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[1.9.1+] OPT Legacy 3.1.2 | Reconfig 3.4 [Apr 20, 2021]


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On 12/30/2019 at 11:43 AM, johns1169 said:

Hi I would but can not find the files you are on about. Only log I can find is a ksp avc log. Which i have compressed with winrar. Only problem is being my first posts today I am not sure how you add or attach them.


I saw no one responded.  I am not offering support for the issue as I am not a modder but..... to include your logs you need to upload them to a place like google drive where you can provide a link to them.  You copy the link, and paste it as a comment here. Hope that helps!

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I'm looking for feedback regarding large OPT fuselage profiles in a rescaled (2.7x JNSQ) system.

Medium J fuselages have worked very well. I have a J SSTO able to deliver 36 tons to 200km orbit, and a science SSTO able to reach any planet (12000 dv in LKO plus onboard ISRU).

Larger fuselages and rear cargo ramps have been more challenging. I want to deliver motorized KPBS bases to Minmus and Mun, then drive them out a cargo door. Humpback and KH profiles seem like good choices, but I have yet to make them work, maybe because of excessive drag. KSP limitations frequently cause cargo bay contents to generate full drag.

Do y'all prefer Humpback, KH, or a slightly smaller profile for large and bulky cargo? Which large cargo bays work best with KSP's weird aerodynamics?

(Note that I am one version behind with OPT, because JNSQ/Kopernicus is hard-locked to KSP 1.7.3.)

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@DeadJohn If by chance you are using the K or KH Inline SAS parts in K/KH spaceplanes, I just discovered that the drag cubes for those aren't fixed so they'll chomp out your spaceplane's performance at hypersonic+ speeds. Ignoring the inline SAS, K and KH spaceplanes will perform just fine, whatever their fuel load and enough TWR). The Humpback cargo ramp has been broken forever and is unplayable. It needs more than just a config fix (cleaning of the geometry and re-unwrapping it for its textures) and I don't have the drive to do all of that necessary extra stuff to put it back into working conditions.

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@JadeOfMaar Thanks for the quick response. I'll refocus my big plane efforts on KH to avoid the Humpback ramp. In the stock system, my memory says Humpback ramp was okay, but maybe I was just powering through broken drag because stock is so easy to reach orbit.


Edited by DeadJohn
removing unecessary quote
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3 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

@JadeOfMaar Thanks for the quick response. I'll refocus my big plane efforts on KH to avoid the Humpback ramp. In the stock system, my memory says Humpback ramp was okay, but maybe I was just powering through broken drag because stock is so easy to reach orbit.


Yeah. In stock scale it's very easy to brute force and ignore the dag problem if you balance aesthetics and high TWR. (That said, I've answered a few complaints where folks' planes just couldn't exceed Mach 1. But that's digressing.) There may have been a time when it worked, but that time was likely before KSP 1.4 and its underlying major Unity version hop, and likely before I started making OPT Reconfig (which was back then only to re-tune engines).

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The BCockpit and ILSCockpit versions that use RPM don't seem to actually be referenced anywhere.  The mk23 cockpit seems to only have the RPM version.  I enabled the first two with a simple patch, but maybe this should get rolled into the official package:

		name = RasterPropMonitorComputer
		@name = BCockpit_rpm

		name = RasterPropMonitorComputer
		@name = ilsCockpit_rpm

Adding the RasterPropMonitor module isn't strictly necessary because many of the RPM props will create one if it doesn't exist.  Never mind, apparently adding modules at runtime should be avoided, so it's better to add it via MM config like this.

Edited by JonnyOThan
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  • 2 weeks later...

@JadeOfMaar I think I found a bug (or at least an issue) in OPT_Reconfig\OPT_USImodule.cfg at line 552:


// H long noses
    !MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch] {}
        name = USI_SwapController
        name = USI_SwappableBay
        bayName = Bay 1
        moduleIndex = 0
        name = USI_Converter
        UseSpecialistBonus = false
        name = USILS_LifeSupportRecyclerSwapOption
        ConverterName = Life Support
        StartActionName = Start Life Support
        StopActionName = Stop Life Support

        CrewCapacity = 4
        RecyclePercent = 0.6

            ResourceName = ElectricCharge
            Ratio = 2

The highlighted line basically removes the tank option from the two h_4m_noses (the long noses h profile that are part of OPT Main). Removing the red line (or commenting it out) restores the B9 switchable tanks in these parts. Also, this line isn't used anywhere else in this config.

I was just checking which parts from OPT Main aren't in OPT Legacy yet and decided to keep the H-profiles because they are sooooo cute:wub: Gotta love'em! That's when I noticed that the noses had no tanks - at least not while having USI/MKS installed.

Edited by caipi
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, hello. Thank you very much for all of the effort put into keeping this mod alive and stable.

I have what seems to be some very obvious questions, for anybody that wishes to answer, really. But, which having read the comment thread, I have not come up with satisfactory answers for myself. So, let's imagine that I am somewhat of a technotard. Also, let us move on the assumption that my general anxiety around making a mistake is greatly eased if I receive clear, simple and precise answers. Think: How can I teach an ADHD toddler with Generalized Anxiety Disorder to tie his shoes? (Except that the whole bunny thing only confused me).


Also, I have the latest version of KSP (1.8.+) and I have NEVER installed OPT.


So, with that preamble, here are my three very direct questions:


1. As far as I can tell, there are three files in question. The original OPT, OPT Legacy and OPT Reconfig. If I have never installed OPT before and I am running the latest KSP, which of these three files do I need to download?


2. In what order do I install them?


3. Are there any special or exceptional instructions for installing any of the required files, other than the usual for game mods?


Yes, I have seen and installed the three required mods that were clearly stated in the original post of this thread (B9 Part Switch, WBI Pathfinder, Community Resource Pack).


Thank you very much.

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52 minutes ago, Noobian said:

So, with that preamble, here are my three very direct questions:

1. As far as I can tell, there are three files in question. The original OPT, OPT Legacy and OPT Reconfig. If I have never installed OPT before and I am running the latest KSP, which of these three files do I need to download?

2. In what order do I install them?

3. Are there any special or exceptional instructions for installing any of the required files, other than the usual for game mods?

Yes, I have seen and installed the three required mods that were clearly stated in the original post of this thread (B9 Part Switch, WBI Pathfinder, Community Resource Pack).

1. You are correct on the three different files.
As to whether to install original OPT "Main", and or "Legacy" (they can be used seperately, w/o each other), is mostly a personal choice on which one, or both, that you want.

Regarding Reconfig, Jade explains here:

On 12/8/2019 at 2:46 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

OPT Reconfig is an optional enhancement to OPT's "Main" package. But it is required by OPT Legacy and it is a separate download, not bundled with Legacy. Reconfig does nothing by itself.

2. Order *shouldnt* matter... all three have their own seperate root folders.

3. Sort of... just unzip contents, however you do it, to make sure the mod root folders are in your /GameData/ folder.
***NOTE however, that original OPT "Main" bundles old versions of Firespitter and ModuleManager. Those can be deleted (unless you are using the Main on KSP 1.3.1 :P ); ModuleManager needs to be replaced with the latest version for whatever version of KSP you are on. Firespitter does NOT need to be replaced at all, (again, unless you are on KSP 1.3.1 or earlier)

4. Sounds like you have a handle on the other dependencies.
***NOTE however, if you want the IVAs to work, you'll also need these:

IVA required Mod:
(no longer bundled)

RasterPropMonitor, by Mihara, MOARdV
ASET Prop pack, by alexustas
ASET Avionics, by alexustas

I think the last update of Reconfig, Jade fixed something with the IVAs, IIRC...
Oh, if you are on KSP 1.8.1, you'll want *this* adopted version of RPM, not the one linked above:


Edited by Stone Blue
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OPT Legacy 1.6.2

  • Tuned drag cubes for OPT K inline SAS and Humpback family.

OPT Reconfig 1.9.1

  • Added missing LH2 tank options to inline SAS parts.
  • Changed Power Spheres to use B9PS for input switching. Requires quicksave + quickload after applying.
    • Added options to "Tidal Force" Power Sphere (No longer just LFO, but LF, Mono, LH2O, LH2.)
  • Removed erroneous line that removes B9PS from H noses under USI LS.
  • Removed lift surface from I series parts.
  • Updated Power Sphere "Tidal Force" to accept LH2O if CryoEngines is installed.
  • Warning: Tweakscale effects will no longer apply to B9-enhanced converters.



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On 2/4/2020 at 3:32 AM, JadeOfMaar said:


  • Warning: Tweakscale effects will no longer apply to B9-enhanced converters.

It's a bug or something else I can help? I'm a OPT user, I will be glad to fix it! :)

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@Lisias Not a bug. It's just -- The downside of a new feature / new use case. But I'd be extremely grateful. :D

If I may throw in a feature request... Can I ask for compatibility with Angel-125's storage modules? It's for that one reason I didn't (re)make Tweakscale configs for the bulk of OPT's parts. I could do so anytime, and have done so for Restock Plus.

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5 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Lisias Not a bug. It's just -- The downside of a new feature / new use case. But I'd be extremely grateful. :D

If I may throw in a feature request... Can I ask for compatibility with Angel-125's storage modules? It's for that one reason I didn't (re)make Tweakscale configs for the bulk of OPT's parts. I could do so anytime, and have done so for Restock Plus.

Sure thing. :)



May I ask you to explain in #93 the new feature/use case in question, so I can look into it?


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@Nicky21 Easy? No. And they are where they are because OPT doesn't try to be super stockalike in performance like Airplane Plus, Mk2 Expansion etc which are expected to fill those early nodes. These are advanced, futuristic parts so the effort is made (especially for the engines) to be distant for any stock part cousins.

OPT Reconfig 1.9.2

  • Adjust Covert Aero tech node's position and cost for UnKerballed Start.

  • Adjust Covert Aero tech node to require both/all parent nodes to unlock.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Found a bug in "OPT_B9PS_RationalResources.cfg" that causes both cryogenic tank types and RR tank types not showing up when both CryoEngines and RationalResources are installed. That file should probably be modified like below:

			name = LNH3
			tankType = RR_CryoA
			title = LqdAmmonia
			primaryColor = BurntRed
			secondaryColor = BurntRed
			name = LCO2
			tankType = RR_CryoC
			title = LqdCO2
			primaryColor = WarmGrey
			secondaryColor = WarmGrey
			name = LH2
			tankType = RR_CryoH
			title = LqdHydrogen
			name = HLOX
			tankType = RR_CryoHLOX
			title = Hydrolox
			name = LCH4
			tankType = RR_CryoM
			title = LqdMethane
			name = MLOX
			tankType = RR_CryoMLOX
			title = Methalox
			name = LN2
			tankType = RR_CryoN
			title = LqdNitrogen
			primaryColor = PeacockBlue
			secondaryColor = PeacockBlue
			name = LOX
			tankType = RR_CryoO
			title = LqdOxygen
			primaryColor = CadetBlue
			secondaryColor = CadetBlue



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4 hours ago, dlrk said:

What's the purpose of adding intakeatm to every intake?

Not all air-breathing engines run on LiquidFuel and oxygenated air. OPT Legacy's WarpJet engines run on IntakeAtm and lots of ElectricCharge and are distinctly able to operate in any atmosphere, making the likes of Eve and Duna much more appealing to bring planes to. In order to not restrict them to being fed by only OPT's intakes (there are only the Mk2 ram and the 2.5m Nebula Shock), that patch exists. A few other part mods also add such engines: Mk2 and Mk3 Expansion, NF Aeronautics, surely even KSP Interstellar.

Here's a joyride on JNSQ Duna featuring OPT's WarpJet SAGE for main engines and Thor Tech WarpJet VTOL engines.

WarpJets are my interpretation of the holy grail of jet engines. You can virtually SSTO on them (and SSTAnywhere with your favorite liquid/ion rocket engines in addition) once you reach them on the tech tree and are equipped to meet their power demands.



Edited by JadeOfMaar
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