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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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9 hours ago, Singhnaut said:

ha, now I want one


9 hours ago, Singhnaut said:

give me mod now

Hi @Singhnaut

You can have one, I ended up calling it an AquaCat and it is available in my Beyond 1999 mod.

https://spacedock.info/mod/2837/Beyond Space 1999


I have a few things left I want to model and config for my Mini Moke mod but hopefully it should be available within a week.

Edited by ColdJ
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I've been trying to make race car, some sort.

this is like third iteration of this car, i think best looking so far.





here's the second iteration, i dont think open canopy looks good;


i have some problems with the wheels tho, kerbal foundries wheels dont really work well here, i cant try this with 1.12 either cuz some mods are not up to date :(

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3 hours ago, ColdJ said:


Hi @Singhnaut

You can have one, I ended up calling it an AquaCat and it is available in my Beyond 1999 mod.

https://spacedock.info/mod/2837/Beyond Space 1999


I have a few things left I want to model and config for my Mini Moke mod but hopefully it should be available within a week.

ok thx

7 hours ago, OnlyLightMatters said:

Hi Topic.
I made a short video in which I present my modding work for bringing recoloration to Making History and Breaking Ground parts. You will see at the end of the video the last ships I presented here.



6 hours ago, purpleivan said:

Bill and the crew of the Coastal Cruiser, after completing their PacOceanic Canal voyage, arrived at the facilities at the Eastern end and decided to make an inspection.







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3 hours ago, qromodynmc said:

I've been trying to make race car, some sort.

this is like third iteration of this car, i think best looking so far.





here's the second iteration, i dont think open canopy looks good;


i have some problems with the wheels tho, kerbal foundries wheels dont really work well here, i cant try this with 1.12 either cuz some mods are not up to date :(

Add boosters to make is faster 

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Saw that a transfer window was up, so I sent something to Moho for the first time:


The Moho probe Blackbird lifts off on a Cavalier I Heavy.


Burning for interplanetary space. The imbalance caused by the heavy magnetometer, as insignificant as it was, gave me some trouble throughout the flight.


After Moho orbital insertion, I left map mode to find this view waiting to greet me. It was right around this moment that the phobia I inherited from Space Engine of very large, very close celestial bodies reasserted itself with a vengeance. The entirely-too-enormous crater reaching up at me didn't help. Please, Moho, don't eat me. And this isn't even periapsis....


Blackbird will carry on in an elliptical polar orbit, observing Moho.


After wrapping up the mission, it was time for some work closer to home. Starlab has been in orbit for about 100 days now; time to expand.


The original plan was to send the new command/node module and the replacement crew up on the same rocket. It didn't work out - maybe next time.



Starlab's growth begins.


Val, Levey, and Hudmal have spent several months (mysteriously, almost exactly the same duration as Blackbird's transit to Moho) living and working in the original module's cozy confines. Time to give them some time off, and send Expedition II to relieve them of their historic work.


The crews greet each other and check the new systems.


Bidding farewell.


Twilight descent.


Awaiting recovery at dusk.


Now I have to design a new mission patch for Expedition II....

Edited by MrLake
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Was going to launch a rocket, but staging got stuck so it became a static fire. Almost tore itself off the clamps at the end.
Getting Xbox pictures to the forums gets annoying, so i’ll just show my references


For the stages, and

(trying to do “Insert image from URL, the URL is just “SITE”)

For the crew capsule

Edited by Wizard Kerbal
When I do a crewed landing to Mars, I might post pictures
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While the artwork is still in progress, I got my repair bot in game for EVA Repairs. The repair bot is an analog to NASA's Robonaut. In-game, the repair bot can fix parts that break via the EVA Repair Kits that it holds. It can repair broken wheels, solar panels, and antennas too. It won't be available until Advanced Unmanned is unlocked, so it's pretty far up the tech tree.



Nothing like having a terrified robot go on EVA... :)

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Shouldn't be long now. The snorkel is from "Kerbin Rover Redux" but everything else is new. The rear seats are optional on the standard wheel base and an aluminium tray can be put in instead. All bars and racks are optional and come in different colours, just like the Mokes.




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Today, the brave kerbals Jeb, Bill and Bob returned from the Mün SUCCESFULLY. It was Jeb and Bill's second mission there, but Bob's first. However, Bob had to stay in a LMO, because of the Apollo style. Btw I tried making a polar landing to visit the kerbal Santa, but the re-entry decided to sent me at the southern pole. At least I still landed on ice. Fun fact: I decided to crash the lunar module at the Mün after Jeb and Bill transferred to the Command Module.

Another thing I did today was RECONFIGURING  my space station. Not a lot, but it looks cooler. 

And I tried making a Space Shuttle but what came out was


I successfully entered the worst orbit I've ever seen (350k and 71k meters). I mean, THE VECTORS MADE THE WHOLE THING SHAKE. What was the cherry top was the Columbia style re-entry. Hmm, actually not a lot exploded! Only the control surfaces on the left wing and the Right wing. I tried [roleplaying] saving the kerbals by ejecting them from the cockpit. Jeb survived, but Bill was hit and... Ded. So I reverted to VAB.

Oh, and it was Jedny Kerman's first time in orbit (during the space shuttle mission). He is a replacement  for Val after the Incident on a Soyuz test flight. Valentina and her crew were lost after a bug. 



Guess why the Space Shuttle was bad? Because it wasn't BURAN! I should attempt a recreation at it as well

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4 hours ago, Aerodynamic Kerbal said:

Today, the brave kerbals Jeb, Bill and Bob returned from the Mün SUCCESFULLY

Another thing I did today was RECONFIGURING  my space station. Not a lot, but it looks cooler. 

And I tried making a Space Shuttle but what came out was

(I DELETED IT, oops)


I mean, THE VECTORS MADE THE WHOLE THING SHAKE. What was the cherry top was the Columbia style re-entry. Hmm, actually not a lot exploded! Only the control surfaces on the left wing and the Right wing. I tried [roleplaying] saving the kerbals by ejecting them from the cockpit. Jeb survived, but Bill was hit and... Ded. So I reverted to VAB.

 He is a replacement  for Val after the Incident on a Soyuz test flight. Valentina and her crew were lost after a bug. 

Guess why the Space Shuttle was bad? Because it wasn't a BURAN!

/\ Long Quote

I like how much EXPRESSION there is, and for the space shuttle, make sure the  engines are pointing at the CoM, and it might help to have separate engines for orbital maneuving. And, if you have an especially heavy payload, you’ll have to change the engine positions.

Shuttles are extremely difficult.


Aaaaaaanyway, the rocket I was testing loses control at 13km, and the abort system pulls the top of the capsule off, and lets it plummet into the cold ocean waters

Edited by Wizard Kerbal
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I built a fully functioning r-2 unit. the third leg looks a little bit like a di*k, tho.

i guess it makes sense.

then, ksp decided to quit and the craft file was deleted.



the light could flash, and had an action group to make it flash randomly, just like in the movies.

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After several attempts (followed in each case by a KSP crash) I finally got a return course plotted for my Eve sample return craft. Not returning samples from Eve’s surface, oh no! Just mystery goo and materials bay samples from space around Eve and Ike, with a bonus mystery goo sample from solar orbit. Too bad it’s in nearly a Kerbin year and will take half a year more to make the trip…

I also discovered that my cunning plan to launch a series of evenly spaced relays on solar orbit has gone a bit wrong- the relays that are in position are spaced evenly, but I incorrectly used Kerbin’s orbital period to time their escape burns and their final orbit is quite a bit higher; net result, six nicely spaced relays taking up about a third of the orbit and leaving the remaining part of it devoid of relays. This might require some fixing, however the relays do have quite a bit of fuel left…

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