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  On 2/16/2019 at 12:58 PM, Nivee~ said:

"New twist to Avenger's endgame!" "Which original Avenger will die in Avengers : Endgame?" "Is Star-Lord the key to defeating Thanos?" "Is Thanos really the villain in Endgame?" "Will Ultron be coming back?".....

"Hidden easter eggs in GoT superbowl ad" "Will The Mountain face off against a dragon?"....

Dear NEWS websites, your job is to deliver relevant news. Not promoting speculation about a problem that will solve itself in a few months! :mad:


Money. Most news does this, because money. The only reliable news Network I can think of is NPR, because (I think?) They're a nonprofit organization, that doesn't make money stirring the cauldron of endless drama and controversy. 

Like everytime any national tradegy happens, it's used to defend or tear down viewpoints that have nothing to do with them.

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  On 2/16/2019 at 12:58 PM, Nivee~ said:

"New twist to Avenger's endgame!" "Which original Avenger will die in Avengers : Endgame?" "Is Star-Lord the key to defeating Thanos?" "Is Thanos really the villain in Endgame?" "Will Ultron be coming back?".....

"Hidden easter eggs in GoT superbowl ad" "Will The Mountain face off against a dragon?"....

Dear NEWS websites, your job is to deliver relevant news. Not promoting speculation about a problem that will solve itself in a few months! :mad:


I hate how I have to keep telling Google News that I don't care anything at all about all the movie and TV franchises I actually do like, lest the HEADLINES spoil key plot points.

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  On 2/16/2019 at 12:58 PM, Nivee~ said:

Dear NEWS websites, your job is to deliver relevant news. Not promoting speculation about a problem that will solve itself in a few months! :mad:


Delivering real news is expensive and time-consuming, whereas the profit margins for news media are plummeting, so there’s no money to pay for serious sleuthing. Combine this with having to compete for shares and likes, and quality goes down the drain. Modern editorial policy favours speed and controversy; excessive pop-culture reporting is low-cost and satifies that.

  On 2/16/2019 at 2:17 PM, Kernel Kraken said:

The only reliable news Network I can think of is NPR, because (I think?) They're a nonprofit organization, that doesn't make money stirring the cauldron of endless drama and controversy. 


Unfortunately, bringing any outside money into play introduces the problem that whoever pays the piper calls the tune. [snip]?

Edited by Vanamonde
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  On 2/16/2019 at 6:30 PM, LordFerret said:

Where is all the snow?


Over here, in Minnesota.

Come on down, bring trucks, trains, whatever! Load up all you like and TAKE IT AWAY!!! Another 5 inches (12 cm) is supposed to fall tomorrow, or so I've been told... People are rushing to the stores for supplies. This is Minnesota... 2 weeks ago I saw a guy in boxers and no shirt walk out to take out the trash in sub-freezing temperatures... My apartment hasn't had working heat besides my oven and a space heater... Since last winter, apparently. On Thursday, I got my car stuck when I bottomed out on a snow drift. It wasn't even snowing... Just blowing around what we already had! You can't see if traffic is coming down roads anymore, cause the snow plows have pushed up so much snow onto the sides of the roads, that it now tops the eye line in any places. You have to pull out into the lane a little bit to see passed the snow piles.

Please, come and take some of our snow!!! :confused:

Edited by richfiles
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Sadly, some of the comments were straying too far into the political realm.   After some discussion, we've had to redact some posts, and remove some others.  In the process, some replies to the redacted posts also had to be removed.    Try to stay away from political and hot button social topic discussion please, they never end well. We appreciate your understanding in this. 

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  On 2/18/2019 at 4:03 AM, qzgy said:

Neighborhood power went out. Which is weird. And interrupted a nice show. 

Got to do some distraction free reading though which is a plus. 


Honestly? These days I find myself wishing the power would go out more often.


A co-worker sends me an invite to open an account on a vendor's website so that I can download some software that I need to install to do my new job. After I comb through our three different spam filters to figure out which one is filtering it and release it, I discover that the email security software has so badly mangled the link that it no longer functions properly. Now he's just going to bring the software over on a USB stick later. It's easier that way.

Our Information Security group's new motto: If you can still do your job, our standards aren't high enough!

Edited by TheSaint
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Supposed to snow last night, and also today. School delayed for 2 hours... meanwhile in reality: the snow flakes on the ground literally do not overlap each other.

What is the matter with the people who make this decision?

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  On 2/19/2019 at 2:16 PM, RealKerbal3x said:

I’ve come to understand that the people making the decisions are often the people least qualified to make the decisions.


Well, just got the text message that they reconsidered.

Now school is closed today.

If you were to lick every snowflake off my property you'd still be thirsty, melted it would not fill a glass of water.

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  On 2/19/2019 at 2:18 PM, tater said:

Well, just got the text message that they reconsidered.

Now school is closed today.

If you were to lick every snowflake off my property you'd still be thirsty, melted it would not fill a glass of water.


Usually when the college I work for has a snow day I wind up driving around and running errands all day.

Back a couple of years ago I was designated as "early coverage" which meant that I had to be in to work half-an-hour earlier than everyone else. I was driving in to work, maybe two minutes away from the campus, when I got the text telling me that the campus was closed for snow. I was all, "SERIOUSLY!?"

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  On 2/19/2019 at 2:18 PM, tater said:

Well, just got the text message that they reconsidered.

Now school is closed today.

If you were to lick every snowflake off my property you'd still be thirsty, melted it would not fill a glass of water.


Just remember; just because it's puny (or vice versa) where you live doesn't mean it's the same either where the majority of students live or where the school itself is*. You also have to take into account ice, future forecasts for the time before school is scheduled to release, etc. etc. 

*- I live about 20 minutes away from my school and when it snows just a tad bit over where I live we get a bit antsy. The roads in the school's town are far from perfect, and even a small 5-minute rainshower means some houses get flooded. Long way of saying that there are multiple factors to consider. 

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My house is in the foothills. If we get a foot of snow, town might get dusted, or nothing. No street in town is worse than my driveway/street. The problem is my kids' school copies whatever the public schools do. There are routinely not snow days when we have half a foot on the driveway since heading down the hill to a main road sheds several hundred feet altitude, and often 100% of the snow (it's funny to drive out of a cloud to find the rest of town is sunny and dry).

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  On 2/19/2019 at 4:50 PM, tater said:

My house is in the foothills. If we get a foot of snow, town might get dusted, or nothing. No street in town is worse than my driveway/street. The problem is my kids' school copies whatever the public schools do. There are routinely not snow days when we have half a foot on the driveway since heading down the hill to a main road sheds several hundred feet altitude, and often 100% of the snow (it's funny to drive out of a cloud to find the rest of town is sunny and dry).


I see two and a half logical reasons why they'd cancel in that case.

L1) They could be worried about either students like yours who have to make a trek in worse conditions, or about possible issues that could arise later in the day (Is there a second front coming around when school is about to dismiss? What about bus routes? etc.)

L2) If there was water around the area before, it could have frozen over creating ice patches that could endanger safety.

L2.5) L1 could also apply for teachers. If certain teachers live away from school and are unable to make it, then the school might not have enough teachers for the kids- in which case it's just a wasted day. 

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  On 2/19/2019 at 2:09 PM, tater said:

the snow flakes on the ground literally do not overlap each other.

What is the matter with the people who make this decision?


So, you believe in a secret global organization managing snowfalls?
Beware, they don't like this.

  On 2/19/2019 at 2:16 PM, RealKerbal3x said:

I’ve come to understand that the people making the decisions are often the people least qualified to make the decisions.


They are just more aware of real significance of human decisions.

  On 2/19/2019 at 2:18 PM, tater said:

Now school is closed today.



  On 2/19/2019 at 4:55 PM, DarkOwl57 said:



L3) Teacherz have monthly salary, and they want to have a sleep.

Sounds strange, but looks like it's a common practice, as here they close the schools much more often than in my pupil years.

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  On 2/20/2019 at 12:32 PM, 4472TJ said:



That's my complaint


My wife is a physical therapist. At least once a week she will have a senior citizen say to her something to the effect of, "Oh, don't get old, honey." Her response, each time, every time, is, "Well, getting old is better than all of the alternatives."

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