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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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6 hours ago, Ben J. Kerman said:

I'm kind of addicted to Tetris now.

My wife apparently spent much of her free time in college playing Tetris. She now credits it with her extraordinary ability to pack things such as suitcases and vehicle trunks. Whenever I feel I need her assistance in this area I'm all, "Hey! Tetris Lady!"

Edited by TheSaint
Stupid phone keyboard
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I just finished a flight in MSFS2020 from JFK to Tampa. Nothing unusual in and of itself, but, I had noticed in prior flights an odd issue with ATC not stepping me down at TOD (top of descent) or failing to continue stepping me down at key points during descent where my FMC would show a point where I have to be between 2 altitude restrictions. I theorized this was somehow my fault by being jumpy and not being patient enough to wait for the  AI to step me down. This impatience was not helped by the ai atc suddenly telling me to expedite a climb to an altitude i had yet to be cleared or instructed to climb to.  This same sudden expedite climb to fl380 (tonights cruise alt) came when my last recorded climb call was for fl320 with no further calls to climb until it said expedite.

Well, I decided to just do nothing to climb or descend unless told to. Result? I was given proper calls to descend at proper times. My bird floated a bit at the end but a good crosswind will do that lol. 

So, I learned again to just trust the process lol. Youd think after 20+ years as a simpilot and rc pilot id know to just trust the process lol.


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On 10/15/2022 at 9:16 PM, Admiral Fluffy said:

I saw 2 F-35s.

One of the most amazing things i've ever seen.

Up close? They fly over my house a lot they are loud but I have not seen one up close.

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Tried to look for "имбирь"  ("ginger", the kitchen plant) in Reverso content translator.

Вскипятите воду и, когда она закипит, добавьте тертый имбирь.
Boil a cup of water and, when it reaches its boiling point, add the dandelion.
Ищите имбирь в разделе продуктов в вашем продуктовом магазине.
Look for papayas in the produce section of your grocery store.
Также имбирь упоминается в текстах священного Корана.
The existence of the Jinn is stated in the Holy Qur'an.
Для беременных женщин имбирь может стать настоящим спасением против токсикоза.
For pregnant women, a banana can be a real salvation in toxemia.
Спустя несколько часов имбирь приобретает красивый розовый цвет.
Over time, white flowers acquire a gentle pink color.
Обожаю имбирь, но только чуть-чуть.
I like the Bruins, but only by a little.
Каждый раз, заваривая отвар, используйте новый имбирь.
Each time you inject, you should use a new needle.
Помимо внутреннего применения имбирь также можно использовать наружно.
In addition to internal usage, herbs can also be taken externally.
Не стоит удивляться тому, что имбирь имеет противопоказания.
I would not be surprised if IBD has a genetic link.

I even didn't know that all these plants are a kind of ginger...

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18 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

I got my teenagers off their devices, took them out back and built a concrete step to replace a rotten wooden legacy step. 

All I did was the framing and finishing. 

Good times

I endorse this message wholeheartedly.


11 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Tried to look for "имбирь"  ("ginger", the kitchen plant) in Reverso content translator.

  Hide contents
Вскипятите воду и, когда она закипит, добавьте тертый имбирь.
Boil a cup of water and, when it reaches its boiling point, add the dandelion.
Ищите имбирь в разделе продуктов в вашем продуктовом магазине.
Look for papayas in the produce section of your grocery store.
Также имбирь упоминается в текстах священного Корана.
The existence of the Jinn is stated in the Holy Qur'an.
Для беременных женщин имбирь может стать настоящим спасением против токсикоза.
For pregnant women, a banana can be a real salvation in toxemia.
Спустя несколько часов имбирь приобретает красивый розовый цвет.
Over time, white flowers acquire a gentle pink color.
Обожаю имбирь, но только чуть-чуть.
I like the Bruins, but only by a little.
Каждый раз, заваривая отвар, используйте новый имбирь.
Each time you inject, you should use a new needle.
Помимо внутреннего применения имбирь также можно использовать наружно.
In addition to internal usage, herbs can also be taken externally.
Не стоит удивляться тому, что имбирь имеет противопоказания.
I would not be surprised if IBD has a genetic link.

I even didn't know that all these plants are a kind of ginger...

Russian cookbooks must be a hoot.

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Big storm blew through like a ton o' bricks last night, whole island is without power, even big chunks of the mainland are still dark. Thanks to Starlink and Kohler, I can still post this. :D

Went outside last night to find this big-S tree branch blocking the whole road into the neighborhood, so being neighborly, we decided to clear it.


Just goes to show, if you have an orange tractor, a day-glo-green jacket and act like you know what you're doing, no one will question you.

Because no one else is stupid enough to be out in this excrement clearing trees yet. :confused:

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Got to go to the Nellis AFB “Aviation Nation” air show. Wow, what an experience. They had many acrobatic planes, one of which landed on top of a freakin’ ambulance, the Thunderbirds (of course), and quite a bit of troop transport planes that you could walk inside of. The best part of the whole thing though was the joint forces mock attack where they has some F-16s painted like MiGs fly in and pretend to bomb the runway, and then F-22s and F-35s stopped them. After that they did demos with the 22s and 35s which were very cool (but also very loud). All in all, it was quite an amazing time and I would do it again any day.

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Trivia night fundraiser.  I'm golden in the early rounds knowing "Trout Pout" and "Calvin and Hobbes".  We're in the lead the whole night.  Literally way out front.  Closest team, helmed by one of my lawschool classmates was a massive 4 points behind us.  Suckers.

Whole team is excited; we are definitely winning the gold-colored plastic disk tonight!

... Comes down to the bonus round, Potpourri, 5 points each (vs 1) with no less than 3 science/history questions.

I choke on dysphagia, thinking the answer given by my teammates did not smell right - and 'corrected' it - because I had had Covid and knew the answer.

Gave Persephone the last word (but not the first) - I mean we're talking Juno here, and hell, we know she's vindictive, right?

and finally,

Mixed up what Deep Impact hit, telling everyone confidently that the Huygens probe used Deep Impact to hit Deimos and brought back samples using Osiris Rex.  


Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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7 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

I love them both, but for the sake of greater truth, Trivia is Hecate, not Persephone.


I am fond of Hecate - she who faces the three ways - tis true. 

But it must be known that Persephone was my loudly proclaimed wrong answer to she who got the last word but never the first. 

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On 11/11/2022 at 9:16 AM, Zozaf Kerman said:

The best part of the whole thing though was the joint forces mock attack where they has some F-16s painted like MiGs fly in and pretend to bomb the runway, and then F-22s and F-35s stopped them.

So they actually did a mock-engagement with jets in the air? At Miramar, where I get my yearly air-show supply, they have a thing where they drop troops and vehicles while bombing the ground to simulate taking over an area, but there's no air-to-air fighting. Must be a spectacle.

Edited by LHACK4142
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I don't know if it really belongs in this thread, but I discovered Icelandair is changing its livery. It's alright. I don't really have strong feelings about it either way, but I don't hate it. It does sort of remind me of Ryanair's, though.


Edited by Ben J. Kerman
I'm definitely an avgeek.
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