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The K Prize - 100% reusable spaceplane to orbit and back

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peoples, is something changed on reentry in 1.3.1? my old 1.1. disigns flying very unstable, drag rotate it around after reentry an so on... pitch 40 degrees? forget it... on 25 degrees drag makes it uncontrollable...

Edited by *MajorTom*
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It took me a long time, but I did finally make an SSTO that not only gets to orbit and back, but can in fact do stuff!  (Not much, though)

Here's a video of it taking off, achieving ~80km x 80km orbit, then coming back down and landing at the KSC (Not the runway - I can't line up with that thing to save my life) with three Kerbals on board.  Please don't D/Q me for forgetting to shut off SAS after touchdown causing the bottom aibrakes to explode when they deployed on stop!  It's completely intact otherwise!  Video taken in a completely stock game, except for KER.



And here's a SS of it docked at a space station from a different flight.


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15 hours ago, *MajorTom* said:

peoples, is something changed on reentry in 1.3.1? my old 1.1. disigns flying very unstable, drag rotate it around after reentry an so on... pitch 40 degrees? forget it... on 25 degrees drag makes it uncontrollable...

but i think that from 1.1 to 1.2 there were changes as well

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My low tech entry, the HKA-3A. It just uses the panther jets and Mk.55 rockets, and 90 tech node parts. Nothing than a LKO tour bus.

Taking off


Turning on the afterburner. This gets the plane to about 850m/s at 15000m


Then switch to the rockets




Re-entry. I just extend the tailfin to keep the nose 35-45deg above horizon. I am overshooting KSC. Have to fly back.


Landing back to the runway. I am not a very good pilot...


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OK more questions than answers today, @danielboro did your stock ship "LR-PMK6-stok" achieve orbit and then land safely, with parachutes near KSC? Sorry its just not clear from what you wrote which craft made the safe landing. Also FYI if you want to make a modded K-Prize mission report then there is a new K-Prize sister challenge thread being run by @JacobJHC especially for modded missions. :) 

@Geonovast thanks for the video but as you rightly pointed out bits blew up on landing, before the craft came to a halt, which I am sorry to say makes it a gatecrasher mission because exploding is against the rules! ... However anyone who makes a successful mission can have the gatecrasher listing removed so since you asked not to be disqualified and its unclear whether you made a successful mission or not with the docking screeny mission, at this juncture, the K-Prize committee voted unanimously to give you as much time as you want to report a successful mission where bits didn't blow up and won't give you a gatecrasher listing unless you say otherwise!  Text mission reports are fine as long as it states what happened in relation to the mission rules.

Congratulations to ... @TheFlyingKerman for completing the K-Prize mission successfully.

TheFlyingKerman Advanced Pilot Precision Award with the HKA-3A.

Thanks for your mission report and welcome to the roll of honour aka the K-Prize party guest list.


Happy Christmas everybody :D .

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4 hours ago, boolybooly said:

@Geonovast thanks for the video but as you rightly pointed out bits blew up on landing, before the craft came to a halt, which I am sorry to say makes it a gatecrasher mission because exploding is against the rules! ... However anyone who makes a successful mission can have the gatecrasher listing removed so since you asked not to be disqualified and its unclear whether you made a successful mission or not with the docking screeny mission, at this juncture, the K-Prize committee voted unanimously to give you as much time as you want to report a successful mission where bits didn't blow up and won't give you a gatecrasher listing unless you say otherwise!  Text mission reports are fine as long as it states what happened in relation to the mission rules.

Ok, I re-did it.  Same craft, with some differences.  I docked at a space station in the same mission.  Not only did I land in one piece, but I did so on the KSC runway... which is something I've never done returning from orbit.  I have a video as well if you'd like it, but here are some screenshots.

Take off, break atmo:




Intercept maneuver:




Leaving and deorbiting:


Re-entry over KSC and turning about for landing:





No 'splody bits this time.


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Well played @Geonovast  the effective response to adversity of Astrids flight crew moved the landlord at the Dog and Booster to offer a slightly used bar towel as a special discretionary award, which the the K-Prize committee agreed was well deserved. There is still some debate as to whether the green patch is Creme de Menthe or a long lost lime flavoured fruit pastille, but high hopes all around that it will come out in the wash. 

Congratulations on completing the K-Prize challenge mission successfully including orbital docking and a runway landing at KSC to earn the highly regarded Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class.

Geonovast Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with Astrid SSTO. (Discretionary right stuff award.)

Thanks for your mission report and welcome to the roll of honour aka the K-Prize party guest list. :D 

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17 hours ago, boolybooly said:

OK more questions than answers today, @danielboro did your stock ship "LR-PMK6-stok" achieve orbit and then land safely, with parachutes near KSC? Sorry its just not clear from what you wrote which craft made the safe landing. Also FYI if you want to make a modded K-Prize mission report then there is a new K-Prize sister challenge thread being run by @JacobJHC especially for modded missions

all of them :)
and the PMK4 is used regularly to ferry tourists to orbit and back
up to orbit , wait an hour, burn retro 20 dV then land some were using parachutes
maybe some day ill get good inaf to actually land :)
the PMK4 is fully stock

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@Joseph Kerman do you want a gatecrasher listing for that report or will you be completing the mission with a safe landing? As a successful K-Prize holder you are entitled to have gatecrashers ignored btw. 

@danielboro thanks for clarifying. I am linking your mission post as below but as far as I can tell the modded craft uses parts from Kerbal Interstellar Extended. So again I would recommend visiting the sister thread for modded entries if you would like to share that mission and receive the kudos and recognition it deserves.

Congratulations to...

danielboro with LR-PMK6.

... on completing the K-Prize successfully with adroit use of textile technologies, thankyou for your mission report and welcome to the roll of honour aka the K-Prize party guest list. :) 

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Here is my Atlas XXL-144 spaceplane. It's a cargo SSTO that is capable to deliver 144t payload to LKO, which corresponds to 43% payload fraction. Full album is here.

The craft is 99.5% stock, the only modded part is MechJeb case.


View with payload:


Standing by for launch.


Liftoff! Narrowly avoiding the terrain.




Reached 1000m/s below 5km! It's getting hotter...


And hotter...


Switching engines to closed cycle soon.


Suborbital. Just need to not burn up.


Circularizing. And we're in orbit!


Undocking cargo. 4 full orange tanks!


Time to return home.


KSC in sight!


Almost there...



And we're back!



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Seasons greetings to all and yuletide congratulations to... @sh1pman & @JacobJHC

sh1pman Utilitarial Commendation (144t), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Atlas XXL-144 K-Prize.

Jacob JHC - Expeditionary Astrokerbal Distinction, Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Christmas Laythe SSTO. (discretionary festive cheer award)

... for completing the K-Prize mission in style. Thankyou for your mission reports and welcome (back) to the K-Prize party guest list.


:) May I just take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas one and all and best wishes for 2018.

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Here's my submission with a 136-seat SSTO to Eeloo (and Minmus). The video was published already in last August, but that's still okay, I guess?

Craft info:

  • mass: 915.06t
  • cost: 924,876
  • crew: 136
  • Craft file available on KerbalX.

Mission info:

  • DeltaV on LKO 4,874 m/s
  • Eeloo reached with Eve-Kerbin-Kerbin-Jool assist
  • Returned to Kerbin with Jool+Tylo-Kerbin-Kerbin assist
  • Minmus visit not originally planned
  • Unpowered landing to KSC

Here's a link to an earlier post:



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My First Entry and the First-SSTO-in-my-whole-life, CrapToOrbit 1.0!

Land Result:




Proof of Orbit Achievement:




Craft Link:


At least this works, right? Right!

I hope I didn't miss out anything to qualify...

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1 minute ago, Geonovast said:

I use Kazam on Mint.  Check your software manager.  Couldn't be easier to use.


Same Mint! thanks a lot.

I'd better get some more sleep, and upload the videos after a couple of weeks.

VOkoscreen messed up my whole thing!(I can play KSP in only a very limited period of time recently)

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23 minutes ago, Joseph Kerman said:

So I a quick, 20-minute SSTO just today, still experimental, but what do you think?

Album soon.

Mark-2 parts are very draggy, I don’t use them for SSTOs. I’d try to remake it using regular 1.25m parts.

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Congratulations to...

@JacobJHC Expeditionary Astrokerbal Distinction (Eeloo), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Rei III SSTO.

@McBalsam  Expeditionary Astrokerbal Distinction (Eeloo & Minmus), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with, 136 seat space liner Ahti II.

@DunnoAnyThing with CrapToOrbit 1.0.

... for completing the K-Prize challenge successfully. Thankyou for your mission reports and welcome (back) to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour. 


Congratulations also to all contributors to the K-Prize over the years as we have won the highly prestigious Thread of the Year Award 2017 !

Without your contributions there would be no thread so thanks and well played :D

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