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Its Kerbover...

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I'm sad but my sadness is not entirely about KSP2. Most people realized I was no longer onboard pretty early, with FS! being the final nail in the coffin. What I'm the saddest/maddest about is this killing the franchise. Like, KSP2 was garbage, and could've lived being garbage, but it was so decidedly garbage that we'll probably never get a proper KSP game again.

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35 minutes ago, Wheehaw Kerman said:

A bit disappointed, but I got my $50 worth in terms of dollars per hour of entertainment, we still have the original, and ultimately, it was just a game.  

Just a game? It was more than just a game to me. It got me through some really tough times and inspired and exited me more than most things I’ve experienced in life. 

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7 hours ago, AstroWolfie said:

How do you guys feel?

Right now? Feeling good that KSP now has deferred rendering and other great mods still being developed to keep it as modern as can be. I have fully focused back on the original game and have used KSP2 as inspiration for my mod lists.

Overall? It really is a bummer that KSP2 couldn't have made it to the finish line, but the last year was a headache filled with mismanaged expectations and bugs. I am kind of glad it is over, given the roller coaster the last 5 years have been, but I am also sad that the assets and ideas we have talked about here will never reach their potential.

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9 hours ago, AstroWolfie said:

How do you guys feel?


It was obvious early on that KSP2 fell way short of where it should have been. I stopped playing 10 seconds in to 0.1.3 when I realised what little joystick functionality I had was gone. Was angry for a while but the KSP2 debacle gave me a new appreciation for KSP1. After that I've just been following what was happening waiting for the time to jump back in to KSP2. That time never came.

The only thing I'm left with is a desire to never purchase anything linked to T2 again. That'll save me more than I wasted on KSP2 so thanks T2, I guess.

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13 hours ago, Majorjim! said:

Just a game? It was more than just a game to me. It got me through some really tough times and inspired and exited me more than most things I’ve experienced in life. 

Just a game.  Admittedly, one I spent 5.4K hours in over the past twelve years, but still just a game.

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KSP was the game that inspired me to take aerospace seriously; it quite literally altered the trajectory of my life. As a result of playing the game, I went into the space industry professionally, and worked on a couple of moon missions (among other, less exciting/more sensitive projects) that have since launched.

The game changed my perspectives on aerospace, as well as on what makes for a great educational experience.

With all due respect to the developers, publishers, etc -- I'm worried that the abortive development of a sequel in an institutional studio, and the particular way the decision to cut it off was made and executed, will hamper the franchise's ability to affect other people similarly.

It's just a game, yes. But this game mattered more to me than most because of its ability to inspire players. I'm much more worried about the franchise's potential to inspire people, and what the lack of this sort of inspiration might mean for the world, than any particular manifestation of the IP.

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Posted (edited)

Comrades, stop being sad. Everything will be fine! Turn on good music, pour a mug of beer! I have a barbecue soaking right now, I'll cook it soon. We have KSP1 and I hope the modders will make candy out of it!

Edited by rebel-1
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1 hour ago, rebel-1 said:

Comrades, stop being sad. Everything will be fine! Turn on good music, pour a mug of beer! I have a barbecue soaking right now, I'll cook it soon. We have KSP1 and I hope the modders will make candy out of it!

Thankfully.  I fired it up today and dropped Valentina on the Moon to grab some science so I can get better engines.  And I'm grateful for the modders; this career I'm talking about is KSRSS with Un Kerballed Start and a lot of Near Future.  Now if someone could only craft a mod to hide outdated parts in the VAB...

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Posted (edited)

Sadness, Anger, and Disappointment. I want answers, and I think as a community we are entitled to demand them, and we are entitled to demand them while forgoing "Tact" and "Politeness" as those options have failed. I look to leadership of both the studio and the publisher and I want to hold them to account for their abject failure. 

Kerbal Space Program was my first entry in to the games industry, my first love, my first "Best Destiny" as Spock said to Kirk. It sparked my love of STEM, of Spaceflight, sparked my wanderlust, and launched my career. I love this community I helped build all those years ago when I was given my first shot, and I am not only furious for myself, I am furious for all of you. 

You all deserved, we all deserved, so much better than this.

I will also Say, Yes, Nate, I blame you. I hold you directly to account because you were the leader, that's what happens as a leader, when something fails or succeeds. You take the heat and the praise. You owe us answers.

Edited by RayneCloud
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2 hours ago, RayneCloud said:

I will also Say, Yes, Nate, I blame you. I hold you directly to account because you were the leader, that's what happens as a leader, when something fails or succeeds. You take the heat and the praise. You owe us answers.

I know you’ve had a much closer relationship with this game and many former developers so Im sincere in wondering why you hold Nate personally responsible? Surely folks higher up at PD and T2 had the ultimate say on what resources were available to follow through on what was promised and the general design and aspiration was pretty awesome. What am I missing?

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8 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

I know you’ve had a much closer relationship with this game and many former developers so Im sincere in wondering why you hold Nate personally responsible? Surely folks higher up at PD and T2 had the ultimate say on what resources were available to follow through on what was promised and the general design and aspiration was pretty awesome. What am I missing?

Have you read this? It is clear and understandable that it was Nate who, from the usual alteration of KSP1, took a swing at what he could not master, and what turned out to be a complete failure. So yes, it's Nate's fault.

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Feeling very annoyed by the way the game has been dumped like this. I played and supported it since release like many of you and did some crazy videos since I expected that it would grow into something bigger than KSP1. I mean...I came back from the dead for a reason. Was it fun? Yes and no. I like building things, but I don't like it when my build pops itself underground. Lots of mixed feelings on the enjoyment side. 

It's highly disrespectful that we are not given honest updates and evident that the quiet treatment we got since release was by the same people that probably still have a job in TT etc. As for Nate, there were a lot of statements that didn't align with reality, so I agree with RayneCloud on that. Though I think if his goals were somehow made into reality, it would have been awesome. 

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9 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

I know you’ve had a much closer relationship with this game and many former developers so Im sincere in wondering why you hold Nate personally responsible? Surely folks higher up at PD and T2 had the ultimate say on what resources were available to follow through on what was promised and the general design and aspiration was pretty awesome. What am I missing?

Nate was basically the Monorail guy from the Simpsons (Irony?) Who sold the company on a shiny new vision without repairing what was broken first.

Lyle Lanley:

You know, a town with money's a little like the mule with the spinning wheel. No one knows how he got it and danged if he knows how to use it.


Heh-heh, mule.

Lyle Lanley:

The name's Lanley, Lyle Lanley. And I come before you good people tonight with an idea. Probably the greatest—Aw, it's not for you. It's more a Shelbyville idea.

Mayor Quimby:

Now, wait just a minute. We're twice as smart as the people of Shelbyville. Just tell us your idea and we'll vote for it.

Lyle Lanley:

All right. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll show you my idea. I give you the Springfield Monorail!

(everyone gasps)

I've sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and, by gum, it put them on the map!

Well, sir, there's nothin' on Earth like a genuine bona-fide electrified six-car monorail! What'd I say?

Ned Flanders:


Lyle Lanley:

What's it called?

Patty and Selma:


Lyle Lanley:

That's right!



Monorail...monorail...monorail... (continue over the following lyrics)

Miss Hoover:

I hear those things are awfully loud.

Lyle Lanley:

It glides as softly as a cloud.


Is there a chance the track could bend?

Lyle Lanley:

Not on your life, my Hindu friend.

Barney Gumble:

What about us brain-dead slobs?

Lyle Lanley:

You'll be given cushy jobs.

Grampa Simpson:

Were you sent here by the devil?

Lyle Lanley:

No, good sir, I'm on the level.

Chief Wiggum:

The ring came off my pudding can.

Lyle Lanley:

Take my pen knife, my good man.

I swear, it's Springfield's only choice!

Throw up your hands and raise your voice!



Lyle Lanley:

What's it called?


Once again!



But Main Street's still all cracked and broken.


Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken!








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9 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

I know you’ve had a much closer relationship with this game and many former developers so Im sincere in wondering why you hold Nate personally responsible? Surely folks higher up at PD and T2 had the ultimate say on what resources were available to follow through on what was promised and the general design and aspiration was pretty awesome. What am I missing?

I hold him responsible and I will hold him to account, because he was the Leader. That's what happens when you're in charge, you take the blame. 

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