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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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Doesn‘t retirement require to be grey and old … :cool::sticktongue::wink:

Somehow i think of the movies R.E.D and its part 2 with Bruce Willis and Helen Mirren.

“I kill Kerbals, Darling“ :D

Edited by Rakete
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17 hours ago, Nertea said:

Well no, I'm literally retiring. I don't intend to make any more content beyond continuing to fix bugs and hopefully pushing the NFE thing out the door. Anything that might have been on a roadmap is probably not happening!

Always could change but....

Oh I knew you were retiring after this last bit; I was referring to this final lil stretch here.

17 hours ago, SpaceFace545 said:

If you don't mind answering, once KSP2 releases will you mod for that or are you gonna be all hands off at that point. I for one am supportive of whichever road you end up taking and you've been a huge influence in this community.

Most likely hands off. Work doesn't stop after the game has an initial release; updates area  thing, and now having officially been employed in the gaming realm, potential new doors of opportunity have opened up. Either way, Nert you have our support.

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I'm reminded of similar expressions - "We'll never need more than 1MB of RAM", or "...a harddisk beyond 1GB capacity", or "...a multi-colour monitor (because green on black is good enough)", or "...Windows".   Ok, maybe not the last one:P.  Innovation generally requires additional capabilities.

But I digress.

Edited by Brigadier
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3 hours ago, AtomicTech said:

There'll be no need for ReStock 2, it'll just be the stock graphics.

That's pretty unlikely. I think at this point they've designed the parts the way they'll be, because we've seen, for example, the Mk. 1-3  in trailers and it's the same old weird shape. 

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1 minute ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

That's pretty unlikely. I think at this point they've designed the parts the way they'll be, because we've seen, for example, the Mk. 1-3  in trailers and it's the same old weird shape. 

Well, what I'm trying to say is that Nertea's input will further refine the exisiting models. It also helps that all the parts are being made at the same time, not being introduced over 10 years.

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3 minutes ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

I think at this point they've designed the parts the way they'll be, because we've seen

Well thay said that there was a lot of placeholder art so maybe they just used what was on hand for testing puprposes? (I hope)

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That's what we think now. Let KSP2 age 8...9 years...,then we might want restock 2 and might cry out for a retired modder and part of the ksp team to adapt ksp2s graphics to a even more modern age. Let's see, what's possible when we all run on GTX 8000-series...  :P:cool:


What I have seen from trailers, the Kerbin graphics are rather... simple... So i hoped for more. I am rather sure, that there will be graphics mods very soon after launch.

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3 hours ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

That's pretty unlikely. I think at this point they've designed the parts the way they'll be, because we've seen, for example, the Mk. 1-3  in trailers and it's the same old weird shape. 

Their were even parts that reverted back to their pre squad revamp variants

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On 10/5/2021 at 10:17 PM, Spaceman.Spiff said:

That's pretty unlikely. I think at this point they've designed the parts the way they'll be, because we've seen, for example, the Mk. 1-3  in trailers and it's the same old weird shape. 

I'm pretty sure they will go back to these parts and I think there is enough time to do it. Even if they don't, well, they can always update them later.

I'm not sure there will be Restock 2, but the current style looks too cartoonish, so probably someone will try to make realistic textures revamp

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On 10/5/2021 at 5:37 AM, Zelda said:

Don't cry because it's over... smile because it happened. 

Oddly... I am, somehow. He has been such a figure in the community. Him transitioning to preparing KSP 2 for us just... feels like a good ending.... A really good one. Such a moment... 
I started using mods immediately after I flew my first couple of rockets. And Nertea's suite was among the first ones. Since than, 2017, not one of my missions went without his parts. To me, and many others he always was, and, indeed, will remain the face of KSP modding community, and a peak of one at that. And, unlike many other big modders, who have faded into obscurity, he kept marching on with new mods of such beauty and quality, that only the most recent Bealle's stuff started to come close to it. He was with us from the early days of KSP 1 untill the very end, enchancing the original game, adding new things and making new standarts, till the very end of it... and then some. And even now the story doesn't end - just transitions to the KSP 2. So, as they say... I guess, the king is retired, long live the king? 
And thank you, @Nertea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Nertea! I just randomly found out you became a KSP Team member. Congrats!

Whenever I play KSP, your huge quality content is on my install. I can't thank you enough for your work, and I look forward to what we may see from you in KSP2 :)

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18 hours ago, Entr8899 said:

Ermm, what happened to these RTG parts? They're not in NFE?

Last I checked they are in the dev branch on github.  Not sure if they'll ever be officially released, cause I believe Nertea is about to retire from modding, but when I tested them out they seemed to work just fine. 

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On 10/31/2020 at 1:36 AM, Nertea said:

Happy Halloween! 



(click image for part gallery )


Things to understand:

  • There is no commonality with the old mod. Uninstall it completely first!
  • The mod is in beta. Content is complete but I *know* it's buggy, please report things so I can fix them (don't just go off and post that it's buggy in the ksp subreddit)
  • Chargeable engines: a lot of engines are chargeable - they need to store charge and release to start up. They will shut down if throttle is below a certain level.
  • Fusion reactors: powerful reactors that need to charge up to activate. When activated they automatically scale to demand but need a constant background level of fuel use to run. 
  • Fusion engines: fusion reactors with engines. If the reactor is on and running, the engine can turn on and off with no chargeup time need. They usually generate power too.
  • Pack radiators on almost everything
  • Balance is nascent.
  • SystemHeat is integrated and required. It is probably the buggiest part of the mod right now. In this release only the FFT parts and radiators are patched to work with SH; if you want more parts to use the system (NFE reactors, ISRUs, etc), go to the thread and download the full mod. 
  • SpaceDust drives harvesting. Check out the thread to learn more about how this works.
  • All the plumes are driven by Waterfall.
  • If you make pretty things you are legally obliged to post them here

Changelog from the previous version

  • KSP 1.10.1+
  • Updated ModuleManager to 4.1.4
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.17.0
  • Updated CryoTanks to 1.5.3
  • Updated CRP to 1.4.1
  • Updated DyanmicBatteryStorage to 2.1.10
  • Rewrote plugin components completely. Some highlights
    • Better UI and UX overall
    • Plugin stability and robustness is improved
    • Antimatter system is simplified; pay Science to load onto your ship at launch
    • Integration with SystemHeat to drive thermal gameplay
    • Integration with SpaceDust to drive atmospheric ISRU
    • Integration with Waterfall to drive all engine effects
  • New engines
    • JP-10 'Impulse' Magneto-Inertial Fusion Engine: entry level fusion engine with great impulse but poor thrust. Uses D-D or H-He3 fusion
    • JR-15 'Jet' Spherical Tokamak Fusion Engine: workhorse fusion engine that can inject more propellant for more thrust. Built in power generation.
    • JR-20A 'Ouroboros' Torroidal Tokamak Fusion Engine: high tech fusion engine optimized for high thrust operations.
    • JR-45 'Fresnel' Mirror Cell Fusion Engine: hugh tech fusion engine, optimized for vacuum operations. increase length for more capabilities. Built in power generation.
    • K-80 'Hammertong' Inertial Confinement Fusion Engine: Very large high Isp laser fusion engine.
    • X-2 'Heinlein' Nuclear Salt Water Rocket Engine:
    • X-6 'Clarke' Fission Fragment Rocket Engine: Unrefuelable engine with awesome Isp and piddly thrust. Generates good power.
    • X-7 'Asimov' Afterburning Fission Fragment Rocket Engine: Super low thrust fission fragment engine with refuelability and the ability to use LH2 as an add-in for more thrust
    • X-20 'Verne' X-20 'Verne' Pulsed Fission Engine: Z-pinch fission pulse engine, lower impulse, higher thrust
    • A-134NG 'Casaba' Antimatter Catalyzed Fission Engine: antimatter + fission pellets + ablator = kaboom
  • New power generators
    • FX-2 Fusion Reactor: 2.5m fusion reactor, can run on D-D or D-He3 fusion
    • FX-3 Fusion Reactor: 3.75m fusion reactor, can run on D-D or D-He3 fusion
  • New fuel tanks
    • ST-412 Fusion Fuel Tank: small 2.5m fusion fuel tank storing Deuterium, Helium3 or both
    • ST-824 Fusion Fuel Tank: medium 2.5m fusion fuel tank storing Deuterium, Helium3 or both
    • ST-4L3 Fusion Fuel Tank: small 3.75m fusion fuel tank storing Deuterium, Helium3 or both
    • ST-4L3R Fusion Fuel Tank: medium 3.75m fusion fuel tank storing Deuterium, Helium3 or both
    • NTS-001 Fissonables Tank: big 2.5m fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTS-002 Fissonables Tank: medium 2.5m fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTS-003 Fissonables Tank: small 2.5m fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTR-001 Radial Fissonables Tank: big radial fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTR-002 Radial Fissonables Tank: medium radial fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • NTR-003 Radial Fissonables Tank: small radial fission fuel tank storing Nuclear Salt Water or Fission Particles
    • LFT-A40 Lithium Tank: big 2.5m lithium tank
    • LFT-A20 Lithium Tank: medium 2.5m lithium tank
    • LFT-A10 Lithium Tank: small 2.5m lithium tank
    • LFR-08 Lithium Tank: medium radial lithium tank
    • LFR-01 Lithium Tank: small radial lithium tank
    • PW x4 Nuclear Pellet Storage Container: 5m fission pellet storage
    • A-R7 Antiproton Storage Ring: 7.5m antiproton storage
  • New ISRU equipment
    • CRANE Gamma Ray Spectrometer: scanner for detecting antimatter
    • CHROMA Imaging Spectrometer: scanner for detecting light elements in atmospheres and exospheres
    • PK-1 'Vulcan' Nuclear Smelter: ISRU tool for generating fission particles, nuclear salt water
    • PK-ATMO 'Hoover' Atmospheric Ramscoop: Atmospheric scoop for scooping resources
    • PK-EXO 'Bussard' Particle Scoop: particle scoop for scooping exospheric resources


If you made it this far you can have the link.

It’s been a whole year! Wow!


On 11/2/2020 at 7:44 AM, ssd21345 said:

no nuke november

Apparently this time of year as well :joy:


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