using Shuttle, and later using Shuttle-derived vehicles like Shuttle-C. One was the Early Lunar Access concept: That (ELA) was a pathfinder for the later First Lunar Outpost: Projects like this, but with a modern take could certainly work, but the dev time would be substantial.
  7. Calling 911 to talk about aggregate storage. (Operator: "Unless you need someone dug out of a gravel pile in a hurry, we're not interested.")
  8. Watch your language. Y’all are gonna summon up the R demon with that kinda talk, you mark me.
  9. I hate being asked "How's school?" for small talk, no ones going to use the info, I don't remember half the info, and the answer is always "It's fine"
  10. RIP Ingenuity. It's not actually dead, just crippled by a broken wing From NASA Ingenuity helicopter mission on Mars ends after three years | CNN Hmm, was that divot carved out by a hard landing (or the blade itself?), or was it pre-existing? And what is that blue speck in the middle of the divot? E: It's so easy to imagine the comm dropping out as the equivalent of "Can't talk, trying to land in one piece!"
  11. Think exporting fuel off the moon will require something more like an industrial town than an base. More so if this was set over 50 years ago so little automation. I and other talk about learning to build an base on the moon helping building it on mars. Also water at the pole was not really an thing back then. Oxygen and aluminum yes but its not very practical for an mars ship
  12. The Communotron 16 is a direct antenna. Direct antennas will only talk to ground stations or relay antennas, they cannot talk to each other. If you're trying to make a comm network, you need to use relay antennas.
  13. I like the button indicator that there is science in this region to collect. The button bothers me because its broken.. It always flashes science that nets 0 return because its not account based but kerbal based. Likewise if you had transmitted all the data but then moved your kerbal to a rescue video.. all that data is still there but has to be fully resent again. I think its just a quick work in progress. I think it would aid exploration, if all the science zones etc were listed or ? if bioms are not found, so it shows that there are more things to find on moons. Just some feedback. Also and this gets super annoying.. Observation probe in high and low orbit... STOPS but does not RESUME when running science.. so if you moved from highlands to lowlands it pauses, moving back to highlands does not unpause. Also I found running out of EC destroys the experiment. Its 6 minutes long too. Talk about a painful science experiment to get it to actually work. Oh and I've had the light indicator not glow when there is science available.. at least I can spam the button to resume science (or go to the parts menu and spam it) but if you hover on the button it shows the biom, so when it changes.. can easily just press it to return to scanning.
  14. You can talk trivial if you want, but me with over a decade of experience in KSP, only managed to safely land on Tylo twice, once per game. And never took off of it. Probably could've done it if I sent the isru in 1, but here, I'm stuck until resources come.
  15. There are a few things like this that need tightening up. I also just put 4 wheels on a rocket to complete that mission. Also the Laythe plane mission works if you turn on a rapier anywhere in the SOI of Laythe, even though the mission complete text goes onto talk about the atmosphere and how the plane flew. My plane was an engine on the side of a rocket nd it didn't get anywhere near an atmosphere.
  16. I have been strongly considering some flavor of integration with EVE. However, I might implement it such that the effects lead gameplay, rather than the other way around. (that is to say, EVE could supply wind data based on the effects). Also, I don't want EVE to be the only mod that can interact with this thing. However, this is all stuff for the future. I will talk to blaccracc when the time comes. I've been working on this steaming pile of code for a while now (I actually started a few weeks before I posted this thread. This is an idea that has been living rent-free in my brain for some time now). I should be coming out with an alpha release Soon™. :3
  17. The way I see it, it would be non blocking (meaning you could do the same things you can currently do, it wouldn't magically prevent you from landing anywhere for exemple), it's just that instead of getting most of the advance knowledge from the wiki (some of the knowledge I talk about isn't currently visible in the game, though that could change), you would get the option to learn it through the game with science experiments, and it would need to be balance in a way as to not prevent players (especially new comers) from experimenting things by the "trial and error" method while allowing advanced players to better "plan ahead" and optimize their missions even more. That being said, I wouldn't mind at all this being a difficulty option. It would have the additional benefit of allowing the player to optout of discovering everything again in an ulterior playthrough. And even if you don't activate the option in your first playthrough, chances are you won't visit, check and remember data for every system and every planets or moons so you would still have knowledge to "discover" in a new playthrough should you decide to activate it then.
  18. Well, in a way or another, nobody has the duty to like what you are talking - you have the right to say whatever you want, but no one have the duty to listen to you. That said, annoyed people can just walk from the conversation instead of trying to make you uncomfortable on speaking. If I understood correctly, they drove you mad by mocking you instead of just telling you "I'm not interested, let's talk about something else?". There're many interpretations for this behaviour, but one possible that came to my mind is they think you are there to entertain them, and so you should talk only what they want to listen. So it's up to you to comply or not. Since you choose not to comply, IMHO the best line of action is just say "hey, I need to go to bathroom" and walk away from the group and that's it. You may be entitled to be annoyed by their behaviour, but why bother externalising it? Sincerity is a very expensive gift not be wasted on cheap people!
  19. THIS POST WAS MADE BY THE CALORIES SPACE EXPLORATION INITIATIVE (Thanks to @Kerbalsaurus for helping me with designing the flag ) We at CalSpace are proud to unveil a new vessel, the CS-38 Talon! Note: the photos taken were of an older variant, with less tweaks and lower landing gear. The version for "sale" has had these tweaks made and the landing gear arranged better for safer landing. The CS-38 Talon was previously a competitor against the Terror Bird for the UKA's supersonic airplane program. Now it serves an arguable more noble goal, to gather atmospheric science and train new Kerbonaut recruits. The CS-38 is supersonic and highly maneuverable, both of which are good skills for aspiring Kerbonauts to practice. It also features an advanced ejection system in case said trainee has to eject mid-flight. The CS-38, while small, can carry different science packages. The variant showcased has a wing-mounted science kit, but other variants down the line will have various more packages. We're planning on a sounding rocket and a science glider! A Talon buzzes the Mission Control Center, showcasing its impressive maneuverability. On full afterburner, the CS-38 can reach just over Mach 1. Taken from another Talon flying in close formation, this picture gives a good view of the Type-2 Science Pod (we don't talk about the Type 1). As mentioned before, the Talon is equipped with an ejection system, using four small SRBs and two decouplers to take the cockpit away from danger. Also, the Science Pod is decouplable, in case emergency maneuvers are required. Dropping the science pod will shed a couple precious kilograms off of the airplane. The CS-38's patented EJECT (Emergency JEttison of Cockpit Trigger) system in action. (Artist's rendition) After the inital ejection is complete, a drogue chute is deployed, allowing the pilot to egress the cockpit at safer speeds before deploying their own personal parachute. (Artist's rendition) The CS-38 Talon will be the first of many aircraft from CalSpace, and we hope to collaborate with Beyond in the future! *** KerbalX link is here: KerbalX - CS-38 Talon + Science Pod Also, for practical use, I recommend Atmosphere Autopilot, as the CS-38 is a bit unstable. Without it, it'll be quite a beast to fly, not unlike the real-life T-38 Talon.
  20. Yeah I just think there is something wrong with having to put it off auto and set it to max dampning. Also It can be very difficult to tune it.. to the point were some times it feels like you break your leg off if its dampening. And I talk about landing with sub 10 m/s I just had a rocket bounce at 5 m/s. It just feels off to me. It would also be nice if it could bend a leg to keep its gravity center when on a slope x) Do you have any tips on how to adjust them? because I feel that when ever I make the springs strong the rocket flies off at the smallest touch of the ground. If i makes the springs weak and the dampers tough as nails.. it will fall/collapse under the legs if it does not land exactly level.
  21. No I take your point. There's this gray area where economics and financing blur into politics, where for instance SpaceX can leverage the promised revenue stream from government contracts into its private equity rounds, and politicians have influence over those kinds of decisions. We can only really talk about one side of that coin here.
  22. I mean, SpaceX is also a government contractor. The dragon program, HLS, numerous government funded satellite launches are also 'spending other people's money.' The difference here is economy of scale, iterative design, and vertical integration. I think we can leave the politics out of it. Its also important to not confuse initial manufacturing costs vs per-launch costs when we talk about reusable rockets. To date SpaceX has spent 3 billion dollars on Starship, so one could say the current per-launch cost is 1.5 billion. Of course the idea is that those initial development costs will be amortized over hundreds of launches, but lots of things could interrupt that: RUD on the pad, fundamental conceptual failures that make full reusability infeasible, lack of demand, or an unexpected disruptive competitor.
  23. @StrandedonEarth, moved to suggestion. If you want to submit a bug report do not use it to talk about other things that this bug (here suggestions) The issue you had was reported here:
  24. Fair enough. If we want support from the layman, we need to make them a bit less layman! Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, I looked for someone (way better English fluent than me) that had done it nicely. And I not only found one, but it talks explicitly about how the Source Game can help gaming! The importance of having access to KSP¹'s source code was already discussed ad nauseam on this thread, I suggest to read this bunch o links to have a thoughtful explanation - you may want to read some other posts of mine too. But, in a nutshell, having access to the Source Code is essentially why we have Internet nowadays - the whole TCP/IP stack (the thingy that allows computers to talk to each other on this big network we call Internet) is Open Source, and it's the reason that everything including the kitchen's sink (LITERALLY) can talk to Internet - as there's no need to rewrite it from scratch for every new device (or pay someone to do it), what would drive the costs to the stratosphere. That said, not everything need to be Open Source in order to succeed. Most games are an example of that. But sometimes, some games get relevant enough to demand a higher level of support that perhaps may not be under the reach of the publisher! Some people may be willing to port the thingy into ARM processors, some other may want to run it on RISC-V dev boards, perhaps a new lightweight, energy efficient and powerful (but pretty expensive) tablet is being launched somewhere in the World and NASA would love to have it on the Space Station running KSP. It would not be feasible economically to KSP's publisher to spend all that money themselves, neither reasonable they start to charge people that run KSP on PCs to fund such development. If KSP¹'s source code would be available, interested people (as NASA engineers) would be able to do the port themselves using their free time. Now we need to talk about something else: what Source Code is not. As it was said above, having access to the Source Code is not the same as being able to relaunch a version of the Game yourself and make some bucks from it. Images, characters, lore, sounds, animations, missions, all of this is also Intelectual Property, and they are not part of the Source Code. So, unless KSP¹'s published decides to release everything as Public Domain (as did by the Fables author!), you may recompile the thing, and (depending of the license) perhaps redistribute the compiled code to whoever may want it- but not the rest of the game. The dude that would download that code would need to buy KSP¹ the same (if not had done it already), because the compiled code by itself is not enough to play the game. Being pragmatic, the real need for the KSP¹'s source code is to fix the bugs. For years KSP¹ is being plagued by bugs that were not fixed - or were poorly fixed, leading to yet more bugs). Obviously, such bugs are not going to be properly fixed anymore now that the KSP¹'s development cycle is finished. Having access to this Source Code will allow us, Authors, to be able to properly fix or work around these bugs without creating new ones, because we will be able to check on the Source Code (and by debugging sessions) exactly what's happening under the bonnet, and so be able to do something about. (I will not discuss, again, about shaddy ways to get access to that Source Code and that's being already exploited on the wild - we aim to be EULA and Forum compliant on this task, some of us are professionals where it's unethical to do such things, as it may affect negatively our careers). Completely unrelated to KSP¹ but affecting it, recently Unity Technologies decided to go the Racketeer way and virtually almost killed their game scene. It was really that bad, and perhaps will keep being that way. The Worst didn't happened (yet?), but if things had really gone down trough the tubes, having access to KSP¹'s source code would improve the chances of having it ported to something else by the Community (porting things is where Open Source guys really shine). On the other hand, if KSP¹ were made using an already Open Source engine like Godot (or anything else that could suit them better), all that drama would just not affect them - because it's plain impossible to go rogue on the customers that are using Open Source themselves. One can withdraw support for the object of the contract, but can't prevent someone else from offering a replacement contract (see the last Red Hat drama). — — — I have noticed that someone (I forgot who, sorry!) is using my Banner on their Signature: But just miniaturising the image made it ugly due the white text being illegible and screwing the aesthetics. So I rendered a new one, without the white text, in a small "form factor": Whoever you are (and everybody else), fell free to use it instead! Cheers!
  25. After playing modded KSP with RP-1 and watching For all Kerbalkind i thought there should be more RP-1 related videos. So i came up with an idea a KSP RP-1 project that is based on For all Kerbalkind Each player takes part as their own organization/nation together or against each other Trading vehicles/kOS for money/honor/science, other services, to help noob advantage: functioning vehicles of others (grab and go), help and experience of others, own difficulty if necessary Pro advantage: "sale" of vehicles, kOS scripts and information, play with/against each other (BD Armory? ), own difficulty if necessary My thoughts so far: How is this supposed to work as “multiplayer”? Everyone plays their game with the others or "in the dark" and at a certain interval the players share their intermediate results What kind of interval? an in-game period that we discuss together (e.g. 1 year) What kind of intermediate results ? At least rough information about what you send into orbit and above, as an overview/information for the others would be nice (or to sow envy and resentment ) What do I need to participate? RP-1 Express, at least 1 intermediate results per interval, joy of playing How should trading work? Send craft files to others via file sharing (discord? or at least you know email?) How should I get/lose money/honor/science from others? alt + F12, you know? That should be a fair play with/against each other? Like many things, it's just based on believing in others. E.g. that your boss pays you or that your partner really doesn't cheat Do I have to upload videos? Nope, it's ok if you're just a part of the project Do I have to share my vehicles/kOS? Nope, if someone wants to include your vehicles in their game (e.g. what's going on in orbit) they can also use placeholders (e.g. a probe) Do I have to play as much as the others? Nope, it doesn't have to be a head-to-head race at all times. How many events/secrets from the past are only coming to light today after all this time? Darn it, do I have to wait for the others now? Nope, hand in your intermediate result and if you don't care about the others then carry on playing, totally ok you pioneer But I want to upload a lot of videos/make money with all of this? Welcome to the free world, no one is stopping you I want to play as nation/organization XYZ! Whoever comes first... but talk to the other player, maybe you can move forward as a partner/rival/alliance. we were divided once too (BRD & DDR) I want to play with additional mods! gladly, it doesn't influence the others (except possibly traded vehicles) I want to integrate other people's vehicles, how? Either take a placeholder (probe) or ask the others about their crafts and cheat into orbit (Alt + F12) I don't understand anything but I still want to participate ... breathe deeply, very calmly. one step at a time, Rome didn't fall in a day (Wiki and Installguide) I'll never be able to keep up with the others! totally ok, since space travel began only 4 nations have made it safely to the moon, maybe someone is interested in cooperating? But I'm much better than those suckers! hand in your intermediate result and go ahead and lead our world to new shores, for Shine and Glory! I've only just seen all of this, am I too late O.o?! Nope, e.g. early German space travel: V-2, 1942 (first object to cross the Kármán line); first German satellite, at the end of 1969 by a US rocket ... Do we include all of each other's vehicles in the game? we can, but we don't have to. Yes, we can say we are not interested in other nations, it's up to you Did you drink paint? only if there is one standing around Either way, I'll give it a try in the future, even on my own if I have to would you be interested? your opinion on this? let me know in the comments ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nachdem Ich RP-1 gespielt und For all Kerbalkind gesehen hatte, dachte Ich es sollte mehr RP-1 bezogene Videos geben. Also hab Ich mir da was überlegt Ein KSP RP-1 Projekt das an For all Kerbalkind angelehnt ist jeder Mitspieler nimmt als eigene Organisation/Nation teil zusammen oder gegeneinander Handel von Fahrzeugen/kOS gegen Geld/Ehre/Wissenschafft , andere Dienstleistungen , zur Hilfe noob-Vorteil: funktionierende Fahrzeuge der anderen (übernehmen/orientieren und go), Hilfe und Erfahrung der anderen , bei Bedarf eigene Schwierigkeit pro-Vorteil: "Verkauf" von Fahrzeugen, kOS-Scripten und infos , mit- / gegeneinander spielen (BD Armory? ), bei Bedarf eigene Schwierigkeit Meine Gedanken dazu bis jetzt: Wie soll das als "Multiplayer" funktionieren? jeder spielt mit den anderen oder "im dunkeln" sein Spiel und in einem bestimmten Intervall teilen sich die Mitspieler über ihren Spielstand aus Was für ein Intervall? eine ingame-Zeitspanne die wir gemeinsam beraten (zb 1 Jahr) Was für ein Zwischenstand? zumindest grobe Angaben was man in den Orbit und drüber schickt, als Übersicht/Info für die anderen wäre doch ganz nett (oder um Neid und Missgunst zu säen ) Was brauch ich zum mitmachen? RP-1 Express, zumindest 1 Zwischenstand pro Intervall, Spass an der Sache Wie soll der Handel funktionieren? Craft-Files an die anderen per File-sharing schicken (Discord? oder kennst doch zumindest eMail?) Wie soll ich Geld/Ehre/Science, bekommen/verlieren? alt + F12, kennste? Und das soll ein faires Mit-/Gegeneinander werden? Beruht wie vieles nur auf dem Glauben an die Anderen. zb dass dich dein Cheff auch bezahlt oder dein Partner wirklich nicht fremdgeht Muss ich Videos hochladen? nö, reicht doch auch so wenn Du teil des Projekts bist Muss ich meine Fahrzeuge/kOS teilen? nö, wenn jemand deine Fahrzeuge in sein Spiel einbinden will (bsp was im Orbit los ist) kann man ja auch Platzhalter (zb Sonde) nehmen Muss ich so viel spielen wie die anderen? nö, es muss ja nicht zu jeder zeit ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen sein. Wie viele Geschehnisse/Geheimnisse von Früher kommen nach all der Zeit erst Heute ans Licht? boar, muss ich jetzt auf die anderen warten? nö, gib dein Zwischenstand ab und wenn dich die Anderen nicht jucken dann spiel weiter, vollkommen ok du Pionier Ich will Videos hochladen/mit dem ganzen Geld verdienen? Willkommen in der freien Welt, es hält dich niemand auf Ich will als Nation/Organisation XY spielen! Wer zuerst kommt ... aber rede mal mit dem Anderen, vielleicht könnt ihr als Partner/Rivalen/Allianz voranschreiten. Wir waren auch einmal Entzweit (BRD & DDR) Ich will mit zusätzlichen Mod´s spielen! gerne, beeinflusst die Anderen ja nicht (ausser evtl gehandelte Fahrzeuge) Ich will die Fahrzeuge der Anderen einbinden, wie? entweder ein Platzhalter (Sonde) nehmen oder die anderen nach ihren Craft´s fragen und in den orbit Cheaten (alt + F12) Ich peil garnichts aber will trotzdem mitmachen ... durchatmen, ganz ruhig. Ein Schritt nach dem anderen, Rom ist auch nicht an einem Tag gefallen (Wiki und Installguide) Ich kann nie im Leben mithalten! vollkommen ok, seit Beginn der Raumfahrt haben es nur 4 nationen sicher zum Mond geschafft, vielleicht ist ja Jemand an einer Kooperation interessiert? Ich bin aber viel besser als die anderen Nieten! gib dein Zwischenstand ab und go ahead und führe unseren Welt zu neuen Ufern. Für Glanz und Gloria! Ich hab das alles jetzt erst gesehen, bin Ich zu spät dran O.o?! nö. zb frühe deutsche Raumfahrt: V-2, 1942 (erstes Objekt über der Kármán Linie); erster deutscher Sattelit, Ende 1969 per US-Rakete ... Binden wir alle Fahrzeuge der Anderen ins Spielgeschehen ein? können, müssen Wir aber nicht. Wir können ja sagen Wir interessieren uns nicht für die anderen Nationen, Dir überlassen Hast du lack gesoffen? nur wenn welcher rümsteht so oder so werde ich das in der Zukunft, auch alleine wenns sein muss, einmal probieren hättet ihr Interesse? eure Meinung dazu? lasst es mich in den Kommentaren wissen
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