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Free KSP2 Holiday Giveaway!


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Hey everyone!
To celebrate the winter holidays and the upcoming release of For Science!, we're having a giveaway: FIVE (5) copies of Kerbal Space Program 2 are up for grabs to members of this forum!


To enter, simply comment in this thread with how your Kerbals celebrate their holidays. Pictures of their holiday spacecraft are encouraged but not required.


Giveaway ends at 6 PM PT on Monday, December 18.  Countdown is here! The prizes will be given to the winners by end of Monday.

Good luck!


Congratulations to @Cosmic Sailor, @Cuky, @Mars-Bound Hokie, @1straycat, and @BenDart! Someone will be reaching out shortly to give you your key. :D

Fine print: One one entry and one post per user. The topic of this thread is a giveaway and to share how your Kerbals celebrate their holidays. Off-topic posts or comments should be placed in their appropriate subforum and are subject to removal from this thread. Winners of previous KSP2 giveaways on this forum are unfortunately ineligible to win.

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I don't know about in real life, but in KSP, Santa Claus is real, he lives at the equator, and his "sleigh" will actually be visiting every single house in Kerbin in a single night.  It turns out solid rocket boosters are slightly more practical than flying reindeer.


Edited by RoninFrog
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On their Holidays, Kerbals usually like to go on the space-sofa, grab a tacos, one or two fresh beers, and admire the absolute glory of deep space, while casually discussing about the latest Jebediah Kerman's rocket crash, the Minmus Dust's new Ice Cream flavor, or telling each other some ancient Deep Space Kraken scary tales...
(sorry couldn't get the "interstellar dream" text out : P)
Cheers, and thank you for that giveaway event ! :) 

Edited by kurgut
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They slap together a poorly thought out rocket and head for the slopes on the North Pole of Minmus. Then they realize they should have picked a flatter area to touch down. Finally they gather round for the last picture they'll take before For Science! hits the airwaves.


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1 hour ago, Scarecrow71 said:

Can those of us who purchased the game enter?  If so, what do we get in lieu of a free copy of a game we already purchased in the event we win?

Perhaps you could give the key to a friend, family member, or your favorite teacher.

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My kerbals celebrate by launching a rocket covered in Starshot-32s at midnight on Christmas Day, and release the fireworks as the rocket gets higher. :)

Edit: Don't include me in the giveaway, because I already have KSP2.

Edited by Ultim32
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