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KSP2 Hype Train Thread

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Just now, Jacob Kerman said:

Ah, ok. Sounds cool.

So what do YOU guys think of KSP2 so far?

It would be nice if I could run it, and it would be nice if it handles really complicated ships better than KSP1.

I haven't watched all the preview videos and stuff, but it looks like neither of those will be the case.

However, I'm still excited to try it out on my computer, and see how it evolves.

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5 minutes ago, Jacob Kerman said:

But in the words of the great Adam from Mythbusters, "You cant polish....."

Ironically, they proved that they could in fact polish... well, you know. Hopefully that translates to polishing up KSP2 as well! :) 

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Just now, LHACK4142 said:

It would be nice if I could run it, and it would be nice if it handles really complicated ships better than KSP1.

I haven't watched all the preview videos and stuff, but it looks like neither of those will be the case.

However, I'm still excited to try it out on my computer, and see how it evolves.

Let me know how that goes.

Just now, KSACheese said:

Ironically, they proved that they could in fact polish... well, you know. Hopefully that translates to polishing up KSP2 as well! :) 

Lets hope KSP2 can pull up. Im starting to feel bad for defending it.

If this is what I defended, than I may as well start writing apologies.

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3 hours ago, Stephensan said:

SAS modules are way way weaker, and will not just lonely support the rocket. you need rcs, or more sas modules. (Reaction wheels)

Reaction wheels are OP in KSP1, in real life reaction wheels are actually pretty weak, need despinning, etc. and you usually use RCS instead.

I welcome this change, I slap RCS everywhere to keep control manageable anyway.

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OK well the RX 6800 XT is here and it’s finally installed through what I can only attribute to divine intervention.  Didn’t consider that it wouldn’t have legacy video ports so my monitor #2 is out for a few days until I get the adapter.

Edited by Dinkledash
God is good
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4 minutes ago, Jacob Kerman said:

So what do YOU guys think of KSP2 so far?


(*Clears throat*) Phew, now that I got that out, let me continue.

Here are my more formal thoughts on KSP2 after the content seen today.

This game has so much potential to be lightyears better than KSP1.  Seeing the new QoL improvements and graphical upgrades in the gameplay videos today has me even more hyped for KSP2.  Just a few features that have me very excited and optimistic: procedural parts (specifically wings), sound design/music, flight/map UI changes.  By simplifying aircraft creation and allowing for more creative designs, procedural wings will open a lot of doors for players.  The sound design for rocket engines and the soundtracks for every planet are incredible; in fact, the music alone is enough motivation for me to visit every celestial body eventually.  Additionally, the layout of the flight UI is nice and neat, enhancing UX and generally simplifying flight.  Similarly, the map view with its new indicators is phenomenal and makes orbital maneuvers so much more intuitive.  KSP2 is only in Early Access, and these changes already surpass KSP1 in numerous ways.

Right now, my (and many others') main concern is obviously performance.  Unfortunately for me, I most likely can't run it with my integrated GPU (although I'm going to try).  I really hope that KSP2 is optimized quickly after launch on Friday, for the sake of all low/mid-spec players and the development process.  Optimization would benefit KSP2 EA in two ways.  Firstly, the game would be made available to a wider range of users, who can all submit their pros and cons to the devs.  EA is all about getting feedback, so broadening the player base should be the top priority.  The more feedback the dev team receives, the quicker KSP2 can be made into the game promised in 2019.  Along the same lines, KSP2 obviously needs funds to continue being a lucrative project.  More players in EA means more money for the devs, which corresponds to a better quality game with a longer lifespan.  My full confidence is in the KSP2 dev team, and I wholeheartedly believe that the necessary improvements will be made with the necessary speed.  Over the past 3+ years, the team has demonstrated that they listen to and greatly value our feedback, and I have no doubt they will do so throughout EA.  I urge those who will play KSP2 this Friday to do their part in giving constructive feedback on the game.  As you play, take your time to think about important and helpful changes that could be made, rather than nitpick minor flaws.  By doing this, KSP2 will become the worthy successor to our beloved KSP.

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5 hours ago, bigyihsuan said:

Because it will get that development time. Remember, this is just the first release of the early access. It'll (hopefully) get better as more dev time gets put in.

In fact, it's two weeks before release. Assuming the Devs got this before we did (obviously), I'm guessing they know where to start.

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18 minutes ago, Dinkledash said:

OK well the RX 6800 XT is here and it’s finally installed through what I can only attribute to divine intervention.  Didn’t consider that it wouldn’t have legacy video ports so my monitor #2 is out for a few days until I get the adapter.

What legacy, VGA? Is your screen one of those things that refuse to die even after a dozen years of service?

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8 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

Did you catch the notifications window? It has auto-timeout. This looks like an important feature for future systems.


i like it really good, but i would love for it to pop up like slide up, without the background of notifications...


it blocks WAY to much in some cases

1 hour ago, The Aziz said:

I'm not sure if anyone noticed.

Dres, the new planet in the system, has axial tilt.

also, for the late reply

swore ksp 1 had a nod about this "rock" or something, and like it was something you could visit or something idk

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