KSP2 Bug Reports
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UI/UX Planetary encounter lines wont show unless crossing in front of or beyond the path of an approaching planet
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Map & Tracking Station Trajectory and deltaV After Burn Do Not Match Original Plotted Maneuver [Likely due to the trajectory not correcting itself when tiny variation happens]
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Map & Tracking Station Map View camera changes orientation for no apparent reason while timewarping in low orbit
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Flight Poodle's gimbal overcorrects against the SAS during a burn and causes the entire vessel to oscillate
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Parts & Vessels RoveMax M1 wheels have very odd collision with the ground [Rover gets stuck at an angle]
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Parts & Vessels Decoupled/Undocked part behaves like it's still connected to the craft (drifting the camera, keeping thrust control...) because of copied part.
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Parts & Vessels The OX-4W solar panel doesn't register RGSCM-01 science Jr. Jr. blocking its view of Kerbol
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Parts & Vessels Craft with Mk-55 "Thud" spontaneously spins [Radial engines placed on a fuel tank can get occluded when gimbaling]
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Construction The deltaV calculator in VAB doesn't distinguish between fuel types and calculates wrong
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Construction Horrendously bugged craft file causing game to get stuck in VAB upon launch, with softlock upon revert [both strut connectors are connected to the same part]
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Flight Ion Engines Continue To Produce Thrust After Running Out Of EC During Accelerate Under Timewarp, But Stop Consuming Xenon Fuel (Leading To Infinite Acceleration)
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