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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. The intrepid kerbals at the KSP have done it again. Using their newest design, the Beluga, they have completed the next series of missions, MUN-STS-5-7. My shuttle designs are getting better. All three missions were done using almost identical shuttles; the first one didn't have any solar panels or extra batteries, so it had a bit of a time returning. Of course, after adding those to the second and third shuttles, it wasn't needed. Anyway, on to the news report: Mun-STS-5 went off without any significant issues. It ran out of power on the way home, had to nurse the engines to generate enough power to maneuver. Other than that, a very smooth flight and landing Mun-STS-6 was a very smooth flight. Rendezvous was not difficult (other than going in the wrong direction initally), and maneuvering the module to dock with the first one went very smoothly. We had to deorbit the external tank around the Mun before returning home to clean up after ourselves (no space junk) The three shuttles at the end of the mission: The Space Station LOP-G:
  2. Too bad. You wouldn’t be inspired to make a correct one, by any chance?
  3. @EnzoMeertens Got an error this evening when trying to repair broken solar panels (the collapsable 1x6). The exception is below: Log file is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lds7mmsgt30nav2/ExceptionLogKSS.zip?dl=0
  4. I was wondering about the bash script. Perl is fine, make a pr with the whole file, don't bother to touch the bash script
  5. Only of the decouplers are improperly placed. Oh, wait. This is KSP, not rocket science
  6. Ok, the problem was actually 1.7, the old Mk1-2 pod has been deprecated. Please read the OP for the updated install instructions New release, 0.1.11 Updated for 1.7
  7. @Enceos If you are still around, can you put a license into the file ?
  8. Scratch that, @Starwaster already has an updated version
  9. It's restock causing the problem. Are you running the latest release of BSL? If not please download and install, it has a whitelist file which should fix the problem.
  10. It probably needs to be recompiled for 1.7, I believe that the KIS API changed. @Antipodes are you still around, and are you going to continue with this?
  11. Anyone who's following this thread, I'll be releasing an update for KSP 1.7 in the next day or so
  12. How is this going, are you going to be continuing or not? No, I'm not thinking about implementing this, but would love to have it available
  13. Hi, do you have any update on this?
  14. @blowfish I don't see this in the documentation, but is there any way to specify a scaling factor to a transform? The idea is to not use TweakScale, but emulate in a poor man's way what it does. I don't mind specifying the values which will need to be changed, and scaling the model is the only thing I don't see here.
  15. It could, except I would have to make a new model for each size in order to give the transform name inside each one a different name. I tried it, and after learning more about the VARIANTS than I ever wanted to know, finally realized that 5 copies of the same part will all have the same transform name. Given the number of parts I want to apply this to, I'll pass on that. Now looking into the B9PartSwitch
  16. Is there any way to change the size of the part using Variants? Nothing else to change, but to provide 2 different sizes of the same part. If I have to use B9PartSwitch, I will, looking for the best answer. I'm trying to avoid requiring Tweakscale, and only allowing specific sizes of these parts. Thanks in advance Edit: Thought occurred to me, I could include the same model multiple times, with difference scale values for each. Would this work?
  17. Is there any way to change the crew value when resizing a cockpit? I know the IVA won't, but would be nice if a cockpit is halved in size that the crew could be reduced as well. Let me add that I don't mind if I need to specify the crew size for each scaling size.
  18. There is nothing in the contract which says you have to do all 4 of them in one vessel. If nothing else you could send 2 vessels up each vessel carrying to corbeils and then you'll have the contract done and it will pay you about 20K
  19. I'll be merging in the latest changes from the RO version, and then will look for the two bugs, once done I'll be pushing my changes back to RO
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