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Still No Clarification from Private Division / Take2?


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The WARN Act notification went up at the beginning of the business week.  The end of that week has come and gone with no real communication from the publisher, beyond a content-free "still supporting it" tweet.  Nothing acknowledging the closure of IG and clarifying the future of the game.  A week is far beyond the usual corporate caution in carefully wording an announcement and running it by legal; we're now in the realm of just being rude to the fans. 

What on Earth is going on over there?  Heck, no one has even removed the future promises from the Steam store page, which is just asking for legal trouble in the EU.  Steam recent reviews are now "Overwhelmingly Negative" due to fans assuming the worst, so a press release about the situation could only have made things better.  Sad times when the corporate overlord can't even pretend to care.

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1 hour ago, Skorj said:

What on Earth is going on over there?

There are a lot of people who have an employment relationship still awaiting this information. 

Customers find out later. 

Assume the worst.  You won't be unnecessarily disappointed that way. 

If it ends up not that bad - you will be pleasantly surprised. 

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14 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

It's corporate dealings, they never work fast. We may know something... in weeks, months. Probably two months in the future when the studio officially closes and the project is handed over to PD.

Whilst I agree, it would be in their best interests overall to clarify the situation. If the game isn't dead, they need to reassure people of that IMO.

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4 minutes ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

If the game isn't dead, they need to reassure people of that IMO

Well they already said it. And anytime someone asks, they're just gonna copypaste the same thing. They're not gonna say anything more any time soon.

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15 minutes ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

Whilst I agree, it would be in their best interests overall to clarify the situation. If the game isn't dead, they need to reassure people of that IMO.

How long was it before PD clarified the situation back when the Star Theory shutdown happened? My memory is foggy but I think that also took a while and PD/T2 was also very tight-lipped.

Not saying it is the exact same situation (I assume it is worse), just that you should look into that when trying to guess how long it will be before we get new less vague information officially.

I mentioned in the other topic that its possible they won't say more until after their annual report is released in about 11 days.

Edited by Pulstar
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11 minutes ago, Pulstar said:

How long was it before PD clarified the situation back when the Star Theory shutdown happened? My memory is foggy but I think that also took a while and PD/T2 was also very tight-lipped.

Not saying it is the exact same situation (I assume it is worse), just that you should look into that when trying to guess how long it will be before we get new less vague information officially.

I mentioned in the other topic that its possible they won't say more until after their annual report is released in about 11 days.

God, that's going back a while, I have no idea! When was that now, four years ago or something?

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The situation could have been similar, though probably less hurtful on head count - that was while the game was in prealpha stages, so there was not much talk anyway, so nobody noticed anything out of normal schedule.

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2 hours ago, The Aziz said:

It's corporate dealings, they never work fast. We may know something... in weeks, months. Probably two months in the future when the studio officially closes and the project is handed over to PD.

Agreed, this seems to be the most likely outcome.  I assume everyone that's counting their last days there are getting docs and things ready to handover. 

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1 hour ago, Heretic391 said:

Agreed, this seems to be the most likely outcome.  I assume everyone that's counting their last days there are getting docs and things ready to handover. 

I seriously hope that they continue the development of KSP2. Regardless if it's with a new studio, or new team. I don't want to see this project canned.


There. Is. So. Much. Potential.

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13 minutes ago, Devblaze said:

I seriously hope that they continue the development of KSP2. Regardless if it's with a new studio, or new team. I don't want to see this project canned.


There. Is. So. Much. Potential.

Couldn't agree more :)

Fingers crossed!

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Iirc, somebody was declaring (and the local enthusiasts were  supporting this) that the KSP-1 development won't be stopped on the KSP-2 release...

Of course, the KSP-2 development and support won't stop, as the already bought copies need bugfixes.

So, I believe, at least one man will keep developing the KSP-2 bugfixes, and at least one girl will be answering the happy owners' calls, both chained in the dark dungeon.

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1 hour ago, Tony Tony Chopper said:

Read the next 2 responses.

Yeah...I don't have an X account, so all I see is the post you linked to.  And without context, it means nothing.  And if it meant something, the community would be talking about it.

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I am inclined to agree that it is a bogus account. Official communique from companies like TT will always deliver them in some form of legal ease / "corpo" tongue that few outside of those insular circles will be able to understand.
One thing i am fairly certain, they would never come out and say that KSP2 was canned to ensure that the newest GTA title was *bug free*.

That just doesn't make much sense to me.
There will likely be many such  fake news in the days / weeks to come.

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2 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

"We will need this to improve the game."  Need what to improve what game?

The this. They need it.

1 hour ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

That's true, whether it's an official account or not really matters given the context.

Sometimes the absence of the official response in presence of the unofficial ones also matters itself.

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