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[1.2.2 / 1.3] Career Evolution Contract Pack


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Career Evolution Contract Pack

The smart contract pack that fixes many of the issues in stock career mission progression.

I only play Career mode in KSP because I need to have a direction, a mission, a plan. The contracts give me something to do so I can plan my missions around them. However, I have not played stock career mode since my first career. Thanks to @nightingale and his Contract Configurator mod, I haven't had to. There are amazing mod packs created by @nightingale, @severedsolo, @inigma@Yemo and many many more. The issue I had with all of these modpacks is that they work together to some degree, but the do not necessarily progress logically because they are all from separate packs.



It is a Contract Pack that takes the player from uncrewed launches like sounding rockets, to the first satellite into crewed launches that explore the solar system. There are contracts for uncrewed exploration of the solar system as well as crewed exploration that includes space stations, surface bases and more.

It uses a logical progression so you will explore your nearest planetary neighbors before getting contracts for the rest of the solar system. You crawl before you can walk before you can run.



Early Space Program (No Crew)

  • First Launch
  • Upper Atmosphere
  • Karman Line

Satellites (No Crew)

  • First Satellite
  • Polar Satellite
  • Geostationary Satellite
  • Orbit & Return Home

Mun & Minmus Exploration (No Crew)

  • Flyby
  • Impact
  • Satellite
  • Soft Landing
  • Landing & Return Home
  • Rover

Crewed Milestones

  • Break the Sound Barrier
  • Reach the Upper Atmosphere
  • Cross the Karman Line (Suborbital Flight)
  • Orbit
  • Two Crew in Space
  • One Week in Space
  • EVA
  • Rendezvous
  • Docking
  • Orbit Mun / Minmus
  • Land on Mun / Minmus
  • Land and Stay on Mun / Minmus

Planetary Flybys, Orbits & Landings (No Crew)

  • Flyby all planets and moons in a logical progression
  • Orbit all planets and moons
  • Landings on all planets and moons with solid surface
  • Rovers on all planets and moons with solid surface

Space Stations (with MUCH influence and code from @severedsolo great pack)

  • First Space Station (can be built in one launch or multiple missions)
  • First Crew on Space Station
  • Three Months in Space
  • Six Months in Space
  • One Year in Space (this opens the rest of the solar system up to crewed exploration)
  • Build a New Space Station (finds a planet that you have been to and returned from without a station)
  • Deorbit a Space Station (very uncommon)
  • Crew Rotation on Space Station
  • Add More Crew Capacity
  • Add a New Fuel Module
  • Add a Power Module
  • Resupply LFO Fuel (checks for fuel of less than 10% and creates a mission to refuel the station)
  • Resupply MonoProp Fuel (checks for MP of less than 10% and creates a mission to refuel the station)
  • Send a New Crew (if you have an empty station)
  • Resupply Life Support (checks for 10% or less Life Support and creates a mission to resupply) 
    • Supports USI, TAC, IFI and Snacks

Crewed Flybys and Landings

  • Flyby all planets and moons in a logical progression
  • Land on all planets and moons with a surface

Surface Bases (with MUCH influence and code from @severedsolo great pack)

  • Orbital Scan of Mun (supports SCANsat as well)
  • Rover to Scout Mun for Base
  • Core Base on Mun
  • Crew on Mun Base (Completion of this mission allows for same style of bases on Minmus and Duna)






License: CC-BY-NC-SA

Edited by pap1723
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6 minutes ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

Compatibility with GPP would be awesome. Let us know if there's anything we can do to make it easier for you.

I have a couple of ideas. Can you test if I send them to you?

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Just now, pap1723 said:

I have a couple of ideas. Can you test if I send them to you?

Ya feel free. To make it easier, do you maybe want to make a GPP branch on your github so that instead of having to pm me a dl link every time you make a change, you can just push stuff to git?

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Just now, TheRagingIrishman said:

Ya feel free. To make it easier, do you maybe want to make a GPP branch on your github so that instead of having to pm me a dl link every time you make a change, you can just push stuff to git?

Sounds good

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I've just fired up the pack, and the first thing that jumps out at me, is that you are not disabling any stock contracts. Is that intentional? Straight away, I'm seeing overlap between the stock exploration contracts and the "First Flight" mission.

Edit; answered my own question, clearly yes as the rewards are tiny.

Edited by severedsolo
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Hmmm.. I've only just discovered this and it looks awesome for the same reasons you created it. I only just started using OPM too.

I'm actually thinking about abandoning my career game to restart with this pack. I'm currently playing with the following contract packs and they seem to mostly work fine.

  • Anomaly Surveyor (Nightingale)
  • Bases and Stations Continued (LemonSkin)
  • SCANSat (DBT85)
  • Unmanned Contracts (Spacetux)
  • Rover Contracts (Spacetux)
  • Grand Tours (Spacetux)
  • Field Research (Nightingale)
  • Interplanetary Mountaineer (Syntax)

Would you have any advice on which packs would be good to keep active (if any) while still not having too much overlap with the missions in the Career Evolution pack?
I figure the following four might be good to keep as it "looks" like they aren't covered.

  • Anomaly Surveyor (Nightingale)
  • Grand Tours (Spacetux)
  • Field Research (Nightingale)
  • Interplanetary Mountaineer (Syntax)


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8 hours ago, wile1411 said:

Hmmm.. I've only just discovered this and it looks awesome for the same reasons you created it. I only just started using OPM too.

I'm actually thinking about abandoning my career game to restart with this pack. I'm currently playing with the following contract packs and they seem to mostly work fine.

  • Anomaly Surveyor (Nightingale)
  • Bases and Stations Continued (LemonSkin)
  • SCANSat (DBT85)
  • Unmanned Contracts (Spacetux)
  • Rover Contracts (Spacetux)
  • Grand Tours (Spacetux)
  • Field Research (Nightingale)
  • Interplanetary Mountaineer (Syntax)

Would you have any advice on which packs would be good to keep active (if any) while still not having too much overlap with the missions in the Career Evolution pack?
I figure the following four might be good to keep as it "looks" like they aren't covered.

  • Anomaly Surveyor (Nightingale)
  • Grand Tours (Spacetux)
  • Field Research (Nightingale)
  • Interplanetary Mountaineer (Syntax)


Hey @wile1411,

You are correct in your thinking about which Contract Packs to keep alongside. Also, you should be able to use ScanSAT as that support is not really implemented in my pack as well.


11 hours ago, Mr Shifty said:

This looks great; I'll keep it on my radar for my next career save. Any compatibility with life support and/or end-game mods--MKS, Interstellar, etc?

@Mr Shifty

It has "some" support with all of the major life support mods with some of the Space Station Missions. It should work well with late game mods since there are missions to land on places that are very far away from the home planet.

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I just started a new career save and was going to try this pack out, but the contracts aren't showing up at all. The pack isn't even listed in the CC settings window, while the other pack I have (tourism) is...

The CEContracts folder is in /GameData/ContractPacks, with CC 1.23.1 for KSP 1.3.

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I have been using this for a while and it is a heart mod for carer mode!

but i have just an suggestion:

add add a branch with missions that require some more skill like landing on the launchpad after, flight, suborbital flight and orbit.
you can start this in early career mode with missions like: land close to KSC and use the stock recovery system as an paramater(more that 80% return up to more that 95% return)

just an idea do with it what you want:)

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14 hours ago, nightingale said:

@Rodger - Looks like there's an incompatibiity with Sigma Binary do to a change in KSP 1.3.0 (actually, I suspect it broke in 1.2.0, so not sure why it hasn't been caught before now).  I've fixed it for the next release.

If I may ask, what caused the issue?

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1 hour ago, Sigma88 said:

If I may ask, what caused the issue?

Well, let me be more specific - the issue is with some code in Contract Configurator that only executes if Sigma Binary is installed (ie. the detection of what is a planet/moon when barycenters are in play).  The specific problem is it's using a stock KSP function ListExtension.MaxAt, which got broke (I suspect in the 1.2.0 refactor).  The best part is that although it's technically a KSP bug, the function isn't used in stock KSP, so the only way to trigger the problem is with a lazy modder. :P

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55 minutes ago, nightingale said:

Well, let me be more specific - the issue is with some code in Contract Configurator that only executes if Sigma Binary is installed (ie. the detection of what is a planet/moon when barycenters are in play).  The specific problem is it's using a stock KSP function ListExtension.MaxAt, which got broke (I suspect in the 1.2.0 refactor).  The best part is that although it's technically a KSP bug, the function isn't used in stock KSP, so the only way to trigger the problem is with a lazy modder. :P

gotcha :)

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22 hours ago, Gordon Dry said:


and the following post.

This is fixed for the next release version. If you want, you can get the DEV version from Github and it will fix it as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Posted this in the Beta thread yesterday before I realising it should have gone here.


I recently started playing a career game using this mod and I have a problem with a contract to return science from the Mun to Kerbin.

Here are a couple of screenshots to help explain the issue.

In the first one taken while my vehicle is on the surface, I have a green tick against "Situation Landed". However when I lift off to return the science to Kerbin (the second image) the green tick is removed.

My question is does the "Situation Landed" tick box get ticked against once I am landed back on Kerbin... feeling like this is a stupid question, but I thought I'd check before heading back to Kerbin.




I have an update... I decided to return the sample vehicle to Kerbin and the result was that the contract was not completed.

I'm now at a loss as to what is required to satisfy this contract, so any help would be appreciated.


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