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What Will You Do First When For Science! Comes Out?


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First, I will download the update while laughing maniacally.

Then, I will giggle like a little girl as I start a new career game in Exploration mode.

Finally, I will probably end up filing several bug reports due to things being broken due to the update.

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11 hours ago, RaBDawG said:

Wait 2 months for it to be in a working condition.

It’ll be interesting to see how buggy it actually is, and if I was a gambling man, I’d suggest we start a betting pool, with the stakes being undying glory on the forums - but odds are the devs wouldn’t name a Kerb after the winner, sadly, and metrics would be hard.

I’m cautiously optimistic - more so than I was for EA.  When the EA announcement was made and then the first minimum specs dropped, I kerbed my expectations considerably.  The development since hasn’t been as fast as I would have liked, but hasn’t taken as long as I feared.  But the devs have fixed a lot of the big ugly hairy bugs since, and if I were a gambling man I’d bet “significantly less buggy than EA, many cool unannounced things, very playable, with room for improvement and some need for polish.”

Regardless, I promise you all to be less hostile with those of you who disagree with my opinion on the state of the game (we should all do this - pledge to be more kapybara-like or something).

The best case, of course, is “Wheehaw says he has COVID and won’t go anywhere for Christmas”.

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They seem pretty confident about it!

I'm going to be an optimist and believe that they have dealt with the technical debt they obviously had at 0.1.0 as well as the process/practices problems that created that technical debt in the first place, and expect 0.2.0 to be about as stable as 0.1.5 but with slightly improved performance and loads more features. 

Sadly I'll only get to play it in January! :sob:

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40 minutes ago, Periple said:

Sadly I'll only get to play it in January!

This is one of the biggest benefits of working from home.  When I take my lunch tomorrow (I get an hour) I'll already have the update downloaded, so I'll be able to fire this up and play for a bit.

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I know what I'll be trying to do, which is the KSP1 science arc of grabbing some pad, low and high orbit kerbin science, and then unlocking whatever I can to facilitate a Mun sample return mission. If the game gets through all that without breaking at a fundamental level, I'll be pleased.

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Genuinely considering completely ignoring all KSP-related media for a couple of weeks while I figure Exploration mode out for myself, but I doubt that'll happen. So I guess the first thing I'll do is ignore this forum :D

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8 minutes ago, regex said:

Genuinely considering completely ignoring all KSP-related media for a couple of weeks while I figure Exploration mode out for myself, but I doubt that'll happen. So I guess the first thing I'll do is ignore this forum :D

What's there to figure out for a couple of weeks? It's the same game as 0.1.5 but with part progression.

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