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Old Versions of KSP (Revived and Refound)

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  • 1 month later...

I'm tempted to download an older version / demo to mess around with on my low spec laptop thing I have. I see from the wiki that the older demos had lower system requirements. I think I will end up getting 17 or 18... I might try 13 though. 

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I just found something quite cool in the game files of KSP 0.7.3, and I thought I should share it here.

In the folder 'sounds' there are several .mp3 files. Many of these contain sounds that were never added to the game, which is quite interesting. However, the most interesting thing in that folder is a file called 'editorLoop01.ogg' and this is a piece of groovy-sounding music, obviously designed for the editor due to its name, and bearing a definite family resemblance to the music we hear in the VAB/SPH nowadays.

EDIT: This elusive piece of music is actually still in the game to this day, under KSP/Gamedata/Squad/sounds. It's very interesting that this has been in the files for so long, but has never been removed or added to the game.

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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  • 2 months later...

Some content has been removed. Folks, yet another reminder that illegal sharing of the game is illegal, difficult though that concept may be to wrap one's head around.

Therefore, please do not:

- offer to share a copy of the game

- solicit others to share their copies of the game.

Thank you for your understanding.

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  • 6 months later...

This discussion appears to have pretty much run its course, so it's being locked..

  • For versions up to and including 0.13.3, these are publicly available for free.
  • Later versions of KSP than that are not free and not legal to share, so there's no point in discussing it here.
  • If anyone has reason to find the above statements to be inaccurate, please reach out to Squad or the moderator team.

In the meantime, if you want to download one of the old 0.13.3-and-before versions, please see this post:

Thank you for your understanding.

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  • 11 months later...

The reasons why I want this are pretty simple. I just want to play old versions after 0.13.3, [moderator snip]. I don't think making them free for owners of ksp would do any harm since they already own a license for the software. Even if it was okay to redistribute I doubt it would cause much loss of revenue to squad because Most people will purchase the game from the real website, not from a forum thread that says it's in big red text THIS AN OUTDATED VERSIONEither they could make steam betas or free. Of course this won't happen because of Take Two {snip}

Edited by Gargamel
Portions Redacted by Moderator
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As it stands, only version .13 and older are available for free, if you can find them.  .17 and up are still commercially owned by SQUAD and they have chosen not to open them up to the public.   @catloaf, your post has been merged with a similar master thread, a lot of your answers can be found reading it and the linked thread it contains.  This is the final word from SQUAD, et al, and until we are advised differently, it will remain this way. 

I have temporarily unlocked this thread if you would like to discuss this, but know that any suggestion of illegal acquisition of the game will not tolerated, and that the versions available will not change. 


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I mean, why not? If someone has bought the game they can download every version since 1.0. Why not release the old alpha/beta versions (0.7.3 to 0.90) to people that have bought the game? It'd be really cool if people could look back at the old days of KSP and have some nostalgia flow through them! The first version of KSP I played was 0.18.2 (the introduction of Eeloo), and I'd love to go back to take a look!

Edited by Emilius73
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  • 1 year later...

Hello all, KSP Community Manager here.  These links are for nostalgia purposes only. Please note that these are very old and outdated versions of Kerbal Space Program that are no longer supported by Squad. Because of this, we no longer feel they are a good measure for new players to know if they will like the game or not. 

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