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Implenting KSP 2 Exoplanets into KSP 1 [DEVLOG/DISCUSSION]


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Implementing KSP 2 Exoplanets into KSP 1: A Devlog

Sad that you may never get to experience KSP 2's new planets? Don't worry -- the KSP 1 planet modding community has you covered!

Focus #1: GLUMO


KSP 2's Glumo


KSP 1 -- Version 1


KSP 1 -- Version 2


KSP 1 -- Version 3

KSP 2's exoplanets are too cool NOT to explore...which is why I and other planet modders are implementing them into KSP 1 for fun. All textures are 100% custom-made by community members. If you want to contribute to the project, just pick a celestial body you find interesting and replicate it as best you can! Planet modders of all skill levels are welcome. This project has no hard deadlines, is collaboration-based, and only asks that you contribute your best work.

Edited by wpetula
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Played many KSP1 career playthroughs with interstellar destinations, but it's not the same as 'Interstellar' (KSP2) was due to land after 'Colonies', which would have seen a significant fork in the road from KSP1, so everything beyond Version 0.3.0 would be pretty much incomparable to be honest. That said, the modders continue to do an outstanding job with KSP1, just a shame some of the 'Gold Standard' planet packs, like JNSQ are outdated now.

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1 hour ago, The Aziz said:

Welcome to the worlds of KSP2

Now in the lowest resolution ever!

KSP1 really doesn't have a resolution limit problem.  Case in point, look at some of the RSS stuff ballisticfox is doing. 

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9 hours ago, The Aziz said:

I am yet to see someone taking KSP2 Kerbin and putting it into KSP1.

You're right, KSP1 Kerbin with parallax and clouds looks better than KSP2 Kerbin, and it works too.

The only thing it's worse in is PQS detail and that's precisely why KSP2 Kerbin is pretty broken.

Edited by R-T-B
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19 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

I look forward to the attempt at Rask and Rusk.

If only that was more than still images in trailers and "sneak peeks"... They never had the stones to say how they were gonna implement it. As for KSP1, it's simple, just download principia.

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Version 2 of Glumo is now complete! The new texture is a collaboration between me and @Mrpasta44 (Techo).


^ KSP 2 Glumo


^ KSP 1 Glumo -- Version 2


Please continue to give feedback on the visuals so we can deliver you an amazing product!

Edited by wpetula
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For starters, I'd like to give a huge shout-out to you and the others working on this.  These are just awesome!

Secondly, I just want to confirm that these are going to be exo-planets in KSP1, right?  As in, we'll need some mod to go interstellar to use them?  Or will they be available in one of the other mods that alters the stock system (not RSS or KSRSS, obviously)?

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1 hour ago, Scarecrow71 said:

As in, we'll need some mod to go interstellar

Almost certainly this.

Also, please move all discussion about NDAs elsewhere. They are not related to this thread (saying this to everyone)

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Version 3 of Glumo is done! @Mrpasta44 touched up the poles and equator, and I touched up the rings. All that's left are final touches to the atmosphere and textures.


^ KSP 2




^ KSP 1

For those of you wondering, Glumo's distinct orange storm band is now located south of the equator.

Edited by wpetula
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This looks tremendous. Now, if we can get Blackrack's clouds added in (something like a recolored version of Jool's atmosphere) we would really be cooking.

This should be in the KSP1 mods topic if it isn't already. With KSP2's decay I feel it would get much more long term visibility there.

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On 6/13/2024 at 9:25 PM, R-T-B said:

You're right, KSP1 Kerbin with parallax and clouds looks better than KSP2 Kerbin

I would try to evaluate how good or bad KSP 1 looks, but there's no proper reference frame because it's a big hideous clash of cartoonish and pseudo-realistic styles, and the clouds provided by EVE don't really help.

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17 hours ago, Zyfle said:

I really hope that the planets we haven't seen yet get leaked somehow so we can recreate the full systems...

Gurdamma and Donk would be incomplete without Gup

You assume there is something to leak....    

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53 minutes ago, Izny said:

You assume there is something to leak....    

We've seen some screenshots suggesting files were being edited for some of the planets that haven't been properly shown. It's very hard to say what state of completion things were in, but also it's pretty clear that art was ahead of engineering on KSP2, so it's entirely possible that most of the Debdeb system was already in an early alpha stage.

The biggest blockers for getting Debdeb into KSP2 EA would have been the vast distances involved. They would require origin relocation to work smoothly across interstellar distances, larger rockets being launchable and stable, and time warp being able to go to something like 1M. All of this is... lets say problematic in the current state of KSP2. Having interplanetaries be built on orbital shipyards following the colonies update would solve one of these problems. Origin relocation seems to have been actively worked on. And the team was likely hoping this buys them time to clean up the performance in deep space and/or map at least a little to enable the ludicrous warp rates required. In which case, holding on to interstellar for a bit longer, even if planets and art are in good enough shape for EA, was a sensible choice.

I was kind of hoping they'd drop these into the final patch, possibly a lot closer to Kerbol than initially planned, just so that we have something to explore. Heck, just getting a few planets that were shown dropped in as outer planets of Kerbol would have been nice.

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