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Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 is live!


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Hello everyone!

Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 is live!

In this patch we focused mainly on improvements and bug fixes for the Breaking Ground Expansion. We’ve included an animation for Kerbals when they interact with Deployed Science experiments, added sound effects to Laythe’s Geyser and the Cryovolcano on Vall, and some new color variants for the robotic parts. Additionally, now it will be easier to encounter surface features on celestial bodies. However, there’s a very remote possibility that some of the newly generated surface features could appear where an existing craft is positioned. So, although this is unlikely to happen, we do recommend creating a back-up. There are also bug fixes and a few improvements for the base game, particularly for the new axis group system. Now you’ll be able to tie the main throttle to an axis group.

Check out this patch's Changelog for further details:

=================================== v1.7.2============================================================
1.7.2 Changelog - BaseGame ONLY (see below for Breaking Ground changelog)
+++ Improvements
* Redesign the Action sets icon during flight to make the current action number more visible.
* Made engine thrust limit, and cargo bay deploy limit, and control surface and airbrake authority limits bindable to axis groups.
* MainThrottle axis can be bound, but only in absolute mode.

+++ Localization
* Fix shadow casting string not displaying correctly if player doesn’t have the Breaking Ground Expansion.
* Localize the strings for the Axis Actions in the Settings under the vessel Tab.

+++ Parts

+++ Bugfixes
* Fix kerbal flags clipping into backpacks.
* Fix lowest part of vessel calculations for Wheels when coming off rails.
* Fix localisation for survey waypoint contract objectives.
* Fix NRE in maneuver node editor.
* Fix PAW displayDirty not working in the editor.
* Fix symmetry counterparts (bow-tie) autostrutting.
* Fix cutoff string in recovery science report screen.
* Fix null reference on ship load when parts have changed their attach nodes.
* Fix missing string in Absolute Control / Incremental Control tooltip.
* Fix science value of repeat experiments.
* Fix EVA portrait clipping in some situations.
* Fix EVA portrait texture being transparent

+++ Mods


1.7.2 Changelog - Breaking Ground DLC ONLY

+++ Improvements
* Implement random orientation for surface features.
* Add a scale variable in the rocsdef.cfg.
* Increase unfocused range on deployed science Part Action Windows to 20m.
* Add screen message for seismometer science if in sandbox game.
* Kerbals can now change their future suit emissive colors via their PAW and persists to save game roster.
* Kerbals can now interact with Deployed science parts (interaction animation).
* Increased interaction range of science experiments on arms so that they match folded arm length.
* Add Robotics radio button to SteamWorks Craft exporter. Will add Robotics Steam Tag and requires Breaking Ground DLC to workshop items exported with this radio button set on.
* Add Geyser and Cryovolcano Sound FX.

+++ Localization
* Localise attach nodes in rotor PAW.
* Localise surface feature debug menu.
* Localise extended information for robotics modules.
* Fix localization issue in the kspedia for Breaking Ground where Chinese and japanese were incorrect.
* Fix localisation for contracts in Japanese being slightly incorrect.
* String fixes in all languages.

+++ Parts
Color Variants:
* 1P2 Hydraulic Cylinder (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* 3P6 Hydraulic Cylinder (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* 1P4 Telescoping Hydraulic Cylinder (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* 3PT Telescoping Hydraulic Cylinder(New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* EM-16 Light Duty Rotor (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* EM-32 Standard Rotor (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* EM-64 Heavy Rotor (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* G-00 Hinge (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* G-11 Hinge (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* G-01L Alligator Hinge (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* G-12L Alligator Hinge (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* G-32W Alligator Hinge (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* Rotation Servo F-12 (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* Rotation Servo M-06 (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* Rotation Servo M-12 (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* Rotation Servo M-25 (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).

+++ Bugfixes
* Fix Surface Feature frequency math. Should be much easier to find now.
* Remove crater bay from Laythe surface feature biomes.
* Made scanner arm retraction more linear to avoid collisions.
* Fix kerbal flags clipping into backpacks.
* Fix for animation pop when deploying deployed science parts.
* Fix correct scale of the surface features.
* Fix scan sound not stopping when scan is interrupted for scanner arm.
* Fix Future suits emissive toggling correctly with Lights action button.
* Fix Cargo Backpack visibility in external command chairs.
* Fix dropped deployed science parts in VAB/SPH not launching with main vessel.
* Fix potential NRE in Deployed Science when changing scenes.
* Fix deployed science deployment on some slopes.
* Fix flags getting stuck to scanner arm when they're planted too close.
* Changed "Current extension" in piston paw to only display two digits after the decimal point to avoid numbers changing all the time.
* Changed the kerbal name in the female future prefab to fix the prefab being wrong in the partInfo.
* Fix ROC finder arrows.
* Update laser position for scanner arm every frame to avoid gaps if vessel shifts.
* Fix black lines appearing on the sides of the Hydraulic and Telescoping pistons, Rotation Servo M-25 and G-32W Hinge.
* Fix visible texture seams in Laythe Boulders and Eeloo AliensGlaciers.
* All the Surface features now display correct normal maps and shading.
* Fix the flashing lights projected on Kerbal faces when walking while wearing the Breaking Ground EVA suit.
* RCS jets now line up properly with the jetpack while wearing the Breaking Ground EVA suit.
* Fix PD-3 Weather Analyzer “Deploy” and “Retract” animations mismatch sound effects.
* Fix "Remove from Symmetry" PAW option not appearing for original part when attached to vessel in editor.
* Use localised deployable part name as vessel name. Will only affect newly deployed parts.
* Fix scanner arms being audible across the known universe.
* Fix surface attachments on the moving part of the pistons.
* Fix servo limits getting messed up when loading a craft file or reverting to the editor.
* Fix bad piston behavior when pressed against its limits.
* KSPedia fixes.
* Fix piston servo locking not working.
* Fix NRE when starting a mission with Making History and Breaking Ground installed and vessel contains rotor and wheels.
* Fix servo limits resetting every time the PAW was opened in the editor.
* Fix hinge target angle updates in the editor causing child parts to pull apart.
* Fix deploy cargo part icon appearing at the correct time in Kerbal’s PAWs for all Kerbal states.
* Fix autostruts handling on craft/vessels that have robotic parts for known use cases.
* Show all the tylo dark boulder science results messages.
* Fix incorrect message displayed when attempting to pick up a second ROC.
* Fix deployed science sounds heard from 200m+ distance.
* Fix deployed science part “Deployable Science Part” subcategory duplicated.
* Fix Ionographer PD-22 search tags.
* Fix HG-48 antenna search tags.
* Fix scanner arm interfering with parachute deployment.
* Robotics part category size changed to be more appropriate.
* Fix Deployed Science contracts displaying incorrect completion amount and not completing properly.
* Fix Deployed Science not ever transmitting last 10% of science generated.
* Fix Deployed Science science generation calculations.
* Fix Science report UI not displaying correct color bars information for Surface feature arm science.
* Fix Deployed Science contracts sometimes being given for the wrong CB.
* Adjust tolerance for determining if a robotic hinge is moving.
* Reduce log messages when Deployed Science tries to transmit and has no CommNet or power.
* Fix Surface feature and Deployed Science contracts being offered when EVA is not unlocked at the Astronaut complex.
* Fix Surface feature contracts being offered when Surface features are not enabled in the current save game.
* Fix NRE quickly deploying a cargo part when a kerbal just started holding it.
* Fix Deployed Science contracts counting experiment science on other CBs than the CB the contract is for.
* Fix Deployed Science Solar Panels producing zero power when loaded by game is in time warp.
* Fix hinges not using EC when target angle updated via incremental axis group binding

*Improved detail on the neck ring texture of the Breaking Ground EVA suit.

+++ Mods
* Add Game events for robotic parts locking/unlocking.

Remember that you can help us find bugs/issues by reporting them into our bugtracker and that you can also upvote reports to make them more visible.

Happy launchings!

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" Kerbals can now change their future suit emissive colors via their PAW and persists to save game roster. "

Best patch.

Seriously, thank you. I'd been desperately hoping this change would follow the DLC release. I'm off to color-code all my kerbals now.

Edited by Jarin
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Great to see all the bug fixes. I know I experienced at least a dozen of the issues that are now fixed.

Will have to test it out tonight. 

  On 6/12/2019 at 3:19 PM, UomoCapra said:

* Increase unfocused range on deployed science Part Action Windows to 20m.


Also fantastic. It annoyed me to no end that I could go to the deployed science station in the tracking station but couldn’t actually see the progress of anything. 

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I note that the Making History DLC is still at version 1.7.1.  It's okay to use that version of that DLC with the new base version (1.7.2) and the new Breaking Ground DLC (1.1.0), right?

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  On 6/12/2019 at 7:00 PM, Nikolai said:


I note that the Making History DLC is still at version 1.7.1.  It's okay to use that version of that DLC with the new base version (1.7.2) and the new Breaking Ground DLC (1.1.0), right?



Yes, Making History 1.7.1 is the version you need for KSP 1.7.2

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  On 6/12/2019 at 7:02 PM, Bubbadevlin said:

Looks like some great additions, bit dissapointed that there was no change to the limits, target angle, target extension, etc in the PAW. It can be so hard to get proper numbers with those small sliders


Yes, agree. It seems to be buggy too. Sometimes it skips by 1, other times it skips by 2. I even lowered the DPI on my mouse to ridiculously low levels just to make sure I am not skipping pixels and it still happens. 

  On 6/12/2019 at 7:39 PM, JERONIMO said:

what's... PAW...


Part Action Window. What pops up when you right click on a part or a Kerbal. 

Edited by MechBFP
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  On 6/12/2019 at 6:46 PM, Starfire70 said:

Thanks! :)

Since it focuses mostly on fixes/enhancements to the DLC, it's likely this won't interfere with mods that were 1.7.1 compatible I assume?


Unless the mod is version-locked like Kopernicus, or dependent upon a version-locked mod (like planet packs are dependent upon Kopernicus), anything that worked in 1.7.1 *should* work in 1.7.2.

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  On 6/12/2019 at 3:19 PM, UomoCapra said:

Remember that you can help us find bugs/issues by reporting them into our bugtracker and that you can also upvote reports to make them more visible.


Also remember, this actually works :D I recognize quite a few of the bug from the tracker in the list of fixes and even one of my own:

  On 6/12/2019 at 3:19 PM, UomoCapra said:

Redesign the Action sets icon during flight to make the current action number more visible.


Thanks for the update @SQUAD :)

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  On 6/12/2019 at 3:19 PM, UomoCapra said:


* Rotation Servo F-12 (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* Rotation Servo M-06 (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* Rotation Servo M-12 (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).
* Rotation Servo M-25 (New “Gray with Stripes” color variant).



The stripes are a nice addition to the robotics parts. Just want to point out though that if they are meant to show the positive rotation direction (e.g. like how the rotors do), then the ones on the rotational servos are correct on one side of the part but mirrored on the other side of the part.

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