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[1.12.x]Launch Sites Appended - a Kerbal Konstructs Scenery Pack


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Launch Sites Appended for Kerbal Konstructs and KSP1

(Click Pics to embiggen)


Kerman's Start @ Dessert Launch Site








Kerbal Memorial @ KSC


Launch Sites Appended is a scenery pack for Kerbal Konstructs. Once installed it will either amend (if you have the Making History DLC) or add new launch sites to KSP.
The additions/Amendments are:

  • Kerman's Start (Dessert Launch Site with Making History) - Modeled loosely on Gagarin's Start at Baikonur, adds several structures and a large flame trench to the site. Also adds runway numbers to either the Making History runway, or the runway added by this pack. (Soyuz launcher shown comes from Modular Launch Pads, which I highly recommend)
  • Woomerang - Completely freelanced, but positioned at the coordinates used by Making History, this site is disjointed due to the terrain.
  • WayFinders - Based on real world navigation aids of the US Air Mail in the early 20th century, this KK tracking station is a very visible pointer toward the runway at KSC. I use this as a guidance marker for my shuttle approaches - helping me to visually perceive where I am while in the rather featureless expanse between Mt. Keverest and KSC.
  • KSC2 - Once an Easter Egg and now, via Kerbal Konstructs, an additional launch site. My additions here excavate it from the terrain, and lend a look like the original in early versions of Kerbal Space Program. The addition of a platform upon the original launch pad also eliminates the odd physics phreakout that sometimes happened when spawning a rocket here. (There is still no runway)
  • Kerbal Memorial - Where this project started. Upon loosing 2 Kerbals during a mission I was gutted and made a memorial to them. That grew from a pair of planted flags at the KSC Monolith into what you see now. Complete with a statue of a Kerbal riding a rocket arms akimbo and a granite sculpture of the original Mk1 Pod. Lost a Kerbal? Plant a flag and pour one out for their ultimate sacrifice.



  • Making History DLC - this pack automagically detects if Making History is installed and makes the required alterations. If you have MH, it just adds the surrounding scenery. If you do not have MH, it also adds the launch pads and runways at Dessert Launch Site and Woomerang.
  • KSC++ - As shipped, this mod will disable the KSC++ instances, and only add Lack's static models for Kerbal Konstructs to use. If you desire to ALSO have KSC++ display at KSC, simply remove ..\GameData\FP_LaunchSitesAppended\Patches\KSC++_Instance_removal.cfg and the KSC++ scenery will appear.
  • Static Duplication in the KK Static list - If you dabble in placing scenery yourself, you may notice OSS items with the suffix "_g2" along with the original, these are clones made with Module Manager scripts which make a copy that uses the more advanced GrassColor2 module of Kerbal Konstructs for better texture matching with the terrain. I decided to make clones and update those in the off chance someone might download my pack who is already using the original version of the OSS structures, in order to not affect them in any way.
  • KSC Extended - KSC Extended adds a ton of content to KSC, but none of it is near the monolith. It also adds a new launch center. None of LSA's work conflicts with this. At KSC the hex pictured above is all that happens at KSC and I have no content anywhere near the Tundra Complex added by KSC Extended.
  • Kerbinside Remastered - Patch file is now included to resolve conflicts automagically. There is one point of conflict that I've found, KSC2. However, LSA has a logical file structure and you can simply remove the ..\GameData\FP_LaunchSitesAppended\Instances\KSC2 folder to remove the conflict.


@AlphaAsh  - Kerbal Konstructs

@Damon - Tundra Space Center

@Omega482 - OSSNTR

@sarbian & @ialdabaoth - Module Manager

@Lack & @Aerospacer - KSC++ (Continued)

@Divico & @Stone Blue - KSC Floodlight model (updated version included with LSA)

@taniwha - Blender .mu plugin

Special Thanks:

@Rocket Science42 for pointing me towards a conflict with Kerbinside Remastered



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.





- Initial Release


- Kerbinside Remastered compatibility patch


Edited by tg626
Correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.
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As KSC Extended does not place anything close to the monolith, no conflict. This will just add the memorial around the monolith.

Nothing I did here is anywhere near KSC Extended's Tundra complex either.

I have added this to the "Notes" section.

Edited by tg626
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53 minutes ago, tg626 said:

As KSC Extended does not place anything close to the monolith, no conflict. This will just add the memorial around the monolith.

Nothing I did here is anywhere near KSC Extended's Tundra complex either.

I have added this to the "Notes" section.

I didn't think so. Just wanted to double check. Thanks for the quick reply.

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5 hours ago, Rocket Science42 said:

does this mod conflict with Kerbinside Remastered ?

aaaaaaaaaaaand, it's patched.

Added a MM config to clear out my stuff that conflicts with KSR.


LSA and KSR enjoying peaceful coexistence

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44 minutes ago, TonyT said:

Any plans for adapting this for ksrss?

I had to actually Google KSRSS, so obviously I'm 0% familiar with it.

I'd have to say not at this time. Given that it's Earth and not Kerbin, I don't even know if it would make any sense.

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It does have new models, a Mk1 pod in granite, a kerbal statue in granite, a radio tower, a hex base the size of the OSS ones able to use masks for different "road and sidewalks" via the texture dialog in KK, a large base block several of which make up the flame trench at Kerman's Start, and black auto-runway numbers which appear on the Dessert Runway (either mine or the one from Making History), a version of Divicos floodlights, and a clone of the ramp on the side of Squads "Mobile Luanchpad" to allow me to add ramps to that pad.

It bothered me that when you spawn a rocket on Squads pad it faces the wrong way - meaning that the ramp of the MLP isn't on the same side as the incline of the default pad. It's off by 90 degrees. I wanted to put VABs at the sites so the door faced the launch pad like at KSC, but that meant the ramp was pointed sideways and not toward the VAB.

I think thats all of them.

They are in the FPStaticModels folder.

Edited by tg626
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On 4/20/2023 at 8:42 PM, tg626 said:

No idea, I'd ask you to have a go and let me know! There are no specific adaptations for that at this time. So, I'd imagine all my work would be buried deep inside Kerbin's crust?

Tested it and they seem to work fine however the terrain decals don't work

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  • 11 months later...
2 hours ago, Alpha_Gametauri said:

I have a tiny issue, KSC 2 doesnt show up. Did i do something wrong or is this a bug?


Edit: I use KSP 1.8.1, alot of the mods i use dont work on 12.3

You did something wrong. You used a mod meant for 1.12.x in version 1.8.x

Sorry, but it was built in 1.12 and I have no means to support outdated versions. 

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  • 7 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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