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[WIP] Restock: KSP Part Art Revamp (Released March 06)


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2 hours ago, JammedDiskDrive said:

Sorry for being so slow, but here it is, I think.
Output Log

This won't solve everything, but definitely delete the extra files in bullets (but KEEP ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll):

  • ModuleManager.3.1.3.dll
  • ModuleManager.4.0.1.dll

There's also an extra GameData folder inside your GameData folder. Definitely move the contents of the inner folder to the outside, then delete the inner folder.

Edited by Eridan
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On 11/29/2018 at 3:25 PM, Nertea said:

Updating and reworking KSP's art

It's no secret that some of KSP's artwork is not great. Placeholder art made by a number of amateur artists throughout the game's development has resulted in a scattered mess of styles and qualities which is most evident in the part artwork. Recently Squad seems to be attempting to do something to attempt to address it, but they're taking the art in a direction I stylistically disagree with.

Sometime last year, myself and a number of other modders banded together to start a new community project, which we're calling Restock, which will attempt to resolve a lot of gripes we have and just generally make the game look better. We've been working on this a lot in the last year and finally have enough content for a thread, but maybe not quite a release (though I have sneakily been releasing stuff as part of my other mods for a while).

Project Goals

We have defined a few specific goals for the project:

  • Create a unity of design and style for all parts: In order to minimize work we'll be targeting the revised aircraft parts, which are the largest consistent block of parts.
  • Preserve the general aesthetic of KSP: We will do our best to keep the stylings of the more iconic parts while updating quality and fidelity.
  • Create consistency in detail level: no more 4k textures for minuscule pieces!
  • Minimize performance impact: use atlasing and efficient texturing to limit the need for any kind of better hardware than base KSP.
  • Do not affect gameplay or part balance


We believe that there are a number of places where KSP is missing key parts - for example, where a stack class is missing parts that exist in other classes. Restock+ aims to create parts that fill this niche, and is a wholly optional project. More details on that later


The mod was released on March 6th, get it in the Release Thread


Check out the Imgur albums linked below for some previews and content. We'll periodically (hopefully once per week) post new part previews and content, so stay tuned!


Part Previews



Current Contributors

Artists Plugin Code  Lead Testers

If you feel like you want to contribute and conform to some fairly rigid design and quality guidelines, let me know via PM.


  Looks great! Btw the mod pack is missing some Inline parachute packs in the 2.5 & 3.5mm Variety.

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3 hours ago, Eridan said:

This won't solve everything, but definitely delete the extra files in bullets (but KEEP ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll):

  • ModuleManager.3.1.3.dll
  • ModuleManager.4.0.1.dll

There's also an extra GameData folder inside your GameData folder. Definitely move the contents of the inner folder to the outside, then delete the inner folder.

I saw the extra GameData folder and I wondered about it, but decided not to touch it earlier. It has restock and restock plus in it along with Module Manager.4.0.2.dll for some reason, so I assume I could just delete that extra folder , right?

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1 hour ago, Cloakedwand72 said:

  Looks great! Btw the mod pack is missing some Inline parachute packs in the 2.5 & 3.5mm Variety.

The stock game doesn’t have any inline parachutes, and I think 2.5m and 3.7m for that form factor is way out of scope anyways. Maybe 1.25m


Edited by Gargamel
Portions Redacted By Moderator.
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1 hour ago, JammedDiskDrive said:

I saw the extra GameData folder and I wondered about it, but decided not to touch it earlier. It has restock and restock plus in it along with Module Manager.4.0.2.dll for some reason, so I assume I could just delete that extra folder , right?

Your gamedata directory should look like

- GameData

        - Squad

        - ReStock

            - Assets

            - Patches

            - etc.

        - ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll


Edited by cineboxandrew
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Hey guys. Just wanted to say this is a fantastic mod and I wanted to congratulate and thank the creators for doing such a wonderful job. 

I have a very minor (but incredibly irritating!) glitch where the picture previews for all parts in the VAB don't show; instead, everything is a grayish silhouette. It's pretty annoying where I have to go through all the parts and mousing over to see the names of parts. 

Is this a known result of having parts mods installed with Restock? For reference, I have the Near-Future parts mods installed, as well as SVE/EVE and Outer Planets.

Thanks for any help.

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1 hour ago, iAmJimmyHoffa said:

Hey guys. Just wanted to say this is a fantastic mod and I wanted to congratulate and thank the creators for doing such a wonderful job. 

I have a very minor (but incredibly irritating!) glitch where the picture previews for all parts in the VAB don't show; instead, everything is a grayish silhouette. It's pretty annoying where I have to go through all the parts and mousing over to see the names of parts. 

Is this a known result of having parts mods installed with Restock? For reference, I have the Near-Future parts mods installed, as well as SVE/EVE and Outer Planets.

Thanks for any help.

Does this still happen when Near-Future is removed? Or OPM/SVE/EVE?

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6 hours ago, Poodmund said:

@iAmJimmyHoffa, @Avera9eJoe, this is because the game is being started forcing DirectX11 over DirectX9. Nothing to do with ReStock, Near Future, OPM, SVE or EVE.

Just checked my launch settings and realized I was doing that exact thing (if I recall I tried running RSS/RO a few days ago and was instructed to do that; or maybe it was some other mod). Either way, the issue is solved. Thanks!

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11 hours ago, iAmJimmyHoffa said:

Hey guys. Just wanted to say this is a fantastic mod and I wanted to congratulate and thank the creators for doing such a wonderful job. 

I have a very minor (but incredibly irritating!) glitch where the picture previews for all parts in the VAB don't show; instead, everything is a grayish silhouette. It's pretty annoying where I have to go through all the parts and mousing over to see the names of parts. 

Is this a known result of having parts mods installed with Restock? For reference, I have the Near-Future parts mods installed, as well as SVE/EVE and Outer Planets.

Thanks for any help.

@Poodmund‘s right, furthermore, running the TEXTURES UNLIMITED mod will fix this issue.

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@Nertea Thank God the Version 0.1.3 with the final small fixes came out before 1.7.0 :D

Do you have any more info on that 0.625m Drone Core listed in GitHub for ReStock+? That part interests me a lot.

Edit: and another question, the Oscar-A was not included on the release on purpose?


Edited by MaximumThrust
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Hello @Nertea, first of all, thank you and team for this great endeavor, finally ven's stock revamp have got very strong competition. And I have to admit now I'm torn apart and want to combine mods - with restock in prevail. 

Do you have plans to work on ISRU units and which is more important - how about retexture for good ol' delta winglet? 

It cries for upgrade. Ven's stock revamp got it covered, but it changes its form as well, making it slanted ditching it's SR71 vibe, if you know what I mean... 

Edited by evileye.x
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FYI, folks:  There was some discussion with a new user who was having some difficulty getting the installation to work.  This has now been split off into a separate thread, since it was more about KSP mod installation issues in general rather than specific things about this mod. ;)

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59 minutes ago, LessrOf2Weevils said:

Might I suggest a 0.625 m abort tower for Restock+. Something along the lines of the existing tower for the Mk1-3 capsule, but instead fits the Mk1 and Mk2 capsules.

Good idea - but if the modders feel it's out of scope for this mod, there's a very simple Module Manager patch you can run to give you one.

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7 minutes ago, Iguas said:

Is this mod compatible with SMURFF ?

I mean, does SMURFF apply on those new parts ?

ReStock & ReStock+ should have no issues - SMURFF applies generic @PART[*] changes near the very end of the patch order.

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