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Kerbal Space Program 2 (maybe being restarted) Hype Train.


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On 12/24/2023 at 5:57 AM, Chilkoot said:

I'm right back on the hype train now - having a great time with 0.2, and it's just made me hungry for w/e is next...

Does anyone know if Colonies is still the next planned roadmap milestone?

yes, it is

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On 4/5/2024 at 10:07 AM, Flush Foot said:

Mid-June, 2024 [6/14-6/21]

Optimistic, I know :unsure:

Anyone else having a guess at when 0.3.0 releases? I'm suspecting it's 2 patch plus a hotfix from now so it looks like July-August for me.

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28 minutes ago, Alpha_star said:

Anyone else having a guess at when 0.3.0 releases? I'm suspecting it's 2 patch plus a hotfix from now so it looks like July-August for me.

Yeah in this interview below Nate Simpson said that there will be multiple patches that come out before Colonies. The thing is we don't know if that means 2 patches or 4-5 patches. Personally I cant figure out what I would care for more, on one hand if its only 2 patches total that would mean that we only have to wait for one more and then we can get colonies. But on the other hand if we have 3 - 5 more patches then the game itself will feel more complete and there will be less bugs to complain about and I think we'll start seeing more positivity towards the game which I think is important to get there before they release the brand new features. 

I think the devs are getting to a point where all the major bugs are fixed, If they just fix the orbital lines disappearing, docking ports not working when reusing them, and the delta V calculator then the game will be in a much more playable and, I would argue, fun state. Hopefully if these big ticket items are fixed along with a variety of smaller bugs then the community will regain their trust with the devs. I think it is reasonable to say that it is better for this to happen first before colonies comes out, if colonies comes out before the community trust comes back around then nothing will be "good enough" for us just because we're in a sour mood.

What I think has been fueling the distaste in the community has been because this next patch feels like it is taking longer than others. I'm hoping it is because we are getting to the point where the developers are getting rid of most bugs and now the ones that they have to deal with are more complicated and such. I think that a patch that fixes 30-40 or so bugs would make the community feel a lot better about the work being done by the developers. There is a case to be made about communication about the work done by the developers too being a reason for the frustration of the community, I would say it is mostly fueled by just not knowing what is being prioritized/worked on specifically at the moment and hope I am right when I say it's not actual anger with development. I also think part of it is that some people feel like if there isn't direct communication back of "we heard what you are saying about the game" then they assume nobody  from development saw or cared about what they said. I know that development and CMs definitely see all the things that are said so I don't complain but not all people in the community feel the same and want to hear that they are heard. We have to keep remembering where we came from with this game, I think if we think critically about it we can all realize we have come a long way since the release into early access and the game is getting to a point where there will be as many bugs as KSP1. This was all a long winded way of saying I am feeling good about the direction of the game and I think after a couple more patches maybe the rest of the community could agree.

Anyways, It has been about 2 months since the last patch of the game went public, I am going to hope for 3 patches total before colonies and I'm going to just give them similar spacing between (assuming the next patch comes out soon) for simplicity sake, that would mean about 4 months from now plus an extra month for the colonies update which puts me at September. That is my speculation at least, I think it can be backed up by the timing of For Science! from release, which was a 10 month venture. September would put us at  6-7 months since For Science! which seems reasonable to me because the first 3 -4 months or so of development after release was straight up just to fix the massive quantity of bugs, I think now that we are pass that we can expect shorter amount of time between major updates. 

I'm optamistic about the future of the game and hope that the community will be able to come back around after seeing a bit of progress from the developers. I'm also hoping that that trust in the community is gained back before colonies in the form of patches handling large amount and/or large bugs in the game showing the hard work of the team plus increased communication on what is being worked on / what issues the devs have seen from the community. My biggest hope is that we don't get to the point where the community is in a sour mood at the time of colonies and think that the outcome of colonies is the only thing that can save the community's trust in the game because then there would be too much pressure on colonies and nobody would find it fun because of the pressure cooker that seems to have been steaming lately here. 

All and all I am super excited for where this game is going :) 

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4 hours ago, Presto200 said:

September would put us at  6-7 months since For Science!

September would be 8-9 months since For Science!

Considering Nate Simpson said:

Even if those quotes are surrounded with big caution that this might not be the case and with their past history of delays, it would still be disappointing if the colonies take the same amount of time or just a little bit less time (like 1 month short).

In my opinion, they will still take quite some time and deliver the update in August, which would be 7-8 months since For Science!. That would mean they can squeeze 2 patch updates in the remaining 4-5 months. I hope that they can improve the performance for part counts significantly (same goes for background vessels) for the Colonies update, because it will be unplayable otherwise.


Talking about the next patch, I think it should arrive in the coming weeks considering how long it's been and how the candidate branch on steam is getting updated. It might also be the longest time an update took (as seen below (without counting hotfixes)).


Edited by Spicat
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8 minutes ago, Spicat said:

September would be 8-9 months since For Science!

Whoops! for some reason I thought that Science came out in February, I guess I was remembering the month of the games initial release and didn't think that through haha. You're absolutely right, also I hope you're right about the patch being soon, it has felt like a while (it probably is taking longer because of that sprint planning time?)

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On 4/8/2024 at 12:34 AM, Spicat said:

September would be 8-9 months since For Science!

Considering Nate Simpson said:

Even if those quotes are surrounded with big caution that this might not be the case and with their past history of delays, it would still be disappointing if the colonies take the same amount of time or just a little bit less time (like 1 month short).

In my opinion, they will still take quite some time and deliver the update in August, which would be 7-8 months since For Science!. That would mean they can squeeze 2 patch updates in the remaining 4-5 months. I hope that they can improve the performance for part counts significantly (same goes for background vessels) for the Colonies update, because it will be unplayable otherwise.


Talking about the next patch, I think it should arrive in the coming weeks considering how long it's been and how the candidate branch on steam is getting updated. It might also be the longest time an update took (as seen below (without counting hotfixes)).


First of all sorry for that miscalculation. September would be 9 months from FS!, about as long as what it takes for KSP2 to get from EA to the first major update. I'd say I hope colonies come out in or before summer, that's to say, about June or July. Of course since I don't like building bases that much having that update or not but it MIGHT MATTER A LOT TO KSP2 "HATERS" since their attempt to spread hate in the Kerbal community has been largely stopped by the release of FS!

I go to Reddit once in a while, and when I did so a day ago I found several people saying bad stuff about KSP2 eg. moderators deleting negative posts, updates too slow etc., all of them repeated for dozens of not hundreds of times in the past. If the game upsets those types of people them I'd say we would see a lot of hate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, calabus2 said:

Well they closed the studio. KSP2 is ded

That is not confirmed. We have not received anything on any side. Don't spread something you don't know yet. It is a very real possibility but it is NOT confirmed.

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