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The Highly Educated KSP Player - legends in our own minds? (Updated OP 16 January 2018)


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Well, I guess I'll join in then.

I graduated in 2011, M.Sc. from Aarhus University of Denmark with a major in History of Science, double minor in physics and philosophy. I did my thesis on the history of exobiology in the 19th century, which turned out to be rather interesting. For a European, my college years was an unfocused mess, and I ended up doing the last half year of philosophy after my graduation in order to qualify for a teachers position at a high school. Looking into the future, my job has encouraged me to take up mathematics for yet another minor subject, as we are getting only an occasional philosophy class, but mathematics is to increase in the national curriculum. It is jet to be figured if I can get time of work to do this, or they will just pay whatever fees it will cost.

KSP has been a very welcome opportunity to actually learn the stuff on orbital mechanics I crammed back then, and I can get to the Mun and back with a ruler and a calculator. However, the maneuver nodes make it so easy to plan your transfers so I am to lazy to do the work most of the time, but I occasionally punch numbers into a spreadsheet to get an idea of proper altitudes for descent burns. I push the game on my students whenever I get the opportunity.

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Ok, folks - the list is updated for now. It really is fascinating seeing the various academic pursuits of our KSP family.

We have new members to the OP page: @Freshmeat, @SaturnianBlue, @Bubbadevlin, and @ComatoseJedi. Hey, Comatose Jedi, when you get a chance, could you send me the name of the school you were able to get your A. Sc. at? I know it is a small thing, but...

We also have an update posted for @CommanderSpock.

I've added a new notation for those high school students who have informed me they are STEM students. You'll see next to their name High school STEM student. For you non-American forum members who are curious (this is meant in a non-sarcastic manner), in the United States, there is a serious drought of interest in sciences and maths, and as a result, a low academic achievement in those fields. Many high schools and local community colleges (a community college in the U.S. can ONLY award an associates degree), there is an increased interest in promoting those two fields to the extent that entire curricula have been designed to help educate and encourage those who show an interest in science and the higher level maths.

If you are a STEM student and I don't have it next to your name, don't fret, simply post here and I will add it to your name. I do not want to ignore anyone's academic achievements!


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  On 8/26/2015 at 8:26 PM, adsii1970 said:

This category is for those people, that for whatever reason, life threw a curve ball and forced a difficult choice to be made. A life happened moment can happen to anyone and at any time, regardless of educational level, plans, dreams, and aspirations. In spite of what life threw out them, these folks represent professionals, maybe trained in a trade or skill, and are content with who they have become


I'm always amazed by the sensibility of the writing in this :) Just curious: it the community interested in a sister thread about occupations?

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  On 2/19/2016 at 7:58 PM, monstah said:

I'm always amazed by the sensibility of the writing in this :) Just curious: it the community interested in a sister thread about occupations?


I dunno, I've thought about it - and if there is enough interest, sure we can do this - and I bet some of the occupations KSP players have would probably surprise some!

When I wrote the part you highlighted, I had received a private message from someone that believed the OP was designed to single out people who didn't finish college or were somehow lesser in value of those who had a degree. So, I added that category as a way to show that there are those who have had life happen to them, but it didn't end who they were - I am one of those.

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  On 2/19/2016 at 8:00 PM, adsii1970 said:

and I bet some of the occupations KSP players have would probably surprise some!


Indeed! I've read of soldiers, truck drivers, pilots, retired pilots... you're a college teacher, right? Space exploration inspires all types!

I'm a data analyst on health care for about 4 years now, but before that I've been on webdesign, (briefly) illustration, and video editing (the last one for about 5 years, then on-an-off for some more time). I was very good at video editing, buy the pay was terrible, and the job conditions worse. Made good friends, tho. I've always liked doing creative stuff, but I felt underachieved for all the time I spent on my mathematics degree.

Now I love what I do, and after having switched the company I work for, my working conditions have also improved (the pay has diminished slightly, but the prospect is a lot better).

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@monstah: you're absolutely right in that. In doing the educational page, I have repeatedly been surprised to see the number of people that have degrees in things other than science and astronomy that play this game; and also when I see the truck drivers, the pilots, and other things as far as vocation. One of my students and I actually share craft files, now his father plays - and his father is a retired coal miner! It may be worth it to start a career page - now that I've thought about it. Since it is your idea, do you want to set it up?

And going along with what you said - I've learned that it isn't so much about the amount of pay as much as it is if you love your job. I love what I do. When you hate your job, that's when it becomes WORK.


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I'm in my senior year in high school, 18 years old, and I wanna go to college to possibly earn a master's degree in something like Physics. I'm not exactly sure what, but I DO know that I want to teach high school physics or space sciences, something like that.


Also I think it's worth noting one of my favorite quotes, something I stand by: "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education." -Mark Twain

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If you're still gathering information for the next round...

Bachelor's degree in mathematics with minor in philosophy, University of California

Master's degree in teaching mathematics

Secondary teaching credential

Three years of teaching high school math

Three years of teaching junior college math

Four years and counting teaching college physics and math (I signed up for the job thinking it would be mostly math and a little bit of physics; it turned out to be the other way around, but I'm finding that I'm better at teaching physics and enjoy it more as well.)


I love it when my job and my hobbies synergize. :cool:

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  • 3 weeks later...

me real doctor de english. i know doctor engligh thuings fro skoll. real true story. i talk no other langauges; only english which me flewent in real good.U can all call me doctor cause I like people to call me doctor. it makes me good feelin.

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  On 2/19/2016 at 10:28 PM, monstah said:

Nice! I have zero tact for teaching people. I feel like calling them stupid all the time :( not teacher material.


Well, they are. I taught Introductory Robotics, Introductory Robotic programming, and Advanced Robotic Programming to Mechanical Engineers. I wanted to bang my head against the wall because they just couldn't grasp the concept of 3 dimensions and when I threw in wrist rotation and bending they just melted down. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite previous poster's prejudices, I don't mind admitting that I have a degree in English Literature. (From University of California, Santa Cruz).

That said I have returned to school and am pursuing a BS in Civil Engineering at Portland (Oregon) State University.

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I'm currently a freshman in High School, but I've been programming for about 2-3 years.  I'm planning to take AP Computer Science in a couple years, and I'm hoping that they change it to a UConn class.  (Basically the University of Connecticut offers an "Early College Experience" thing where you basically take a college class but in high school, at high school.  It's basically the exact same curriculum as an AP class, but it's actual college credits.)  I'm planning to major in computer science, and I'm probably going to go into some sort of software related industry, but I would love to work at NASA, too, and there are programming jobs there, too.  I know around 7ish different programming languages, but some of them I never use anymore (BASIC, VB.)  I do know Java, but I hate it.

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I'm currently a Junior in High School and counting down the days to graduation.  I'm taking AP Calculus next year, but it's not likely that I'll pursue a STEM career unless something drastic happens and I end up in the Navy or Air Force.  Currently I'm planning to become a Marine Corps officer with either a major in Political Science, Astronomy, or Systems Engineering.  I've wanted to be in the military my entire life, but since my GPA is too low to go to the Naval Academy, I'll probably go to a college like University of Colorado, Iowa State, Michigan State, or University of Mississippi and go through the ROTC programs there.  

I can't program..  I can speak Chinese and some bit of Russian and Arabic though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/6/2016 at 1:52 AM, Matuchkin said:

How about @IonStorm? He should be premium.


I have a simple, unwritten rule that I may need to add to the OP - I normally do not add anyone unless they send me their own information. I'm not saying that anyone would submit something that the person would not ant anyone else on the forum knowing, but I think that if the person submits their own information, then they kinda give consent for me to share it. 

Thanks for tagging @IonStorm, and if he/she submits their information, I will be more than happy to put it where it goes!

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  On 4/6/2016 at 12:22 PM, adsii1970 said:

Thanks for tagging @IonStorm, and if he/she submits their information, I will be more than happy to put it where it goes!



  • Intern: University of Houston: Houston, TX, USA (Biochemistry), 1987
  • A.B.: Occidental College:  Los Angeles, CA, USA (Biochemistry), 1991
  • Fellow: NASA Specialized Center for Research and Training in Exobiology: San Diego, CA, USA, 1992-1996
  • Ph.D.: University of California, San Diego: San Diego, CA, USA (Biochemistry), 1997
  • Post-doctoral: SETI Institute/NASA Ames: Mountain View, CA, USA (Astrophysics, astrobiology), 2002

I can give you more on current work, awards, missions, and publications if you want.

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  On 4/6/2016 at 2:15 PM, IonStorm said:


  • Intern: University of Houston: Houston, TX, USA (Biochemistry), 1987
  • A.B.: Occidental College:  Los Angeles, CA, USA (Biochemistry), 1991
  • Fellow: NASA Specialized Center for Research and Training in Exobiology: San Diego, CA, USA, 1992-1996
  • Ph.D.: University of California, San Diego: San Diego, CA, USA (Biochemistry), 1997
  • Post-doctoral: SETI Institute/NASA Ames: Mountain View, CA, USA (Astrophysics, astrobiology), 2002

I can give you more on current work, awards, missions, and publications if you want.


Nope, that will do it; it's an impressive CV, to say the least! Your information has been added to the list!

Or, to paraphrase from Star Trek: The Next Generation. You have been assimilated. Your uniqueness has been added to the collective...

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