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A zero-dimensional object would have no length, no width and no height, which would make it an infinitely small point.

An infinitely small point can also be described as a singularity.

Therefore a 0D object is a black hole. :o

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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1 hour ago, RealKerbal3x said:

A zero-dimensional object would have no length, no width and no height, which would make it an infinitely small point.

An infinitely small point can also be described as a singularity.

Therefore a 0D object is a black hole. :o

In physics, a 0D object that has mass would be a black hole, size entirely dependent on how much mass you give it. In math, math doesn't care and it's just a point. 

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3 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

A zero-dimensional object would have no length, no width and no height, which would make it an infinitely small point.

An infinitely small point can also be described as a singularity.

Therefore a 0D object is a black hole. :o

Not quite. A black hole has a singularity because of the mathematical system we use to describe it. But a singularity isn’t a black hole. It’s just when something approaches infinity - like density in the case of a black hole or some function in the case of math.

If we get better models then it’s entirely possible that future black hole models will not have singularities.

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On 3/14/2020 at 1:50 PM, HansonKerman said:

the famous “to the moon and back” (or something by joules Verne (or whatever)

That would be Savage Garden.:wink:

So, supposing a few suppositions:

1. corona virus turns out to be stable (not mutating every now and then)
2. it is the type that you can get sick from only once before developing immunity
3. it continues to be rather safe for children

Can we expect corona parties where parents bring their children to play with other infected kids in order to catch it as soon as possible? Sort of like chickenpox is not dangerous for kids, but is for adults?

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1 hour ago, Shpaget said:

Can we expect corona parties where parents bring their children to play with other infected kids in order to catch it as soon as possible?

My dad was talking about the idea that getting it early, before the medical system is overwhelmed.

I told him "So, it's time for my generation to take our parents to coranavirus parties?"

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10 hours ago, Shpaget said:

So, supposing a few suppositions:

1. corona virus turns out to be stable (not mutating every now and then)
2. it is the type that you can get sick from only once before developing immunity
3. it continues to be rather safe for children

I have read (forget where) that there are already at least four variants - the original, the South Korean one (less lethal), the Italian one (more lethal), and the western US one.   Probably there are other variants. (Iran?  Indonesia?)

Coronaviruses are known for mutating a lot.  According to Wikipedia, about 15% of common colds are caused by coronaviruses. No-one gets immunity to colds.

But hey, we can hope.  This one might be different.

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A proper software design separates the program UI and the program logic.

So, UI is antonym for logic.

Logic vs User Interface.

And this is actually seen everywhere.


The console applications don't have UI.

Though, this doesn't necessary mean they consist of pure logic. Mostly they lack both.



Plugins. And dll.

Even the software itself makes its internal business processes outsourced wherever it can.

Why then plugins can't choose between the installed programs, which ones are allowed to use them? They need a trade union. Maybe a plugin can choose a better program to serve to.


Just thoughts while again painfully choosing a directory structure for a program.


Edited by kerbiloid
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Glass half empty: "coronavirus will result in some significant, unknown number of deaths worldwide"

Glass half full: "Nature is taking back some of the remarkable gains mankind has made in extending life expectancy"

Maybe we've just let our expectations get out of sync with nature and life?

Edited by Hotel26
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The most distant point of an elliptic orbit is in general "apocenter" or "apoapsis".

For the named celestial bodies it can be named after the body's name.
Sun = aphelium (apo + helium)
Earth = apogee
Jupiter = apojove or apojovium (apo + Jovis aka Jupiter)

What is the correct name for the Apophisocentric orbit?

apoapophisium? apoapophe?

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1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

The most distant point of an elliptic orbit is in general "apocenter" or "apoapsis".

For the named celestial bodies it can be named after the body's name.
Sun = aphelium (apo + helium)
Earth = apogee
Jupiter = apojove or apojovium (apo + Jovis aka Jupiter)

What is the correct name for the Apophisocentric orbit?

apoapophisium? apoapophe?

Much like in Kerbal space program, by the time humans need to refer to the apoapsis of Apophis, they'll say "the apoapsis of Apophis"

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In 1997 a guy made a mathematical breakthrough to cut down computational needs from millions to just four. The application was to make slight modifications to out of tune singing voice to adjust it to a correct tune. The product was called Auto-Tune.

In comes Cher, and the first thing she does is crank it to 11 to sound like a robot and produce the exactly opposite effect of the intended.

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7 hours ago, Shpaget said:

In 1997 a guy made a mathematical breakthrough to cut down computational needs from millions to just four. The application was to make slight modifications to out of tune singing voice to adjust it to a correct tune. The product was called Auto-Tune.

In comes Cher, and the first thing she does is crank it to 11 to sound like a robot and produce the exactly opposite effect of the intended.

To be fair, any singing re-tuned in this way, sounds incredibly obvious....and terrible. Sorry, terrIiIbbLLe


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  • 3 weeks later...

While I posted this over in the Coronavirus thread, I noticed that one of the redshirts looks a little older. 



Which made me realize that, much like pilots, there are old redshirts, and there are bold redshirts, but there are no old, bold redshirts.

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Yesterday I watched The Watcher (2000) with Keanu Reeves and James Spader. Keanu dances to some music which I noticed but didn't really think twice about.

Today I started watching The Matrix, for the nth time and 10 minutes into the first movie (club scene where he meets Trinity) that same song (Dragula) plays.

I think Keanu Reeves might be Rob Zombie fan.

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In the Jetsons, Spacely makes sprockets.    Which implies there's a massive amount of need for chain driven mechanisms in that futuristic world.   You would have thought that world wouldn't be steampunkesque underneath.    I mean, I understand still needing some sprockets... but a huge major industry making solely sprockets?



Bad @kerbiloid, Bad!


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