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Can ELON MUSK buy the LP and finish the game?


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Short answer, no

Long answer, if the publisher was interested in selling the IP and associated projects, they would have. Not that its likely it'd see a buyer - the games already dipped heavily into its sales bucket with early access, and when you buy it the publisher isn't going to just hand over all the revenue it already made, defeats the point of selling it. So any potential buyer would be looking to sink tens of millions of dollars into something that is already out one major sales opportunity in the core fanbase, has terrible public sentiment, has mediocre bones (as extrapolated from the intents to replace many core systems already) and just potentially scattered its dev team to the four winds. Simply put, there's nothing of value here to sell or buy with it in this state.

It'd be infinitely more likely and sensible that Musk buys a random ailing indie studio, and makes his own KSP if he was so inclined, it'd be cheaper and a safer bet. Still pretty unlikely though.

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PERFECT!!! This thread is for me! So I know none of y'all will believe me, but Elon already read this thread, and his response is "why would I pay money for that dumpster fire when I can use my billions of dollars to make my own game..with blackjack and hoo..(you guys know the Futurama quote)"

  On 5/2/2024 at 3:43 AM, Superfluous J said:

Shorter answer:



Yes, this is my response to all of you who don't believe me. We know he loves KSP1, we know he loves excrements-posting on twitter. He does the same thing here.


  On 5/2/2024 at 5:16 AM, The Aziz said:

That jerk can't even run Twitter, he would turn KSP into a crumbling mess.

Or actually cancel it if it didn't return an immediate profit.


You actually think he is trying to turn a profit? The third richest man in the world needs Twitter of all things for some spending money? Nah, he bought Twitter to harvest all of everyone's data. Go look up what Google sells data for to advertisers. $44 billion was arguably a deal for the data he got.


  On 5/2/2024 at 7:27 AM, RayneCloud said:

I mean, he can't run twitter, or sell good vehicles, or well.. do anything... because he's a raging narcissistic idiot. 


Who is the only one with the correct mindset to industrialize spaceflight? Without him, face it, we are stuck with NASA fragile Rube-Goldberg-esque rockets. I'll take a million Elons before one more like Bezos.

  On 5/2/2024 at 10:15 AM, Delay said:

I didn't know the "Can Elon Fix...?" kind survived to the modern age...


He fixed lots of stuff...Heard of SpaceX? Starlink? You guys know that Starlink isn't actually primarily for internet, right? It has already  singlehandedly obsoleted the Keyhole spy satellites. Think about it: thousands of cameras in LEO! And thats only one of the applications I can tell you about. There are many more in the works. Actually one more...so you know how Starlink communicates with eachother via laser? Military-grade laser targeting worldwide. Russkies trying to use some laser guided bombs? What if we knew the wavelength of that laser and spoofed it so it targets a field instead of civillians. That is the crux of the issue with Starlink being used in Ukraine. They tell the media its about free internet..and there is 100% truth behind the tactical advantages it gives communications-wise, but the real issue is hiding the truth about the direct military applications from the public. Not the Russians. I know you will ask me why am I saying it then? None of you will believe me, lol.

Overall, I get that Elon is a target and I get his personality is abrasive to say the least, but he didn't get to where he is by thinking at the same pace as everyone else. He's 13 steps ahead of me even, let alone people who are sick of seeing and hearing about him everywhere and just want him to shut the eff up!

Finally, I'll tell the whole board Elon's pseudonym the day before Take Two shuts these boards down, I promise, hand over heart. I'm not keping it a secret, I've posted hints in other threads. It was a throughly enjoyable mystery for me to solve, and I hope that others can share in that feeling!

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Fact check from someone with tight ties to the space industry: SpaceX’s success is not due to Musk. He made TWO incredibly important hires early on. First, Tom Mueller, who developed the Merlin engine family from the groundwork established out of NASA’s Fastrac program. Second, he hired Gwynne Shotwell, an experienced engineer with strong managerial skills and potential and put her in charge of increasingly important parts of the business until she became Chief Operating Office. SHE is the reason SpaceX is a commercial success. Elon is not even the majority shareholder of SpaceX anymore either, kids, though he controls a majority of voting stock through family shares ostensibly owned by others for financial reasons, but giving him voting control over those shares. Shotwell is the reason SpaceX succeeds, and it succeeeds despite Musk not because of him. Everyone who actually follows the space industry realized this about 5 years ago. Pop culture has not yet caught up.

The last thing KSP2 needs to grow and thrive is for some intellectually and emotionally bankrupt pseudo-liberatarian-when-it-suits-him techbro to take over. 

Edited by James Kerman
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  On 5/2/2024 at 2:38 AM, RaBDawG said:

Serious Question.  I bet he would.  Can we ask him on Twitter?  He is a huge fan of KSP1.


2018 called, it wants its "crediting Elon Musk for the hard work of the people he exploits and abuses" back. He's also an alt-right bigot and a sensitive crybaby who blew 40 billion on Twitter so its userbase could stand in as his therapist while he copes over his divorce and and makes mediocre jokes.


...unsurprisingly, we don't seem to trust him with this IP, or any for that matter.


  On 5/2/2024 at 1:44 PM, Meecrob said:

Overall, I get that Elon is a target and I get his personality is abrasive to say the least, but he didn't get to where he is by thinking at the same pace as everyone else. He's 13 steps ahead of me even


Yeah, just a hop, skip and a jackpot inheritance.

  On 5/2/2024 at 4:23 PM, LameLefty said:

Love to see the elon-simping.


Elon simps are a good litmus test. If someone likes Elon, they're not worth associating with, whether they're blindingly ignorant, a toxic individual who doesn't see a problem with his 'takes', or genuinely in awe of his... whatever there is left of a personality.

Edited by Bej Kerman
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Could Elon Musk buy the Kerbal Space Program IP? Sure, everything is for sale if enough of an offer is put forward.


Would Elon Musk buy the Kerbal Space Program IP? I doubt it, why would he? Sure he's something of a fan of the original but beyond that, there's not really any rationale for him to put dollars into it.


Should Elon Musk buy the Kerbal Space Program IP? Honestly, I think it'd be worth considering. The total development cost, even the most pessimistic estimates is pocket money to Musk. He could just buy Intercept Games, the Kerbal IP, all of the current software engineers, et cetera and he's not even notice he's spent anything.


Why do I think he should buy it out, because I think Kerbal Space Program represents more than just a game, instead I propose that it represents a chance for the everyday person to experience space, to experience the hardships, the trial and error, the desire to explore and accomplish things. It's part game, part educational software and it's criminally under-appreciated in the game world. He could do it, not be financially burdened by it and turn it into a free-to-play passion project.


Though, to add a little shot of sensibility to the forum, we don't really know what exactly it is that is (or isn't) happening at Intercept Games.

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You can tell he's doing something right - the left call him an alt-right bigot and the right call him an insane libertarian. Considering in this current political climate both sides are as barking mad as each other right now, that probably makes him ...an average human being.  :lol:

To claim he's not responsible for anything at SpaceX is childish. To claim he's god's greatest gift to spaceflight and is the saviour of everything is childish. Reality is always the boring bit in between.

Whether you love him or loathe him one thing is certain - he's a devoted hardcore fan of spaceflight and the dream of space travel. If, by some bizarre chance of circumstance, he did buy KSP's IP from Take 2, it would always be more preferable to have a fan of the thing you love in charge of it than a soulless greedy corporation that just wants to milk the IP. We've just seen where that gets us.

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Lmao always love the Elon hate after years of watching this forum sing nothing but praises during the Falcon 9 reusability tests.

He should definitely buy the franchise because it would be really effing funny and clean up the people actively ruining it.

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Ignoring the issue of Elon, whom I have mixed feelings about (and those feelings had much more negativity in the mix after the whole twitter thing and various public statements):

He can

He won't

I don't think he is a giant KSP fan, I think he's got a lot else going on. He's probably familiar with the game, but I really doubt he sits down and plays KSP in his downtime, and reads these forums.

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  On 5/3/2024 at 11:10 AM, PDCWolf said:

Lmao always love the Elon hate after years of watching this forum sing nothing but praises during the Falcon 9 reusability tests.


That's what one gets after doing countless stupid public stunts over the years. People can be fans of SpaceX (and the skilled engineers in the company who actually made the F9 come back to Earth), don't have to be fans of one man who does nothing but throw ideas and give money for development.


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  On 5/3/2024 at 11:19 AM, KerikBalm said:

I don't think he is a giant KSP fan, I think he's got a lot else going on. He's probably familiar with the game, but I really doubt he sits down and plays KSP in his downtime, and reads these forums.


Not saying he is or isnt, but he's made many tweets about KSP in the past, about having played it, loving it, asking KSP devs for ideas etc...



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He can be a "fan" of it without actually playing it regularly.

It could be that somebody showed him the game once, he gave it a try, and thought the concept of a game teaching mostly realistic spaceflight principles was great (awesome).

He can be a "fan of" kerbal without actually using the product - just like there can be fans of Tesla or SpaceX that don't own a Tesla or pay for launches to orbit.

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  On 5/2/2024 at 7:27 AM, RayneCloud said:

I mean, he can't run twitter, or sell good vehicles, or well.. do anything... because he's a raging narcissistic idiot. 


The problem is that he's going to hire you to deliver the work on a certain date, and if you don't, by contract, you'll have to pay him. Something that is not customary among flabby game developers...

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Falcon 9 worked well because there's enough regulations in the space industry that Elon can't make dumb ideas happen like Cybertruck - 100% of the achievements made by F9 and Starship are down to the workers at SpaceX.

Cybertruck and Twitter are an unfiltered look at how smart he actually is - or how smart he isn't. If he tried his hand at making a video game, expect delays and underdelivery on a bigger scale than KSP 2. But he's probably too busy winging about minorities and pretending to care about free speech to focus on finding developers to bother.

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