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[1.12.5] Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Space Shuttle


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hello to all, and thanks for this great mod.  Wow, it is great.

I have been using the supplied .craft files, but i would like to be able to build from scratch..  just my ocd shining through.

How do you attach the ET seperator to the bottom of the shuttle?  is it just a surface attachment?  there is a node there, but nothing on the CA external decoupler.

I am guessing that there is some great trick, but i am missing it.

again, thanks for the mod and all support.


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@debaker02 I'm not really sure about the patch. I think when using stock values the SRBs get crazy heavy, so maybe reducing the masses on the SRBs and ET could do the trick. If you do happen to come up with some working edits I'd be happy to update it.

@Deltac That is lovely. Thanks for the pictures!

@drtedastro Thanks. Glad you're liking it. The ET sep is surface mounted. It's definitely easiest to build the shuttle stack in the SPH and flipping the shuttle upside down helps with attaching all the ET stuff. The little node there is just for using the blank version of the engine mount and attaching the extensions to make your own size.


I've been plugging along on the LRB's texturing and game balancing. They're a bit twitchy with all the gimbals but feel great and increase the payload from 18t to about 25t



Getting the booster sep working



Works great as a rocket too along with the mesh switching interstage (5m not pictured)




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16 hours ago, Pak said:

@debaker02 I'm not really sure about the patch. I think when using stock values the SRBs get crazy heavy, so maybe reducing the masses on the SRBs and ET could do the trick. If you do happen to come up with some working edits I'd be happy to update it.

@Deltac That is lovely. Thanks for the pictures!

@drtedastro Thanks. Glad you're liking it. The ET sep is surface mounted. It's definitely easiest to build the shuttle stack in the SPH and flipping the shuttle upside down helps with attaching all the ET stuff. The little node there is just for using the blank version of the engine mount and attaching the extensions to make your own size.


I've been plugging along on the LRB's texturing and game balancing. They're a bit twitchy with all the gimbals but feel great and increase the payload from 18t to about 25t



Getting the booster sep working



Works great as a rocket too along with the mesh switching interstage (5m not pictured)




@Pak I am working on it.  I have a shuttle making it to orbit now (but the controls are certainly a bit wild).  I needed to use the new fuel values, add more fuel/power to the SRB, and add more thrust to the SSMEs.  I am going to figure out if i should improve the ISP which might have me dialing down the thrust since there would be less fuel.  I will attempt a pull request when i get it a bit more fun to fly.  I think i may need to improve the SAS strength to handle the higher mass.

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Well @Pak, it has been a while and I see you've developed your mod quite well. Lot of parts. Good Job! :)

I haven't been using the mod much and thought RO would transform earlier to 1.3, but that will take another while I guess. 
I configured a new patch so this mod should function with RO again. (on KSP 1.2.2.)

Link to the Github page

It's still in Apha, since there are a lot of parts that have to be tested and balanced. So please, if something is off, contact me. 


NOTE: please standby for upcoming patch. Just ran a test and some things didn't work out well

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Had some thing changed real quick and I'm about to test now. 
After that I'm going to bed, so I'll just let the new version unchanged. If there are some RO guys out here who want to test, feel free to download it and take some notes for me what can be changed. 



V1.1 (Alpha)
- Adjusted the OMS engines' ISP.
- Serveral fixes in the patch like wrong part-name.
- Removed fuel in the shuttle body A, B and C. (this time really)
- Removed monoprop from the Buranbutt
- Added weight to the nosecone to balance the CoM
- Solved a typo in the payload.cfg, forgot one '}'    -.-

V1.0 (Alpha)

- Now have the right thrust, ISP, fuel usage etc. 
- Every part is upscaled to the right scale and mass.
- Engines now have ullage/ignitions.

Mk3-shuttle Parts:
- Every part (except the MMU-parts) is upscaled to the right scale and mass.
- Removed the Monoprop, Oxidizer and Liquid Fuel.
- Added fuel tanks in the nose and OMS-pods
- Removed the fuel options from the body of the shuttle and the wings.
- The fuel-cell now takes Liqd.Oxygen and Liqd.Hydrogen and produces Power (electricCharge) and Water. 

Shuttle Stack:
- Every part is upscaled to the right scale and mass.
- Changed the fuel of the booster to PBAN.
- Changed the fuel in the ET to Liqd.Oxygen and Liqd.Hydrogen.
- The booster now has the right ISP and thurst.

And many more. 
This is still a heavy work in progress. If things are off, please contact me. New patches are coming in the next weeks.


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I've been tweaking and polishing the RO-patch a bit. 


V1.2 (Beta)

- Fixed OMS RCS.
- Fixed SRB ISP bug.
- Tweaked the scale of the ET and SRB to the real dimensions.
- Upgraded the part to withstand a bit more heat during re-entry.
- Gave the RCS on the shuttle a bit more power.
- Added Electric Charge to the nose.
- Added extra life support in the nose, life support is up to 14 days now.
- Balanced the CoM a bit more.
- Some more typos.


It is now fully functional and and all the dimension are the same as IRL. 
Reentry is also possible as long as you keep the real life shuttle's reentry path. (AoA of 40 degree, untill Mach 10, from there slowly lower the AoA)
Keep in mind to save some RCS fuel for the reentry, I managed to get a full reentry without problems with around 3minutes and 40 seconds of fuel. 

Download is available in the OP which links to my github or just click here.

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@Sweice in stock no, in RO yes



Finally tracked down same nagging issues with the new engines so things are getting all cleaned up with the LRBs. Mostly just finishing up textures now.

Here's a little peek at the decals too. Uses mesh switch to change names/styles. I'll provide the real shuttle names and you can plug in your own names to the texture sheet. The name plate and right wing flag use the same texture space, so if you put in your own name it'll be available for both.


Edited by Pak
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