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  1. So I am a complete modding novice. I have never touched a 3D game engine, I don't know the first thing about C++ or C#, and I've never created a KSP mod in my life, but I would like to task myself with creating a new custom IVA for some of the Endurance Mod command pods, more specifically; I would like to create new interactive IVA's for the command pods using ASET props. I noticed that when you download ASET props and all the other dependencies, the interactive RPM cockpits for the ships such as the lander, ranger, and Endurance Command Module do not work anymore for any of the interiors, and I would like to create new ASET IVA's for them. However, all the articles that I've look at which try and tell me how to get into modding are 5+ years old, and furthermore, none of them are specific towards ASET props. I know there is a link on the original site but that link does not work anymore. If anyone has any assistance in to helping me get started with using ASET props in creating custom IVA's it would be greatly appreciated
  2. Hello! I am using the Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X and I want to battle with it! I can fly but I want to fire guns/missiles (BDArmory) But I do not know how to set a button on the joysick to do that! Well I do but not how to set it to LMB(fire)! Thanks in advance! (KSP 1.9.0)
  3. Ayuda, ya no me aparecen los nodos en el juego, ya tengo mejorado la estacion de seguimiento y todo, antes los tenia y despues de descargar el mod mechjeb se me desaparecieron y ya no los muestra
  4. Hello Mod Community! I'm currently developing a mod which requires the selection of an or several image(s) by the player. Preferably I would like to do using the Windows File Explorer. I've tried two methods, using UnityEngine and another one using System.Windows.Forms. None of them worked and I've heard that apparently people have had issues with the file explorer when modding before... UnityEditor method EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select reference image!", "", "png"); Which gave me this error: I heard the apparently KSP doesn't use UnityEditor so I added the UnityEditor.dll file into the plugins folder which changed the error from the beforementioned one to this one: Anyone have any experience with UnityEditor and KSP modding, please let me know! System Windows Forms method string refImgPath = ""; OpenFileDialog fileDialog_ = new OpenFileDialog(); fileDialog_.InitialDirectory = @"c:\"; fileDialog_.Filter = "png"; fileDialog_.RestoreDirectory = false; if (fileDialog_.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { refImgPath = fileDialog_.FileName; } Debug.Log(refImgPath); Which gave me this error: I didn't know where to continue from here, anyone know what's wrong? Basically I need help with getting an file (image) explorer window working to get the path to any given image. Thank you in advance for any help!
  5. Introduction I created this modpack because I didn't find anything like this. It contains a list of mods for more than 60 thousand patches that will make your computer sweat a lot during a relatively long main download. It is this list that reshapes the ksp to a fairly beautiful and realistic game where you can have fun in the sandbox, or test yourself in a rather difficult career, starting with a small solid-fuel rocket in 1951 and ending with a manned mission to the TRAPPIST-1 system in the distant future. A little story about creation... For a long time I played on the RSS RO build for 1.3.1, which, to my deepest regret, did not support REX and quite a large number of side mods that could not work properly in an unstable system. The Russian-language ksp forum did not have information on how to properly integrate this mod in 1.3.1. Moreover, there was no REX at all for this version. They also could not offer a build with REX running normally on an average PC on new versions, which led me to a sad conclusion: I had to create a new build myself. The new build turned out to be no less unstable, but at least it quenched my thirst for exoplanets and more than well. At least, I'm still continuing to adjust its work. Known bugs: 1) In some cases, your spacecraft may start to rotate spontaneously with low acceleration, even if they do not have a gyroscope or a reactive control system. This is easy to fix, but only for a while, if you just make a quick reboot of the session ( F5 then F9). This problem was encountered in early versions of the modpack, so it's not a fact that it still show itself. 2) Also, in some rare cases, timewarp can cause severe lags, which may be caused by the influence of a separate mod (which I have to discover) In order to protect yourself from this, try to increase the speed gradually. 3) In the tracking station, you will notice that the rays of other stars are shifted, and for all exoplanets except the Proxima system, the illuminated side does not correspond to reality. This is a bug that shows itself only in the tracking station and does not affect the game in any way. 4) Despite the presence of a mod to replace the textures of kerbals with a human skin color, it still remains green, but only for kerbals who participate in the mission. Link to the archive: [Download link removed by moderator, pending resolution of licensing issues] Enjoy :3
  6. I present to you, RSS launch sites, a mod that currently adds 4 different Places to launch from, currently adding 20+ new runways and luanchpads/landing pads to Real Solar System, it also massively expands the KSC, I will be adding weekly and monthly updates. My goal is to have 125+ launchsites by the end of development with fictional and real launchsites list of current launch sites KSC Jfk spaceport Boca chica Viper space center/Wallops placeholder New mexico spaceport cosmodrome Mojave air and space port Corn ranch blue origin launch site 1.2 Alpha list of upcoming launchsites and improvements: COMING AT THE END OF THE MONTH Quality improvements for all launchsites .adds new launchsites Antartica base Area 51 Vandeberg airfoce base Jfk airport Ficational space x launch center [Download link removed by moderator] Requires Real solar system https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases/tag/v18.1.3 And RSS textues https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/releases/tag/v18.3 RSS EVO is highly recommended https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/200373-evo-extreme-visual-overhaul-for-rss-beta-03-mostly-stable/ PICTURES Very large KSC addon, Adds 10+ launchsites, including 2 more runways Extended KSC Boca Chica, will be updated in next version, adds 2 launchpads, updated version will have 5 launchpads New Mexico Spaceport America, adds 1 runway and 3 launchpads Wallops, is sorta a placeholder for now until i update the design a bit Kennedy Spaceport, adds 3 runways ksc trees Mojave air and space port Corn launch site, blue origin launch site baikonur cosmodrome Spoiler for next update (1.2) in a few days
  7. After installing Konstruction (Downloaded from Spacedock), when I open KSP, there are no command pods in the parts toolbox, nor are there any parts from Konstruction. How do I fix it?? Timeline: Downloaded compressed mod file "Unzipped" compressed file Cut-and-pasted files into KSP GameData folder. When I did this, I did something I know I probably shouldn't have done. It said there were files (139 or something) with the same name as files I was pasting into the GameData folder. I looked at a lot of the files, and they looked the same. I chose to keep the files in the GameData folder, and not to replace them, thinking that that was the right thing to do in case any files were different. I loaded up KSP. When I went to open my saved game, it gave me this warning: I opened it up anyway because at that point I thought it only affected those specific craft, and I didn't really care about them. I went to the spaceplane hangar, and saw this: Please tell me how to fix it so I can get back to playing KSP!!! I have Tweakscale, KSO Space Center Vehicles, Grounded Modular Vehicles, Modular Launchpads, Kerbal Attachment System, Kerbal Foundries, and both DLCs.
  8. Hello all, I had a mod idea which I would love to see made. Many people use this mod: I was wondering if it is possible to create a toolbar, which lets you edit the values of _Metal and _Smoothness from the cfg in the vab itself, so that you could change the shininess and metallic texture in your own way. I personally would love this feature. And which ways/tools/guides would you recommend me, to learn how to make mods? I personally know a bit of python, but can python help in making mods? On the web, all the modding tutorials are using C#... Thanks for reading!
  9. So this is not a new question; I've seen many other posts on the same general topic. The previous one with this exact title was a bit outdated, though, so I thought I'd open a new one. The question is: what can you do to improve performance of your game (outside of bying new computing kit). More specifically: what can you do to improve performance around space stations. The reason I ask is I've been having inconsistent results with my station designs. I've had massively big stations, 500+ parts, with reasonable (given the total part count of station, docking and approaching vessels) though not stunning performance: And then I've had this tiny station ... : (Modlist for above spacestation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vajct196DKoGFBZJ_YWFe_QXjAEuXLRe/view?usp=sharing) ... which sports an entirely reasonable 200 parts (including a few docked tugs) but drops my framerate down to single digits per second - and I didn't even try to make the rings rotate (the rings were just a convenient shape for getting stuff to orbit). So obviously, it's not just the part count, but the type of parts that matter. Some guesses as to what type of parts have the potential to affect framerate: Solar panels: they have to keep track of the orientation of the station relative to the Sun and, if they're the tracking type, adjust their angle. Docking ports: they may be scanning for nearby targets and adjust their behaviour accordingly. (Though the first pic shows a station with massive numbers of docking ports that nevertheless performed way better than the one in the second pic...) The USI Kolonization mod I'm using probably recalculates the current life support status of habitation modules every other. In the above stations I cheated by using the UbioZur Welding mod to reduce part count, by welding most continuous 'inactive' parts together (like adjacent crew cabins, girders or fuel tanks). Now theoretically this should reduce the load and therefore improve framerate. But I'm not a coder; I have no idea how the code for this mod works or how the code of the game proper has evolved since this mod was first developed. It may be that it's not just about the actual parts, but about the modules inside those parts, which aren't welded - I presume. So, mods installed, type and number of parts ... what else affects framerate? Can I - can we - come to some kind of consistent set of guidelines for constructing stations big enough to be worth having that don't cause you to grind your teeth at every docking manoeuvre? What parts to avoid, how to avoid them; what mods to install, and which mods not to ... I'd love to hear your advice and your experiences. Thanks! EDIT: Another thing, I forgot, that may have impact: settings. Like the max DT per frame spent on physics calculations. The Max DT was lower with the top station than with the one below, but I've been told that bigger is better in this case. Soit, I'll have to experiment with this a little. SUMMARY TO DATE: Limit the number of docking ports. Docking ports, especially unshielded ones, scan the environment for partners to mate with, which puts extra load on the CPU. Also, if you limit the number of docking ports, you'll be limiting the number of craft that are docked at any given time, which limits total part count. Limit the number of solar panels. All solar panels, not just the ones that actively track the sun, need to be able to calculate their position and attitude relative to the sun, and whether or not any obstacles are present between them and the sun. Limit the potential for fuel crossfeed. Modularize your station: all fuel (or presumably consumables of any given kind) in one section. See Starman4308's mention of Stratenblitz's video here. Following AlpacaMall's suggestion: limit the number of lights. I haven't had this problem myself, but I can see how lights might require CPU intensive calculations. And of course, try to limit the overall number of parts. Mods like UbioZur's Welding mod my help here, or things like the various Station Parts modules I occasionally see mentioned. Sure, you can build grandiose stations just for the kick of it; try and match Stratenblitz's Kerbol 0 if you dare. But if you're looking for something to use as a staging area and (re)fuelling post for forays into the system, then Simpler Is Better (which is what gave me the initial idea for the station in the first pic in this post: basically just a bunch of girders, docking ports and fuel tanks).
  10. Personally I prefer NFT and FFT because they are not as complicated but I’d be interested to hear your thoughts
  11. Do you have mods installed? If yes, which are your favourite mods, i.e., mods you can't play without?
  12. I got many mods from curse forge, and I put them all in GameData, but I got some errors, can someone help? And here are the screenshots, actually Idk how to put in screenshots
  13. Recently I have downloaded RSS, or Real Solar System. However no matter what I've tried I cant get it to work. I have downloaded via CKAN and was using KSP version 1.8.1, as told by my peers. I get the RSS loading screens and everything, but once the game loads up, its stock KSP. I do not know if I'm missing anything, but I was told all I had to do was Download the RSS mod and switch to 1.8.1, and it would be ready to go. So if anyone could let me know if I am missing something that would be much Appreciated, Thanks.
  14. Добрый день! Имеются ли моды на улучшенные роверы? Я имею в виду: колёса, командные "кабины" для роверов и т.д. Никак не могу найти! Ищу для версии 1.11.1 (можно более старые, главное, чтобы были). Если знаете таковые - пожалуйста напишите.
  15. I got inspired to start running a fully reusable space program... Problem is, I can't really do it without either mods or SSTO's. Here's the thing: I got an aerodynamic or lifting body spaceplane that works great at everything but getting to orbit and back. The only thing I can do is stick it onto a booster. But then I have to throw away the booster. And I don't want to. So... do you know of any good mods that will automatically guide a booster down to land on parachutes? Or can I already do that stock with the KAL-1000 controller?
  16. I'm searching for real parts mod list (not Realism Overhaul because its doesn't have parts mod list)
  17. I can't be the only one who has a problem with the KJR Mods in 1.11 Most of my Crafts, especially with Mod parts wobble around like stupid, no matter which KJR version I take. I also tried Autostrut but it has almost no effect at all, worse than the KJR mods. It also seems like nobody continues the KJR mods anymore and I couldnt do it myself. So is there anyone out there working on a new version? I just want to play KSP peacefully again without being annoyed by constant Kraken effect.
  18. My KSP 1.11.1 is crashing. I did a new installation of ksp for mods, installed all the mods I wanted via CKAN and the game started to crash, here is the KSP LOG: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rqsi91o3y5jd8s4/KSP.log/file
  19. I need help downloading Kerbal Foundries-I need the tracks to make crawler excavators, crawler cranes, tanks, etc. The only link I have found that is for the newest version (I have KSP 1.11.1, Technically KSP, but I don't now if that matters) is on GitHub, but at about 75% done it says network error, and then as I try to resume the download, it says "forbidden". It could have something to do with my download speed being 0.2 Mbps, but I think it is can get up to around 5 Mbps (Pretty slow, long story) Long-ish story short, before I make it too much more confusing, does anyone have a link to download the latest version of Kerbal Foundries that is not GitHub, or does anyone know why it would be saying forbidden?
  20. I got a prompt on CKAN today to install a new version. My windows defender immediately started screaming at me that this was a trojan. This looks dodgy as hell so I'd suggest to avoid the new CKAN update. This is the alert I got from windows defender https://imgur.com/gallery/9cgGAFp
  21. Hello everyone! The KSP Forums have a wealth of great resources for how to develop your own planet pack. But despite these resources, planet making can still be a very confusing process. This page is for people who are new to or curious about Kopernicus and planet-making in KSP. Anyone can contribute questions regarding the subject matter, and other developers are welcome to help answer those questions. Before posting a question here, I highly recommend you check out the following page: I will try to help whenever I can. I might not know the answers to some things: I have been developing my first planet pack for 5 months now, but I still have much to learn
  22. Here are some screenshots for comparison: I am using KSP version 1.3.1 I'm not able to upload images here, So please refer this link: https://imgur.com/a/nQ0FJ2T, Not only those planets but moons as well, textures in the map mode looks fine but when in game mode it looks pixelated blurred and not clear. This problem persists in both the texture packs 4k and 2k. I tried with 4k first, but same problem, then I replaced it with 2k thinking my laptop is not supporting 4k, again same problem. The hardware is compatible. So what is the issue? Also before installing all the other mods unrelated to Astronomer's visual pack I tested it once but, same problem. Please tell me how to fix it? EDIT: Kerbin looks just fine both in Map and game modes, Problem is with only other planets. AND I used CKAN to install mods.
  23. hey, i was wondering what mods you guys use for spacex-like parts? thanks!
  24. Can't launch or fly any of the rangers/landers/vipers in the mod. After a few short burns,It just plummets to the runway.(the bottom and main engines) Am I doing something wrong? Logs will be available soon.
  25. MOD ABANDONED Hello and welcome to my thread of a visual Overhaul for ksrss mod this is intended to work and was not tested on 1.8.1 on the experimental dev build of ksrss and future 1.10x versions found here https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS download link below Download Link Here For release1 and many more you have to switch the branch to the name of the release Newest releases here: Kve High /64k cubemaps Kve Medium /48k cubemaps Kve Low /32K cubemaps For all KsRss players to enjoy! also this was mostly made on demand by a user i wont discuss Discord closed this mod requires scatterer and eve to work correctly Also some lag on the ground but when ksp starts to render orbit scene it goes to your normal performance Credit to @TruthfulGnome for getting the images Credits: ksrssve : @tony48 RVE64K : @pingopete EVO textures : @itsjust Kve adds atm : Rve64k scatterer effects rve64K clouds DownScaled 48K earth land cubemaps What Kve will add in the future : max 64K Terrain textures for everything possible higher quality terrains for all planets/moons possible Near-Real life visuals the best performance for quality promised with full mod in the future it could have 5 gb of data Follow development Here! https://trello.com/b/oxtsz6KC/kve-dev License : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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