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Between Two Patches

Nate Simpson

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18 hours ago, schlosrat said:

Hey @Dakota, love the new Dark Mode! But did you know it dorks up code blocks? Can this be tweaked in the theme? See example below where the code block is black text on a charcoal background. Maybe white text in code blocks for Dark Mode? I get the same effect with both KSP Dark and KSP Dark Red


Heya, thanks for the heads-up. Will fix on Monday.

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On 3/25/2023 at 12:41 AM, Kerballlistic07 said:

Two things:

One, didn't know I needed this!

Two, will the system requirements change at all? Even a smidge? (Please say yes I'm begging)

Thanks for your continued work KSP team!

will the system requirements change at all?

( Please, please , please say yes I'm begging too )



when this patch will go live ?

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2 hours ago, The Aziz said:

You guys don't expect it to go from minimum RTX2060 to GTX770 in one patch, do you? It's going to be a gradual change, taking months until they can say for sure that the hardware requirements are indeed lower.

I was more thinking along the lines of Intel HD 500?

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17 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

I was more thinking along the lines of Intel HD 500?

To be honest, yes, I to would think KSP2 should be able to run on internal graphics of not to old laptops. It's one of the things that made KSP so good, making it accessible to many that are not just your typical 'gamers'. 

It's a massive market of people who would enjoy it, which won't get served with the current high system recommendations. Which is saddening, when looking at what is served graphic wise, I can't see why it shouldn't run om onboard graphics at 720p resolution, this isn't Cyberpunk. 


Edited by LoSBoL
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It breaks my heart to see those highlights.

There are game breaking bugs (from physics and navigation to landed ships drowning into the moons) making it impossible to play but "flowers and fogs and garage collisions are working great!".

I guess I just don't understand... maybe I'm wrong. I don't know how to prioritize bugs.

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25 minutes ago, vianna77 said:

I don't know how to prioritize bugs.

What you may misunderstand is that there is more to fixing bugs than ordering them most to least important and then fixing them in order.

Different bugs are assigned to different people, for starters. The graphics person who fixed the flowers is not the same hardcore orbital math person who is working on discrepancies between predicted and actual orbits, nor are they the UI/UX person in charge of making maneuver nodes work better. Also, fixing the texture of grass is much simpler than the other two.

Further, there could be internal code organization that we are not aware of that is show-stopping fixing a bug. For example, any bugs with PQS or PQS+ are likely going to stay in the game unless they cause hard crashes to the desktop because the ultimate plan is to eliminate that whole system for the new terrain system whose name escapes me. For all I know, the underlying code for orbit calculations needs to be rewritten from scratch (for any number of reasons, including possibly something causing the bug we are seeing) so fixing that bug would be a waste of time better spent on the new system.

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Currently the biggest problem (in my opinion) appears to be something to do with craft state being incorrect (landed vs orbit) causing orbit/trajectory lines to disappear and vehicle velocity nullification on save reload (because of landed state when actually in orbit). Any word on the status of this bug?

Unstable/decaying orbits is a close second, any comments on this?

Edited by RabidSmurf
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On 3/25/2023 at 7:03 PM, Royalswissarmyknife said:

Maybe a "Black N White" Theme  would be a bit better then Black and Red and Black and Blue.

Would be more visually appealing the Black and Red is a bit... Interesting. And the black and Blue is Ok.

Each to their own, I love the black and red theme.:1437623226_rocket_1f680(3):

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On 3/25/2023 at 10:46 PM, Astro648 said:

@EvelynThe DragonRe-entry effects have been confirmed to be after Patch 2. Nate showed it off a bit in this post:


Which is quite disappointing to be honest. It should have been there at EA launch. That's my opinion and I am sticking to it. But then again, there are a LOT of things that should have been there that aren't. I paid my money and I didn't ask for a refund, because I think it is important to be part of the dialog on the game development, finding bugs, etc. But there isn't a lot of playability here at this point. And the part selection sucks. I like optimizing rockets, including things like fuel flow priority, and that can't be done now. There are a lot of KSP 1 things I believe should have come straight over and should be working now but they aren't and that's a big let down for many of us and why a lot of people did go for refunds.


And I really dislike the dumbed down VAB. I WANT the technical details on parts and the ability to tweak all the settings, can't do that in KSP2 and you can't change things like parachute deploy height in flight, which you should be able to do.

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18 hours ago, EvelynThe Dragon said:

Which is quite disappointing to be honest. It should have been there at EA launch. That's my opinion and I am sticking to it. But then again, there are a LOT of things that should have been there that aren't. I paid my money and I didn't ask for a refund, because I think it is important to be part of the dialog on the game development, finding bugs, etc. But there isn't a lot of playability here at this point. And the part selection sucks. I like optimizing rockets, including things like fuel flow priority, and that can't be done now. There are a lot of KSP 1 things I believe should have come straight over and should be working now but they aren't and that's a big let down for many of us and why a lot of people did go for refunds.


And I really dislike the dumbed down VAB. I WANT the technical details on parts and the ability to tweak all the settings, can't do that in KSP2 and you can't change things like parachute deploy height in flight, which you should be able to do.

I feel the same. Lack of atmospheric heating is my biggest issue with the game, as it stands right now. It's a complete killer that takes all the feel out of a return. Which makes me not want to go in the first place.

And from what I've read here on the forum, a majority seem to agree that the Parts Manager sucks. Takes some getting used to, I guess, but that would require a desire to get used to it. Which I don't have at present.

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Now that I have a machine up that the Specs say "Hold my keer" when the game is thrown at them, my initial observations on a system built to address the current state:

Tutorials: Very good.

Visuals: Excellent.

Sound: Stellar.  Lets just say the music is as compelling as the real rocket sounds!

Loads from place to place: good.

VAB Function: Good.

Physics: Less than optimal; but making progress.  I found it amazingly easier to crash a stock plane than in KSP before official launch.  Trim was problematic and maneuver was sub KSP1.    Rockets behaved better in physics, but I got the feeling I was cheating Max Q.

Stuff that doesn't work: Still with the fuel lines not working to be able to asparagus stage!  I know it is a tiny thing; but it was a tiny thing that was a fundamental mechanic of KSP.


I know you folks are working hard.  I look forward to developments as we give you more actionable feedback.



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On 3/29/2023 at 7:45 AM, RocketBoy1641 said:

Stuff that doesn't work: Still with the fuel lines not working to be able to asparagus stage!  I know it is a tiny thing; but it was a tiny thing that was a fundamental mechanic of KSP.

I can do asparagus staging. ( Altough, i can't do it the normal way, as attaching all the side boosters on the core stage. But, if you attach the boosters ON the boosters (2 layer basicly) , then it works )

I would show it if this thing would let me upload picture, but i can't. :( 

Edit: I might be wrong sorry. Pre patch, it was possible the way i described, but i just tried to recreate it, and i wasn't succesfull. Maybe i messed up staging, i will keep trying.

Edited by 000PainKiller000
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No fix for the save breaking glitch that puts your ship into the VAB floor, corrupts the save and destroys the ship, making the entire thing useless? Did I miss that? Is that maybe the fix vehicle loss of frame thing? 

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