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  1. First off, it's not my first rodeo in KSP. However, I found that one of my greatest challenges for interplanetary missions is designing a ship that is aerodynamically stable while performing an aerocapture maneuver. The primary reason for this is that rockets are naturally bottom-heavy, especially when launched from KSC. So while one can easily place an inflatable heat shield between the launch abort system and the command module, the center of mass will be so far back that the ship will tend to flip unless you add a ton of drag to the back end, in the form of literally tons of fins or more creative means. That was my first instinct, and I ended up with various semi-successful designs including turbine-like fins and infernal robotics deployed drag-inducers (heat shields). This solution isn't consistent, so I started designing ships to aerobrake engine-side first. Designs, using KIS/KAS, included using winches to haul a massive heat shield in front of the engines, assembling a heat shield in situ, or robotic arms moving radial shields into a heat shield snow plow design. Then came my most successful design concept - separation. I started designing ships to separate into two equally massive halves and aerocapture separately. Then would then rendezvous and rejoin after they left the atmosphere. The two halves were always much more stable than attempting to aero break with my typical burj khalifa looking design. My question is: what have been your successful solutions? I have a sneaking suspicion that there is a more elegant one out there.
  2. I built a functional Millennium Falcon. Here it is landed on Minmus, and there it is docked to my Enterprise. I use these mods:
  3. What do you think about the Starfield features revealed by the gameplay videos and photos - as compared to KSP2? I'm not comparing genres - only "apples to apples", things that KSP also has: ship building features, base building, celestial body environment, ship IVA and third person HUD features. Also remember: Starfield players cannot actively pilot their ships to a planet's surface Ship Building (with details here & here): Base building and resources (details here): Exploration & environment (details about planets here): Ship IVA / flight deck / HUD (but no seamless spaceflight): Clearly KSP2 is doing something amazing that technically has never been done before (even before speaking of the multiplayer aspects). "An update on Kerbal Space Program 2 and how we're enabling players to travel from planet A orbiting star B to planet C orbiting star D, continuously, without any loading screens, pauses, faked out transitions, "warp drives", or other trickery. We're simulating a multi-light-year spanning 3D volume at a sub-millimeter level of resolution, and enabling players to travel to any point in that space if they can build a ship capable of making the journey. Unprecedented in gaming." - Paul Furio, the Senior Engineering Manager at Private Division https://www.linkedin.com/posts/paul-furio_kerbal-space-program-2-episode-5-interstellar-activity-6920089169021014016-J_5I
  4. Hey Y'all! Many past players have used all sorts of means to simulate airships in KSP, from jet engines to control surface spamming to landing gear glitches and even awesome mods like HooliganLabs. Since the game will calculate lift on an aerodynamic body regardless of how it's occluded (unless it's inside a fairing/cargo bay), we can build a helicopter that sure looks a whole heck of a lot like an airship using the new DLC parts. To this end, I've got another entry into the stock airship category: The Kindenburg utilizes two R7000 Turboshaft engines with 16 medium helicopter blades each, mounted to counter-rotate inside the wing-only section of the envelope. Outside the envelope along the sides, there are two electric rotors with duct blades which will provide our forward thrust. The lift engines are fed by liquid fuel and intake air, while the rotors and reaction wheels are run by the lift engine alternators along with a pair of fuel cells. The crew capacity is 10: 2 in the lander can, and 8 in the upside-down modules. Hanging the passenger modules upside-down was mainly for aesthetic reasons, as I found it to be the best and easiest way to make a good looking passenger module for an airship. I hear bats love to travel in this thing. Action Groups: AG1) Toggle lift engines power and fuel cells AG2) Toggle forward engines AG3) Toggle ladder Flying the thing can be a little tricky. The lift engines are mapped to the main throttle via RPM limit, and a throttle level of 1/2 corresponds to roughly neutral buoyancy. When taking off, it's best to do so with a little forward velocity for stability. Start out by hitting AG1 and releasing the breaks, then hit AG2 to start moving forward. Set your autopilot to prograde lock. Once you pick up speed, throttle up to ~1/2 thrust and you'll be off the ground. Don't try to gain altitude too quickly, otherwise you'll pitch up too far, flip out, and crash. Keep your nose close to the horizon and rely primarily on yaw for steering, bumping the throttle up and down from neutral buoyancy for pitch. Yaw works better for steering while at low speeds, but at higher speeds rolling is preferable. I've gotten it up to ~60 m/s at sea level, but you can probably push it beyond this. When landing, shut off the forward engines and deploy the gear. The massive drag of the fairings will slow you down, so drop the throttle slightly to descend and touchdown, then reapply the breaks. Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/Kindenburg Gallery: OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this, please check out my last post too (also an unconventional vehicle novelty):
  5. License: All Rights Reserved This is for the .mu files, everything else is open for use. Link: https://spacedock.info/mod/3128/The Belafonte Hi and welcome to "The Belafonte". This a companion mod for @Caerfinons "The Life Aquatic" mission packs mod. https://spacedock.info/mod/2808/Kerbin%20Side%20Remastered%20-%20The%20Life%20Aquatic Included are the ship "The Belafonte", The mini sub "Deep Search", The small helicopter "Zelicopter", A "Resue Boat" , a Deck Crane and cable that use the BREAKING GROUND system, 3 types of grabbers: A magnet for the crane to pick up the sub, A heli pad grabber to secure the Zelicopter and a boat grabbing frame to retrieve the rescue boat. The boat and the frame have a decouple on the nodes that first connect them so that the boat can be included when building. You then decouple and use the grabber from then on. Remember to unstage all decouplers if you don't want them to immediately decouple when first staging. There is a marine engine for the Belafonte and there are 2 nodes on the bottom rear for 2 of them to attach to. They will not work above sea level. The boat motor has a reverse toggle, as do the sub and the Belafontes marine engines. There is a docking plate that has a node on deck to attach to, in front of the crane, it is for the sub to dock to. Just undock right before grabbing with the magnet and then crane the sub to the water. On return drop the sub just above it and the sub will usually vibrate itself back to being docked. The sub and boat have a ballast system. The boat should spawn half full, this is because to get the balance between not going under at full load and not looking like it is hovering above the water it needs to be balanced. It should look right at first but if you full load you will probably need to empty some. There is built Belafonte in a SPH folder in the main folder, minus the Zelicopter. The Zelicopter is all one piece so you just spawn and it is ready to go. The top 2 staircases never would climb out right so you need climb till you are above the deck and then let go. Type Belafonte for all pieces. There is also a custom category if you have the Community Categories mod. I hope you have some fun with this.
  6. CRAFT DOWNLOAD KERBAL X: https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/The-Eurydice-Interstellar-Super-Yacht STEAM DOWNLOAD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2860955302 The Eurydice Kraken Powered Interstellar Super Yacht This luxury vessel from The Collective Industries features an elegant design that is both aerodynamic for in-atmosphere travel as well as highly maneuverable Interstellar Travel. Taking queues of history's greatest ships this craft will serve you well on the high seas as well as in the void of space. Dual Kraken Drives for forwarding propulsion and Anti Gravity VTOL Hover and lift modes. In-game Status - NO MODS - Fully Stock but does need DLC to use. Custom .png flags are needed for Decals and Tinted Windows. *find links below* Main Throttle - 50% Slow Decent 75% - Hover Mode 100% - Anti Gravity Lift Mode Action Groups - AG1 - Forward Propulsion AG2 - Elevator Lift AG3 - Toggle Landing Gear AG4 - Toggle Landing Lights Flight Instructions Turn on Infinite energy and Fuel for RCS In case of Kraken attacks make sure to reload and actively save when on long gameplay. When leaving a Planetary Body - Use radial out Keep vertical accent until you reach around 34,000 meters the nav ball will flip once this happens it will attempt to turn to match the radial out. Switch over to Normal Mode after this continue to rise until your flight path is past LKO from here continue to circularize until you are clear with an orbit. Flag Instructions Download Zip File Unzip all files in the Eurydice to your Flags Folder if using Steam - (SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Flags) FLAG DOWNLOADS Google Drive Link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_D03RknOwB850HTcsvfWUC9FIkSRyBIk/view?usp=sharing Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/5xlikdzjhp2u6u0/Eurydice.zip?dl=0
  7. INTRODUCTION I'm been always an HUGE fan of the NASA concept design of the IXS-Enterprise since its conception. Now, after a long hiatus from the KSP scene, I started back to play and sorting out all the mods that I could like to use, I found myself very involved adopting a lot of @Angel-125 mods for my personal install, and it was a bit of let down to find that the "IXS Warpship" mod, that brought the NASA's concept ship inside Kerbal Space Program, was not adapted also to "Blueshift", Angel-125's warping mod. So, I'm right here to bridge finally this gap! MOD DESCRIPTION As the "IXS Warpship" mod is currently mantained by @linuxgurugamer and @Denko666, this is NOT another release of the mod itself, but just a series of Module Manager patches that update it to work properly with Angel-125's "Blueshift", "Kerbal Flying Saucers" and related functions. It fully uses the assets provided by the "IXS Warpship" mod, but, in a lot of case, VASTLY modifing their function (and in some cases tweaking them to be more in line with the latest KSP releases and two functionally parent mods) to fully use all the game mechanics provided by Angel-125. WARNIGS AND DISCLAIMERS!!! I HIGHLY RECCOMEND TO USE THESE PATCHES ONLY IN A NEW SAVE, OR AFTER RECOVERING ALL THE CRAFTS USING PARTS FROM THE ORIGINAL "IXS WARSHIP" MOD!!! None of the craft eventually deployed should break, but upon istallation of these patches, a lot of parts could behave differently from what originally they could do! (No guarantees are provided for stranded Ships and Kerbals, not caring of this advice) Additionally, it is HIGHLY possible that other warp mods, beside "Blueshift" installed, aiming eventually to patch themselves the "IXS Warpships", would create conflicts and unwanted result, so the BEST results could only be achieved if "Blueshift" is THE ONLY warp mod in your game, as my patches for "IXS Warship" are envisioned for an install with ONLY IT AS FTL PROPULSION!!! DEPENDENCIES My patches will not work correctly if the following mods are not installed: IXS Warpship: "IXS Warpship" Forum Thread (obviously, as needed for the parts and related assets) - download ONLY the mod itself, not OTHER suggested warp mods, to avoid problems as stated in the above "WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMERS"!!! Blueshift: "Blushift" Forum Thread Kerbal Flying Saucers: "Kerbal Flying Saucers" Forum Thread (both needed to have the fully functional mechanics included in my patches) Waterfall: "Waterfall" Forum Thread (not "functionally needed", but HIGHLY recommended to have all the warping FXs) Community Resource Pack: "Community Resource Pack" Forum Thread (for the resources' definitions used) Module Manager: "Module Manager" Forum Thread (to obviously apply the patches: without it nothing is working) SUPPORTS: My patches support (but are not needed for correct work of the main functionalities): Space Dust: "Space Dust" Forum Thread (for atmospheric and exospheric resource prospecting and harvesting, very useful for some of the -rare- resources needed for warp propulsion) Community Tech Tree: "Community Tech Tree" Forum Thread (for a more balanced tech tree for career and science gameplay) Far Future Technologies: "Far Future Technologies" Forum Thread (for additional and challenging game mechanics) Outer Planet Mod: "Outer Planets Mod" Forum Thread (if you like, like me, to explore past Jool, with stock-alike similar planets of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and using "Spacedust", I added the needed Graviolium resources) Download: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? Get your copy of "IXS Warpship for Blueshift" subscribing it from CKAN Or manual download it just right down here: Spacedock: "IXS Warship for Blueshift" on Spacedock HERE!!! Github: "IXS Warship for Blueshift" Github release page HERE!!! (latest actually: v. - 04/09/2021) Manual Installation Guide: follow the above link select the needed version click on related "Assets" menu click on "Source code.zip" link download the .zip file once promped to do so go to your "GameData" folder inside your KSP installation delete (if present) older "IXSWarshipsBlueshift" folder, to avoid old file eventually not needed to be persistent AND/OR possible errors add, in the same KSP's "GameData" folder (where you should be already) the new "IXSWarshipsBlueshift" folder present inside the .zip file downloaded (inside its own "GameData" folder) OR go back to your KSP installation folder and merge the .zip file's "GameData" folder to KSP's "GameData" folder Changelog: (Sources and Licensing; here ) Some good pictures as eyecandy:
  8. Sometimes Kerbals need some R&R. After a long mission and creating wonderful crafts it’s time our Kerbal Space Program gave back and gave our Pilots, Engineers, and Scientists some fun. The Athena Super Yacht is here to make that happen, with Space and availability for friends and family. Come stay over and travel the sea’s on this amazing Yacht. Celebrate Parties with Fireworks and Drinks. Seating for all. Lavish wood decks gold front finish. Stay in Luxury as we cater to you and your crew. This is a 100% Stock Craft AG1 Toggle Engines AG2 Toggle Reverse Engines AG3 Toggle Control From Point (forward) AG4 Toggle Back Ladder AG5 Toggle Fireworks 1 AG6 Toggle Fireworks 2 If you want the looks this will require Flags Flag Download Drop Box: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ptf3ixxguwwnv2g/AthenaYacht.zip?dl=0 Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10wJeYL4BM-eTyXom_dHLu5fvPpDF7ieE/view?usp=sharing KERBAL X DOWNLOAD LINK: https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/Athena-Super-Yacht
  9. We create this mod to better simulate a modern naval combat as a BDAc addon. Full version DOWNLOAD LINK: https://spacedock.info/mod/1779/[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System Full version contains all three packs below. MNWS AERO pack -- only contains planes:https://spacedock.info/mod/1923/[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System - AERO pack?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E MNWS SHIP pack -- only contains ships:https://spacedock.info/mod/1924/[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System - SHIP pack MNWS WEAPON pack -- only contains weapon systems:https://spacedock.info/mod/1926/[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System - WEAPON pack# In that case, we would want the maximun performance and the minimun usage of your computer. That's why we made all the MNWS SINGLE-PART. Now we have single-part-ship and single-part-fighter and a series number of missiles. It's time to start a war! Mod List: AAMS:(Advanced Anti-Air System) AAMS AAMSL AAMSLM AAMSR SAAM FRADAR HHQXL1 HHQXL2 HHQXX VLS:(Vertical Launch System) AVLS1 AVLS2 AVLS3 MissileCell(CGNX2050) MMB(Air) AVLSX1 AVLSX2 AVLSX3 Ships: DDG1000(Destroyer) BBNX(Battleship) CGNX002(Cruiser) CGNX2050(Cruiser) FFG001(Frigate) FDG(Frigate) CVN003F CVN004 SSBNX SSBN002 AMB AMBII 055A(Destroyer) 055X1(Cruiser) 075(LSD) CVN21 CVN16 065(Destroyer) Fighters: F22 CFA44 CFA44A UCAV1 UCAF2 XV32 UN80(Helicopter) F16C F16XL F35 NATF NATF2 EDI Dragon Bomber: H20A H20B Truck: 3X(Series) TRUCK Truck Module: 3X2 3X6L 3XL 3X120 3XLaser 3XR LLauncher Rail Gun: DDG2002(208mm) RGBB(428mm * 2) Missiles(Prototype Ship - Air): SM_KKV SM_LREW SM_SADRM SM_SRADRM SAS Missiles(Ship - Air): HHQ16C HHQ19 HHQ19RCS SM_KV11 Missiles(Air - Air): SASAA SM_AADRM SM_RAADRM RR120 CUDA(CGNX2050) Bombs(Air - Ship): SDB28 Missiles(Ship - Groud/Ship): LRASM-A(Ship) LRASM-A(Air) LRASM-B(Ship) LRASM-B(Air) X51A(Ship) AGM46 AGM84 AGM84-BS AGM258(AGM2588) Torpedo: MK56Launcher MK58Launcher MK48(Sub) MK56(Ship) MK58(Ship) Missile(Submarine - Ground): BMM Missile(Ground - Ground): GBBM Required Mods: 1.BDAc (include PRE) 2.Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 3.Vessel Mover continue 4.Module Manager Recommanded Mods: 1.Aircraft Carrier Accessories 2.Single Part Aviation https://spacedock.info/mod/1034/Single Part Aviation(f22) This mod is now distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 4.0. Presented by Kerwis Team. Hope you enjoy it!
  10. Now introducing, The TEK-113 Light Aircraft Cruiser A 3rd generation aircraft carrier boasting an angled flight deck, clear deck markings, and a Mk-4A Ion reactor powering twin propellers capable of moving the 1500 ton vessel up to a speed of roughly 22 knots (11m/s). Designed to carry 2 Medium V/STOL Aircraft plus 2 light helicopters, the TEK-113 is a perfect scout vessel capable of operation many thousands of kilometres from the KSC. Gallery The specific vessel you are downloading; KMS Atlas DL; https://kerbalx.com/chadgaskerman/TEK-113-KMS-Atlas P.S. If anyone has any experience with making the BG pistons work, or any other ideas on how to make an aircraft catapult work, PM me. I have further projects in the works P.P.S. Thanks to @Yukon0009 for the flag pack https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/778244348897656853/821291735275143178/Markings-20210305T055031Z-001.zip
  11. I can't see marks of my vessels neither within 100 km nor it has been loaded in 2.4 km.
  12. Hello! Today, I've got a new toy. Everyone has made a basic orbiter with command module return capabilities, usually using the trusty ol' heat shield and parachutes, but I decided to try to build an orbiter that can land using a set of extendable wings, much like one of the proposals for the Gemini Program: Introducing the Mallard CSM-W: The Mallard CSM-W is a standard LKO crew module. The launch vehicle can place the orbiter into an equatorial LKO, and the orbiter has a few hundred m/s of on-orbit maneuvering fuel. The orbiter also comes with RCS thrusters, fuel, and a forward mounted port to allow for rendezvous and docking. The service bay behind the command module has two sets of wings with landing gear folded in at launch, which can be deployed prior to de-orbit and re-entry. Upon re-entry, an initial angle of attack of 90 deg will allow you to bleed off enough speed to keep temperatures low once you reach the lower atmosphere. Once you kill the majority of your speed, you'll need to look to land quickly since the lift-to-drag ratio is pretty poor. I've found it to be easiest to simply dive down to maintain airspeed, and then level off just before you reach the ground. Landing works best around 60 m/s, as it's decently slow but still above the stall speed. It can be landed on the KSC runway, or really anywhere else with sufficiently flat ground. Dumping the remainder of your maneuvering fuel before landing is also recommended. Action groups: AG1) Toggle lock on all robotics parts (locked by default at launch) AG2) Deploy wings and gear When deploying the wings, first use AG1 to unlock the robotics, then use AG2 to deploy. Once the wings are deployed, use AG1 again to re-lock the robotics parts. This is critical, as the wing parts are autostrutted to the command module, and will be unstable if not re-locked. Due to what I assume to be a bug, re-locking the robotics parts does not always work for all of them (usually the tiny hinges) so you'll have to check all 12 of them to be sure they are re-locked before re-entry. The game will display the "Cannot Lock Robotic part, Servo is moving" warning, even though none of them are still moving after being deployed. Not sure why this happens, but manually locking the rest of the parts does not take long. Here is a lovely gif of the wing deployment in action: https://i.imgur.com/257oimq.gifv Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/Mallard-CSM-W Gallery: I hope you enjoyed it! Here is my last post:
  13. Howdy, Y'all. Way back in ye old days of 2013 KSP, a younger and perhaps less-skilled me tried his hand at building a steam locomotive replica. This was the result: Not too shabby, given the limited part repository at the time. Though I've seen many KSP players build fantastic train replicas, I had yet to come across one that utilized the new stock robotics parts to make working running gear. So, I set out to overhaul Jeb's once-mighty steamer with the latest in Kerbal engineering technology: Jeb's Locomotive was designed to function in a similar fashion as typical modern locomotive replicas do; the running gear is powered by the drive wheels which are in turn powered by electric motors, instead of steam power driving the running gear and subsequently driving the wheels. The 6 rover wheels only provide brakes and steering, while the 6 rotor wheels are coupled in axle pairs using standard docking ports to provide side-to-side consistency in operation. The running gear is largely coupled together using junior docking ports. Engine power is controlled using the KAL controller in the cab. Press action group 1 to engage the drive motors and start up the fuel cells, set the controller to play until you reach your desired speed, then pause it. The play speed is set slow intentionally, as sometimes sudden changes to the RPM can mess up the running gear synchronicity. Unfortunately, the engine plates used to make the drive wheels don't have great traction with the ground (leading to slight slipping), and collision tolerances will limit your top speed to <9 m/s (as you will see shortly). You can of course go faster by disabling crash damage on the debug menu, but beware that at higher speeds the running gear can easily go out of whack. I find it runs quite nicely around 6-7 m/s surface speed. You are welcome to download and add on things like coal cars, passenger cars, etc. if you'd like. The locomotive is already 218 parts as-is, so expect lag if you're planning on adding a lot to it. If anything, download it just to drive it up to 9 m/s, for funzies. The entire vessel is Stock + DLC. Download: https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/Jebs-Locomotive Here is a gif of the running gear in motion at a slow speed: https://i.imgur.com/bHYKT1b.gifv Gallery: I'M GOIN' OFF THE RAILS ON A... oh nevermind. I hope you liked it! Check out my last build too:
  14. "Jeb, it's not a skyscraper if you build it somewhere without an atmosphere." "...A spacescraper, it shall be!" The SPACESCRAPER 0 is a fully stock tower. It has office space for 1,540 Kerbals, and can be flown to Minmus and landed in a single go. The launcher can place the tower on a suborbital trajectory, where the tower's 28 Nervas are used to go the rest of the way. Once in space, attitude is controlled via 16 Vernor engines instead of SAS modules due to the insane mass. There's also a small landing pad in between the upper and lower halves of the building to accommodate visiting landers. If you'd like to give it a go (even if just to fly it into the VAB, which I highly recommend), the craft file is here: https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/SPACESCRAPER-0 The fuel for the launch stage comes in part from the tanks in the booster itself, and part from the mk3 tanks in the tower in between the crew cabins. Upon burnout of the launch stage, you should have only a sliver of oxidizer left, along with enough liquid fuel to power the Nervas to a Minmus landing. The remaining oxidizer is due to the two 2.25 meter tanks at the base of the tower. This is the fuel that will be used for on-orbit attitude changes via the vernor thrusters, so both have fuel flow disabled at launch to prevent their fuel from being immediately used up by the main engines. Don't forget to re-enable fuel flow on them after booster separation so you can achieve attitude control. While on orbit, it is not recommended that you use SAS until you make your final landing approach. RCS+SAS for attitude stability and control will gladly eat up all your RCS fuel in a jiffy, so attitude adjustments are best made using small manual RCS bursts along with 4x physics warp to save time while rotating (don't worry, the tower is autostrutted to the max). SAS is generally not necessary during burns, as the huge moment of inertia of the tower should keep its attitude more or less consistent during the burn, especially when performing a burn directly out of a standard time warp. Gallery: I really hope you liked it! Also, check out my last post:
  15. Description Welcome to the next generation of the planetary lander, the Shiva series. Capable of 3,200+ Detla-V Comes with 7 Nerv engines and 4 spark engines. Able to carry medium and light loads for transport. (small and medium dock ports) Seats 4. Ability to extract ore and convert to fuel. 2 ways to land upright or glide down for touch down using air brakes and gear wheels. Take her to the stars today! KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/Shiva-ISteam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1946814803
  16. The Rockleford E-1 is great at putting it’s payload into kerbin orbit. The first stage pushes it most of the way into orbit, and the second stage with four F3S0 solid fuel boosters finishes the orbit insertion of the payload. It's also my first craft. Below are the stats and some images. Stats: Mass - 24.47t Cost - 19,807 Funds Stages - 8 Part Count - 25 Built in KSP 1.8.0 Download: https://kerbalx.com/TheKSPKerbalGuy/Rockleford-E-1 (KerbalX) Enjoy using this craft! It's also the first in the E-Series of the Rockleford Rockets.
  17. ShipEffects Continued is a continuation of @ensou04's ShipEffects mod. So, what does this mod do? Let me quote the original developer: DOWNLOAD Source licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license Version Simple compile for KSP 1.4.2 Creating your Own SoundPack: Simply replace the sound files in the sounds folder with your own, using the same file names. Format used for the sound files is .wav .OGG might work. Does not support other formats though. Loops are the best used for this. Make sure your peak db is around -6db, this ensures we dont clip the speakers. These are the default settings. Volume controls for this are of the same name. SHIPEFFECTS_SETTINGS { OnlyInIVA = true masterVolume = 1.0 rattleVolume = 1.0 vibrationVolume = 1.0 rumbleVolume = 1.0 thumpVolume = 1.0 stressVolume = 0.6 atmosphereVolume = 0.6 // Default is 1.0, exagerates or eases the value that controls the sound. a higher number means Sounds will play sooner, lower means later. ResistMultiplier = 1.75 // Default is 8.0, how much g-force to simulate during re-entry ReEntryMultiplier = 8.0 }
  18. Hello. I am looking for a mod that allows me to freeze a ship in orbit. I want to make a movie and use the ships as anchor points for the cameras. But if the ships are in orbit, they drift away from each other. The mod Airpark allows this, but it doesn't work outside the atmosphere. Is there a mod similar to it that will work for ships in orbit? Thanks.
  19. Here is the Lil' Guy 1 light spacecraft KerbalX Craft File Lil’ Guy 1 Lil Guy 1 is a multi-purpose light craft designed for maximum precision and fun. It sports a unique and practical feature set that’ll make any rookie Kerbonaut look like an ace pilot! Its lightweight aerodynamic frame, combined with powerful RCS ReEntry Control System, allows for an unexpected amount of glide in the atmosphere, and should have you touching down in, or at least near, your intended LZs. The orbiter carries all the basic experiments plus Goo, and a Kerbal on EVA can collect them all without leaving the ladder. With more than 2K dV in the tank, this ship can cruise all over the local system, and even venture to distant planets. After activating the orbiter’s main propulsion system, all 3x engines will be enabled by default. Action group 3 toggles off the outboard Switch engines to enter Eco-Friendly Gas-Saver mode. Toggle them back on when you need the extra zip! Reentry attitude should be facing retrograde for a braking phase, and then reorient to prograde for a precision glide landing. Chutes won’t support the full weight, so leave some gas for a final braking maneuver on touchdown. As a bonus, this Launch Vehicle comes with the Smart-@5S remote controlled transfer stage. After reaching orbit, flight plan calls for a transposition and docking maneuver, where the fairings will be shed to save weight. After docking, Action Group 0 shifts control to the Xfer stage. You are now free to move about the solar system! Imgur Album
  20. I've searched a long while in this forum for a "dst style" ship but I dindt find anything. So I decided to build it. This is not a copy of dst but this is the same idear: simple long range reusable ship. He can carry 6 kerbals (up to 12 but not in confort) to duna and back. Imgur Album : https://imgur.com/a/Jm6Ja2u Ship Specifications: Crew capacity : 6 Electric propulsion (lithium) high efficiency Fusion Reactor 32 000 EC Battery Set of 4 solar panels RCS Thrusters and reactions wheels Remotable docking ports for crew and refueling The idea is that this ship is not a finality but a work base that can be updated for different types of missions. Made in 1.6.1 with squad expansion. Ship Guide : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hl40hceGGqqlPpkVNcI1UKI8QTj4m9u1/view?usp=sharing DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/FrKerbonaut/Deep-Space-Transport Mods: thanks for giving me your opinion and advices !
  21. Hey There, Today I want to introduce my first work I made for KSP; Right now i have modelled an 3.75 m Command Pod and a fitting Planetary Lander. The Next Step on the road is to create Textures and so on. Hopefully an IVA, too. So here´s my Falcon Command Pod and SM with according Sparrow Planetary Lander, proudly manufactured by Kerbotek Aeronautics. Please feel free to criticise it or suggest improvements.
  22. This is a Fictional Warrior Class Strike Craft based off the South African Navy, SAS Makhanda. Some credit to RixKillian for the Cleveland-Class Light Cruiser that I built off of. https://kerbalx.com/BuxtonHouse/SAS-Tortouga
  23. So... I got bored again. This time, I made an anti ship missile. With terminal Proportional Navigation capabilities, it is able to engage moving surface targets (since it flies really fast, it can also double as an anti air missile). Here's a boring video of me destroying a ship made with a bunch of fuel tanks. Here's a video of the same missile shooting down a plane.
  24. A fully operational carrier hull and bridge. As opposed to Eskandre's excellent Nimitz, this one has a ski-jump. It's not actually based on any real-world aircraft carrier, but it probably most resembles the Russian Navy's Admiral Kuznetsov. The lifts and hangar are fully operational. The mod is actually just a single part that comprises the hull, deck, lifts and bridge. It generates its own power, but it's meant to be used along with other ship mods for engines, radar, antennae, defence systems, etc. [MOD - Download link removed due to missing license - sumghai]
  25. Ok. So I updated KSP and cleared my mods out to work out what was compatible and what was not ( add them one at a time ) My important ones were: Kerbal Engineer Redux X Science Docking Port Alignment Indicator Precise Node I thought I would add the mods one by one to see what works and what doesn't Loaded my sandbox game with no mods at all and instead of refusing to load because mods were missing it loaded the game and removed any ship with a missing part! So Now I have 3 missions that I was doing in Sandbox completely gone. I didn't have any quick saves .. just the main persistent one. And now my ships are gone! Is there a backup save directory?
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