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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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8 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

You could check out the examples on KerbalX and look at the mods each one is made from.  See -> Kerbal X: A-10 Thunderbolt crafts

Ok. Kind of hoping there is a mod out there with gear that partially retracts, just in case.

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Hello,   Anyone know the fix for this error?

[LOG 09:49:14.041] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/b29cockpit/part/b29cockpit'
[ERR 09:49:14.044] PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PartLoader.ReplaceTextures (UnityEngine.GameObject model, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] textureNames, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] newTextures) [0x000d9] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 
  at PartLoader.CompileModel (UrlDir+UrlConfig cfg, ConfigNode partCfg, System.Single scaleFactor, AvailablePart partInfo) [0x004d4] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 
  at PartLoader.ParsePart (UrlDir+UrlConfig urlConfig, ConfigNode node) [0x00103] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 
  at PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext () [0x00685] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 

[ERR 09:49:14.044] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part

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On 11/14/2022 at 7:07 PM, Rakete said:

How are things going? Looking forward to a stable release. :cool::D

Things got slightly out of control around here. My last Opportunity Window for this were royally screwed up by that MonkeyPatching stunt, and on the next week by the PDLauncher drama.

Right now I'm working my SAS out due the incoming Black Friday (my day-job is related to taxes, and the last week and this one are simply the worst weeks on the whole year! Not even Christmas have such volume of transactions).

My Country's current turmoil is not helping at all (TL;DR: all our road freight transport industry - in the whole country - is going to a political strike. Oh, yes, agribusiness too!), and we just don't know how this will impact our business, not to mention our personal lives. It's uncertain how much ugly this is going to get.

In a way or another, I hope to have some time to tinker on this again exactly on the Black Friday and the following weekend and Cyber Monday - interesting enough, once the avalanche starts to roll, there's not too much I can do but to watch and see if the preventive measures are working. Usually they do, and so I end up with a lot of awaken time to fill with something interesting while no bell rings on the monitoring panel.


On 11/16/2022 at 1:37 PM, Zmeya said:

As am I, many of the wing parts look good but dont work properly with FAR

I have some FAR patches on the Experimental release (unfortunately, a crap as I had mande a pretty lame merge mistake on some configs). Once I finally manage to shove this thing trough the door (Hopefully Soon™), do you want to beta test it?

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On 11/21/2022 at 5:20 AM, Lisias said:

I have some FAR patches on the Experimental release (unfortunately, a crap as I had mande a pretty lame merge mistake on some configs). Once I finally manage to shove this thing trough the door (Hopefully Soon™), do you want to beta test it?

I'd be happy to whenever a test version is ready.

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28 minutes ago, MARL_Mk1 said:

Can anyone confirm if it works correctly on 1.12.x?

I use it quite a bit in 1.12 (all versions). I do not however use the wheels as they are problematic. The wings, engines, crew compartments all work very well.  

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12 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

I use it quite a bit in 1.12 (all versions). I do not however use the wheels as they are problematic. The wings, engines, crew compartments all work very well.  

I was working on fixing the landing gear somewhat, but I'm super inexperienced with doing landing gear and didn't get anywhere. Luckily, SuicidalInsanity was nice enough to help out and got all the gear working.. If you want to test it, I'll provide a link to my fork of Lisias' repo with the fixed gear.

https://github.com/Drag0nD3str0yer/AirplanePlus (should just have to download the repo as a zip and then grab the gamedata from that)

I will point out that the fixes will be pushed to Lisias' repo eventually, so this is only a temporary place to find the fixed gear for now.

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3 hours ago, Drag0nD3str0yer said:

I'll provide a link to my fork of Lisias' repo with the fixed gear.

I've downloaded it to my Test Instance. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks. 

EDIT:  @Drag0nD3str0yer


  • I don't really don't use the KS-V1 landing gear as it doesn't fit with my aircraft design preferences so Untested. 
  • The KS -16 has always worked so no change really 
  • The  KS-H1  is improved over the original. The original has been unusable for a while.  Your version still has the the issue of bouncing on the runway when first launched and orientation spin  while the craft should not be moving, however the two key factors in improvement are that you can actually take off successfully with it, and even better, you can land without becoming a fiery ball of goo . That's something the original could never do very well. 
  •   KS-X1 gear (both variants) KS-16, and KS-29 are improved in functionality/reliability which might prompt me to start using them in new designs. 
  • I only use the KS-51 on Helicopters/VTOL craft and it works well in those cases

Overall - Well done you.

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4 hours ago, Drag0nD3str0yer said:

I was working on fixing the landing gear somewhat, but I'm super inexperienced with doing landing gear and didn't get anywhere. Luckily, SuicidalInsanity was nice enough to help out and got all the gear working.. If you want to test it, I'll provide a link to my fork of Lisias' repo with the fixed gear.

https://github.com/Drag0nD3str0yer/AirplanePlus (should just have to download the repo as a zip and then grab the gamedata from that)

I will point out that the fixes will be pushed to Lisias' repo eventually, so this is only a temporary place to find the fixed gear for now.

I think I will as well. I play on a custom 2.667x Kerbin rescale, which is "helpful" for finding collider issues and other problems regarding moving on terrain. Happy to test it and see if I can break something.

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9 hours ago, Caerfinon said:
  • The KS -16 has always worked so no change really 

That's weird, I have problems with the KS-16 bottoming out and kicking the craft in the air. Increasing the spring stregth seems to help a bit, but I can't really use it as the plane gets kicked up during almost every landing. I think either the suspension travel is too short or the springs are not stiff enough.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1) how do I change a mk3 part to an mk3s1.5? more specifically, (because my computer hates tweakscale for some reason) what would I need to change the rescale factor to? the cockpit from the Mi-24 Hind cockpit mod is too big.

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On 12/1/2022 at 4:53 AM, Caerfinon said:

I've downloaded it to my Test Instance. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks. 

Fixed wheels? Superb, I shall try this out also since I'm really into building planes right now.

From experience wheels can cause the craft to bounce/explode or just drift on the ground (even with brakes) on, but a way to reduce this is to ensure that the craft has the wheels perfectly vertical. Use the Precise Editor mod:

If the design is a tail dragger, rotate it into the orientation it will by landed in: move the craft down to the floor and rotate the command part so the wheels all touch, then ensure they're all vertical, repeat until it's good.

My theory (based on some experience with physics in games) is that some wheel parts have rectangular collision boxes that are close to the ground end, and if they're not aligned vertically the ship will spawn with them inside the ground. Physics engines do not like a large amount of intersection and usually respond to such things with massive amounts of force: ie. kaboom. If you survive, the wheels on the ground will then slip because the collision box is inside the ground, so the physics engine will try to push them away (with some horizontal component) less violently, but will cause them to skid around even with brakes on.

I've not actually confirmed this is what happening, I just know that usually the above helps a lot: no bouncing, no ghost sliding, wheels behave on take-off and landing.


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On 12/1/2022 at 12:02 AM, Caerfinon said:

I use it quite a bit in 1.12 (all versions). I do not however use the wheels as they are problematic. The wings, engines, crew compartments all work very well.  

Are the Airplane+ parts fitted with IVAs for cockpits and crew cabins!? Where can I grab the most recent/stable release? When I click on the link by dragon destroyer there are no releases? Somehow I don't know how to get the newest pack of AP+ (with fixed wheels etc). There are so many directories and sub directories in the github repo.

Are there any dependencies?

Are the engines waterfallized?

Edited by Rakete
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  • Get from CKAN or Space Dock the latest stable version. 
  • For @Drag0nD3str0yer's github you can hit the green code  button and download as a zip. From the downloaded archive only use the files from the GameData folder. Ignore everything else.
  • You need firespitter and module manager for it to work
  • "waterfallized" - no idea mate. I do not use it. 


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21 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

You need firespitter

As i had issues with firespitter in the past: Is it needed for all parts, or only for the propeller-engines? Can i strip down the package to not need firespitter in case i run into imcompatibilities again? My main interest are the fuselage and jet engine parts.


21 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

Space Dock the latest stable version

21 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

github you can hit the green code  button and download as a zip. From the downloaded archive only use the files from the GameData folder. Ignore everything else.

Should I take dragons version or the spacedock version (and if so: what is the spacedock link? The OP contains a link to git, but it looks outdated, because it references KSP 1.8).

Thx in advance.

21 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

waterfallized" - no idea mate. I do not use it. 

If you have a little bit of computing power in reserve: give waterfall and stock waterfall effects a try. They are worth it, especially on afterburning engines.

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  1. I use the firespitter that comes bundled with USI not the main mod. I suspect that without firespitter none of the props will work.
  2. You should use the version of Airplane Plus  that causes the least amount of pain for your install. I use the latest version from CKAN
  3. No cycles for waterfall I'm afraid. 


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10 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

You should use the version of Airplane Plus  that causes the least amount of pain for your install. I use the latest version from CKAN

This sounds not fun, if the package really causes pain. I thought it was just a part-cfg, mesh & texture pack. Can you tell me, what's that pain, you are talking about?


In fact I have a heavily modded install with loads of visual stuff, the whole nertea suite (with some personal adjustments for me), Angels mods, ... and more... and am worried about incompatibilities by adding more and morr plugins. Especially firespitter had caused my issues with (more) important mods in the past.


Since I check the mods, what they do (and change in other parts that are not mod-exclusive (e.g. adding fuel options) i always install mods manually and read through their global configs (not part definitions) and don't even have CKAN. I am also a little bit security paranoid - and installing stuff manually gives me the opportunity to give everything a run on virustotal for security checks. Trust is good, checks are better.

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The latest CKAN package works for me.. You discover what works by trial and error. I only ever install in a test instance that is a mirror of my play instance, so if bad things happen I wipe the test instance and reset it.  Trying new mods is the Undiscovered Country.... and what dreams may come. 

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22 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

Undiscovered Country

Chancellor Gorkon would agree.


Mods make addicted. You start accumulate more and more of them. I started with visual stuff (eve, spectra, scatterer, waterfall...) and now I have all the big stuff (like the whole Nertea-Mod-world, angel-125s mods, etc... in fact over have half of KSP-assigned disk space is ... mods... and they connect nicely into each other.)

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