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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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3 minutes ago, Murican_Jeb said:

Nice build! Is that an He-112?

It's not anything in particular—I designed the airframe as a mid-war monoplane, but I couldn't get more than 40m/s with either the Vortex or Count, so I upped it to the Tornado.

Also, there are two Cyclones now?

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Just now, XOC2008 said:

So on suggestions, what about something midway between 1.25m and 2.5m parts in the 1.5m range? You could make some nice P-61 fuselage/cockpit parts that have that oblong shape rather than just round.


I could't think of the term, but +1 to an oval 1.25m (like two 1.25m positioned so that the radii overlap, like a Venn diagram. Boom, P-61/A-20/A-26/B-24 fuselage.

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Just now, kiwinanday said:

I could't think of the term, but +1 to an oval 1.25m (like two 1.25m positioned so that the radii overlap, like a Venn diagram. Boom, P-61/A-20/A-26/B-24 fuselage.

1.25 might be too small for a P-61, but it wouldn't have to be much bigger. I tried to make something using the Firespitter oblong parts but they're still just a bit too skinny.

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3 minutes ago, XOC2008 said:

1.25 might be too small for a P-61, but it wouldn't have to be much bigger. I tried to make something using the Firespitter oblong parts but they're still just a bit too skinny.

P-61 didn't have a wide fuselage.


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I figure the forward part, up to the front of the first cockpit, is 1.25m circular, with the cockpit being the transition, of sorts. That way, you could use the same part for an A-20

Or even the core fuselage of a B-17


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On 1/2/2017 at 6:00 AM, blackheart612 said:

Release 9.0...

Rebranded all parts to Kerbal Standard, all AP+ can now be found in one manufacturer tab

Thank you so much for doing this. Sometimes it's quite a scavenger hunt to *find* the new parts from a mod since they just burrow in with current ones when people brand them in with stock manufacturers. :)

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Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful job @blackheart612! Very encouraging to see the great work you're putting out!

Before I kind of burnt out on KSP due to the kerfluffle of so many devs leaving and other IRL things back in September, I was working on a mod I called Warbirds!, which rebalanced APP 5.0, KAX, and SXT to work together and placed them in logical order in Yemo's UnmannedBeforeManned techtree (or stock techtree, depending on how it was installed).

I also made custom versions of a bunch of ASET props and created an American-WW2 style cockpit, chiefly based on the P-51C. I plan to resume this and do more. Would you mind if I took a crack at making RPM / ASET versions of your APP cockpits? This is what my previous work looks like (it's actually been improved a little bit now - this was back in 1.1.3):


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Thank you for the responses and feedbacks, I thought I'd let you guys know. Really makes me happy. :D Means encouraging to make more parts!

@Benji13 I can't get my reshade configs as of now because it's in another PC. If it's fine with you, I'll tag you when I get the chance to post it here. Should be noted that images have been edited too though.

@kiwinanday I love screenshot posts! I see the parts used the way I never thought of using. There is much creativity. I also get ideas from those from time to time.

@Veeltch I plan to add electric props at some point in a future release. I still need to understand fully how they work though before I feel confident of releasing.

@theonegalen That really looks well made! I won't be making RPM/ASET prop configs but I'm willing to give permissions to those who want to distribute their modification of AP+ configs to cater the props. I can also post it on the OP.

@SpaceBadger007 There was a suggestion of making 3.75m parts. If I actually get to make those, I think 737 parts would fit 3.75 better. We'll see in the far future.

@Invader_guy I wonder why you want to let it go off your hands. I can texture it for you, I can also import it for you then you go from there. You should release it as your own mod. I think it's really great and would be a waste if you didn't continue your way of work.
On a sidenote, it looks like Mk3 sized. Hind cockpit was suggested here before as well. And I planned to make one and I forgot. Now I have another Mk1 part missing to finish... because that's how small I think it is. Or maybe 2.5m. In any case, If isn't Mk3 or any standard stock size, it would be a real shame. When I started to make the earlier parts, I planned to make them be fit will all the standard size KSP parts. Even though I halved the Mk2 parts, I had to stay faithful to the size. This is a reason why I don't think 1.5m parts and oblong fuselages will be a feature anytimes soon. (@XOC2008)


Dev Update:

Also, I'm sorry for the missing falcon cockpit, I believe my unity save for the cockpit got corrupted but I got it working after I've read the issue report. I hope it's fine that I'll launch a fix on the next release because I don't want to spam the releases to you guys.

I'm going to work with 2.5m parts very soon for next release but currently, I've added a meshswitch variant for the Mk1 Passenger Door. Yes, meshswitch. From a door variant to the one with Air Ramps in a single click. (@Stone Blue) This is what I have planned initially. Will also add for 2.5m sizes hopefully. So the ramp can be adjusted from 50-100 deploy limit angle before it starts to close the extension. That way, plane heights can vary. The consequence is the animation is a bit fast on closing and opening of extension ramp. 

The max angle is a steep 135 degree ramp. Mechanism is based off the Learjet Bombardier as I remember. (Thanks to Bruno Mars and 24K Magic music video)

Click image to see animation in action (because I dont know why it's uploaded as gifv)



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@NeoFatalis Well, 3.75 is rounder than Mk3, so close enough. :P

@Thetaobera Thank you very much as well, I'm glad you love em.


Okay, well, I did end up working with 2.5m sized parts, 3 parts looking finished in total. But not completely finished. Still have to do IVA and emissives. Already functional though. Here are some pictures:


Now hold your horses, I know it's a regular striped texture but I did put a texture switcher so that you can use whatever kind of texture you want (uses 3 textures in total, shared by two parts):



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9 hours ago, blackheart612 said:

@Invader_guy I wonder why you want to let it go off your hands. I can texture it for you, I can also import it for you then you go from there. You should release it as your own mod. I think it's really great and would be a waste if you didn't continue your way of work.
On a sidenote, it looks like Mk3 sized. Hind cockpit was suggested here before as well. And I planned to make one and I forgot. Now I have another Mk1 part missing to finish... because that's how small I think it is. Or maybe 2.5m. In any case, If isn't Mk3 or any standard stock size, it would be a real shame. When I started to make the earlier parts, I planned to make them be fit will all the standard size KSP parts. Even though I halved the Mk2 parts, I had to stay faithful to the size. This is a reason why I don't think 1.5m parts and oblong fuselages will be a feature anytimes soon.

I don't really have the time and patience to mantain a mod but I still wanted my part to be available for anyone who wants it :P 

so that's why I wanted to see if it could be part of someone else's mod instead.

also yea, it is MK3 size

Dropbox link in case you're interested: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8yu7xeoappkr369/Hind.zip?dl=0


3 hours ago, TedwinKnockman66 said:

Imgur version please? i can't see

here: http://imgur.com/a/0wq8B

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@Invader_guy I see, that's understandable. It's a shame, KSP can always use more modders. I'll see what I can do with the file, not gonna be part of AP+ so I'll find of a way to distribute it.

@qromodynmc That's why I need more feedbacks! :D 

Aside from a subsonic looking cockpit which can clearly break the sound barrier in KSP, I've made a supersonic looking one. Mostly based of the concorde, shortened nose and simplified visor. Originally thought of Tu-144 but there's barely any difference other than visor design when I saw it and concorde had a clearer look for me. The visor will be transparent on final texture. Just tested the animation with this no engine aircraft:


I think the drooping of the nose actually makes you lose speed. Which makes sense because they're deployed at low speeds/taxiing/landing. Based max angle of deployment here:


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